
This document provides a class that loads the modules for the TYPO3 interface.

Load Backend Interface modules

Typically instantiated like this: $this->loadModules = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(\TYPO3\CMS\Backend\Module\ModuleLoader::class); $this->loadModules->load($TBE_MODULES);


Table of Contents


$BE_USER  : BackendUserAuthentication
The backend user for use internally
$modListGroup  : array<string|int, mixed>
This array will hold the elements that should go into the select-list of modules for groups.
$modListUser  : array<string|int, mixed>
This array will hold the elements that should go into the select-list of modules for users.
$modules  : array<string, array<string|int, mixed>|bool|string>
After the init() function this array will contain the structure of available modules for the backend user.
$observeWorkspaces  : bool
If set TRUE, workspace "permissions" will be observed so non-allowed modules will not be included in the array of modules.
$moduleLabels  : array<string|int, mixed>
Labels for the modules
$navigationComponents  : array<string|int, mixed>
Contains the registered navigation components


addLabelsForModule()  : mixed
Registers labels for a module in a unified way.
checkMod()  : string|bool|array<string|int, mixed>
Here we check for the module.
checkModAccess()  : bool
Returns TRUE if the internal BE_USER has access to the module $name with $MCONF (based on security level set for that module)
checkModWorkspace()  : bool
Check if a module is allowed inside the current workspace for be user Processing happens only if $this->observeWorkspaces is TRUE
cleanName()  : string
The $str is cleaned so that it contains alphanumerical characters only.
getLabelsForModule()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Returns the labels for the given module
getModules()  : array<string, array<string|int, mixed>|bool|string>
load()  : mixed
parseModulesArray()  : array<string, int|string>
Parses the moduleArray ($TBE_MODULES) into an internally useful structure.
getLanguageService()  : LanguageService
getModuleSetupInformation()  : array<string|int, mixed>
fetches the conf.php file of a certain module, and also merges that with some additional configuration



This array will hold the elements that should go into the select-list of modules for groups.

public array<string|int, mixed> $modListGroup = []



This array will hold the elements that should go into the select-list of modules for users.

public array<string|int, mixed> $modListUser = []



After the init() function this array will contain the structure of available modules for the backend user.

public array<string, array<string|int, mixed>|bool|string> $modules = []

Restrict property visibility to protected in TYPO3 v12.0



If set TRUE, workspace "permissions" will be observed so non-allowed modules will not be included in the array of modules.

public bool $observeWorkspaces = false


Labels for the modules

protected array<string|int, mixed> $moduleLabels = []


Contains the registered navigation components

protected array<string|int, mixed> $navigationComponents = []



Registers labels for a module in a unified way.

public addLabelsForModule(string $moduleName, string|array<string|int, mixed> $labels) : mixed

Legacy info: This was previously named

  • labels->tablabel (now called "shortdescription")
  • labels->tabdescr (now called "description")
  • tabs->tab (now called "title")

The LLL information is stored, not the actual translated string.

$moduleName : string

the name of the module

$labels : string|array<string|int, mixed>

the information about the three labels


Here we check for the module.

public checkMod(string $name) : string|bool|array<string|int, mixed>

Return values: 'notFound': If the module was not found in the path (no "conf.php" file) FALSE: If no access to the module (access check failed) array(): Configuration array, in case a valid module where access IS granted exists.

$name : string

Module name

Return values
string|bool|array<string|int, mixed>

See description of function


Returns TRUE if the internal BE_USER has access to the module $name with $MCONF (based on security level set for that module)

public checkModAccess(string $name, array<string|int, mixed> $MCONF) : bool
$name : string

Module name

$MCONF : array<string|int, mixed>

MCONF array (module configuration array) from the modules conf.php file (contains settings about what access level the module has)

Return values

TRUE if access is granted for $this->BE_USER


Check if a module is allowed inside the current workspace for be user Processing happens only if $this->observeWorkspaces is TRUE

public checkModWorkspace(string $name, array<string|int, mixed> $MCONF) : bool
$name : string

Module name (unused)

$MCONF : array<string|int, mixed>

MCONF array (module configuration array) from the modules conf.php file (contains settings about workspace restrictions)

Return values

TRUE if access is granted for $this->BE_USER


The $str is cleaned so that it contains alphanumerical characters only.

public cleanName(string $str) : string

Module names must only consist of these characters

$str : string

String to clean up

Return values


Returns the labels for the given module

public getLabelsForModule(string $moduleName) : array<string|int, mixed>
$moduleName : string
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


public getModules() : array<string, array<string|int, mixed>|bool|string>
Return values
array<string, array<string|int, mixed>|bool|string>



public load(array<string|int, mixed> $modulesArray[, BackendUserAuthentication $beUser = null ]) : mixed

The outcome of the load() function will be a $this->modules array populated with the backend module structure available to the BE_USER Further the global var $LANG will have labels and images for the modules loaded in an internal array.

$modulesArray : array<string|int, mixed>

Should be the global var $TBE_MODULES, $BE_USER can optionally be set to an alternative Backend user object than the global var $BE_USER (which is the currently logged in user)

$beUser : BackendUserAuthentication = null

|null Optional backend user object to use. If not set, the global BE_USER object is used.


Parses the moduleArray ($TBE_MODULES) into an internally useful structure.

public parseModulesArray(array<string|int, mixed> $arr) : array<string, int|string>

Returns an array where the keys are names of the module and the values may be TRUE (only module) or an array (of submodules)

$arr : array<string|int, mixed>

ModuleArray ($TBE_MODULES)

Return values
array<string, int|string>

Output structure with available modules


fetches the conf.php file of a certain module, and also merges that with some additional configuration

protected getModuleSetupInformation(string $moduleName) : array<string|int, mixed>
$moduleName : string

the combined name of the module, can be "web", "web_info", or "tools_log"

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

an array with subarrays, named "configuration" (aka $MCONF), "labels" (previously known as $MLANG) and the stripped path

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