PageRepository implements LoggerAwareInterface uses LoggerAwareTrait, PublicMethodDeprecationTrait, PublicPropertyDeprecationTrait

Page functions, a lot of sql/pages-related functions

Mainly used in the frontend but also in some cases in the backend. It's important to set the right $where_hid_del in the object so that the functions operate properly


Table of Contents




Named constants for "magic numbers" of the field doktype
Named constants for "magic numbers" of the field shortcut_mode


$computedPropertyNames  : array<string|int, mixed>
Computed properties that are added to database rows.
$context  : Context
$sys_language_uid  : int
Can be migrated away later to use context API directly.
$versioningWorkspaceId  : int
Can be migrated away later to use context API directly.
$where_groupAccess  : string
Clause for fe_group access
$where_hid_del  : string
This is not the final clauses. There will normally be conditions for the hidden, starttime and endtime fields as well. You MUST initialize the object by the init() function


__call()  : mixed
Checks if the method of the given name is available, calls it but throws a deprecation.
__construct()  : mixed
PageRepository constructor to set the base context, this will effectively remove the necessity for setting properties from the outside.
__get()  : mixed
Gets the value of the property of the given name if tagged.
__isset()  : bool
Checks if the property of the given name is set.
__set()  : mixed
Sets the property of the given name if tagged.
__unset()  : mixed
Unsets the property of the given name if tagged.
checkIfPageIsHidden()  : bool
Checks if the page is hidden in the active workspace (and the current language), then the "preview" mode for frontend pages is active.
checkRecord()  : array<string|int, mixed>|int
Checks if a record exists and is accessible.
enableFields()  : string
Returns a part of a WHERE clause which will filter out records with start/end times or hidden/fe_groups fields set to values that should de-select them according to the current time, preview settings or user login. Definitely a frontend function.
filterAccessiblePageIds()  : array<string|int, int>
Removes Page UID numbers from the input array which are not available due to QueryRestrictions This is also very helpful to add a custom RestrictionContainer to add custom Restrictions such as "bad doktypes" e.g. RECYCLER doktypes
getDescendantPageIdsRecursive()  : array<string|int, int>
Generates a list of Page IDs from $startPageId. List does not include $startPageId itself.
getExtURL()  : string|bool
Returns the redirect URL for the input page row IF the doktype is set to 3.
getLanguageOverlay()  : array<string|int, mixed>|null
Master helper method to overlay a record to a language.
getMenu()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Returns an array with page rows for subpages of a certain page ID. This is used for menus in the frontend.
getMenuForPages()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Returns an array with page-rows for pages with uid in $pageIds.
getMountPointInfo()  : mixed
Returns a MountPoint array for the specified page
getMultipleGroupsWhereClause()  : string
Creating where-clause for checking group access to elements in enableFields function
getPage()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Loads the full page record for the given page ID.
getPage_noCheck()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Return the $row for the page with uid = $uid WITHOUT checking for ->where_hid_del (start- and endtime or hidden). Only "deleted" is checked!
getPageIdsRecursive()  : array<string|int, int>
Perfect use case: get storage folders recursively, including the given Page IDs.
getPageOverlay()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Returns the relevant page overlay record fields
getPageShortcut()  : mixed
Get page shortcut; Finds the records pointed to by input value $SC (the shortcut value)
getPagesOverlay()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Returns the relevant page overlay record fields
getRawRecord()  : mixed
Returns record no matter what - except if record is deleted
getWorkspaceVersionOfRecord()  : mixed
Select the version of a record for a workspace
isPageSuitableForLanguage()  : bool
Checks whether the passed (translated or default language) page is accessible with the given language settings.
resolveShortcutPage()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Check if page is a shortcut, then resolve the target page directly.
versionOL()  : mixed
Versioning Preview Overlay
addMountPointParameterToPage()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Replaces the given page record with mounted page if required
checkValidShortcutOfPage()  : array<string|int, mixed>
If shortcut, look up if the target exists and is currently visible
getLanguageFallbackChain()  : array<string|int, int>
Returns the cleaned fallback chain from the current language aspect, if there is one.
getPageOverlaysForLanguage()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Returns the first match of overlays for pages in the passed languages.
getRecordOverlay()  : array<string|int, mixed>|null
Creates language-overlay for records in general (where translation is found in records from the same table)
getRuntimeCache()  : VariableFrontend
getSubpagesForPages()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Loads page records either by PIDs or by UIDs.
getSubpagesRecursive()  : array<string|int, int>
This is an internal (recursive) method which returns the Page IDs for a given $pageId.
hasTableWorkspaceSupport()  : bool
init()  : mixed
init() MUST be run directly after creating a new template-object This sets the internal variable $this->where_hid_del to the correct where clause for page records taking deleted/hidden/starttime/endtime/t3ver_state into account
purgeComputedProperties()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Purges computed properties from database rows, such as _ORIG_uid or _ORIG_pid for instance.



