InputSlugElement extends AbstractFormElement

General type=input element for TCA Type=Slug with some additional value.

Table of Contents


$data  : array<string|int, mixed>
Main data array to work on, given from parent to child elements
$defaultFieldControl  : array<string|int, mixed>
A list of default field controls added to the element / container.
$defaultFieldInformation  : array<string|int, mixed>
Default field information enabled for this element.
$defaultFieldWizard  : array<string|int, mixed>
Default field wizards enabled for this element.
$defaultInputWidth  : int
Default width value for a couple of elements like text
$iconFactory  : IconFactory
$maxInputWidth  : int
Maximum width value for a couple of elements like text
$minimumInputWidth  : int
Minimum width value for a couple of elements like text
$nodeFactory  : NodeFactory
Instance of the node factory to create sub elements, container and single element expansions.


__construct()  : mixed
Container objects give $nodeFactory down to other containers.
render()  : array<string|int, mixed>
This will render a single-line input form field, possibly with various control/validation features
appendValueToLabelInDebugMode()  : string
Append the value of a form field to its label
calculateColumnMarkup()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Calculates the bootstrap grid classes based on the amount of columns defined in the checkbox item TCA
checkBoxParams()  : string
Creates checkbox parameters
formatValue()  : string
Format field content if 'format' is set to date, filesize, ..., user
formMaxWidth()  : int
Returns the max width in pixels for an elements like input and text
forwardOnFieldChangeQueryParams()  : array{fieldChangeFunc: array, fieldChangeFuncHash: string}
Forwards URL query params for `LinkBrowserController`
getBackendUser()  : BackendUserAuthentication
getLanguageService()  : LanguageService
getOnFieldChangeAttrs()  : array<string, string>
getOnFieldChangeItems()  : array<int, array<string|int, mixed>>
getValidationDataAsJsonString()  : string
Build JSON string for validations rules.
hasNullCheckboxButNoPlaceholder()  : bool
Returns true if the "null value" checkbox should be rendered. This is used in some "text" based types like "text" and "input" for some renderType's.
hasNullCheckboxWithPlaceholder()  : bool
Returns true if the "null value" checkbox should be rendered and the placeholder handling is enabled. This is used in some "text" based types like "text" and "input" for some renderType's.
initializeResultArray()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Initialize the array that is returned to parent after calling. This structure is identical for *all* nodes. Parent will merge the return of a child with its own stuff and in itself return an array of the same structure.
mergeChildReturnIntoExistingResult()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Merge existing data with a child return array.
renderFieldControl()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Merge field control configuration with default controls and render them.
renderFieldInformation()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Merge field information configuration with default and render them.
renderFieldWizard()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Merge field wizard configuration with default wizards and render them.
renderLabel()  : string
Render a label element for the current field by given id.
resolveJavaScriptEvaluation()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Handle custom javascript `eval` implementations. $evalObject is a hook object for custom eval's. It is transferred to JS as a JavaScriptModuleInstruction if possible.
wrapWithFieldsetAndLegend()  : string
Elements that don't render a simple input field can't have a '<label for="..."'.



Main data array to work on, given from parent to child elements

protected array<string|int, mixed> $data = []


A list of default field controls added to the element / container.

protected array<string|int, mixed> $defaultFieldControl = []

This property is often reset by single elements.


Default field information enabled for this element.

protected array<string|int, mixed> $defaultFieldInformation = ['tcaDescription' => ['renderType' => 'tcaDescription']]


Default field wizards enabled for this element.

protected array<string|int, mixed> $defaultFieldWizard = ['localizationStateSelector' => ['renderType' => 'localizationStateSelector'], 'otherLanguageContent' => ['renderType' => 'otherLanguageContent', 'after' => ['localizationStateSelector']], 'defaultLanguageDifferences' => ['renderType' => 'defaultLanguageDifferences', 'after' => ['otherLanguageContent']]]


Default width value for a couple of elements like text

protected int $defaultInputWidth = 30



since TYPO3 v12.4. will be removed in TYPO3 v13.0.

protected IconFactory $iconFactory


Maximum width value for a couple of elements like text

protected int $maxInputWidth = 50


Minimum width value for a couple of elements like text

protected int $minimumInputWidth = 10


Instance of the node factory to create sub elements, container and single element expansions.


since TYPO3 v12.4. will be removed in TYPO3 v13.0.

protected NodeFactory $nodeFactory



Container objects give $nodeFactory down to other containers.

public __construct([NodeFactory|null $nodeFactory = null ][, array<string|int, mixed> $data = [] ]) : mixed

since TYPO3 v12.4. Default constructor will be removed in v13.

$nodeFactory : NodeFactory|null = null
$data : array<string|int, mixed> = []


This will render a single-line input form field, possibly with various control/validation features

public render() : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

As defined in initializeResultArray() of AbstractNode


Append the value of a form field to its label

protected appendValueToLabelInDebugMode(string|int $label, string|int $value) : string
$label : string|int
$value : string|int
Return values


Calculates the bootstrap grid classes based on the amount of columns defined in the checkbox item TCA

protected calculateColumnMarkup(int $cols) : array<string|int, mixed>
$cols : int
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


Creates checkbox parameters

protected checkBoxParams(string $itemName, int $formElementValue, int $checkbox, int $checkboxesCount[, array<string|int, mixed> $fieldChangeFuncs = [] ][, bool $invert = false ]) : string
$itemName : string

Form element name

$formElementValue : int

The value of the checkbox (representing checkboxes with the bits)

$checkbox : int

Checkbox # (0-9?)

