CreateColumnDefinitionItem extends AbstractCreateDefinitionItem

Syntax tree node for column definitions within a create statements.

Holds basic attributes common to all types of columns.

Table of Contents


$allowNull  : bool
Allow NULL values
$autoIncrement  : bool
Set auto increment flag
$columnFormat  : string
The column format (DYNAMIC or FIXED)
$columnName  : Identifier
$comment  : string
Column comment
$dataType  : AbstractDataType
$defaultValue  : mixed
The explicit default value
$hasDefaultValue  : bool
Explicit default value
$index  : bool
Create non-unique index for column
$primary  : bool
Use column as primary key for table
$reference  : ReferenceDefinition
$storage  : string
The storage type for the column (ignored unless MySQL Cluster with NDB Engine)
$unique  : bool
Create unique constraint for column


__construct()  : mixed
CreateColumnDefinitionItem constructor.



Allow NULL values

public bool $allowNull = true


Set auto increment flag

public bool $autoIncrement = false


The column format (DYNAMIC or FIXED)

public string $columnFormat


Column comment

public string $comment


The explicit default value

public mixed $defaultValue


Explicit default value

public bool $hasDefaultValue = false


Create non-unique index for column

public bool $index = false


Use column as primary key for table

public bool $primary = false


The storage type for the column (ignored unless MySQL Cluster with NDB Engine)

public string $storage


Create unique constraint for column

public bool $unique = false


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