CssViewHelper extends AbstractTagBasedViewHelper


This class is the implementation of a Fluid ViewHelper.

View this class in the TYPO3 ViewHelper reference: <f:asset.css>


ViewHelper to add CSS to the TYPO3 AssetCollector. Either a file or inline CSS can be added.



<f:asset.css identifier="identifier123" href="EXT:my_ext/Resources/Public/Css/foo.css" /> <f:asset.css identifier="identifier123"> .foo { color: black; } </f:asset.css>


In the AssetCollector, the "identifier" attribute is used as a unique identifier. Thus, if assets are added multiple times using the same identifier, the asset will only be served once (the last added overrides previous assets).

Some available attributes are defaults but do not make sense for this ViewHelper. Relevant attributes specific for this ViewHelper are: as, crossorigin, disabled, href, hreflang, importance, integrity, media, referrerpolicy, sizes, type, nonce.

Table of Contents


$assetCollector  : AssetCollector
$escapeChildren  : bool
Rendered children string is passed as CSS code, there is no point in HTML encoding anything from that.
$escapeOutput  : bool
This VH does not produce direct output, thus does not need to be wrapped in an escaping node


initialize()  : void
initializeArguments()  : void
injectAssetCollector()  : void
render()  : string



Rendered children string is passed as CSS code, there is no point in HTML encoding anything from that.

protected bool $escapeChildren = true


This VH does not produce direct output, thus does not need to be wrapped in an escaping node

protected bool $escapeOutput = false



public initializeArguments() : void


public render() : string
Return values

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