StopActionException extends Exception

This exception is thrown by a controller to stop the execution of the current action and return the control to the dispatcher. The dispatcher catches this exception and - depending on the "dispatched" status of the request - either continues dispatching the request or returns control to the request handler.


since v11, will be removed in v12. This action shouldn't be thrown anymore: Actions that extbase-internally forward to another action should RETURN Extbase\Http\ForwardResponse instead. Actions that initiate a client redirect should RETURN a Core\Http\RedirectResponse instead.

See the Action Controller's forward() and redirectToUri() methods for more information.

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__construct()  : mixed
getResponse()  : ResponseInterface



public __construct([mixed $message = '' ][, mixed $code = 0 ][, Throwable|null $previous = null ][, ResponseInterface|null $response = null ]) : mixed
$message : mixed = ''
$code : mixed = 0
$previous : Throwable|null = null
$response : ResponseInterface|null = null


public getResponse() : ResponseInterface
Return values

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