public mixed DOKTYPE_BE_USER_SECTION = 6


Named constants for "magic numbers" of the field doktype

public mixed DOKTYPE_DEFAULT = 1


public mixed DOKTYPE_MOUNTPOINT = 7


public mixed DOKTYPE_RECYCLER = 255


public mixed DOKTYPE_SHORTCUT = 4


public mixed DOKTYPE_SPACER = 199


public mixed DOKTYPE_SYSFOLDER = 254




Named constants for "magic numbers" of the field shortcut_mode

public mixed SHORTCUT_MODE_NONE = 0







Computed properties that are added to database rows.



Can be migrated away later to use context API directly.

protected int $sys_language_uid = 0


Can be migrated away later to use context API directly.

protected int $versioningWorkspaceId = 0

Workspace ID for preview If > 0, versioning preview of other record versions is allowed. THIS MUST ONLY BE SET IF the page is not cached and truly previewed by a backend user!


Clause for fe_group access

protected string $where_groupAccess = ''


This is not the final clauses. There will normally be conditions for the hidden, starttime and endtime fields as well. You MUST initialize the object by the init() function

protected string $where_hid_del = ' AND pages.deleted=0'



Checks if the method of the given name is available, calls it but throws a deprecation.

public __call(string $methodName, array<string|int, mixed> $arguments) : mixed

If the method does not exist, a fatal error is thrown.

Unavailable protected methods must return in a fatal error as usual. Marked methods are called and a deprecation entry is thrown.

__call() is not called for public methods.

$methodName : string
$arguments : array<string|int, mixed>


PageRepository constructor to set the base context, this will effectively remove the necessity for setting properties from the outside.

public __construct([Context|null $context = null ]) : mixed
$context : Context|null = null


Gets the value of the property of the given name if tagged.

public __get(string $propertyName) : mixed

The evaluation is done in the assumption that this method is never reached for a public property.

$propertyName : string


Checks if the property of the given name is set.

public __isset(string $propertyName) : bool

Unmarked protected properties must return false as usual. Marked properties are evaluated by isset().

This method is not called for public properties.

$propertyName : string
Return values


Sets the property of the given name if tagged.

public __set(string $propertyName, mixed $propertyValue) : mixed

Additionally it's allowed to set unknown properties.

The evaluation is done in the assumption that this method is never reached for a public property.

$propertyName : string
$propertyValue : mixed


Unsets the property of the given name if tagged.

public __unset(string $propertyName) : mixed
$propertyName : string


Checks if the page is hidden in the active workspace (and the current language), then the "preview" mode for frontend pages is active.

public checkIfPageIsHidden(int $pageId, LanguageAspect $languageAspect) : bool
$pageId : int
$languageAspect : LanguageAspect

this is not part of the TYPO3 Core API.

Return values


Checks if a record exists and is accessible.

public checkRecord(string $table, int $uid[, bool|int $checkPage = 0 ]) : array<string|int, mixed>|int

The row is returned if everything's OK.

