
Class to handle mail specific functionality

Table of Contents


breakLinesForEmail()  : string
Breaks up a single line of text for emails Words - longer than $lineWidth - will not be split into parts
getSystemFrom()  : array<string|int, string>|null
Gets a valid "from" for mail messages (email and name).
getSystemFromAddress()  : string
Creates a valid email address for the sender of mail messages.
getSystemFromName()  : string|null
Creates a valid "from" name for mail messages.
getSystemReplyTo()  : array<string|int, string>
Gets a default "reply-to" for mail messages (email and name).
parseAddresses()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Parses mailbox headers and turns them into an array.



Breaks up a single line of text for emails Words - longer than $lineWidth - will not be split into parts

public static breakLinesForEmail(string $str[, string $newlineChar = LF ][, int $lineWidth = 76 ]) : string
$str : string

The string to break up

$newlineChar : string = LF

The string to implode the broken lines with (default/typically \n)

$lineWidth : int = 76

The line width

Return values

Reformatted text


Gets a valid "from" for mail messages (email and name).

public static getSystemFrom() : array<string|int, string>|null

Ready to be passed to $mail->setFrom()

This method can return three different variants:

  1. An assoc. array: key => Valid email address which can be used as sender; value => Valid name which can be used as a sender
  2. A numeric array with one entry: Valid email address which can be used as sender
  3. Null, if no address is configured
Return values
array<string|int, string>|null


Creates a valid email address for the sender of mail messages.

public static getSystemFromAddress() : string

Uses a fallback chain: $TYPO3_CONF_VARS['MAIL']['defaultMailFromAddress'] -> no-reply@FirstDomainRecordFound -> no-reply@php_uname('n') ->

Ready to be passed to $mail->setFrom()

Return values

An email address


Creates a valid "from" name for mail messages.

public static getSystemFromName() : string|null

As configured in Install Tool.

Return values

The name (unquoted, unformatted). NULL if none is set or an invalid non-string value.


Gets a default "reply-to" for mail messages (email and name).

public static getSystemReplyTo() : array<string|int, string>

Ready to be passed to $mail->setReplyTo()

This method returns a list of email addresses, but depending on the existence of "defaultMailReplyToName" the array can have a different shape:

  1. An assoc. array: key => a valid reply-to address which can be used as sender; value => a valid reply-to name which can be used as a sender
  2. A numeric array with one entry: a valid reply-to address which can be used as sender
Return values
array<string|int, string>


Parses mailbox headers and turns them into an array.

public static parseAddresses(string $rawAddresses) : array<string|int, mixed>

Mailbox headers are a comma separated list of 'name' combinations or plain email addresses (or a mix of these). The resulting array has key-value pairs where the key is either a number (no display name in the mailbox header) and the value is the email address, or the key is the email address and the value is the display name.

$rawAddresses : string

Comma separated list of email addresses (optionally with display name)

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

Parsed list of addresses.

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