Table of Contents
- Argon2PasswordHashInterface
- PasswordHashInterface
- Interface with public methods needed to be implemented in a salting hashing class.
- AbstractArgon2PasswordHash
- This abstract class implements the 'argon2' flavour of the php password api.
- Argon2idPasswordHash
- This class implements the 'argon2id' flavour of the php password api.
- Argon2iPasswordHash
- This class implements the 'argon2i' flavour of the php password api.
- BcryptPasswordHash
- This class implements the 'bcrypt' flavour of the php password api.
- BlowfishPasswordHash
- Class that implements Blowfish salted hashing based on PHP's crypt() function.
- InvalidPasswordHashException
- InvalidPasswordHashException thrown if salting went wrong.
- Md5PasswordHash
- Class that implements MD5 salted hashing based on PHP's crypt() function.
- PasswordHashFactory
- Factory class to find and return hash instances of given hashed passwords and to find and return default hash instances to hash new passwords.
- Pbkdf2PasswordHash
- Class that implements PBKDF2 salted hashing based on PHP's hash_pbkdf2() function.
- PhpassPasswordHash
- Class that implements PHPass salted hashing based on Drupal's modified Openwall implementation.