PageLayoutView implements LoggerAwareInterface uses LoggerAwareTrait

Child class for the Web > Page module


Will be removed in TYPO3 11


This class is a TYPO3 Backend implementation and is not considered part of the Public TYPO3 API.

Table of Contents




$CType_labels  : array<string|int, mixed>
Used to store labels for CTypes for tt_content elements
$defLangBinding  : bool
If set TRUE, the language mode of tt_content elements will be rendered with hard binding between default language content elements and their translations!
$doEdit  : bool
If TRUE, elements will have edit icons (probably this is whether the user has permission to edit the page content). Set externally.
$id  : int
Page id
$itemLabels  : array<string|int, mixed>
Used to store labels for the various fields in tt_content elements
$option_newWizard  : bool
If TRUE, new-wizards are linked to rather than the regular new-element list.
$pageRecord  : array<string|int, string>
Loaded with page record with version overlay if any.
$tt_contentConfig  : array<string|int, mixed>
External, static: Configuration of tt_content element display:
$tt_contentData  : array<string|int, mixed>
Used to move content up / down
$contentElementCache  : array<string|int, mixed>
Caches the amount of content elements as a matrix
$iconFactory  : IconFactory
$languageHasTranslationsCache  : array<string|int, mixed>
Stores whether a certain language has translations in it
$localizationController  : LocalizationController
$pageinfo  : array<string|int, mixed>
Current ids page record
$referenceCount  : array<string|int, mixed>
Cache the number of references to a record
$siteLanguages  : array<string|int, SiteLanguage>
Contains site languages for this page ID
$uriBuilder  : UriBuilder


__construct()  : mixed
createFromPageLayoutContext()  : PageLayoutView
getIcon()  : string
Creates the icon image tag for record from table and wraps it in a link which will trigger the click menu.
getNonTranslatedTTcontentUids()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Filters out all tt_content uids which are already translated so only non-translated uids is left.
getProcessedValue()  : mixed
Creates processed values for all field names in $fieldList based on values from $row array.
getQueryBuilder()  : QueryBuilder
Returns a QueryBuilder configured to select $fields from $table where the pid is restricted.
getResult()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Traverse the result pointer given, adding each record to array and setting some internal values at the same time.
getTable_tt_content()  : string
Renders Content Elements from the tt_content table from page id
getThumbCodeUnlinked()  : string
Create thumbnail code for record/field but not linked
isDisabled()  : bool
Returns TRUE, if the record given as parameters is NOT visible based on hidden/starttime/endtime (if available)
languageSelector()  : string
Make selector box for creating new translation in a language Displays only languages which are not yet present for the current page and that are not disabled with page TS.
linkEditContent()  : string
Will create a link on the input string and possibly a big button after the string which links to editing in the RTE.
newLanguageButton()  : string
Creates button which is used to create copies of records.
renderContentElementHeader()  : string
renderContentElementPreview()  : string
Renders the preview part of a content element
renderContentElementPreviewFromFluidTemplate()  : string|null
renderText()  : string
Processing of larger amounts of text (usually from RTE/bodytext fields) with word wrapping etc.
thumbCode()  : string
Create thumbnail code for record/field
tt_content_drawColHeader()  : string
Draw header for a content element column:
tt_content_drawHeader()  : string
Draw the header for a single tt_content element
tt_content_drawItem()  : string
Draws the preview content for a content element
checkIfTranslationsExistInLanguage()  : bool
Checks whether translated Content Elements exist in the desired language If so, deny creating new ones via the UI
generateLanguageView()  : string
Shows the content elements of the selected languages in each column.
generateTtContentDataArray()  : mixed
Generates the data for previous and next elements which is needed for movements.
getBackendLayoutView()  : BackendLayoutView
getBackendUser()  : BackendUserAuthentication
getContentRecordsPerColumn()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Gets content records per column.
getLanguageService()  : LanguageService
Returns the language service
getLocalizedPageTitle()  : string
getReferenceCount()  : int
Gets the number of records referencing the record with the UID $uid in the table $tableName.
getSelectedLanguages()  : array<string|int, int>
Build a list of language IDs that should be rendered in this view
hasContentModificationAndAccessPermissions()  : bool
Check if current user has modification and access permissions for content set
initialize()  : mixed
isContentEditable()  : bool
Check if content can be edited by current user
isDragAndDropAllowed()  : bool
Determine whether Drag & Drop should be allowed
isPageEditable()  : bool
Check if page can be edited by current user
prepareQueryBuilder()  : QueryBuilder
Return the modified QueryBuilder object ($queryBuilder) which will be used to select the records from a table $table with pid = $this->pidList
renderLanguageFlag()  : string
Renders the language flag and language title, but only if an icon is given, otherwise just the language
resolveSiteLanguages()  : mixed
Fetch the site language objects for the given $pageId and store it in $this->siteLanguages
tt_content_drawFooter()  : string
Draw the footer for a single tt_content element



