AbstractProvider implements ProviderInterface

Abstract provider is a base class for context menu item providers

Table of Contents


Interface for context menu items providers


$backendUser  : BackendUserAuthentication
$clipboard  : Clipboard
$context  : string
Context - from where the click menu was triggered (e.g. 'tree')
$disabledItems  : array<string|int, mixed>
Click menu items disabled by TSConfig
$identifier  : string
$itemsConfiguration  : array<string|int, mixed>
Array of items the class is providing
$languageService  : LanguageService
Language Service property. Used to access localized labels
$table  : string
Current table name


__construct()  : mixed
Lightweight constructor, just to be able to call ->canHandle(). Rest of the initialization is done in the initialize() method
addItems()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Adds new items to the given array or modifies existing items
canHandle()  : bool
Whether this provider can handle given request (usually a check based on table, uid and context)
getPriority()  : int
Returns the provider priority which is used for determining the order in which providers are adding items to the result array. Highest priority means provider is evaluated first.
canRender()  : bool
Checks whether certain item can be rendered (e.g. check for disabled items or permissions)
getAdditionalAttributes()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Returns an array of additional attributes for given item. Additional attributes are used to pass item specific data to the JS. E.g. message for the delete confirmation dialog
getIdentifier()  : string
Returns a clicked record identifier
initClipboard()  : mixed
Initialize clipboard object - necessary for all copy/cut/paste operations
initDisabledItems()  : mixed
Fills $this->disabledItems with the values from TSConfig.
initialize()  : mixed
Provider initialization, heavy stuff
prepareItems()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Converts item configuration (from $this->itemsConfiguration) into an array ready for returning by controller



Context - from where the click menu was triggered (e.g. 'tree')

protected string $context = ''


Click menu items disabled by TSConfig

protected array<string|int, mixed> $disabledItems = []


protected string $identifier = ''

clicked record identifier (usually uid or file combined identifier)


Array of items the class is providing

protected array<string|int, mixed> $itemsConfiguration = []


Language Service property. Used to access localized labels

protected LanguageService $languageService


Current table name

protected string $table = ''



Lightweight constructor, just to be able to call ->canHandle(). Rest of the initialization is done in the initialize() method

public __construct(string $table, string $identifier[, string $context = '' ]) : mixed
$table : string
$identifier : string
$context : string = ''


Adds new items to the given array or modifies existing items

public addItems(array<string|int, mixed> $items) : array<string|int, mixed>
$items : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


Whether this provider can handle given request (usually a check based on table, uid and context)

public canHandle() : bool
Return values


Returns the provider priority which is used for determining the order in which providers are adding items to the result array. Highest priority means provider is evaluated first.

public getPriority() : int
Return values


Checks whether certain item can be rendered (e.g. check for disabled items or permissions)

protected canRender(string $itemName, string $type) : bool
$itemName : string
$type : string
Return values


Returns an array of additional attributes for given item. Additional attributes are used to pass item specific data to the JS. E.g. message for the delete confirmation dialog

protected getAdditionalAttributes(string $itemName) : array<string|int, mixed>
$itemName : string
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


Returns a clicked record identifier

protected getIdentifier() : string
Return values


Initialize clipboard object - necessary for all copy/cut/paste operations

protected initClipboard() : mixed


Fills $this->disabledItems with the values from TSConfig.

protected initDisabledItems() : mixed

Disabled items can be set separately for each context.


Provider initialization, heavy stuff

protected initialize() : mixed


Converts item configuration (from $this->itemsConfiguration) into an array ready for returning by controller

protected prepareItems(array<string|int, mixed> $itemsConfiguration) : array<string|int, mixed>
$itemsConfiguration : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

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