Table of Contents
- Collection
- Driver
- Event
- Exception
- Filter
- Hook
- Index
- OnlineMedia
- Processing
- Rendering
- Search
- Security
- Service
- TextExtraction
- Utility
- FileInterface
- File Interface
- FolderInterface
- Interface for folders
- ResourceInterface
- ResourceInterface
- ResourceStorageInterface
- The interface for a resource storage containing all constants
- AbstractFile
- Abstract file representation in the file abstraction layer.
- AbstractRepository
- Abstract repository implementing the basic repository methods
- DuplicationBehavior
- Enumeration object for DuplicationBehavior
- Exception
- An exception when something is wrong with the file handling
- File
- File representation in the file abstraction layer.
- FileCollectionRepository
- Repository for accessing file collections stored in the database
- FileReference
- Representation of a specific usage of a file with possibilities to override certain properties of the original file just for this usage of the file.
- FileRepository
- Repository for accessing files it also serves as the public API for the indexing part of files in general
- Folder
- A folder that groups files in a storage. This may be a folder on the local disk, a bucket in Amazon S3 or a user or a tag in Flickr.
- InaccessibleFolder
- A representation for an inaccessible folder.
- LocalPath
- Model representing an absolute or relative path in the local file system
- MetaDataAspect
- Aspect that takes care of a file's metadata
- MetaDataEventListener
- MimeTypeCollection
- This class contains a list of all available / known mimetypes and file extensions, and is automatically generated by TYPO3 via Core/Build/Scripts/generateMimeTypes.php
- MimeTypeDetector
- This class contains a list of all available / known mimetypes and file extensions, and is automatically generated by TYPO3 via Core/Build/Scripts/generateMimeTypes.php
- ProcessedFile
- Representation of a specific processed version of a file. These are created by the FileProcessingService, which in turn uses helper classes for doing the actual file processing. See there for a detailed description.
- ProcessedFileRepository
- Repository for accessing files it also serves as the public API for the indexing part of files in general
- RelativeCssPathFixer
- This fixes import paths in CSS files if their location changes, e.g. when inlining or compressing css
- ResourceCompressor
- Compressor This merges and compresses CSS and JavaScript files of the TYPO3 Backend.
- ResourceFactory
- Factory class for FAL objects
- ResourceStorage
- A "mount point" inside the TYPO3 file handling.
- StorageRepository
- Repository for accessing the file storages
- SynchronizeFolderRelations
- Event listeners to synchronize folder relations after some action like renaming or moving of a folder, took place.