Locales implements SingletonInterface

Locales. Used to define TYPO3- system languages When adding new keys, remember to: - Update 'setup' extension labels (sysext/setup/Resources/Private/Language/locallang.xlf) That's it!

Table of Contents


"empty" interface for singletons (marker interface pattern)


$isoReverseMapping  : array<string|int, mixed>
Reversed mapping for backward compatibility codes
$languages  : array<string|int, mixed>
Supported TYPO3 languages with locales
$localeDependencies  : array<string|int, mixed>
Dependencies for locales This is a reverse mapping for the built-in languages within $this->languages that contain 5-letter codes.


__construct()  : mixed
getIsoMapping()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Returns the mapping between TYPO3 (old) language codes and ISO codes.
getLanguages()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Returns the supported languages indexed by their corresponding locale.
getLocaleDependencies()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Returns the dependencies of a given locale, if any.
getLocales()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Returns the locales.
getPreferredClientLanguage()  : string
Converts the language codes that we get from the client (usually HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE) into a TYPO3-readable language code
setSystemLocaleFromSiteLanguage()  : bool
Setting locale based on a SiteLanguage's defined locale.
setLocale()  : bool
Internal method, which calls itself again, in order to avoid multiple logging issues.



Reversed mapping for backward compatibility codes

protected array<string|int, mixed> $isoReverseMapping = [ 'bs' => 'ba', // Bosnian 'cs' => 'cz', // Czech 'da' => 'dk', // Danish 'el' => 'gr', // Greek 'fr_CA' => 'qc', // French (Canada) 'gl' => 'ga', // Galician 'ja' => 'jp', // Japanese 'ka' => 'ge', // Georgian 'kl' => 'gl', // Greenlandic 'ko' => 'kr', // Korean 'ms' => 'my', // Malay 'pt_BR' => 'br', // Portuguese (Brazil) 'sl' => 'si', // Slovenian 'sv' => 'se', // Swedish 'uk' => 'ua', // Ukrainian 'vi' => 'vn', // Vietnamese 'zh' => 'hk', // Chinese (China) 'zh_CN' => 'ch', // Chinese (Simplified) 'zh_HK' => 'hk', // Chinese (Simplified Hong Kong) 'zh_Hans_CN' => 'ch', ]


Supported TYPO3 languages with locales

protected array<string|int, mixed> $languages = ['default' => 'English', 'af' => 'Afrikaans', 'ar' => 'Arabic', 'bs' => 'Bosnian', 'bg' => 'Bulgarian', 'ca' => 'Catalan', 'ch' => 'Chinese (Simple)', 'cs' => 'Czech', 'cy' => 'Welsh', 'da' => 'Danish', 'de' => 'German', 'el' => 'Greek', 'eo' => 'Esperanto', 'es' => 'Spanish', 'et' => 'Estonian', 'eu' => 'Basque', 'fa' => 'Persian', 'fi' => 'Finnish', 'fo' => 'Faroese', 'fr' => 'French', 'fr_CA' => 'French (Canada)', 'gl' => 'Galician', 'he' => 'Hebrew', 'hi' => 'Hindi', 'hr' => 'Croatian', 'hu' => 'Hungarian', 'is' => 'Icelandic', 'it' => 'Italian', 'ja' => 'Japanese', 'ka' => 'Georgian', 'kl' => 'Greenlandic', 'km' => 'Khmer', 'ko' => 'Korean', 'lt' => 'Lithuanian', 'lv' => 'Latvian', 'mi' => 'Maori', 'mk' => 'Macedonian', 'ms' => 'Malay', 'nl' => 'Dutch', 'no' => 'Norwegian', 'pl' => 'Polish', 'pt' => 'Portuguese', 'pt_BR' => 'Brazilian Portuguese', 'ro' => 'Romanian', 'ru' => 'Russian', 'rw' => 'Kinyarwanda', 'sk' => 'Slovak', 'sl' => 'Slovenian', 'sn' => 'Shona (Bantu)', 'sq' => 'Albanian', 'sr' => 'Serbian', 'sv' => 'Swedish', 'th' => 'Thai', 'tr' => 'Turkish', 'uk' => 'Ukrainian', 'vi' => 'Vietnamese', 'zh' => 'Chinese (Trad)']


Dependencies for locales This is a reverse mapping for the built-in languages within $this->languages that contain 5-letter codes.

protected array<string|int, mixed> $localeDependencies = ['pt_BR' => ['pt'], 'fr_CA' => ['fr']]



Returns the mapping between TYPO3 (old) language codes and ISO codes.

public getIsoMapping() : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


Returns the supported languages indexed by their corresponding locale.

public getLanguages() : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


Returns the dependencies of a given locale, if any.

public getLocaleDependencies(string $locale) : array<string|int, mixed>
$locale : string
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


Returns the locales.

public getLocales() : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


Converts the language codes that we get from the client (usually HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE) into a TYPO3-readable language code

public getPreferredClientLanguage(string $languageCodesList) : string
$languageCodesList : string

List of language codes. something like 'de,en-us;q=0.9,de-de;q=0.7,es-cl;q=0.6,en;q=0.4,es;q=0.3,zh;q=0.1'

Return values

A preferred language that TYPO3 supports, or "default" if none found


Setting locale based on a SiteLanguage's defined locale.

public static setSystemLocaleFromSiteLanguage(SiteLanguage $siteLanguage) : bool

Used for frontend rendering, previously set within TSFE->settingLocale

$siteLanguage : SiteLanguage
Return values

whether the locale was found on the system (and could be set properly) or not


Internal method, which calls itself again, in order to avoid multiple logging issues.

protected static setLocale(string $locale, string $localeStringForTrigger) : bool

The main reason for this method is that it calls itself again by trying again to set the locale. Due to sensible defaults, people used the locale "de_AT.utf-8" with the POSIX platform (see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Locale_(computer_software)#POSIX_platforms) in their site configuration, even though the target system has "de_AT" and not "de_AT.UTF-8" defined. "setLocale()" is now called again without the POSIX platform suffix and is checked again if the locale is then available, and then logs the failed information.

$locale : string
$localeStringForTrigger : string
Return values

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