
Ensure to clear the cache entry when a sys_redirect record is modified or deleted


This class is a specific TYPO3 hook implementation and is not part of the Public TYPO3 API.

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rebuildRedirectCacheIfNecessary()  : void
Check if the data handler processed a sys_redirect record, if so, rebuild the redirect index cache



Check if the data handler processed a sys_redirect record, if so, rebuild the redirect index cache

public rebuildRedirectCacheIfNecessary(array<string|int, mixed> $parameters, DataHandler $dataHandler) : void
$parameters : array<string|int, mixed>
$dataHandler : DataHandler

This hook is called for each record which needs to clear cache, which means this gets called for other records than sys_redirects, but also for each sys_redirect record which has been modified with this DataHandler call. Even if we can narrow down to rebuild only for specific source_hosts, this still means that we eventually rebuild the "same" cache multiple times. Find a better way to aggregate them and rebuild only once at the end.

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