$table : string

The table name to search

$uid : int

The uid to look up in $table

$checkPage : bool|int = 0

If checkPage is set, it's also required that the page on which the record resides is accessible

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>|int

Returns array (the record) if OK, otherwise blank/0 (zero)


Returns a part of a WHERE clause which will filter out records with start/end times or hidden/fe_groups fields set to values that should de-select them according to the current time, preview settings or user login. Definitely a frontend function.

public enableFields(string $table[, int $show_hidden = -1 ][, array<string|int, mixed> $ignore_array = [] ]) : string

Is using the $GLOBALS['TCA'] arrays "ctrl" part where the key "enablefields" determines for each table which of these features applies to that table.

$table : string

Table name found in the $GLOBALS['TCA'] array

$show_hidden : int = -1

If $show_hidden is set (0/1), any hidden-fields in records are ignored. NOTICE: If you call this function, consider what to do with the show_hidden parameter. Maybe it should be set? See ContentObjectRenderer->enableFields where it's implemented correctly.

$ignore_array : array<string|int, mixed> = []

Array you can pass where keys can be "disabled", "starttime", "endtime", "fe_group" (keys from "enablefields" in TCA) and if set they will make sure that part of the clause is not added. Thus disables the specific part of the clause. For previewing etc.

Return values

The clause starting like " AND ...=... AND ...=...


Removes Page UID numbers from the input array which are not available due to QueryRestrictions This is also very helpful to add a custom RestrictionContainer to add custom Restrictions such as "bad doktypes" e.g. RECYCLER doktypes

public filterAccessiblePageIds(array<string|int, int> $pageIds[, QueryRestrictionContainerInterface|null $restrictionContainer = null ]) : array<string|int, int>
$pageIds : array<string|int, int>

Array of Page UID numbers to check

$restrictionContainer : QueryRestrictionContainerInterface|null = null
Return values
array<string|int, int>

Returns the array of remaining page UID numbers


Generates a list of Page IDs from $startPageId. List does not include $startPageId itself.

public getDescendantPageIdsRecursive(int $startPageId, int $depth[, int $begin = 0 ][, array<string|int, mixed> $excludePageIds = [] ][, bool $bypassEnableFieldsCheck = false ]) : array<string|int, int>

Only works on default language level.

Pages that prevent looking for further subpages:

  • deleted pages
  • pages of the Backend User Section (doktype = 6) and recycler (doktype = 255) type
  • pages that have the extendToSubpages set, where starttime, endtime, hidden or fe_group would hide the pages

Apart from that, pages with enable-fields excluding them, will also be removed.

Mount Pages are descended, but note these ID numbers are not useful for links unless the correct MPvar is set.

$startPageId : int

The id of the start page from which point in the page tree to descend.

$depth : int

Maximum recursion depth. Use 100 or so to descend "infinitely". Stops when 0 is reached.

$begin : int = 0

An optional integer the level in the tree to start collecting. Zero means 'start right away', 1 = 'next level and out'

$excludePageIds : array<string|int, mixed> = []

Avoid collecting these pages and their possible subpages

$bypassEnableFieldsCheck : bool = false

If true, then enableFields and other checks are not evaluated

Return values
array<string|int, int>

Returns the list of Page IDs


Returns the redirect URL for the input page row IF the doktype is set to 3.

public getExtURL(array<string|int, mixed> $pagerow) : string|bool

since TYPO3 v12, will be removed in TYPO3 v13.0

$pagerow : array<string|int, mixed>

The page row to return URL type for

Return values

The URL from based on the data from "pages:url". False if not found.


Master helper method to overlay a record to a language.

public getLanguageOverlay(string $table, array<string|int, mixed> $originalRow[, LanguageAspect|null $languageAspect = null ]) : array<string|int, mixed>|null

Be aware that for pages the languageId is taken, and for all other records the contentId of the Aspect is used.

$table : string

the name of the table, should be a TCA table with localization enabled

$originalRow : array<string|int, mixed>

the current (full-fletched) record.

$languageAspect : LanguageAspect|null = null

an alternative language aspect if needed (optional)

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>|null

NULL If overlays were activated but no overlay was found and LanguageAspect was NOT set to MIXED


Returns an array with page rows for subpages of a certain page ID. This is used for menus in the frontend.

public getMenu(int|array<string|int, int> $pageId[, string $fields = '*' ][, string $sortField = 'sorting' ][, string $additionalWhereClause = '' ][, bool $checkShortcuts = true ][, bool $disableGroupAccessCheck = false ]) : array<string|int, mixed>

If there are mount points in overlay mode the _MP_PARAM field is set to the correct MPvar.

