ContentObjectRenderer implements LoggerAwareInterface uses LoggerAwareTrait, DefaultJavaScriptAssetTrait
This class contains all main TypoScript features, is the backbone of TypoScript rendering, include stdWrap and TypoScript content objects, usually referred to as "cObj".
When you call your own PHP-code typically through a USER or USER_INT cObject then it is this class that instantiates the object and calls the main method.
Table of Contents
- LoggerAwareInterface
- Indicates that object type is USER.
- Indicates that object type is USER.
- $checkPid_badDoktypeList : string|int
- $currentRecord : string
- This is set to the [table]:[uid] of the record delivered in the $data-array, if the cObjects CONTENT or RECORD is in operation.
- $currentRecordNumber : int
- Incremented in RecordsContentObject and ContentContentObject before each record rendering.
- $currentValKey : string
- $data : array<string|int, mixed>
- Loaded with the current data-record.
- $doConvertToUserIntObject : bool
- Set to TRUE by doConvertToUserIntObject() if USER object wants to become USER_INT
- $lastTypoLinkLD : array<string|int, mixed>
- $lastTypoLinkResult : LinkResultInterface|null
- $lastTypoLinkTarget : string
- DO. link target.
- $lastTypoLinkUrl : string
- This will be set by typoLink() to the url of the most recent link created.
- $parameters : array<string|int, mixed>
- Used by the parseFunc function and is loaded with tag-parameters when parsing tags.
- $parentRecord : array<string|int, mixed>
- If the ContentObjectRender was started from ContentContentObject, RecordsContentObject or SearchResultContentObject this array has two keys, 'data' and 'currentRecord' which indicates the record and data for the parent cObj.
- $parentRecordNumber : int
- Incremented in RecordsContentObject and ContentContentObject before each record rendering.
- $stdWrapOrder : array<string|int, string>
- stdWrap functions in their correct order
- $container : ContainerInterface|null
- $currentFile : File|FileReference|Folder|string|null
- $defaultFrontendJavaScriptFile : string
- $getImgResourceHookObjects : array<string|int, mixed>
- Containing hook objects for getImgResource
- $stdWrapHookObjects : array<string|int, mixed>
- Containing hook objects for stdWrap
- $stdWrapRecursionLevel : int
- $stopRendering : array<string|int, mixed>
- $table : string
- $typoScriptFrontendController : TypoScriptFrontendController|null
- $userObjectType : int|bool
- Indicates current object type. Can hold one of OBJECTTYPE_ constants or FALSE.
- __construct() : mixed
- __sleep() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Prevent several objects from being serialized.
- __wakeup() : mixed
- Restore currentFile from hash.
- calc() : int
- Performs basic mathematical evaluation of the input string. Does NOT take parenthesis and operator precedence into account! (for that, see \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\MathUtility::calculateWithPriorityToAdditionAndSubtraction())
- calcAge() : string
- Returns the 'age' of the tstamp $seconds
- callUserFunction() : mixed
- Calling a user function/class-method Notice: For classes the instantiated object will have the internal variable, $cObj, set to be a *reference* to $this (the parent/calling object).
- caseshift() : string
- Changing character case of a string, converting typically used western charset characters as well.
- checkIf() : bool
- Compares values together based on the settings in the input TypoScript array and returns the comparison result.
- checkPidArray() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Removes Page UID numbers from the input array which are not available due to enableFields() or the list of bad doktype numbers ($this->checkPid_badDoktypeList)
- cObjGet() : string
- Rendering of a "numerical array" of cObjects from TypoScript Will call ->cObjGetSingle() for each cObject found and accumulate the output.
- cObjGetSeparated() : array<int, string>
- Rendering of a "numerical array" of cObjects from TypoScript Will call ->cObjGetSingle() for each cObject found.
- cObjGetSingle() : string
- Renders a content object
- convertToUserIntObject() : mixed
- Requests the current USER object to be converted to USER_INT.
- createLink() : LinkResultInterface
- Similar to ->typoLink(), however it does not evaluate the .wrap and .ATagBeforeWrap functionality.
- createUrl() : string
- This method creates a typoLink() and just returns the information of the "href" attribute of the link (most of the time, this is the URL).
- crop() : string
- Implements the stdWrap property "crop" which is a modified "substr" function allowing to limit a string length to a certain number of chars (from either start or end of string) and having a pre/postfix applied if the string really was cropped.
- cropHTML() : string
- Implements the stdWrap property "cropHTML" which is a modified "substr" function allowing to limit a string length to a certain number of chars (from either start or end of string) and having a pre/postfix applied if the string really was cropped.
- dataWrap() : string
- Wrapping input value in a regular "wrap" but parses the wrapping value first for "insertData" codes.
- encaps_lineSplit() : string
- Lets you split the content by LF and process each line independently. Used to format content made with the RTE.
- exec_getQuery() : Result
- Executes a SELECT query for records from $table and with conditions based on the configuration in the $conf array This function is preferred over ->getQuery() if you just need to create and then execute a query.
