IncludeTreeConditionMatcherVisitor implements IncludeTreeVisitorInterface, LoggerAwareInterface uses LoggerAwareTrait


A visitor that looks at IncludeConditionInterface nodes and evaluates their conditions.

Condition matching is done in visitBeforeChildren() to be used in combination with ConditionVerdictAwareIncludeTreeTraverser, so children are only traversed for conditions that evaluated true.


Internal tree structure.

Table of Contents


A visitor that can be attached to IncludeTreeTraverser's.


__construct()  : mixed
getConditionListWithVerdicts()  : array<string|int, mixed>
A list of all handled conditions with their verdicts.
initializeExpressionMatcherWithVariables()  : void
Prepare the core expression language Resolver class - our API to symfony expression language - for typoscript context usage.
visit()  : void
Main visit method called for each node.
visitBeforeChildren()  : void
Let symfony expression language handle the expression, gather expressions that have been handled since they influence page caching, negate expression verdicts if they're a [else] expression.



A list of all handled conditions with their verdicts.

public getConditionListWithVerdicts() : array<string|int, mixed>

This is used in FE since condition verdicts influence page caches.

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


Prepare the core expression language Resolver class - our API to symfony expression language - for typoscript context usage.

public initializeExpressionMatcherWithVariables(array<string|int, mixed> $variables) : void

The method gets a series of variables hand over coming from caller scope like rootline, page array and eventually a request object. These vars are munged around a bit and enriched with a series of semi-static state variables: Things that can be injected like derived from context, for example frontend / backend user, workspace and similar. This ensures all typoscript 'conditions' receive similar structured data.

$variables : array<string|int, mixed>


Let symfony expression language handle the expression, gather expressions that have been handled since they influence page caching, negate expression verdicts if they're a [else] expression.

public visitBeforeChildren(IncludeInterface $include, int $currentDepth) : void
$include : IncludeInterface
$currentDepth : int

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