If the $pageId being input does in itself require MPvars to define a correct rootline these must be handled externally to this function.

$pageId : int|array<string|int, int>

The page id (or array of page ids) for which to fetch subpages (PID)

$fields : string = '*'

Fields to select, * is the default - If a custom list is set, make sure the list contains the uid field. It's mandatory for further processing of the result row.

$sortField : string = 'sorting'

The field to sort by. Default is "sorting

$additionalWhereClause : string = ''

Optional additional where clauses. Like "AND title like '%some text%'" for instance.

$checkShortcuts : bool = true

Check if shortcuts exist, checks by default

$disableGroupAccessCheck : bool = false
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

Array with key/value pairs; keys are page-uid numbers. values are the corresponding page records (with overlaid localized fields, if any)


Returns an array with page-rows for pages with uid in $pageIds.

public getMenuForPages(array<string|int, int> $pageIds[, string $fields = '*' ][, string $sortField = 'sorting' ][, string $additionalWhereClause = '' ][, bool $checkShortcuts = true ][, bool $disableGroupAccessCheck = false ]) : array<string|int, mixed>

This is used for menus. If there are mount points in overlay mode the _MP_PARAM field is set to the correct MPvar.

$pageIds : array<string|int, int>

Array of page ids to fetch

$fields : string = '*'

Fields to select, * is the default - If a custom list is set, make sure the list contains the uid field. It's mandatory for further processing of the result row.

$sortField : string = 'sorting'

The field to sort by. Default is "sorting"

$additionalWhereClause : string = ''

Optional additional where clauses. Like "AND title like '%some text%'" for instance.

$checkShortcuts : bool = true

Check if shortcuts exist, checks by default

$disableGroupAccessCheck : bool = false
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

Array with key/value pairs; keys are page-uid numbers. values are the corresponding page records (with overlaid localized fields, if any)


Returns a MountPoint array for the specified page

public getMountPointInfo(int $pageId[, array<string|int, mixed>|bool $pageRec = false ][, array<string|int, mixed> $prevMountPids = [] ][, int $firstPageUid = 0 ]) : mixed

Does a recursive search if the mounted page should be a mount page itself.


Recursive mount points are not supported by all parts of the core. The usage is discouraged. They may be removed from this method.

$pageId : int

Page id to do the lookup for.

$pageRec : array<string|int, mixed>|bool = false

Optional page record for the given page.

$prevMountPids : array<string|int, mixed> = []

Internal register to prevent lookup cycles.

$firstPageUid : int = 0

The first page id.


An array will be returned if mount pages are enabled, the correct doktype (7) is set for page and there IS a mount_pid with a valid record.

The optional page record must contain at least uid, pid, doktype, mount_pid,mount_pid_ol. If it is not supplied it will be looked up by the system at additional costs for the lookup.

Returns FALSE if no mount point was found, "-1" if there should have been one, but no connection to it, otherwise an array with information about mount pid and modes.

Return values

Mount point array or failure flags (-1, false).


Creating where-clause for checking group access to elements in enableFields function

public getMultipleGroupsWhereClause(string $field, string $table) : string
$field : string

Field with group list

$table : string

Table name

Return values

AND sql-clause


Loads the full page record for the given page ID.

public getPage(int $uid[, bool $disableGroupAccessCheck = false ]) : array<string|int, mixed>

The page record is either served from a first-level cache or loaded from the database. If no page can be found, an empty array is returned.

Language overlay and versioning overlay are applied. Mount Point handling is not done, an overlaid Mount Point is not replaced.

The result is conditioned by the public properties where_groupAccess and where_hid_del that are preset by the init() method.

$uid : int

The page id to look up

$disableGroupAccessCheck : bool = false

set to true to disable group access check


By default the usergroup access check is enabled. Use the second method argument to disable the usergroup access check.

The given UID can be preprocessed by registering a hook class that is implementing the PageRepositoryGetPageHookInterface into the configuration array $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SC_OPTIONS']['t3lib/class.t3lib_page.php']['getPage'].