- getATagParams() : string
- An abstraction method to add parameters to an A tag.
- getContentObject() : AbstractContentObject|null
- Returns a new content object of type $name.
- getCurrentFile() : File|FileReference|Folder|string|null
- Gets the current file object during iterations over files.
- getCurrentTable() : string
- Returns the current table
- getCurrentVal() : mixed
- Returns the "current" value.
- getData() : string
- Implements the TypoScript data type "getText". This takes a string with parameters and based on those a value from somewhere in the system is returned.
- getFieldVal() : string|null
- Returns the value for the field from $this->data. If "//" is found in the $field value that token will split the field values apart and the first field having a non-blank value will be returned.
- getGlobal() : mixed
- Return global variable where the input string $var defines array keys separated by "|" Example: $var = "HTTP_SERVER_VARS | something" will return the value $GLOBALS['HTTP_SERVER_VARS']['something'] value
- getImgResource() : array<string|int, mixed>|null
- Creates and returns a TypoScript "imgResource".
- getKey() : int
- Processing of key values pointing to entries in $arr; Here negative values are converted to positive keys pointer to an entry in the array but from behind (based on the negative value).
: array{0: string, 1: string, 2: array
} - getQuery() : mixed
- Creates and returns a SELECT query for records from $table and with conditions based on the configuration in the $conf array Implements the "select" function in TypoScript
- getQueryArguments() : string
- Gets the query arguments and assembles them for URLs.
- getQueryMarkers() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Builds list of marker values for handling PDO-like parameter markers in select parts.
- getRecords() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Executes a SELECT query for records from $table and with conditions based on the configuration in the $conf array and overlays with translation and version if available
- getRequest() : ServerRequestInterface
- getSlidePids() : string
- Returns all parents of the given PID (Page UID) list
- getTreeList() : string
- Generates a list of Page-uid's from $id. List does not include $id itself (unless the id specified is negative in which case it does!) The only pages WHICH PREVENTS DECENDING in a branch are - deleted pages, - pages in a recycler (doktype = 255) or of the Backend User Section (doktpe = 6) type - pages that has the extendToSubpages set, WHERE start/endtime, hidden and fe_users would hide the records.
- getTypoLink() : string
- Returns a linked string made from typoLink parameters.
- getTypoLink_URL() : string
- Returns the URL of a "typolink" create from the input parameter string, url-parameters and target
- getTypoScriptFrontendController() : TypoScriptFrontendController|null
- getUrlToCurrentLocation() : string
- Returns the canonical URL to the current "location", which include the current page ID and type and optionally the query string
- getUserObjectType() : mixed
- Retrieves a type of object called as USER or USER_INT. Object can detect their type by using this call. It returns OBJECTTYPE_USER_INT or OBJECTTYPE_USER depending on the current object execution. In all other cases it will return FALSE to indicate a call out of context.
- HTMLcaseshift() : string
- Shifts the case of characters outside of HTML tags in the input string
- HTMLparser_TSbridge() : string
- Passes the input value, $theValue, to an instance of "\TYPO3\CMS\Core\Html\HtmlParser" together with the TypoScript options which are first converted from a TS style array to a set of arrays with options for the \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Html\HtmlParser class.
- imageLinkWrap() : string
- Wraps the input string in link-tags that opens the image in a new window.
- insertData() : string
- Implements the "insertData" property of stdWrap meaning that if strings matching {...} is found in the input string they will be substituted with the return value from getData (datatype) which is passed the content of the curly braces.
- keywords() : string
- Cleans up a string of keywords. Keywords at splitted by "," (comma) ";" (semi colon) and linebreak
- lastChanged() : mixed
- Sets the SYS_LASTCHANGED timestamp if input timestamp is larger than current value.
- listNum() : string
- Explode a string by the $delimeter value and return the value of index $listNum
- mergeTSRef() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Resolve a TypoScript reference value to the full set of properties BUT overridden with any local properties set.
- noTrimWrap() : string
- Wrapping a string, preserving whitespace in wrap value.
- numberFormat() : string
- Implements the stdWrap property "numberFormat" This is a Wrapper function for php's number_format()
- numRows() : int
- Returns number of rows selected by the query made by the properties set.
- parseFunc() : string
- Implements the stdWrap property, "parseFunc".
- prefixComment() : string
- Returns a HTML comment with the second part of input string (divided by "|") where first part is an integer telling how many trailing tabs to put before the comment on a new line.
- readFlexformIntoConf() : mixed
- Converts a given config in Flexform to a conf-array
- render() : string
- Renders a content object by taking exception and cache handling into consideration
- rootLineValue() : string
- Returns a value from the current rootline (site) from $GLOBALS['TSFE']->config['rootLine'];
- searchWhere() : string
- Generates a search where clause based on the input search words (AND operation - all search words must be found in record.) Example: The $sw is "content management, system" (from an input form) and the $searchFieldList is "bodytext,header" then the output will be ' AND (bodytext LIKE "%content%" OR header LIKE "%content%") AND (bodytext LIKE "%management%" OR header LIKE "%management%") AND (bodytext LIKE "%system%" OR header LIKE "%system%")'
- setCurrentFile() : mixed
- Sets the current file object during iterations over files.
