
Helper class for DataHandler to gather requests for reference index updates and perform them in one go after other operations have been done.

This is used to suppress multiple reference index update calls for the same workspace/table/uid combination within one DataHandler main call.


should only be used by the TYPO3 Core

Table of Contents


$dropRegistry  : array<int, array<string, array<int, int>>>
[ workspaceId => [ tableName => [ uid ] ] ]
$updateRegistry  : array<int, array<string, array<int, int>>>
[ workspaceId => [ tableName => [ uid ] ] ]
$updateRegistryToItem  : array<int, array<string, array<int, array<string, string|int>>>>
[ workspaceId => [ tableName => [ 'uid' => uid, 'targetWorkspace' => $targetWorkspace ] ] ]


registerForDrop()  : void
Delete rows from sys_refindex a table / uid combination is involved in: Either on left side (tablename + recuid) OR right side (ref_table + ref_uid).
registerForUpdate()  : void
Register a workspace/table/uid row for update
registerUpdateForReferencesToItem()  : void
Find reference index rows pointing to given table/uid combination and register them for update. Important in delete and publish scenarios where a child is deleted to make sure any references to this child are dropped, too.
update()  : void
Perform the reference index update operations



[ workspaceId => [ tableName => [ uid ] ] ]

protected array<int, array<string, array<int, int>>> $dropRegistry = []


[ workspaceId => [ tableName => [ uid ] ] ]

protected array<int, array<string, array<int, int>>> $updateRegistry = []


[ workspaceId => [ tableName => [ 'uid' => uid, 'targetWorkspace' => $targetWorkspace ] ] ]

protected array<int, array<string, array<int, array<string, string|int>>>> $updateRegistryToItem = []



Delete rows from sys_refindex a table / uid combination is involved in: Either on left side (tablename + recuid) OR right side (ref_table + ref_uid).

public registerForDrop(string $table, int $uid, int $workspace) : void

Useful in scenarios like workspace-discard where parents or children are hard deleted: The expensive updateRefIndex() does not need to be called since we can just drop straight ahead.

$table : string

Table name, used as tablename and ref_table

$uid : int

Record uid, used as recuid and ref_uid

$workspace : int

Workspace the record lives in


Register a workspace/table/uid row for update

public registerForUpdate(string $table, int $uid, int $workspace) : void
$table : string

Table name

$uid : int

Record uid

$workspace : int

Workspace the record lives in


Find reference index rows pointing to given table/uid combination and register them for update. Important in delete and publish scenarios where a child is deleted to make sure any references to this child are dropped, too.

public registerUpdateForReferencesToItem(string $table, int $uid, int $workspace[, int|null $targetWorkspace = null ]) : void

In publish scenarios reference index may exist for a non-live workspace, but should be updated for live workspace. The optional $targetWorkspace argument is used for this.

$table : string

Table name, used as ref_table

$uid : int

Record uid, used as ref_uid

$workspace : int

The workspace given record lives in

$targetWorkspace : int|null = null

The target workspace the record has been swapped to


Perform the reference index update operations

public update() : void

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