ConstantAwareTokenStream extends AbstractTokenStream


A list of single T_VALUE, T_NEWLINE and T_CONSTANT tokens. This is only created for LineIdentifierAssignment lines if there is at least one T_CONSTANT token in the assignment that needs to be evaluated when string'ified by the AST-builder.


Internal tokenizer structure.

Table of Contents


$currentIndex  : int
$tokens  : array<string|int, TokenInterface>


__serialize()  : array<string|int, mixed>
When storing to cache, we only store FE relevant properties and skip irrelevant things. For instance $currentIndex should always initialize to -1 and does not need to be stored.
__toString()  : string
Create a source string from given tokens.
append()  : self
Stream creation.
getAll()  : array<string|int, TokenInterface>
Only used internally when one Stream is transferred to another, in particular when a TokenStream is turned into TokenStreamConstantAware.
getNext()  : TokenInterface|null
Get next token and raise pointer.
isEmpty()  : bool
We sometimes create a stream but don't add tokens.
peekNext()  : TokenInterface|null
Get next token but do not raise pointer.
reset()  : static
Reset current pointer. Typically, call this before iterating with getNext().
setAll()  : self
Only used internally when one Stream is transferred to another, in particular when a TokenStream is turned into TokenStreamConstantAware.
setFlatConstants()  : void
Set by the AstBuilder to resolve constant values. Never cached.
serialize()  : array<string|int, mixed>



protected int $currentIndex = -1



When storing to cache, we only store FE relevant properties and skip irrelevant things. For instance $currentIndex should always initialize to -1 and does not need to be stored.

public final __serialize() : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


Create a source string from given tokens.

public __toString() : string

This resolves T_CONSTANT tokens to their value if they exist in $this->flatConstants.

Return values


Only used internally when one Stream is transferred to another, in particular when a TokenStream is turned into TokenStreamConstantAware.

public getAll() : array<string|int, TokenInterface>
Return values
array<string|int, TokenInterface>


We sometimes create a stream but don't add tokens.

public isEmpty() : bool

This method returns true if tokens have been added.

Return values


Reset current pointer. Typically, call this before iterating with getNext().

public reset() : static
Return values


Only used internally when one Stream is transferred to another, in particular when a TokenStream is turned into TokenStreamConstantAware.

public setAll(array<string|int, mixed> $tokens) : self
$tokens : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values


Set by the AstBuilder to resolve constant values. Never cached.

public setFlatConstants(array<string|int, mixed> $flatConstants) : void
$flatConstants : array<string|int, mixed>


protected serialize() : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

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