- setCurrentVal() : mixed
- Sets the "current" value.
- setParent() : mixed
- Sets the internal variable parentRecord with information about current record.
- setRequest() : void
- setUserObjectType() : mixed
- Sets the user object type
- splitObj() : string
- Implements the "split" property of stdWrap; Splits a string based on a token (given in TypoScript properties), sets the "current" value to each part and then renders a content object pointer to by a number.
- start() : mixed
- Class constructor.
- stdWrap() : string|null
- The "stdWrap" function. This is the implementation of what is known as "stdWrap properties" in TypoScript.
- stdWrap_addPageCacheTags() : string
- Add tags to page cache (comma-separated list)
- stdWrap_age() : string
- age Will return the age of a given timestamp based on configuration given by stdWrap properties
- stdWrap_append() : string
- append A content object that will be appended to the current content after most of the wraps have already been applied
- stdWrap_br() : string
- br Searches for single line breaks and replaces them with a <br />/<br> tag according to the doctype
- stdWrap_brTag() : string
- brTag Searches for single line feeds and replaces them with the given value
- stdWrap_bytes() : string
- bytes Will return the size of a given number in Bytes *
- stdWrap_cacheRead() : string
- Check if content was cached before (depending on the given cache key)
- stdWrap_cacheStore() : string
- Store content into cache
- stdWrap_case() : string
- case Will transform the content to be upper or lower case only Leaves HTML tags untouched
- stdWrap_char() : string
- char Returns a one-character string containing the character specified by ascii code.
- stdWrap_cObject() : string
- cObject Will replace the content with the value of an official TypoScript cObject like TEXT, COA, HMENU
- stdWrap_crop() : string
- crop Crops content to a given size without caring about HTML tags
- stdWrap_cropHTML() : string
- cropHTML Crops content to a given size while leaving HTML tags untouched
- stdWrap_csConv() : string
- stdWrap csConv: Converts the input to UTF-8
- stdWrap_current() : string
- current Gets content that has been previously set as 'current' Can be set via setContentToCurrent or setCurrent or will be set automatically i.e. inside the split function
- stdWrap_data() : string
- Gets content from different sources based on getText functions.
- stdWrap_dataWrap() : string
- dataWrap Sixth of a set of different wraps which will be applied in a certain order before or after other functions that modify the content Can fetch additional content the same way data does (i.e. {field:whatever}) and apply it to the wrap before that is applied to the content
- stdWrap_date() : string
- date Will return a formatted date based on configuration given according to PHP date/gmdate properties Will return gmdate when the property GMT returns TRUE
- stdWrap_debug() : string
- debug Will output the content as readable HTML code
- stdWrap_debugData() : string
- debugData Will output the data used by the current record in a debug table
- stdWrap_debugFunc() : string
- debugFunc Will output the content in a debug table
- stdWrap_doubleBrTag() : string
- doubleBrTag Searches for double line breaks and replaces them with the given value
- stdWrap_encapsLines() : string
- encapsLines Modifies text blocks by searching for lines which are not surrounded by HTML tags yet and wrapping them with values given by stdWrap properties
- stdWrap_encodeForJavaScriptValue() : string
- encodeForJavaScriptValue Escapes content to be used inside JavaScript strings. Single quotes are added around the value.
- stdWrap_expandList() : string
- expandList Will return a formatted number based on configuration given as stdWrap properties
- stdWrap_field() : string|null
- field Gets content from a DB field
- stdWrap_fieldRequired() : string
- fieldRequired Will immediately stop rendering and return an empty value when there is no content in the field given by fieldRequired
- stdWrap_formattedDate() : string
- php-intl dateformatted Will return a timestamp based on configuration given according to PHP-intl DateFormatter->format() see
- stdWrap_hash() : string
- Will return a hashed value of the current content
- stdWrap_HTMLparser() : string
- HTMLparser Will parse HTML content based on functions given as stdWrap properties Heavily used together with RTE based content
- stdWrap_htmlSanitize() : string
- stdWrap_htmlSpecialChars() : string
- htmlSpecialChars Transforms HTML tags to readable text by replacing special characters with their HTML entity When preserveEntities returns TRUE, existing entities will be left untouched
- stdWrap_if() : string
- if Will immediately stop rendering and return an empty value when the result of the checks returns FALSE
- stdWrap_ifBlank() : string
- ifBlank Will set content to a replacement value in case the trimmed value of content has no length 0 (zero) will not be replaced
- stdWrap_ifEmpty() : string
- ifEmpty Will set content to a replacement value in case the trimmed value of content returns FALSE 0 (zero) will be replaced as well
- stdWrap_ifNull() : string
- ifNull Will set content to a replacement value in case the value of content is NULL
- stdWrap_innerWrap() : string
- innerWrap First of a set of different wraps which will be applied in a certain order before or after other functions that modify the content See wrap
- stdWrap_innerWrap2() : string
- innerWrap2 Second of a set of different wraps which will be applied in a certain order before or after other functions that modify the content See wrap
- stdWrap_insertData() : string
- insertData Can fetch additional content the same way data does and replaces any occurrence of {field:whatever} with this content
- stdWrap_intval() : string
- intval Will return an integer value of the current content