$checkboxesCount : int

Total number of checkboxes in the array.

$fieldChangeFuncs : array<string|int, mixed> = []

fieldChangeFunc items for client-side handling

$invert : bool = false

Inverts the state of the checkbox (but not of the bit value)

Return values

either onclick attr or data-formengine-field-change-* attrs + possibly the checked-option set


Format field content if 'format' is set to date, filesize, ..., user

protected formatValue(string $format, string $itemValue[, array<string|int, mixed> $formatOptions = [] ]) : string
$format : string

Configuration for the display.

$itemValue : string

The value to display

$formatOptions : array<string|int, mixed> = []

Format options

Return values

Formatted field value


Returns the max width in pixels for an elements like input and text

protected formMaxWidth([int $size = 48 ]) : int
$size : int = 48

The abstract size value (1-48)

Return values

Maximum width in pixels


Forwards URL query params for `LinkBrowserController`

protected forwardOnFieldChangeQueryParams(array<int, OnFieldChangeInterface$items) : array{fieldChangeFunc: array, fieldChangeFuncHash: string}
$items : array<int, OnFieldChangeInterface>

fieldChangeFunc items

Return values
array{fieldChangeFunc: array, fieldChangeFuncHash: string}

relevant URL query params for LinkBrowserController


protected getOnFieldChangeAttrs(string $event, array<int, OnFieldChangeInterface$items) : array<string, string>
$event : string

target client event, either change or click

$items : array<int, OnFieldChangeInterface>

fieldChangeFunc items

Return values
array<string, string>

HTML attrs, not encoded - consumers MUST encode with htmlspecialchars


protected getOnFieldChangeItems(array<int, OnFieldChangeInterface$items) : array<int, array<string|int, mixed>>
$items : array<int, OnFieldChangeInterface>

fieldChangeFunc items

Return values
array<int, array<string|int, mixed>>


Build JSON string for validations rules.

protected getValidationDataAsJsonString(array<string|int, mixed> $config) : string
$config : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values


Returns true if the "null value" checkbox should be rendered. This is used in some "text" based types like "text" and "input" for some renderType's.

protected hasNullCheckboxButNoPlaceholder() : bool

A field has eval=null set, but has no useOverridePlaceholder defined. Goal is to have a field that can distinct between NULL and empty string in the database. A checkbox and an additional hidden field will be created, both with the same name and prefixed with "control[active]". If the checkbox is set (value 1), the value from the casual input field will be written to the database. If the checkbox is not set, the hidden field transfers value=0 to DataHandler, the value of the input field will then be reset to NULL by the DataHandler at an early point in processing, so NULL will be written to DB as field value.

All that only works if the field is not within flex form scope since flex forms can not store a "null" value or distinct it from "empty string".

Return values


Returns true if the "null value" checkbox should be rendered and the placeholder handling is enabled. This is used in some "text" based types like "text" and "input" for some renderType's.

protected hasNullCheckboxWithPlaceholder() : bool

A field has useOverridePlaceholder set and null in eval and is not within a flex form. Here, a value from a deeper DB structure can be "fetched up" as value, and can also be overridden by a local value. This is used in FAL, where eg. the "title" field can have the default value from sys_file_metadata, the title field of sys_file_reference is then set to NULL. Or the "override" checkbox is set, and a string or an empty string is then written to the field of sys_file_reference. The situation is similar to hasNullCheckboxButNoPlaceholder(), but additionally a "default" value should be shown. To achieve this, again a hidden control[hidden] field is added together with a checkbox with the same name to transfer the information whether the default value should be used or not: Checkbox checked transfers 1 as value in control[active], meaning the overridden value should be used. Additionally to the casual input field, a second field is added containing the "placeholder" value. This field has no name attribute and is not transferred at all. Those two are then hidden / shown depending on the state of the above checkbox in via JS.

Return values


Initialize the array that is returned to parent after calling. This structure is identical for *all* nodes. Parent will merge the return of a child with its own stuff and in itself return an array of the same structure.

protected initializeResultArray() : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


Merge existing data with a child return array.

protected mergeChildReturnIntoExistingResult(array<string|int, mixed> $existing, array<string|int, mixed> $childReturn[, bool $mergeHtml = true ]) : array<string|int, mixed>

The incoming $childReturn array should be initialized using initializeResultArray() beforehand.

$existing : array<string|int, mixed>

Currently merged array

$childReturn : array<string|int, mixed>

Array returned by child

$mergeHtml : bool = true

If false, the ['html'] section of $childReturn will NOT be added to $existing

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

Result array


Merge field control configuration with default controls and render them.

protected renderFieldControl() : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

Result array


Merge field information configuration with default and render them.

protected renderFieldInformation() : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

Result array


Merge field wizard configuration with default wizards and render them.

protected renderFieldWizard() : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

Result array


Render a label element for the current field by given id.

protected renderLabel(string $for) : string
$for : string
Return values


Handle custom javascript `eval` implementations. $evalObject is a hook object for custom eval's. It is transferred to JS as a JavaScriptModuleInstruction if possible.

protected resolveJavaScriptEvaluation(array<string|int, mixed> $resultArray, string $name, object|null $evalObject) : array<string|int, mixed>

This is used by a couple of renderType's like various type="input", should be used with care and is internal for now.

$resultArray : array<string|int, mixed>
$name : string
$evalObject : object|null
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


Elements that don't render a simple input field can't have a '<label for="..."'.

protected wrapWithFieldsetAndLegend(string $innerHTML) : string

A fieldset with a legend is used instead.

$innerHTML : string
Return values

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