Table of Contents
- ProcessorInterface
- Interface for file processors. All classes capable of processing a file have to implement this interface.
- TaskInterface
- A task is a unit of work that can be performed by a file processor. This may include multiple steps in any order,
details depend on the configuration of the task and the tools the processor uses.
- AbstractGraphicalTask
- Abstract base implementation of a task.
- AbstractTask
- Abstract base implementation of a task.
- FileDeletionAspect
- The aspect cleans up database records, processed files and file references
- ImageCropScaleMaskTask
- A task that takes care of cropping, scaling and/or masking an image.
- ImagePreviewTask
- A task for generating an image preview.
- LocalCropScaleMaskHelper
- Helper class to locally perform a crop/scale/mask task with the TYPO3 image processing classes.
- LocalImageProcessor
- Processes Local Images files
- LocalPreviewHelper
- Helper for creating local image previews using TYPO3s image processing classes.
- ProcessorRegistry
- Registry for images processors.
- SvgImageProcessor
- Processes (scales) SVG Images files, when no cropping is defined
- TaskTypeRegistry
- The registry for task types.