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

The resulting page record with overlays or empty array


Return the $row for the page with uid = $uid WITHOUT checking for ->where_hid_del (start- and endtime or hidden). Only "deleted" is checked!

public getPage_noCheck(int $uid) : array<string|int, mixed>
$uid : int

The page id to look up

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

The page row with overlaid localized fields. Empty array if no page.


Perfect use case: get storage folders recursively, including the given Page IDs.

public getPageIdsRecursive(array<string|int, mixed> $pageIds, int $depth) : array<string|int, int>

Difference to "getDescendantPageIdsRecursive" is that this is used with multiple Page IDs, AND it includes the page IDs themselves.

$pageIds : array<string|int, mixed>
$depth : int
Return values
array<string|int, int>


Returns the relevant page overlay record fields

public getPageOverlay(mixed $pageInput[, int|LanguageAspect|null $language = null ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
$pageInput : mixed

If $pageInput is an integer, it's the pid of the pageOverlay record and thus the page overlay record is returned. If $pageInput is an array, it's a page-record and based on this page record the language record is found and OVERLAID before the page record is returned.

$language : int|LanguageAspect|null = null

language UID if you want to set an alternative value to $this->sys_language_uid which is default. Should be >=0

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

Page row which is overlaid with language_overlay record (or the overlay record alone)


Get page shortcut; Finds the records pointed to by input value $SC (the shortcut value)

public getPageShortcut(string $shortcutFieldValue, int $shortcutMode, int $thisUid[, int $iteration = 20 ][, array<string|int, mixed> $pageLog = [] ][, bool $disableGroupCheck = false ][, bool $resolveRandomPageShortcuts = true ]) : mixed
$shortcutFieldValue : string

The value of the "shortcut" field from the pages record

$shortcutMode : int

The shortcut mode: 1 will select first subpage, 2 a random subpage, 3 the parent page; default is the page pointed to by $SC

$thisUid : int

The current page UID of the page which is a shortcut

$iteration : int = 20

Safety feature which makes sure that the function is calling itself recursively max 20 times (since this function can find shortcuts to other shortcuts to other shortcuts...)

$pageLog : array<string|int, mixed> = []

An array filled with previous page uids tested by the function - new page uids are evaluated against this to avoid going in circles.

$disableGroupCheck : bool = false

If true, the group check is disabled when fetching the target page (needed e.g. for menu generation)

$resolveRandomPageShortcuts : bool = true

If true (default) this will also resolve shortcut to random subpages. In case of linking from a page to a shortcut page, we do not want to cache the "random" logic.

Return values

Returns the page record of the page that the shortcut pointed to. If $resolveRandomPageShortcuts = false, and the shortcut page is configured to point to a random shortcut then an empty array is returned


Returns the relevant page overlay record fields

public getPagesOverlay(array<string|int, mixed> $pagesInput[, int|LanguageAspect|null $language = null ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
$pagesInput : array<string|int, mixed>

Array of integers or array of arrays. If each value is an integer, it's the pids of the pageOverlay records and thus the page overlay records are returned. If each value is an array, it's page-records and based on this page records the language records are found and OVERLAID before the page records are returned.

$language : int|LanguageAspect|null = null

Language UID if you want to set an alternative value to $this->sys_language_uid which is default. Should be >=0

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

Page rows which are overlaid with language_overlay record. If the input was an array of integers, missing records are not included. If the input were page rows, untranslated pages are returned.


Returns record no matter what - except if record is deleted

public getRawRecord(string $table, int $uid[, string $fields = '*' ]) : mixed
$table : string

The table name to search

$uid : int

The uid to look up in $table

$fields : string = '*'

Fields to select, * is the default - If a custom list is set, make sure the list contains the uid field. It's mandatory for further processing of the result row.

Return values

Returns array (the record) if found, otherwise blank/0 (zero)


Select the version of a record for a workspace

public getWorkspaceVersionOfRecord(int $workspace, string $table, int $uid[, string $fields = '*' ][, bool $bypassEnableFieldsCheck = false ]) : mixed
$workspace : int

Workspace ID

$table : string

Table name to select from

$uid : int

Record uid for which to find workspace version.

