RequestHandler implements RequestHandlerInterface

This is the main entry point of the TypoScript driven standard front-end.

"handle()" is called when all PSR-15 middlewares have been set up the PSR-7 ServerRequest object and the following things have been evaluated

  • correct page ID, page type (typeNum), rootline, MP etc.
  • info if is cached content already available
  • proper language
  • proper TypoScript which should be processed.

Then, this class is able to render the actual HTTP body part built via TypoScript. Here this is split into two parts:

  • Everything included in , done via page.10, page.20 etc.
  • Everything around.

If the content has been built together within the cache (cache_pages), it is fetched directly, and any so-called "uncached" content is generated again.

Some further hooks allow to post-processing the content.

Then the right HTTP response headers are compiled together and sent as well.

Table of Contents




$eventDispatcher  : EventDispatcherInterface
$timeTracker  : TimeTracker


__construct()  : mixed
handle()  : ResponseInterface
Handles a frontend request, after finishing running middlewares
addCssToPageRenderer()  : mixed
Adds inline CSS code, by respecting the inlineStyle2TempFile option
displayPreviewInfoMessage()  : mixed
Include the preview block in case we're looking at a hidden page in the LIVE workspace
generateHrefLangTags()  : void
generateHtmlTag()  : string
Generates the <html> tag by evaluating TypoScript configuration, usually found via:
generateMetaTagHtml()  : mixed
Generate meta tags from meta tag TypoScript
generatePageBodyContent()  : string
Generates the main content part within <body> tags (except JS files/CSS files), this means: render everything that can be cached, otherwise put placeholders for COA_INT/USER_INT objects in the content that is processed later-on.
generatePageContent()  : string
Generates the main body part for the page, and if "config.disableAllHeaderCode" is not active, triggers pageRenderer to evaluate includeCSS, headTag etc. TypoScript processing to populate the pageRenderer.
getLanguageService()  : LanguageService
getPageRenderer()  : PageRenderer
processHtmlBasedRenderingSettings()  : void
At this point, the cacheable content has just been generated (thus, all content is available but hasn't been added to PageRenderer yet). The method is called after the "main" page content, since some JS may be inserted at that point that has been registered by cacheable plugins.
resetGlobalsToCurrentRequest()  : mixed
Sets the global GET and POST to the values, so if people access $_GET and $_POST Within hooks starting NOW (e.g. cObject), they get the "enriched" data from query params.
stripIntObjectPlaceholder()  : mixed
Searches for placeholder created from *_INT cObjects, removes them from $searchString and merges them to $intObjects



protected EventDispatcherInterface $eventDispatcher



public __construct(EventDispatcherInterface $eventDispatcher, ListenerProvider $listenerProvider) : mixed
$eventDispatcher : EventDispatcherInterface
$listenerProvider : ListenerProvider


Handles a frontend request, after finishing running middlewares

public handle(ServerRequestInterface $request) : ResponseInterface
$request : ServerRequestInterface
Return values


Adds inline CSS code, by respecting the inlineStyle2TempFile option

protected addCssToPageRenderer(TypoScriptFrontendController $controller, string $cssStyles, bool $excludeFromConcatenation, string $inlineBlockName) : mixed
$controller : TypoScriptFrontendController
$cssStyles : string

the inline CSS styling

$excludeFromConcatenation : bool

option to see if it should be concatenated

$inlineBlockName : string

the block name to add it


Include the preview block in case we're looking at a hidden page in the LIVE workspace

protected displayPreviewInfoMessage(TypoScriptFrontendController $controller) : mixed
$controller : TypoScriptFrontendController

this method might get moved to a PSR-15 middleware at some point


Generates the <html> tag by evaluating TypoScript configuration, usually found via:

protected generateHtmlTag(array<string|int, mixed> $htmlTagAttributes, array<string|int, mixed> $configuration, ContentObjectRenderer $cObj) : string
  • Adding extra attributes in addition to pre-generated ones (e.g. "dir") = 1 config.htmlTag.attributes.empty-attribute =

  • Adding one full string (no stdWrap!) to the "<html $htmlTagAttributes {config.htmlTag_setParams}>" tag config.htmlTag_setParams = string|"none"

    If config.htmlTag_setParams = none is set, even the pre-generated values are not added at all anymore.

  • "config.htmlTag_stdWrap" always applies over the whole compiled tag.

$htmlTagAttributes : array<string|int, mixed>

pre-generated attributes by doctype/direction etc. values.

$configuration : array<string|int, mixed>

the TypoScript configuration "config." array

$cObj : ContentObjectRenderer
Return values

the full tag as string


Generate meta tags from meta tag TypoScript

protected generateMetaTagHtml(array<string|int, mixed> $metaTagTypoScript, ContentObjectRenderer $cObj) : mixed
$metaTagTypoScript : array<string|int, mixed>

TypoScript configuration for meta tags (e.g. $GLOBALS['TSFE']->pSetup['meta.'])

$cObj : ContentObjectRenderer


Generates the main content part within <body> tags (except JS files/CSS files), this means: render everything that can be cached, otherwise put placeholders for COA_INT/USER_INT objects in the content that is processed later-on.

protected generatePageBodyContent(TypoScriptFrontendController $controller) : string
$controller : TypoScriptFrontendController
Return values


Generates the main body part for the page, and if "config.disableAllHeaderCode" is not active, triggers pageRenderer to evaluate includeCSS, headTag etc. TypoScript processing to populate the pageRenderer.

protected generatePageContent(TypoScriptFrontendController $controller, ServerRequestInterface $request) : string
$controller : TypoScriptFrontendController
$request : ServerRequestInterface
Return values


At this point, the cacheable content has just been generated (thus, all content is available but hasn't been added to PageRenderer yet). The method is called after the "main" page content, since some JS may be inserted at that point that has been registered by cacheable plugins.

protected processHtmlBasedRenderingSettings(TypoScriptFrontendController $controller, SiteLanguage $siteLanguage, ServerRequestInterface $request) : void

PageRenderer is now populated with all data and additional JavaScript/CSS/FooterData/HeaderData that can be cached. Once finished, the content is added to the >addBodyContent() functionality.

$controller : TypoScriptFrontendController
$siteLanguage : SiteLanguage
$request : ServerRequestInterface


Sets the global GET and POST to the values, so if people access $_GET and $_POST Within hooks starting NOW (e.g. cObject), they get the "enriched" data from query params.

protected resetGlobalsToCurrentRequest(ServerRequestInterface $request) : mixed

This needs to be run after the request object has been enriched with modified GET/POST variables.

$request : ServerRequestInterface

this safety net will be removed in TYPO3 v10.0.


Searches for placeholder created from *_INT cObjects, removes them from $searchString and merges them to $intObjects

protected stripIntObjectPlaceholder(string &$searchString, string &$intObjects) : mixed
$searchString : string

The String which should be cleaned from int-object markers

$intObjects : string

The String the found int-placeholders are moved to (for further processing)

On this page

Search results