AuthenticationService extends AbstractAuthenticationService implements MimicServiceInterface

Authentication services class

Table of Contents




$authInfo  : array<string|int, mixed>
Various data
$db_user  : array<string|int, mixed>
User db table definition
$info  : array<string|int, mixed>
$login  : array<string|int, mixed>
Submitted login form data
$mode  : string
Subtype of the service which is used to call the service.
$pObj  : AbstractUserAuthentication
User object
$writeAttemptLog  : bool
If the writelog() functions is called if a login-attempt has be tried without success


authUser()  : int
Authenticate a user: Check submitted user credentials against stored hashed password.
fetchUserRecord()  : array<string, mixed>|false
Get a user from DB by username
getLastErrorArray()  : array<string|int, mixed>
getServiceKey()  : string
Returns the service key of the service
getServiceOption()  : mixed
Returns service configuration values from the $TYPO3_CONF_VARS['SVCONF'] array
getServiceTitle()  : string
Returns the title of the service
getUser()  : array<string, mixed>|false
Find a user (eg. look up the user record in database when a login is sent)
init()  : bool
Initialization of the service.
initAuth()  : mixed
Initialize authentication service
mimicAuthUser()  : bool
Mimics password hashing for invalid authentication requests to mitigate
processLoginData()  : bool
Process the submitted credentials.
reset()  : mixed
Resets the service.
writelog()  : mixed
Writes to log database table in pObj
updatePasswordHashInDatabase()  : void
Method updates a FE/BE user record - in this case a new password string will be set.
writeLogMessage()  : void
Writes log message. Destination log depends on the current system mode.



Various data

public array<string|int, mixed> $authInfo = []


User db table definition

public array<string|int, mixed> $db_user = []


public array<string|int, mixed> $info = []

service description array


Submitted login form data

public array<string|int, mixed> $login = []


Subtype of the service which is used to call the service.

public string $mode


If the writelog() functions is called if a login-attempt has be tried without success

public bool $writeAttemptLog = false



Authenticate a user: Check submitted user credentials against stored hashed password.

public authUser(array<string, mixed> $user) : int

Returns one of the following status codes:

= 200: User authenticated successfully. No more checking is needed by other auth services. = 100: User not authenticated; this service is not responsible. Other auth services will be asked. 0: User authenticated successfully. Other auth services will still be asked. <= 0: Authentication failed, no more checking needed by other auth services.

$user : array<string, mixed>

User data

Return values

Authentication status code, one of 0, 100, 200


Get a user from DB by username

public fetchUserRecord(string $username[, string $extraWhere = '' ][, array<string|int, mixed>|string $dbUserSetup = '' ]) : array<string, mixed>|false
$username : string

User name

$extraWhere : string = ''

Additional WHERE clause: " AND ...

$dbUserSetup : array<string|int, mixed>|string = ''

User db table definition, or empty string for $this->db_user

Return values
array<string, mixed>|false

User array or FALSE


public getLastErrorArray() : array<string|int, mixed>

this is part of the Service API which should be avoided to be used and only used within TYPO3 internally

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


Returns the service key of the service

public getServiceKey() : string

this is part of the Service API which should be avoided to be used and only used within TYPO3 internally

Return values

Service key


Returns service configuration values from the $TYPO3_CONF_VARS['SVCONF'] array

public getServiceOption(string $optionName[, mixed $defaultValue = '' ][, bool $includeDefaultConfig = true ]) : mixed
$optionName : string

Name of the config option

$defaultValue : mixed = ''

Default configuration if no special config is available

$includeDefaultConfig : bool = true

If set the 'default' config will be returned if no special config for this service is available (default: TRUE)


this is part of the Service API which should be avoided to be used and only used within TYPO3 internally

Return values

Configuration value for the service


Returns the title of the service

public getServiceTitle() : string

this is part of the Service API which should be avoided to be used and only used within TYPO3 internally

Return values

Service title


Find a user (eg. look up the user record in database when a login is sent)

public getUser() : array<string, mixed>|false
Return values
array<string, mixed>|false

User array or FALSE


Initialization of the service.

public init() : bool

This is a stub as needed by GeneralUtility::makeInstanceService()


this is part of the Service API which should be avoided to be used and only used within TYPO3 internally

Return values


Initialize authentication service

public initAuth(string $mode, array<string|int, mixed> $loginData, array<string|int, mixed> $authInfo, AbstractUserAuthentication $pObj) : mixed
$mode : string

Subtype of the service which is used to call the service.

$loginData : array<string|int, mixed>

Submitted login form data

$authInfo : array<string|int, mixed>

Information array. Holds submitted form data etc.

$pObj : AbstractUserAuthentication

Parent object


Process the submitted credentials.

public processLoginData(array<string|int, mixed> &$loginData, string $passwordTransmissionStrategy) : bool

In this case hash the clear text password if it has been submitted.

$loginData : array<string|int, mixed>

Credentials that are submitted and potentially modified by other services

$passwordTransmissionStrategy : string

Keyword of how the password has been hashed or encrypted before submission

Return values


Resets the service.

public reset() : mixed

This is a stub as needed by GeneralUtility::makeInstanceService()


this is part of the Service API which should be avoided to be used and only used within TYPO3 internally


Writes to log database table in pObj

public writelog(int $type, int $action, int $error, int $details_nr, string $details, array<string|int, mixed> $data[, string $tablename = '' ][, int|string $recuid = '' ][, int|string $recpid = '' ]) : mixed
$type : int

denotes which module that has submitted the entry. This is the current list: 1=tce_db; 2=tce_file; 3=system (eg. sys_history save); 4=modules; 254=Personal settings changed; 255=login / out action: 1=login, 2=logout, 3=failed login (+ errorcode 3), 4=failure_warning_email sent

$action : int

denotes which specific operation that wrote the entry (eg. 'delete', 'upload', 'update' and so on...). Specific for each $type. Also used to trigger update of the interface. (see the log-module for the meaning of each number !!)

$error : int

flag. 0 = message, 1 = error (user problem), 2 = System Error (which should not happen), 3 = security notice (admin)

$details_nr : int

The message number. Specific for each $type and $action. in the future this will make it possible to translate error messages to other languages

$details : string

Default text that follows the message

$data : array<string|int, mixed>

Data that follows the log. Might be used to carry special information. If an array the first 5 entries (0-4) will be sprintf'ed the details-text...

$tablename : string = ''

Special field used by tce_main.php. These ($tablename, $recuid, $recpid) holds the reference to the record which the log-entry is about. (Was used in attic status.php to update the interface.)

$recuid : int|string = ''

Special field used by tce_main.php. These ($tablename, $recuid, $recpid) holds the reference to the record which the log-entry is about. (Was used in attic status.php to update the interface.)

$recpid : int|string = ''

Special field used by tce_main.php. These ($tablename, $recuid, $recpid) holds the reference to the record which the log-entry is about. (Was used in attic status.php to update the interface.)


Method updates a FE/BE user record - in this case a new password string will be set.

protected updatePasswordHashInDatabase(string $table, int $uid, string $newPassword) : void
$table : string

Database table of this user, usually 'be_users' or 'fe_users'

$uid : int

uid of user record that will be updated

$newPassword : string

Field values as key=>value pairs to be updated in database


Writes log message. Destination log depends on the current system mode.

protected writeLogMessage(string $message, array<int, mixed> ...$params) : void

This function accepts variable number of arguments and can format parameters. The syntax is the same as for sprintf() If a marker ###IP### is present in the message, it is automatically replaced with the REMOTE_ADDR

$message : string

Message to output

$params : array<int, mixed>

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