- stdWrap_keywords() : string
- keywords Transforms content into a CSV list to be used i.e. as keywords within a meta tag
- stdWrap_lang() : string
- lang Translates content based on the language currently used by the FE
- stdWrap_listNum() : string
- listNum Gets a value off a CSV list after ifEmpty check Might return an empty value in case the CSV does not contain a value at the position given by listNum Use preIfEmptyListNum to avoid that behaviour
- stdWrap_noTrimWrap() : string
- noTrimWrap Fourth of a set of different wraps which will be applied in a certain order before or after other functions that modify the content The major difference to any other wrap is, that this one can make use of whitespace without trimming *
- stdWrap_numberFormat() : string
- numberFormat Will return a formatted number based on configuration given as stdWrap properties
- stdWrap_numRows() : string
- numRows Counts the number of returned records of a DB operation makes use of select internally
- stdWrap_orderedStdWrap() : string
- orderedStdWrap Calls stdWrap for each entry in the provided array
- stdWrap_outerWrap() : string
- outerWrap Eighth of a set of different wraps which will be applied in a certain order before or after other functions that modify the content
- stdWrap_override() : string
- override Will override the current value of content with its own value'
- stdWrap_parseFunc() : string
- parseFunc Will parse the content based on functions given as stdWrap properties Heavily used together with RTE based content
- stdWrap_postCObject() : string
- postCObject A content object that is appended to the current content but between the innerWraps and the rest of the wraps
- stdWrap_postUserFunc() : string
- postUserFunc Will execute a user function after the content has been modified by any other stdWrap function
- stdWrap_postUserFuncInt() : string
- postUserFuncInt Will execute a user function after the content has been created and each time it is fetched from Cache The result of this function itself will not be cached
- stdWrap_preCObject() : string
- preCObject A content object that is prepended to the current content but between the innerWraps and the rest of the wraps
- stdWrap_prefixComment() : string
- prefixComment Will add HTML comments to the content to make it easier to identify certain content elements within the HTML output later on
- stdWrap_preIfEmptyListNum() : string
- preIfEmptyListNum Gets a value off a CSV list before the following ifEmpty check Makes sure that the result of ifEmpty will be TRUE in case the CSV does not contain a value at the position given by preIfEmptyListNum
- stdWrap_prepend() : string
- prepend A content object that will be prepended to the current content after most of the wraps have already been applied
- stdWrap_preUserFunc() : string
- preUserFunc Will execute a user public function before the content will be modified by any other stdWrap function
- stdWrap_prioriCalc() : string
- prioriCalc Will use the content as a mathematical term and calculate the result Can be set to 1 to just get a calculated value or 'intval' to get the integer of the result
- stdWrap_rawUrlEncode() : string
- rawUrlEncode Encodes content to be used within URLs
- stdWrap_replacement() : string
- replacement Will execute replacements on the content (optionally with preg-regex)
- stdWrap_required() : string
- required Will immediately stop rendering and return an empty value when there is no content at this point
- stdWrap_round() : string
- stdWrap_round will return a rounded number with ceil(), floor() or round(), defaults to round() Only the english number format is supported . (dot) as decimal point
- stdWrap_setContentToCurrent() : string
- setContentToCurrent actually it just does the contrary: Sets the value of 'current' based on current content
- stdWrap_setCurrent() : string
- setCurrent Sets the value of 'current' based on the outcome of stdWrap operations
- stdWrap_split() : string
- split Will split the content by a given token and treat the results separately Automatically fills 'current' with a single result
- stdWrap_stdWrap() : string
- stdWrap A recursive call of the stdWrap function set This enables the user to execute stdWrap functions in another than the predefined order It modifies the content, not the property while the new feature of chained stdWrap functions modifies the property and not the content
- stdWrap_stdWrapOverride() : string
- stdWrap override hook can be used by extensions authors to modify the behaviour of stdWrap functions to their needs this hook will execute functions on existing content but still before the content gets modified or replaced
- stdWrap_stdWrapPostProcess() : string
- stdWrap post process hook can be used by extensions authors to modify the behaviour of stdWrap functions to their needs this hook executes functions at after the content has been modified by the rest of the stdWrap functions but still before debugging
- stdWrap_stdWrapPreProcess() : string
- stdWrap pre process hook can be used by extensions authors to modify the behaviour of stdWrap functions to their needs this hook will execute functions before any other stdWrap function can modify anything
- stdWrap_stdWrapProcess() : string
- stdWrap process hook can be used by extensions authors to modify the behaviour of stdWrap functions to their needs this hook executes functions directly after the recursive stdWrap function call but still before the content gets modified
- stdWrap_strftime() : string
- strftime Will return a formatted date based on configuration given according to PHP strftime/gmstrftime properties Will return gmstrftime when the property GMT returns TRUE
- stdWrap_stripHtml() : string
- stripHtml Completely removes HTML tags from content
- stdWrap_strPad() : string
