
The main factory class, which acts as the entrypoint for generating an Icon object which is responsible for rendering an icon. Checks for the correct icon provider through the IconRegistry.

Table of Contents


$container  : ContainerInterface
$eventDispatcher  : EventDispatcherInterface
$iconCache  : array<string|int, mixed>
Runtime icon cache
$iconRegistry  : IconRegistry
$overlayPriorities  : array<string|int, string>
Order of priorities for overlays.
$recordStatusMapping  : array<string|int, string>
Mapping of record status to overlays.


__construct()  : mixed
clearIconCache()  : mixed
clear icon cache
getIcon()  : Icon
getIconForFileExtension()  : Icon
Get Icon for a file by its extension
getIconForRecord()  : Icon
This method is used throughout the TYPO3 Backend to show icons for a DB record
getIconForResource()  : Icon
This method is used throughout the TYPO3 Backend to show icons for files and folders
mapRecordTypeToIconIdentifier()  : string
This helper functions looks up the column that is used for the type of the chosen TCA table and then fetches the corresponding iconName based on the chosen icon class in this TCA.
createIcon()  : Icon
Creates an icon object
getIconForPlugin()  : string|null
Returns a possible configured icon for the given plugin name
getRecordTypeForPageType()  : string
Returns recordType for icon based on a typeName and a suffix.
mapRecordTypeToOverlayIdentifier()  : string
This helper function checks if the DB record ($row) has any special status based on the TCA settings like hidden, starttime etc, and then returns a specific icon overlay identifier for the overlay of this DB record This method solely takes care of the overlay of this record, not any type



protected ContainerInterface $container


protected EventDispatcherInterface $eventDispatcher


Runtime icon cache

protected static array<string|int, mixed> $iconCache = []


Order of priorities for overlays.

protected array<string|int, string> $overlayPriorities = []



Mapping of record status to overlays.

protected array<string|int, string> $recordStatusMapping = []




public __construct(EventDispatcherInterface $eventDispatcher, IconRegistry $iconRegistry, ContainerInterface $container) : mixed
$eventDispatcher : EventDispatcherInterface
$iconRegistry : IconRegistry
$container : ContainerInterface


clear icon cache

public clearIconCache() : mixed


public getIcon(string $identifier[, string $size = Icon::SIZE_MEDIUM ][, string $overlayIdentifier = null ][, IconState|null $state = null ]) : Icon
$identifier : string
$size : string = Icon::SIZE_MEDIUM

"default", "small", "medium" or "large", see the constants of the Icon class

$overlayIdentifier : string = null
$state : IconState|null = null
Return values


Get Icon for a file by its extension

public getIconForFileExtension(string $fileExtension[, string $size = Icon::SIZE_MEDIUM ][, string $overlayIdentifier = null ]) : Icon
$fileExtension : string
$size : string = Icon::SIZE_MEDIUM

"large" "small" or "default", see the constants of the Icon class

$overlayIdentifier : string = null
Return values


This method is used throughout the TYPO3 Backend to show icons for a DB record

public getIconForRecord(string $table, array<string|int, mixed> $row[, string $size = Icon::SIZE_MEDIUM ]) : Icon
$table : string

The TCA table name

$row : array<string|int, mixed>

The DB record of the TCA table

$size : string = Icon::SIZE_MEDIUM

"default", "small", "medium" or "large", see the constants of the Icon class

Return values


This method is used throughout the TYPO3 Backend to show icons for files and folders

public getIconForResource(ResourceInterface $resource[, string $size = Icon::SIZE_MEDIUM ][, string $overlayIdentifier = null ][, array<string|int, mixed> $options = [] ]) : Icon

The method takes care of the translation of file extension to proper icon and for folders it will return the icon depending on the role of the folder.

If the given resource is a folder there are some additional options that can be used:

  • mount-root => TRUE (to indicate this is the root of a mount)
  • folder-open => TRUE (to indicate that the folder is opened in the file tree)

There is a hook in place to manipulate the icon name and overlays.

$resource : ResourceInterface
$size : string = Icon::SIZE_MEDIUM

"large" "small" or "default", see the constants of the Icon class

$overlayIdentifier : string = null
$options : array<string|int, mixed> = []

An associative array with additional options.

Return values


This helper functions looks up the column that is used for the type of the chosen TCA table and then fetches the corresponding iconName based on the chosen icon class in this TCA.

public mapRecordTypeToIconIdentifier(string $table, array<string|int, mixed> $row) : string

The TCA looks up

  • [ctrl][typeicon_column]

This method solely takes care of the type of this record, not any statuses used for overlays.

see EXT:core/Configuration/TCA/pages.php for an example with the TCA table "pages"

$table : string

The TCA table

$row : array<string|int, mixed>

The selected record


make this method protected, after FormEngine doesn't need it anymore.

Return values

The icon identifier string for the icon of that DB record


Creates an icon object

protected createIcon(string $identifier, string $size[, string $overlayIdentifier = null ][, array<string|int, mixed> $iconConfiguration = [] ]) : Icon
$identifier : string
$size : string

"large", "small" or "default", see the constants of the Icon class

$overlayIdentifier : string = null
$iconConfiguration : array<string|int, mixed> = []

the icon configuration array

Return values


Returns a possible configured icon for the given plugin name

protected getIconForPlugin(string $pluginName) : string|null
$pluginName : string
Return values


Returns recordType for icon based on a typeName and a suffix.

protected getRecordTypeForPageType(string $typeName, string $suffix, string $table[, string $fallbackTypeName = '1' ]) : string

Fallback to page as typeName if resulting type is not configured.

$typeName : string
$suffix : string
$table : string
$fallbackTypeName : string = '1'
Return values


This helper function checks if the DB record ($row) has any special status based on the TCA settings like hidden, starttime etc, and then returns a specific icon overlay identifier for the overlay of this DB record This method solely takes care of the overlay of this record, not any type

protected mapRecordTypeToOverlayIdentifier(string $table, array<string|int, mixed> $row) : string
$table : string

The TCA table

$row : array<string|int, mixed>

The selected record

Return values

The status with the highest priority

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