FileBrowser extends AbstractElementBrowser implements ElementBrowserInterface, LinkParameterProviderInterface

Browser for files


This class is a specific LinkBrowser implementation and is not part of the TYPO3's Core API.

Table of Contents




$bparams  : string
Active with TYPO3 Element Browser: Contains the name of the form field for which this window opens - thus allows us to make references back to the main window in which the form is.
$expandFolder  : string|null
When you click a folder name/expand icon to see the content of a certain file folder, this value will contain the path of the expanded file folder.
$iconFactory  : IconFactory
$moduleTemplate  : ModuleTemplate
$moduleTemplateFactory  : ModuleTemplateFactory
$pageRenderer  : PageRenderer
$request  : ServerRequestInterface|null
$searchWord  : string
$selectedFolder  : FolderInterface
$thisScript  : string
URL of current request
$thumbnailConfiguration  : array<string|int, mixed>
$uriBuilder  : UriBuilder


__construct()  : mixed
getScriptUrl()  : string
Returns the URL of the current script
getUrlParameters()  : array<string|int, string>
Provides an array or GET parameters for URL generation
isCurrentlySelectedItem()  : bool
Check if given value is currently the selected item
processSessionData()  : array<int, array<string|int, mixed>|bool>
Session data for this class can be set from outside with this method.
render()  : string
renderFilesInFolder()  : string
For TYPO3 Element Browser: Expand folder of files.
setRequest()  : void
determineScriptUrl()  : mixed
Sets the script url depending on being a module or script request
fileIsSelectableInFileList()  : bool
Checks if the given file is selectable in the filelist.
getBackendUser()  : BackendUserAuthentication
getBodyTagAttributes()  : array<string, string>
getBParamDataAttributes()  : array<string, string>
Splits parts of $this->bparams and returns needed data attributes for the Javascript
getFilesInFolder()  : array<string|int, File>
Get a list of Files in a folder filtered by extension
getLanguageService()  : LanguageService
getRequest()  : ServerRequestInterface
getThumbnailSelector()  : string
Get the HTML for the thumbnail selector, if enabled
initialize()  : mixed
Loads additional JavaScript
initVariables()  : mixed
Checks additional GET/POST requests
setBodyTagParameters()  : mixed
Initialize the body tag for the module



Active with TYPO3 Element Browser: Contains the name of the form field for which this window opens - thus allows us to make references back to the main window in which the form is.

protected string $bparams = ''

Example value: "data[pages][39][bodytext]|||tt_content|" or "data[tt_content][NEW3fba56fde763d][image]|||gif,jpg,jpeg,tif,bmp,pcx,tga,png,pdf,ai|" Values: 0: form field name reference, eg. "data[tt_content][123][image]" 1: htmlArea RTE parameters: editorNo:contentTypo3Language 2: RTE config parameters: RTEtsConfigParams 3: allowed types. Eg. "tt_content" or "gif,jpg,jpeg,tif,bmp,pcx,tga,png,pdf,ai" 4: IRRE uniqueness: target level object-id to perform actions/checks on, eg. "data-4-pages-4-nav_icon-sys_file_reference" ("data--


$pArr = explode('|', $this->bparams); $formFieldName = $pArr[0]; $allowedTablesOrFileTypes = $pArr[3];


When you click a folder name/expand icon to see the content of a certain file folder, this value will contain the path of the expanded file folder.

protected string|null $expandFolder

If the value is NOT set, then it will be restored from the module session data. Example value: "/www/htdocs/typo3/32/3dsplm/fileadmin/css/"


protected ServerRequestInterface|null $request = null


URL of current request

protected string $thisScript = ''


protected array<string|int, mixed> $thumbnailConfiguration = []



Returns the URL of the current script

public getScriptUrl() : string
Return values


Provides an array or GET parameters for URL generation

public getUrlParameters(array<string|int, mixed> $values) : array<string|int, string>
$values : array<string|int, mixed>

Array of values to include into the parameters

Return values
array<string|int, string>

Array of parameters which have to be added to URLs


Check if given value is currently the selected item

public isCurrentlySelectedItem(array<string|int, mixed> $values) : bool
$values : array<string|int, mixed>

Values to be checked

Return values

Returns TRUE if the given values match the currently selected item


Session data for this class can be set from outside with this method.

public processSessionData(array<string|int, mixed> $data) : array<int, array<string|int, mixed>|bool>
$data : array<string|int, mixed>

Session data array

Return values
array<int, array<string|int, mixed>|bool>

Session data and boolean which indicates that data needs to be stored in session because it's changed


public render() : string
Return values

HTML content


For TYPO3 Element Browser: Expand folder of files.

public renderFilesInFolder(FolderInterface $folder[, array<string|int, mixed> $extensionList = [] ][, bool $noThumbs = false ]) : string
$folder : FolderInterface

The folder path to expand

$extensionList : array<string|int, mixed> = []

List of fileextensions to show

$noThumbs : bool = false

Whether to show thumbnails or not. If set, no thumbnails are shown.

Return values

HTML output


public setRequest(ServerRequestInterface $request) : void
$request : ServerRequestInterface


Sets the script url depending on being a module or script request

protected determineScriptUrl() : mixed


Checks if the given file is selectable in the filelist.

protected fileIsSelectableInFileList(FileInterface $file, array<string|int, mixed> $imgInfo) : bool

By default all files are selectable. This method may be overwritten in child classes.

$file : FileInterface
$imgInfo : array<string|int, mixed>

Image dimensions from \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Imaging\GraphicalFunctions::getImageDimensions()

Return values

TRUE if file is selectable.


protected getBodyTagAttributes() : array<string, string>
Return values
array<string, string>

Array of body-tag attributes


Splits parts of $this->bparams and returns needed data attributes for the Javascript

protected getBParamDataAttributes() : array<string, string>
Return values
array<string, string>

Data attributes for Javascript


Get a list of Files in a folder filtered by extension

protected getFilesInFolder(FolderInterface $folder, array<string|int, mixed> $extensionList) : array<string|int, File>
$folder : FolderInterface
$extensionList : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
array<string|int, File>


protected getRequest() : ServerRequestInterface
Return values


Get the HTML for the thumbnail selector, if enabled

protected getThumbnailSelector() : string
Return values

HTML data required for the thumbnail selector


Loads additional JavaScript

protected initialize() : mixed


Checks additional GET/POST requests

protected initVariables() : mixed


Initialize the body tag for the module

protected setBodyTagParameters() : mixed

On this page

Search results