- strPad Will return a string padded left/right/on both sides, based on configuration given as stdWrap properties
- stdWrap_strtotime() : string
- strtotime Will return a timestamp based on configuration given according to PHP strtotime
- stdWrap_substring() : string
- substring Will return a substring based on position information given by stdWrap properties
- stdWrap_trim() : string
- trim Cuts off any whitespace at the beginning and the end of the content
- stdWrap_typolink() : string
- typolink Wraps the content with a link tag URLs and other attributes are created automatically by the values given in the stdWrap properties See wrap
- stdWrap_wrap() : string
- wrap This is the "mother" of all wraps Third of a set of different wraps which will be applied in a certain order before or after other functions that modify the content Basically it will put additional content before and after the current content using a split character as a placeholder for the current content The default split character is | but it can be replaced with other characters by the property splitChar Any other wrap that does not have own splitChar settings will be using the default split char though
- stdWrap_wrap2() : string
- wrap2 Fifth of a set of different wraps which will be applied in a certain order before or after other functions that modify the content The default split character is | but it can be replaced with other characters by the property splitChar
- stdWrap_wrap3() : string
- wrap3 Seventh of a set of different wraps which will be applied in a certain order before or after other functions that modify the content The default split character is | but it can be replaced with other characters by the property splitChar
- stdWrap_wrapAlign() : string
- wrapAlign Wraps content with a div container having the style attribute text-align set to the given value See wrap
- stdWrapValue() : string|int|bool|null
- Gets a configuration value by passing them through stdWrap first and taking a default value if stdWrap doesn't yield a result.
- substring() : string
- Implements the stdWrap property "substring" which is basically a TypoScript implementation of the PHP function, substr()
- typoLink() : string|LinkResult
- Implements the "typolink" property of stdWrap (and others) Basically the input string, $linkText, is (typically) wrapped in a <a>-tag linking to some page, email address, file or URL based on a parameter defined by the configuration array $conf.
- typoLink_URL() : string
- Based on the input "TypoLink" TypoScript configuration this will return the generated URL
- wrap() : string
- Wrapping a string.
- addDefaultFrontendJavaScript() : void
- calculateCacheKey() : string
- Applies stdWrap to the cache key
- calculateCacheLifetime() : int|null
- Calculates the lifetime of a cache entry based on the given configuration
- calculateCacheTags() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Calculates the tags for a cache entry bases on the given configuration
- createCropAreaFromJsonString() : Area
- Takes a JSON string and creates CropVariantCollection and fetches the corresponding CropArea for that.
- createExceptionHandler() : ExceptionHandlerInterface|null
- Creates the content object exception handler from local content object configuration or, from global configuration if not explicitly disabled in local configuration
- determineExceptionHandlerClassName() : string|null
- Determine exception handler class name from global and content object configuration
- getContentLengthOfCurrentTag() : int
- Get content length of the current tag that could also contain nested tag contents
- getCropAreaFromFileReference() : Area|null
- Returns an ImageManipulation\Area object for the given cropVariant (or 'default') or null if the crop settings or crop area is empty.
- getCropAreaFromFromTypoScriptSettings() : Area|null
- Returns an ImageManipulation\Area object for the given cropVariant (or 'default') or null if the crop settings or crop area is empty.
- getEnvironmentVariable() : string
- Wrapper function for GeneralUtility::getIndpEnv()
- getFileDataKey() : string|int
- Gets file information. This is a helper function for the getData() method above, which resolves e.g.
- getFromCache() : string|bool
- Fetches content from cache
- getGetImgResourceHookObjects() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Gets the 'getImgResource' hook objects.
- getLanguageRestriction() : string|CompositeExpression|null
- Adds parts to the WHERE clause that are related to language.
- getQueryArray() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Helper to transform a QueryBuilder object into a queryParts array that can be used with exec_SELECT_queryArray
- getQueryArrayJoinHelper() : string
- Helper to transform the QueryBuilder join part into a SQL fragment.
- getQueryConstraints() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Helper function for getQuery(), creating the WHERE clause of the SELECT query
- getResourceFactory() : ResourceFactory
- Get instance of FAL resource factory
- getTimeTracker() : TimeTracker
- getValueFromRecursiveData() : int|float|string
- This method recursively checks for values in methods, arrays, objects, but does not fall back to $GLOBALS object instead of getGlobal().
- http_makelinks() : string
- Finds URLs in text and makes it to a real link.
- mailto_makelinks() : string
- Will find all strings prefixed with "mailto:" in the $data string and make them into a link, linking to the email address they point to.
- mergeExceptionHandlerConfiguration() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Merges global exception handler configuration with the one from the content object and returns the merged exception handler configuration
- parseFuncInternal() : string
- Helper function for parseFunc()
- replacement() : string
- Processes ordered replacements on content data.
