IfHasRoleViewHelper extends AbstractConditionViewHelper

This ViewHelper implements an ifHasRole/else condition for backend users and backend groups.

Role refers to backend user groups. The :html:role attribute can either be the title of a group, or the uid.


Basic usage::

<f:be.security.ifHasRole role="Administrator"> This is being shown in case the current BE user belongs to a BE usergroup (aka role) titled "Administrator" (case sensitive) </f:be.security.ifHasRole>

Everything inside the :html:<f:ifHasRole> tag is being displayed if the logged in backend user belongs to the specified backend group.

Using the usergroup uid as role identifier::

<f:be.security.ifHasRole role="1"> This is being shown in case the current BE user belongs to a BE usergroup (aka role) with the uid "1" </f:be.security.ifHasRole>

Everything inside the :html:<f:ifHasRole> tag is being displayed if the logged in backend user belongs to the specified backend group.

IfRole / then / else::

<f:be.security.ifHasRole role="Administrator"> <f:then> This is being shown in case you have the role. </f:then> <f:else> This is being displayed in case you do not have the role. </f:else> </f:be.security.ifHasRole>

Everything inside the :html:<f:then></f:then> tag is displayed if the logged in backend user belongs to the specified backend group. Otherwise, everything inside the :html:<f:else></f:else> tag is displayed.

Table of Contents


initializeArguments()  : mixed
Initializes the "role" argument.
evaluateCondition()  : bool
This method decides if the condition is TRUE or FALSE. It can be overridden in extending viewhelpers to adjust functionality.



Initializes the "role" argument.

public initializeArguments() : mixed

Renders <f:then> child if the current logged in BE user belongs to the specified role (aka usergroup) otherwise renders <f:else> child.


This method decides if the condition is TRUE or FALSE. It can be overridden in extending viewhelpers to adjust functionality.

protected static evaluateCondition([array<string|int, mixed> $arguments = null ]) : bool
$arguments : array<string|int, mixed> = null

ViewHelper arguments to evaluate the condition for this ViewHelper, allows for flexibility in overriding this method.

Return values

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