HtmlCropper implements LoggerAwareInterface uses LoggerAwareTrait

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crop()  : string
Implements "cropHTML" which is a modified "substr" function allowing to limit a string length to a certain number of chars (from either start or end of string) and having a pre/postfix applied if the string really was cropped.



Implements "cropHTML" which is a modified "substr" function allowing to limit a string length to a certain number of chars (from either start or end of string) and having a pre/postfix applied if the string really was cropped.

public crop(string $content, int $numberOfChars, string $replacementForEllipsis, bool $cropToSpace) : string
$content : string

The string to perform the operation on

$numberOfChars : int

Max number of chars of the string. Negative value means cropping from end of string.

$replacementForEllipsis : string

The pre/postfix string to apply if cropping occurs.

$cropToSpace : bool

If true then crop will be applied at nearest space.

Return values

The processed input value.

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