- replacementSingle() : string
- Processes a single search/replace on content data.
- round() : string
- Implements the "round" property of stdWrap This is a Wrapper function for PHP's rounding functions (round,ceil,floor), defaults to round()
- sanitizeSelectPart() : string
- Helper function for getQuery, sanitizing the select part
- shallDebug() : bool
- shallExportDefaultFrontendJavaScript() : bool
- shallRemoveDefaultFrontendJavaScript() : bool
Indicates that object type is USER.
= 2
Indicates that object type is USER.
= 1
= \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Domain\Repository\PageRepository::DOKTYPE_RECYCLER
This is set to the [table]:[uid] of the record delivered in the $data-array, if the cObjects CONTENT or RECORD is in operation.
= ''
Note that $GLOBALS['TSFE']->currentRecord is set to an equal value but always indicating the latest record rendered.
Incremented in RecordsContentObject and ContentContentObject before each record rendering.
= 0
= 'currentValue_kidjls9dksoje'
Loaded with the current data-record.
array<string|int, mixed>
= []
If the instance of this class is used to render records from the database those records are found in this array. The function stdWrap has TypoScript properties that fetch field-data from this array.
Set to TRUE by doConvertToUserIntObject() if USER object wants to become USER_INT
= false
will be removed in TYPO3 v13.0. Use $this->lastTypoLinkResult or call LinkFactory directly
array<string|int, mixed>
= []
= null
DO. link target.
will be removed in TYPO3 v13.0. Use $this->lastTypoLinkResult or call LinkFactory directly
= ''
This will be set by typoLink() to the url of the most recent link created.
will be removed in TYPO3 v13.0. Use $this->lastTypoLinkResult or call LinkFactory directly
= ''
Used by the parseFunc function and is loaded with tag-parameters when parsing tags.
array<string|int, mixed>
= []
If the ContentObjectRender was started from ContentContentObject, RecordsContentObject or SearchResultContentObject this array has two keys, 'data' and 'currentRecord' which indicates the record and data for the parent cObj.
array<string|int, mixed>
= []
Incremented in RecordsContentObject and ContentContentObject before each record rendering.
= 0
stdWrap functions in their correct order
array<string|int, string>
= [
'stdWrapPreProcess' => 'hook',
// this is a placeholder for the first Hook
'cacheRead' => 'hook',
// this is a placeholder for checking if the content is available in cache
'setContentToCurrent' => 'boolean',
'setContentToCurrent.' => 'array',
'addPageCacheTags' => 'string',
'addPageCacheTags.' => 'array',
'setCurrent' => 'string',
'setCurrent.' => 'array',
'lang.' => 'array',
'data' => 'getText',
'data.' => 'array',
'field' => 'fieldName',
'field.' => 'array',
'current' => 'boolean',
'current.' => 'array',
'cObject' => 'cObject',
'cObject.' => 'array',
'numRows.' => 'array',
'preUserFunc' => 'functionName',
'stdWrapOverride' => 'hook',
// this is a placeholder for the second Hook
'override' => 'string',
'override.' => 'array',
'preIfEmptyListNum' => 'listNum',
'preIfEmptyListNum.' => 'array',
'ifNull' => 'string',
'ifNull.' => 'array',
'ifEmpty' => 'string',
'ifEmpty.' => 'array',
'ifBlank' => 'string',
'ifBlank.' => 'array',
'listNum' => 'listNum',
'listNum.' => 'array',
'trim' => 'boolean',
'trim.' => 'array',
'strPad.' => 'array',
'stdWrap' => 'stdWrap',
'stdWrap.' => 'array',
'stdWrapProcess' => 'hook',
// this is a placeholder for the third Hook
'required' => 'boolean',
'required.' => 'array',
'if.' => 'array',
'fieldRequired' => 'fieldName',
'fieldRequired.' => 'array',
'csConv' => 'string',
'csConv.' => 'array',
'parseFunc' => 'objectpath',
'parseFunc.' => 'array',
'HTMLparser' => 'boolean',
'HTMLparser.' => 'array',
'split.' => 'array',
'replacement.' => 'array',
'prioriCalc' => 'boolean',
'prioriCalc.' => 'array',
'char' => 'integer',
'char.' => 'array',
'intval' => 'boolean',
'intval.' => 'array',
'hash' => 'string',
'hash.' => 'array',
'round' => 'boolean',
'round.' => 'array',
'numberFormat.' => 'array',
'expandList' => 'boolean',
'expandList.' => 'array',
'date' => 'dateconf',
'date.' => 'array',
'strtotime' => 'strtotimeconf',
'strtotime.' => 'array',
'strftime' => 'strftimeconf',
'strftime.' => 'array',
'formattedDate' => 'formattedDateconf',
'formattedDate.' => 'array',
'age' => 'boolean',
'age.' => 'array',
'case' => 'case',
'case.' => 'array',
'bytes' => 'boolean',
'bytes.' => 'array',
'substring' => 'parameters',
'substring.' => 'array',
'cropHTML' => 'crop',
'cropHTML.' => 'array',
