HtmlViewHelper extends AbstractViewHelper uses CompileWithRenderStatic


This class is the implementation of a Fluid ViewHelper.

View this class in the TYPO3 ViewHelper reference: <f:format.html>


Renders a string by passing it to a TYPO3 `parseFunc`_.

You can either specify a path to the TypoScript setting or set the parseFunc_ options directly. By default :typoscript:lib.parseFunc_RTE is used to parse the string.

The view helper must not be used in backend context, as it triggers frontend logic. Instead, use :html:<f:sanitize.html /> to secure a given HTML string or :html:<f:transform.html /> to parse links in HTML.


Default parameters


<f:format.html>{$myConstant.project} is a cool CMS (TYPO3).</f:format.html>


TYPO3 is a cool CMS (TYPO3).

Depending on TYPO3 constants.

Custom parseFunc


<f:format.html parseFuncTSPath="lib.parseFunc">TYPO3 is a cool CMS (TYPO3).</f:format.html>


TYPO3 is a cool CMS (TYPO3).

Data argument

If you work with TypoScript :typoscript:field property, you should add the current record as data to the ViewHelper to allow processing the field and dataWrap properties correctly.


<f:format.html data="{newsRecord}" parseFuncTSPath="">News title: </f:format.html>

After "dataWrap = |{FIELD:title}" you may have this Output::

News title: TYPO3, greatest CMS ever

Current argument

Use the current argument to set the current value of the content object.


<f:format.html current="{strContent}" parseFuncTSPath="">I'm gone</f:format.html>

After setContentToCurrent = 1 you may have this output::

Thanks Kasper for this great CMS

CurrentValueKey argument

Use the currentValueKey argument to define a value of data object as the current value.


<f:format.html data="{contentRecord}" currentValueKey="header" parseFuncTSPath="lib.content">Content: </f:format.html>

After dataWrap = |{CURRENT:1} you may have this Output::

Content: How to install TYPO3 in under 2 minutes ;-)

Inline notation


{someText -> f:format.html(parseFuncTSPath: 'lib.parseFunc')}


TYPO3 is a cool CMS (TYPO3).

.. _parseFunc:

Table of Contents


$escapeChildren  : bool
Children must not be escaped, to be able to pass {bodytext} directly to it
$escapeOutput  : bool
Plain HTML should be returned, no output escaping allowed


initializeArguments()  : void
renderStatic()  : string
resetFrontendEnvironment()  : void
Resets $GLOBALS['TSFE'] if it was previously changed by simulateFrontendEnvironment()
simulateFrontendEnvironment()  : TypoScriptFrontendController|null
Copies the specified parseFunc configuration to $GLOBALS['TSFE']->tmpl->setup in Backend mode.



Children must not be escaped, to be able to pass {bodytext} directly to it

protected bool $escapeChildren = false


Plain HTML should be returned, no output escaping allowed

protected bool $escapeOutput = false



public initializeArguments() : void


public static renderStatic(array<string|int, mixed> $arguments, Closure $renderChildrenClosure, RenderingContextInterface $renderingContext) : string
$arguments : array<string|int, mixed>
$renderChildrenClosure : Closure
$renderingContext : RenderingContextInterface
Return values


Copies the specified parseFunc configuration to $GLOBALS['TSFE']->tmpl->setup in Backend mode.

protected static simulateFrontendEnvironment() : TypoScriptFrontendController|null

This somewhat hacky work around is currently needed because ContentObjectRenderer->parseFunc() relies on those variables to be set.

Return values

The 'old' backed up $GLOBALS['TSFE'] or null

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