Table of Contents
- Exception
- AspectInterface
- Interface AspectInterface
Think of an aspect like a property bag
- ContextAwareInterface
- Context
- Contains the state of a current page request, to be used when reading
information of the current request in which configuration/context
it is used.
- DateTimeAspect
- The Aspect is usually available as "date.*" properties in the Context.
- FileProcessingAspect
- The aspect contains the processed file representation that is requested to process locally.
- LanguageAspect
- The Aspect is usually available as "language" property, and
can be used to find out the "overlay"/data retrieval strategy.
- LanguageAspectFactory
- A simple factory to create a language aspect.
- TypoScriptAspect
- The aspect contains information on TypoScript rendering settings
- UserAspect
- The aspect contains information about a user.
- VisibilityAspect
- The aspect contains whether to show hidden pages, records (content) or even deleted records.
- WorkspaceAspect
- The aspect contains information about the currently accessed workspace.
- ContextAwareTrait