
Script Class for the Web > Info module This class creates the framework to which other extensions can connect their sub-modules


This class is a specific Backend controller implementation and is not part of the TYPO3's Core API.

Table of Contents


$MOD_MENU  : array<string|int, mixed>
The module menu items array. Each key represents a key for which values can range between the items in the array of that key.
$MOD_SETTINGS  : array<string|int, mixed>
Current settings for the keys of the MOD_MENU array Written by client classes.
$pageinfo  : array<string|int, mixed>
$container  : ContainerInterface
$content  : string
Generally used for accumulating the output content of backend modules
$extClassConf  : array<string|int, mixed>
$extObj  : object
May contain an instance of a 'Function menu module' which connects to this backend module.
$flashMessageService  : FlashMessageService
$iconFactory  : IconFactory
$id  : int
$modMenu_dontValidateList  : string
dontValidateList can be used to list variables that should not be checked if their value is found in the MOD_MENU array. Used for dynamically generated menus.
$modMenu_setDefaultList  : string
List of default values from $MOD_MENU to set in the output array (only if the values from MOD_MENU are not arrays) Can be set from extension classes of this class before the init() function is called.
$modMenu_type  : string
If type is 'ses' then the data is stored as session-lasting data. This means that it'll be wiped out the next time the user logs in.
$modTSconfig  : array<string|int, mixed>
Module TSconfig based on PAGE TSconfig / USER TSconfig
$moduleName  : string
The name of the module
$moduleTemplate  : ModuleTemplate
ModuleTemplate Container
$moduleTemplateFactory  : ModuleTemplateFactory
$pageRenderer  : PageRenderer
$perms_clause  : string
A WHERE clause for selection records from the pages table based on read-permissions of the current backend user.
$uriBuilder  : UriBuilder
$view  : StandaloneView


__construct()  : mixed
mainAction()  : ResponseInterface
Injects the request object for the current request or subrequest Then checks for module functions that have hooked in, and renders menu etc.
checkExtObj()  : mixed
Creates an instance of the class found in $this->extClassConf['name'] in $this->extObj if any (this should hold three keys, "name", "path" and "title" if a "Function menu module" tries to connect...) This value in extClassConf might be set by an extension (in an ext_tables/ext_localconf file) which thus "connects" to a module.
extObjContent()  : mixed
Calls the 'main' function inside the "Function menu module" if present
generateMenu()  : mixed
Generate the ModuleMenu
getBackendUser()  : BackendUserAuthentication
getButtons()  : mixed
Create the panel of buttons for submitting the form or otherwise perform operations.
getExternalItemConfig()  : mixed
Returns configuration values from the global variable $TBE_MODULES_EXT for the module given.
getFluidTemplateObject()  : StandaloneView
returns a new standalone view, shorthand function
getLanguageService()  : LanguageService
handleExternalFunctionValue()  : mixed
Loads $this->extClassConf with the configuration for the CURRENT function of the menu.
init()  : mixed
Initializes the backend module by setting internal variables, initializing the menu.
main()  : mixed
Initialize module header etc and call extObjContent function
menuConfig()  : mixed
Initializes the internal MOD_MENU array setting and unsetting items based on various conditions. It also merges in external menu items from the global array TBE_MODULES_EXT (see mergeExternalItems()) Then MOD_SETTINGS array is cleaned up (see \TYPO3\CMS\Backend\Utility\BackendUtility::getModuleData()) so it contains only valid values. It's also updated with any SET[] values submitted.
mergeExternalItems()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Merges menu items from global array $TBE_MODULES_EXT



The module menu items array. Each key represents a key for which values can range between the items in the array of that key.

public array<string|int, mixed> $MOD_MENU = ['function' => []]

Written by client classes.


Current settings for the keys of the MOD_MENU array Written by client classes.

public array<string|int, mixed> $MOD_SETTINGS = []


public array<string|int, mixed> $pageinfo = []

Used by client classes.


protected ContainerInterface $container


Generally used for accumulating the output content of backend modules

protected string $content = ''


protected array<string|int, mixed> $extClassConf

Contains module configuration parts from TBE_MODULES_EXT if found


May contain an instance of a 'Function menu module' which connects to this backend module.

protected object $extObj


protected int $id

Value of the GET/POST var 'id'


dontValidateList can be used to list variables that should not be checked if their value is found in the MOD_MENU array. Used for dynamically generated menus.

protected string $modMenu_dontValidateList = ''

Can be set from extension classes of this class before the init() function is called.


