NewRecordViewHelper extends AbstractTagBasedViewHelper


This class is the implementation of a Fluid ViewHelper.

View this class in the TYPO3 ViewHelper reference: <backend:link.newrecord>

Use this ViewHelper to provide 'create new record' links.

The ViewHelper will pass the command to FormEngine.

The table argument is mandatory, it decides what record is to be created.

The pid argument will put the new record on this page, if 0 given it will be placed to the root page.

The uid argument accepts only negative values. If this is given, the new record will be placed (by sorting field) behind the record with the uid. It will end up on the same pid as this given record, so the pid must not be given explicitly by pid argument.

An exception will be thrown, if both uid and pid are given. An exception will be thrown, if the uid argument is not a negative integer.

To edit records, use the :ref:<be:link.editRecordViewHelper> <typo3-backend-link-editrecord>.


Link to create a new record of a_table after record 17 on the same pid::

<be:link.newRecord table="a_table" returnUrl="foo/bar" uid="-17"/>


Edit record

Link to create a new record of a_table on root page::

<be:link.newRecord table="a_table" returnUrl="foo/bar""/>


Edit record

Link to create a new record of a_table on page 17::

<be:link.newRecord table="a_table" returnUrl="foo/bar" pid="17"/>


Edit record

Link to create a new record then return back to the BE module "web_MyextensionList"::

<be:link.newRecord table="a_table" returnUrl="{f:be.uri(route: 'web_MyextensionList')}" pid="17">


Edit record

Link to create a new record of a_table on page 17 with a default value::

<be:link.newRecord table="a_table" returnUrl="foo/bar" pid="17" defaultValues="{a_table: {a_field: 'value'}}">


Edit record

Table of Contents


$tagName  : string


initializeArguments()  : mixed
render()  : string




public initializeArguments() : mixed

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