Table of Contents
- DecoratingEnhancerInterface
- Decorates a route (or routes within a collection) with additional parameters.
- EnhancerInterface
- Base interface for enhancers, which can be decorators for adding parameters,
or routing enhancers which adds variants to a page.
- InflatableEnhancerInterface
- Interface asserting that enhancer is capable of inflating parameters.
- ResultingInterface
- Extend the Resulting Interface to explain that this route builds the page arguments itself, instead of having
the PageRouter having to deal with that.
- RoutingEnhancerInterface
- Interface for enhancers
- AbstractEnhancer
- Abstract Enhancer, useful for custom enhancers
- EnhancerFactory
- Creates enhancers
- PageTypeDecorator
- Resolves a static list (like page.typeNum) against a file pattern. Usually added on the very last part
of the URL.
- PluginEnhancer
- Used for plugins like EXT:felogin.
- SimpleEnhancer
- This is usually used for simple GET arguments that have no namespace (e.g. not plugins).
- VariableProcessor
- Helper for processing various variables within a Route Enhancer