List of default values from $MOD_MENU to set in the output array (only if the values from MOD_MENU are not arrays) Can be set from extension classes of this class before the init() function is called.

protected string $modMenu_setDefaultList = ''


If type is 'ses' then the data is stored as session-lasting data. This means that it'll be wiped out the next time the user logs in.

protected string $modMenu_type = ''

Can be set from extension classes of this class before the init() function is called.


Module TSconfig based on PAGE TSconfig / USER TSconfig

protected array<string|int, mixed> $modTSconfig


The name of the module

protected string $moduleName = 'web_info'


A WHERE clause for selection records from the pages table based on read-permissions of the current backend user.

protected string $perms_clause



Injects the request object for the current request or subrequest Then checks for module functions that have hooked in, and renders menu etc.

public mainAction(ServerRequestInterface $request) : ResponseInterface
$request : ServerRequestInterface

the current request

Return values

the response with the content


Creates an instance of the class found in $this->extClassConf['name'] in $this->extObj if any (this should hold three keys, "name", "path" and "title" if a "Function menu module" tries to connect...) This value in extClassConf might be set by an extension (in an ext_tables/ext_localconf file) which thus "connects" to a module.

protected checkExtObj(ServerRequestInterface $request) : mixed

The array $this->extClassConf is set in handleExternalFunctionValue() based on the value of MOD_SETTINGS[function] If an instance is created it is initiated with $this passed as value and $this->extClassConf as second argument. Further the $this->MOD_SETTING is cleaned up again after calling the init function.

$request : ServerRequestInterface


Calls the 'main' function inside the "Function menu module" if present

protected extObjContent(ServerRequestInterface $request) : mixed
$request : ServerRequestInterface


Generate the ModuleMenu

protected generateMenu() : mixed


Create the panel of buttons for submitting the form or otherwise perform operations.

protected getButtons(ServerRequestInterface $request) : mixed
$request : ServerRequestInterface

the current request


Returns configuration values from the global variable $TBE_MODULES_EXT for the module given.

protected getExternalItemConfig(string $modName, string $menuKey[, string $value = '' ]) : mixed

For example if the module is named "web_info" and the "function" key ($menuKey) of MOD_SETTINGS is "stat" ($value) then you will have the values of $TBE_MODULES_EXT['webinfo']['MOD_MENU']['function']['stat'] returned.

$modName : string

Module name

$menuKey : string

Menu key, eg. "function" for the function menu. See $this->MOD_MENU

$value : string = ''

Optionally the value-key to fetch from the array that would otherwise have been returned if this value was not set. Look source...

Return values

The value from the TBE_MODULES_EXT array.


Loads $this->extClassConf with the configuration for the CURRENT function of the menu.

protected handleExternalFunctionValue([string $MM_key = 'function' ][, string $MS_value = null ]) : mixed
$MM_key : string = 'function'

The key to MOD_MENU for which to fetch configuration. 'function' is default since it is first and foremost used to get information per "extension object" (I think that is what its called)

$MS_value : string = null

The value-key to fetch from the config array. If NULL (default) MOD_SETTINGS[$MM_key] will be used. This is useful if you want to force another function than the one defined in MOD_SETTINGS[function]. Call this in init() function of your Script Class: handleExternalFunctionValue('function', $forcedSubModKey)


Initializes the backend module by setting internal variables, initializing the menu.

protected init(ServerRequestInterface $request) : mixed
$request : ServerRequestInterface


Initialize module header etc and call extObjContent function

protected main(ServerRequestInterface $request) : mixed
$request : ServerRequestInterface

the current request


Initializes the internal MOD_MENU array setting and unsetting items based on various conditions. It also merges in external menu items from the global array TBE_MODULES_EXT (see mergeExternalItems()) Then MOD_SETTINGS array is cleaned up (see \TYPO3\CMS\Backend\Utility\BackendUtility::getModuleData()) so it contains only valid values. It's also updated with any SET[] values submitted.

protected menuConfig(ServerRequestInterface $request) : mixed

Also loads the modTSconfig internal variable.

$request : ServerRequestInterface


Merges menu items from global array $TBE_MODULES_EXT

protected mergeExternalItems(string $modName, string $menuKey, array<string|int, mixed> $menuArr) : array<string|int, mixed>
$modName : string

Module name for which to find value

$menuKey : string

Menu key, eg. 'function' for the function menu.

$menuArr : array<string|int, mixed>

The part of a MOD_MENU array to work on.

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

Modified array part.

On this page

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