'stripHtml' => 'boolean',
'stripHtml.' => 'array',
'crop' => 'crop',
'crop.' => 'array',
'rawUrlEncode' => 'boolean',
'rawUrlEncode.' => 'array',
'htmlSpecialChars' => 'boolean',
'htmlSpecialChars.' => 'array',
'encodeForJavaScriptValue' => 'boolean',
'encodeForJavaScriptValue.' => 'array',
'doubleBrTag' => 'string',
'doubleBrTag.' => 'array',
'br' => 'boolean',
'br.' => 'array',
'brTag' => 'string',
'brTag.' => 'array',
'encapsLines.' => 'array',
'keywords' => 'boolean',
'keywords.' => 'array',
'innerWrap' => 'wrap',
'innerWrap.' => 'array',
'innerWrap2' => 'wrap',
'innerWrap2.' => 'array',
'preCObject' => 'cObject',
'preCObject.' => 'array',
'postCObject' => 'cObject',
'postCObject.' => 'array',
'wrapAlign' => 'align',
'wrapAlign.' => 'array',
'typolink.' => 'array',
'wrap' => 'wrap',
'wrap.' => 'array',
'noTrimWrap' => 'wrap',
'noTrimWrap.' => 'array',
'wrap2' => 'wrap',
'wrap2.' => 'array',
'dataWrap' => 'dataWrap',
'dataWrap.' => 'array',
'prepend' => 'cObject',
'prepend.' => 'array',
'append' => 'cObject',
'append.' => 'array',
'wrap3' => 'wrap',
'wrap3.' => 'array',
'orderedStdWrap' => 'stdWrap',
'orderedStdWrap.' => 'array',
'outerWrap' => 'wrap',
'outerWrap.' => 'array',
'insertData' => 'boolean',
'insertData.' => 'array',
'postUserFunc' => 'functionName',
'postUserFuncInt' => 'functionName',
'prefixComment' => 'string',
'prefixComment.' => 'array',
'htmlSanitize' => 'boolean',
'htmlSanitize.' => 'array',
'cacheStore' => 'hook',
// this is a placeholder for storing the content in cache
'stdWrapPostProcess' => 'hook',
// this is a placeholder for the last Hook
'debug' => 'boolean',
'debug.' => 'array',
'debugFunc' => 'boolean',
'debugFunc.' => 'array',
'debugData' => 'boolean',
'debugData.' => 'array',
Current file objects (during iterations over files)
= 'EXT:frontend/Resources/Public/JavaScript/default_frontend.js'
Containing hook objects for getImgResource
array<string|int, mixed>
Containing hook objects for stdWrap
array<string|int, mixed>
= []
= 0
array<string|int, mixed>
= []
= ''
Indicates current object type. Can hold one of OBJECTTYPE_ constants or FALSE.
= false
The value is set and reset inside USER() function. Any time outside of USER() it is FALSE.
__construct([TypoScriptFrontendController|null $typoScriptFrontendController = null ][, ContainerInterface|null $container = null ]) : mixed
- $typoScriptFrontendController : TypoScriptFrontendController|null = null
- $container : ContainerInterface|null = null
Prevent several objects from being serialized.
__sleep() : array<string|int, mixed>
If currentFile is set, it is either a File or a FileReference object. As the object itself can't be serialized, we have store a hash and restore the object in __wakeup()
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>__wakeup()
Restore currentFile from hash.
__wakeup() : mixed
If currentFile references a File, the identifier equals file identifier. If it references a FileReference the identifier equals the uid of the reference.
Performs basic mathematical evaluation of the input string. Does NOT take parenthesis and operator precedence into account! (for that, see \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\MathUtility::calculateWithPriorityToAdditionAndSubtraction())
calc(string $val) : int
- $val : string
The string to evaluate. Example: "3+4*10/5" will generate "35". Only integer numbers can be used.
Return values
int —The result (might be a float if you did a division of the numbers).
Returns the 'age' of the tstamp $seconds
calcAge(int $seconds, string $labels) : string
- $seconds : int
Seconds to return age for. Example: "70" => "1 min", "3601" => "1 hrs
- $labels : string
The labels of the individual units. Defaults to : ' min| hrs| days| yrs'
Return values
string —The formatted string
Calling a user function/class-method Notice: For classes the instantiated object will have the internal variable, $cObj, set to be a *reference* to $this (the parent/calling object).
callUserFunction(string $funcName, array<string|int, mixed> $conf, mixed $content) : mixed
- $funcName : string
The functionname, eg "user_myfunction" or "user_myclass->main". Notice that there are rules for the names of functions/classes you can instantiate. If a function cannot be called for some reason it will be seen in the TypoScript log in the AdminPanel.
- $conf : array<string|int, mixed>
The TypoScript configuration to pass the function
- $content : mixed
The content payload to pass the function
Return values
mixed —The return content from the function call. Should probably be a string.