$fields : string = '*'

Fields to select, * is the default - If a custom list is set, make sure the list contains the uid field. It's mandatory for further processing of the result row.

$bypassEnableFieldsCheck : bool = false

If TRUE, enablefields are not checked for.


this is a rather low-level method, it is recommended to use versionOL instead()

Return values

If found, return record, otherwise other value: Returns 1 if version was sought for but not found, returns -1/-2 if record (offline/online) existed but had enableFields that would disable it. Returns FALSE if not in workspace or no versioning for record. Notice, that the enablefields of the online record is also tested.


Checks whether the passed (translated or default language) page is accessible with the given language settings.

public isPageSuitableForLanguage(array<string|int, mixed> $page, LanguageAspect $languageAspect) : bool
$page : array<string|int, mixed>

the page translation record or the page in the default language

$languageAspect : LanguageAspect
Return values

true if the given page translation record is suited for the given language ID


Check if page is a shortcut, then resolve the target page directly.

public resolveShortcutPage(array<string|int, mixed> $page[, bool $resolveRandomSubpages = false ][, bool $disableGroupAccessCheck = false ]) : array<string|int, mixed>

This is a better method than "getPageShortcut()" and should be used instead, as this automatically checks for $page records and returns the shortcut pages directly.

This method also provides a runtime cache around resolving the shortcut resolving, in order to speed up link generation to the same shortcut page.

$page : array<string|int, mixed>
$resolveRandomSubpages : bool = false
$disableGroupAccessCheck : bool = false
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


Versioning Preview Overlay

public versionOL(string $table, array<string|int, mixed> &$row[, bool $unsetMovePointers = false ][, bool $bypassEnableFieldsCheck = false ]) : mixed

ONLY active when backend user is previewing records. MUST NEVER affect a site served which is not previewed by backend users!!!

Generally ALWAYS used when records are selected based on uid or pid. If records are selected on other fields than uid or pid (eg. "email = ....") then usage might produce undesired results and that should be evaluated on individual basis.

Principle: Record online! => Find offline?

$table : string

Table name

$row : array<string|int, mixed>

Record array passed by reference. As minimum, the "uid", "pid" and "t3ver_state" fields must exist! The record MAY be set to FALSE in which case the calling function should act as if the record is forbidden to access!

$unsetMovePointers : bool = false

If set, the $row is cleared in case it is a move-pointer. This is only for preview of moved records (to remove the record from the original location so it appears only in the new location)

$bypassEnableFieldsCheck : bool = false

Unless this option is TRUE, the $row is unset if enablefields for BOTH the version AND the online record deselects it. This is because when versionOL() is called it is assumed that the online record is already selected with no regards to it's enablefields. However, after looking for a new version the online record enablefields must ALSO be evaluated of course. This is done all by this function!



Replaces the given page record with mounted page if required

protected addMountPointParameterToPage(array<string|int, mixed> $page) : array<string|int, mixed>

If the given page record is a mount point in overlay mode, the page record is replaced by the record of the overlaying page. The overlay record is enriched by setting the mount point mapping into the field _MP_PARAM as string for example '23-14'.

In all other cases the given page record is returned as is.

$page : array<string|int, mixed>

The page record to handle.


Find a better name. The current doesn't hit the point.

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

The given page record or it's replacement.


If shortcut, look up if the target exists and is currently visible

protected checkValidShortcutOfPage(array<string|int, mixed> $page, string $additionalWhereClause) : array<string|int, mixed>
$page : array<string|int, mixed>

The page to check

$additionalWhereClause : string

Optional additional where clauses. Like "AND title like '%some text%'" for instance.

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


Returns the cleaned fallback chain from the current language aspect, if there is one.

protected getLanguageFallbackChain(LanguageAspect|null $languageAspect) : array<string|int, int>
$languageAspect : LanguageAspect|null
Return values
array<string|int, int>


Returns the first match of overlays for pages in the passed languages.

protected getPageOverlaysForLanguage(array<string|int, mixed> $pageUids, LanguageAspect $languageAspect) : array<string|int, mixed>

NOTE regarding the query restrictions: Currently the visibility aspect within the FrontendRestrictionContainer will allow page translation records to be selected as they are child-records of a page. However you may argue that the visibility flag should determine this. But that's not how it's done right now.

