Check implements CheckInterface

Check system environment status

This class is a hardcoded requirement check of the underlying server and PHP system.

The class must not check for any TYPO3 specific things like specific configuration values or directories. It should not fail if there is no TYPO3 at all.

The only core code used is the class loader

This class is instantiated as the very first class during installation. It is meant to be standalone und must not have any requirements, except the status classes. It must be possible to run this script separated from the rest of the core, without dependencies.

This means especially:

  • No hooks or anything like that
  • No usage of any TYPO3 code like GeneralUtility
  • No require of anything but the status classes
  • No localization

The status messages and title must not include HTML, use plain text only. The return values of this class are not bound to HTML and can be used in different scopes (eg. as json array).


This class is only meant to be used within EXT:install and is not part of the TYPO3 Core API.

Table of Contents


Check system environment status


$messageQueue  : FlashMessageQueue
$requiredPhpExtensions  : array<string|int, mixed>
$suggestedPhpExtensions  : array<string|int, string>


__construct()  : mixed
checkPhpExtension()  : mixed
Checks if a specific PHP extension is loaded.
getMessageQueue()  : FlashMessageQueue
getStatus()  : FlashMessageQueue
Get all status information as array with status objects
checkCurrentDirectoryIsInIncludePath()  : mixed
Checks if current directory (.) is in PHP include path
checkDisableFunctions()  : mixed
Check for disabled functions
checkDocRoot()  : mixed
Check for doc_root ini setting
checkFileUploadEnabled()  : mixed
Check if file uploads are enabled in PHP
checkGdLibFreeTypeSupport()  : mixed
Check gdlib supports freetype
checkGdLibGifSupport()  : mixed
Check gif support of GD library
checkGdLibJpgSupport()  : mixed
Check jpg support of GD library
checkGdLibPngSupport()  : mixed
Check png support of GD library
checkGdLibTrueColorSupport()  : mixed
Check imagecreatetruecolor to verify gdlib works as expected
checkMaxExecutionTime()  : mixed
Check maximum execution time
checkMaxInputVars()  : mixed
Get max_input_vars status
checkMemorySettings()  : mixed
Check memory settings
checkOpenBaseDir()  : mixed
Check open_basedir
checkPcreVersion()  : mixed
Check PRCE module is loaded and minimum version
checkPhpVersion()  : mixed
Check minimum PHP version
checkPostUploadSizeIsHigherOrEqualMaximumFileUploadSize()  : mixed
Check maximum post upload size correlates with maximum file upload
checkReflectionDocComment()  : mixed
Check doc comments can be fetched by reflection
checkWindowsApacheThreadStackSize()  : mixed
Checks thread stack size if on windows with apache
checkXdebugMaxNestingLevel()  : mixed
If xdebug is loaded, the default max_nesting_level of 100 must be raised
getBytesFromSizeMeasurement()  : int
Helper method to get the bytes value from a measurement string like "100k".
isValidIp()  : bool
Validate a given IP address.
isWindowsOs()  : bool
Test if this instance runs on windows OS
trimExplode()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Helper method to explode a string by delimiter and throw away empty values.



protected array<string|int, mixed> $requiredPhpExtensions = ['filter', 'gd', 'hash', 'json', 'libxml', 'PDO', 'session', 'SPL', 'standard', 'xml', 'zip', 'zlib']

List of required PHP extensions


protected array<string|int, string> $suggestedPhpExtensions = ['fileinfo' => 'This extension is used for proper file type detection in the File Abstraction Layer.', 'intl' => 'This extension is used for correct language and locale handling.', 'openssl' => 'This extension is used for sending SMTP mails over an encrypted channel endpoint.']



Checks if a specific PHP extension is loaded.

public checkPhpExtension(string $extension[, bool $required = true ][, string $purpose = '' ]) : mixed
$extension : string
$required : bool = true
$purpose : string = ''


Checks if current directory (.) is in PHP include path

protected checkCurrentDirectoryIsInIncludePath() : mixed


Check for disabled functions

protected checkDisableFunctions() : mixed


Check for doc_root ini setting

protected checkDocRoot() : mixed


Check if file uploads are enabled in PHP

protected checkFileUploadEnabled() : mixed


Check gdlib supports freetype

protected checkGdLibFreeTypeSupport() : mixed


Check gif support of GD library

protected checkGdLibGifSupport() : mixed


Check jpg support of GD library

protected checkGdLibJpgSupport() : mixed


Check png support of GD library

protected checkGdLibPngSupport() : mixed


Check imagecreatetruecolor to verify gdlib works as expected

protected checkGdLibTrueColorSupport() : mixed


Check maximum execution time

protected checkMaxExecutionTime() : mixed


Get max_input_vars status

protected checkMaxInputVars() : mixed


Check memory settings

protected checkMemorySettings() : mixed


Check open_basedir

protected checkOpenBaseDir() : mixed


Check PRCE module is loaded and minimum version

protected checkPcreVersion() : mixed


Check minimum PHP version

protected checkPhpVersion() : mixed


Check maximum post upload size correlates with maximum file upload

protected checkPostUploadSizeIsHigherOrEqualMaximumFileUploadSize() : mixed


Check doc comments can be fetched by reflection

protected checkReflectionDocComment() : mixed


Checks thread stack size if on windows with apache

protected checkWindowsApacheThreadStackSize() : mixed


If xdebug is loaded, the default max_nesting_level of 100 must be raised

protected checkXdebugMaxNestingLevel() : mixed


Helper method to get the bytes value from a measurement string like "100k".

protected getBytesFromSizeMeasurement(string $measurement) : int
$measurement : string

The measurement (e.g. "100k")

Return values

The bytes value (e.g. 102400)


Validate a given IP address.

protected isValidIp(string $ip) : bool
$ip : string

IP address to be tested

Return values


Test if this instance runs on windows OS

protected isWindowsOs() : bool
Return values

TRUE if operating system is windows


Helper method to explode a string by delimiter and throw away empty values.

protected trimExplode(string $delimiter, string $string) : array<string|int, mixed>

Removes empty values from result array.

$delimiter : string

Delimiter string to explode with

$string : string

The string to explode

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

Exploded values

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