Used to store labels for CTypes for tt_content elements

public array<string|int, mixed> $CType_labels = []


If set TRUE, the language mode of tt_content elements will be rendered with hard binding between default language content elements and their translations!

public bool $defLangBinding = false


If TRUE, elements will have edit icons (probably this is whether the user has permission to edit the page content). Set externally.

public bool $doEdit = true


Used to store labels for the various fields in tt_content elements

public array<string|int, mixed> $itemLabels = []


If TRUE, new-wizards are linked to rather than the regular new-element list.

public bool $option_newWizard = true


Loaded with page record with version overlay if any.

public array<string|int, string> $pageRecord = []


External, static: Configuration of tt_content element display:

public array<string|int, mixed> $tt_contentConfig = [ 'languageCols' => 0, 'languageMode' => 0, 'languageColsPointer' => 0, // Displays hidden records as well 'showHidden' => 1, // Which language 'sys_language_uid' => 0, 'cols' => '1,0,2,3', // Which columns can be accessed by current BE user 'activeCols' => '1,0,2,3', ]


Used to move content up / down

public array<string|int, mixed> $tt_contentData = ['prev' => [], 'next' => []]


Caches the amount of content elements as a matrix

protected array<string|int, mixed> $contentElementCache = []


Stores whether a certain language has translations in it

protected array<string|int, mixed> $languageHasTranslationsCache = []


Current ids page record

protected array<string|int, mixed> $pageinfo


Cache the number of references to a record

protected array<string|int, mixed> $referenceCount = []


Contains site languages for this page ID

protected array<string|int, SiteLanguage> $siteLanguages = []



Creates the icon image tag for record from table and wraps it in a link which will trigger the click menu.

public getIcon(string $table, array<string|int, mixed> $row) : string
$table : string

Table name

$row : array<string|int, mixed>

Record array

Return values

HTML for the icon


Filters out all tt_content uids which are already translated so only non-translated uids is left.

public getNonTranslatedTTcontentUids(array<string|int, mixed> $defaultLanguageUids, int $id, int $lP) : array<string|int, mixed>

Selects across columns, but within in the same PID. Columns are expect to be the same for translations and original but this may be a conceptual error (?)

$defaultLanguageUids : array<string|int, mixed>

Numeric array with uids of tt_content elements in the default language

$id : int

The page UID from which to fetch untranslated records (unused, remains in place for compatibility)

$lP : int

Sys language UID

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

Modified $defLanguageCount


Creates processed values for all field names in $fieldList based on values from $row array.

public getProcessedValue(string $table, string $fieldList, array<string|int, mixed> $row, array<string|int, mixed> &$info) : mixed

The result is 'returned' through $info which is passed as a reference

$table : string

Table name

$fieldList : string

Comma separated list of fields.

$row : array<string|int, mixed>

Record from which to take values for processing.

$info : array<string|int, mixed>

Array to which the processed values are added.


Returns a QueryBuilder configured to select $fields from $table where the pid is restricted.

public getQueryBuilder(string $table, int $pageId[, array<string|int, string> $additionalConstraints = [] ][, array<string|int, string> $fields = ['*'] ]) : QueryBuilder
$table : string

Table name

$pageId : int

Page id Only used to build the search constraints, getPageIdConstraint() used for restrictions

$additionalConstraints : array<string|int, string> = []

Additional part for where clause

$fields : array<string|int, string> = ['*']

Field list to select, * for all

Return values


Traverse the result pointer given, adding each record to array and setting some internal values at the same time.

public getResult(Result $result) : array<string|int, mixed>
$result : Result

DBAL Result

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

The selected rows returned in this array.


Renders Content Elements from the tt_content table from page id

public getTable_tt_content(int $id) : string
$id : int

Page id

Return values

HTML for the listing


Create thumbnail code for record/field but not linked

public getThumbCodeUnlinked(array<string|int, mixed> $row, string $table, string $field) : string
$row : array<string|int, mixed>

Record array

$table : string

Table (record is from)

$field : string

Field name for which thumbnail are to be rendered.

Return values

HTML for thumbnails, if any.


Returns TRUE, if the record given as parameters is NOT visible based on hidden/starttime/endtime (if available)

public isDisabled(string $table, array<string|int, mixed> $row) : bool
$table : string

Tablename of table to test

$row : array<string|int, mixed>

Record row.

Return values

Returns TRUE, if disabled.


Make selector box for creating new translation in a language Displays only languages which are not yet present for the current page and that are not disabled with page TS.

public languageSelector(int $id) : string
$id : int

Page id for which to create a new translation record of pages

Return values