$pageUids : array<string|int, mixed>
$languageAspect : LanguageAspect

Used for the fallback chain

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


Creates language-overlay for records in general (where translation is found in records from the same table)

protected getRecordOverlay(string $table, array<string|int, mixed> $row[, LanguageAspect|int|null $languageAspect = null ][, string $OLmode = '' ]) : array<string|int, mixed>|null
$table : string

Table name

$row : array<string|int, mixed>

Record to overlay. Must contain uid, pid and $table]['ctrl']['languageField']

$languageAspect : LanguageAspect|int|null = null

Pointer to the site language id for content on the site.

$OLmode : string = ''

Overlay mode. If "hideNonTranslated" then records without translation will not be returned un-translated but unset (and return value is NULL) - will be removed in TYPOO3 v13.0.

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>|null

Returns the input record, possibly overlaid with a translation. But if overlays are not mixed ("fallback to default language") then it will return NULL if no translation is found.


Loads page records either by PIDs or by UIDs.

protected getSubpagesForPages(array<string|int, int> $pageIds[, string $fields = '*' ][, string $sortField = 'sorting' ][, string $additionalWhereClause = '' ][, bool $checkShortcuts = true ][, bool $parentPages = true ][, bool $disableGroupAccessCheck = false ]) : array<string|int, mixed>

By default the subpages of the given page IDs are loaded (as the method name suggests). If $parentPages is set to FALSE, the page records for the given page IDs are loaded directly.

Concerning the rationale, please see these two other methods:

$pageIds : array<string|int, int>

PIDs or UIDs to load records for

$fields : string = '*'

Fields to select, * is the default - If a custom list is set, make sure the list contains the uid field. It's mandatory for further processing of the result row.

$sortField : string = 'sorting'

the field to sort by

$additionalWhereClause : string = ''

optional additional WHERE clause

$checkShortcuts : bool = true

whether to check if shortcuts exist

$parentPages : bool = true

Switch to load pages (false) or child pages (true).

$disableGroupAccessCheck : bool = false

Version and language overlay are applied to the loaded records.

If a record is a mount point in overlay mode, the the overlaying page record is returned in place of the record. The record is enriched by the field _MP_PARAM containing the mount point mapping for the mount point.

The query can be customized by setting fields, sorting and additional WHERE clauses. If additional WHERE clauses are given, the clause must start with an operator, i.e: "AND title like '%some text%'".

The keys of the returned page records are the page UIDs.

CAUTION: In case of an overlaid mount point, it is the original UID.

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

page records


This is an internal (recursive) method which returns the Page IDs for a given $pageId.

protected getSubpagesRecursive(int $pageId, int $depth, int $begin, array<string|int, mixed> $excludePageIds, bool $bypassEnableFieldsCheck[, array<string|int, mixed> $prevId_array = [] ]) : array<string|int, int>

and also checks for permissions of the pages AND resolves mountpoints.

$pageId : int

must be a valid page record (this is not checked)

$depth : int
$begin : int
$excludePageIds : array<string|int, mixed>
$bypassEnableFieldsCheck : bool
$prevId_array : array<string|int, mixed> = []
Return values
array<string|int, int>


protected hasTableWorkspaceSupport(string $tableName) : bool
$tableName : string
Return values


init() MUST be run directly after creating a new template-object This sets the internal variable $this->where_hid_del to the correct where clause for page records taking deleted/hidden/starttime/endtime/t3ver_state into account

protected init(bool $show_hidden) : mixed
$show_hidden : bool

If $show_hidden is TRUE, the hidden-field is ignored!! Normally this should be FALSE. Is used for previewing.



Purges computed properties from database rows, such as _ORIG_uid or _ORIG_pid for instance.

protected purgeComputedProperties(array<string|int, mixed> $row) : array<string|int, mixed>
$row : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

On this page

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