Table of Contents
- ObjectValidatorInterface
- Contract for a validator
- ValidatorInterface
- Contract for a validator
- AbstractCompositeValidator
- An abstract composite validator consisting of other validators
- AbstractValidator
- Abstract validator
- AlphanumericValidator
- Validator for alphanumeric strings
- BooleanValidator
- Validator for boolean values
- CollectionValidator
- A generic collection validator.
- ConjunctionValidator
- Validator to chain many validators in a conjunction (logical and).
- DateTimeValidator
- Validator for DateTime/DateTimeImmutable objects.
- DisjunctionValidator
- Validator to chain many validators in a disjunction (logical or).
- EmailAddressValidator
- Validator for email addresses
- FloatValidator
- Validator for floats.
- GenericObjectValidator
- A generic object validator which allows for specifying property validators
- IntegerValidator
- Validator for integers.
- NotEmptyValidator
- Validator for not empty values.
- NumberRangeValidator
- Validator for general numbers
- NumberValidator
- Validator for general numbers.
- RegularExpressionValidator
- Validator based on regular expressions.
- StringLengthValidator
- Validator for string length.
- StringValidator
- Validator for strings.
- TextValidator
- Validator for "plain" text.
- UrlValidator
- Validator for url.