Changing character case of a string, converting typically used western charset characters as well.
caseshift(string $theValue, string $case) : string
- $theValue : string
The string to change case for.
- $case : string
The direction; either "upper" or "lower
Return values
Compares values together based on the settings in the input TypoScript array and returns the comparison result.
checkIf(array<string|int, mixed> $conf) : bool
Implements the "if" function in TYPO3 TypoScript
- $conf : array<string|int, mixed>
TypoScript properties defining what to compare
Return values
Removes Page UID numbers from the input array which are not available due to enableFields() or the list of bad doktype numbers ($this->checkPid_badDoktypeList)
checkPidArray(array<string|int, int> $pageIds) : array<string|int, mixed>
- $pageIds : array<string|int, int>
Array of Page UID numbers for select and for which pages with enablefields and bad doktypes should be removed.
Return values
array<string|int, mixed> —Returns the array of remaining page UID numbers
Rendering of a "numerical array" of cObjects from TypoScript Will call ->cObjGetSingle() for each cObject found and accumulate the output.
cObjGet(array<string|int, mixed> $setup[, string $addKey = '' ]) : string
- $setup : array<string|int, mixed>
array with cObjects as values.
- $addKey : string = ''
A prefix for the debugging information
Return values
string —Rendered output from the cObjects in the array.
Rendering of a "numerical array" of cObjects from TypoScript Will call ->cObjGetSingle() for each cObject found.
cObjGetSeparated(array<string|int, mixed>|null $setup[, string $addKey = '' ]) : array<int, string>
- $setup : array<string|int, mixed>|null
- $addKey : string = ''
Return values
array<int, string>cObjGetSingle()
Renders a content object
cObjGetSingle(string $name, array<string|int, mixed> $conf[, string $TSkey = '__' ]) : string
- $name : string
The content object name, eg. "TEXT" or "USER" or "IMAGE"
- $conf : array<string|int, mixed>
The array with TypoScript properties for the content object
- $TSkey : string = '__'
A string label used for the internal debugging tracking.
Return values
string —cObject output
Requests the current USER object to be converted to USER_INT.
convertToUserIntObject() : mixed
Similar to ->typoLink(), however it does not evaluate the .wrap and .ATagBeforeWrap functionality.
createLink(string $linkText, array<string|int, mixed> $conf) : LinkResultInterface
For this reason, it also does not consider the LinkResult functionality, and "returnLast" logic, as the whole LinkResult object is available.
It is recommended to use this method when working with PHP and wanting to create a typolink, but be aware that you need to escape the Link yourself as PHP developer depending on the needs.
- $linkText : string
the text to be wrapped in a link
- $conf : array<string|int, mixed>
the typolink configuration
Return values
This method creates a typoLink() and just returns the information of the "href" attribute of the link (most of the time, this is the URL).
createUrl(array<string|int, mixed> $conf) : string
- $conf : array<string|int, mixed>
the typolink configuration.
Return values
string —The URL
Implements the stdWrap property "crop" which is a modified "substr" function allowing to limit a string length to a certain number of chars (from either start or end of string) and having a pre/postfix applied if the string really was cropped.
crop(string $content, string $options) : string
- $content : string
The string to perform the operation on
- $options : string
The parameters splitted by "|": First parameter is the max number of chars of the string. Negative value means cropping from end of string. Second parameter is the pre/postfix string to apply if cropping occurs. Third parameter is a boolean value. If set then crop will be applied at nearest space.
Return values
string —The processed input value.
Implements the stdWrap property "cropHTML" which is a modified "substr" function allowing to limit a string length to a certain number of chars (from either start or end of string) and having a pre/postfix applied if the string really was cropped.
cropHTML(string $content, string $options) : string
Compared to stdWrap.crop it respects HTML tags and entities.
- $content : string
The string to perform the operation on
- $options : string
The parameters splitted by "|": First parameter is the max number of chars of the string. Negative value means cropping from end of string. Second parameter is the pre/postfix string to apply if cropping occurs. Third parameter is a boolean value. If set then crop will be applied at nearest space.
Return values
string —The processed input value.
Wrapping input value in a regular "wrap" but parses the wrapping value first for "insertData" codes.
dataWrap(string $content, string $wrap) : string
- $content : string
Input string being wrapped
- $wrap : string
The wrap string, eg. "" or more likely here ' | ' which will wrap the input string in a tag linking to the current page.
Return values
string —Output string wrapped in the wrapping value.
Lets you split the content by LF and process each line independently. Used to format content made with the RTE.
encaps_lineSplit(string $theValue, array<string|int, mixed> $conf) : string
- $theValue : string
The input value
- $conf : array<string|int, mixed>
TypoScript options
Return values
string —The processed input value being returned; Splitted lines imploded by LF again.
Executes a SELECT query for records from $table and with conditions based on the configuration in the $conf array This function is preferred over ->getQuery() if you just need to create and then execute a query.
exec_getQuery(string $table, array<string|int, mixed> $conf) : Result
- $table : string
The table name
- $conf : array<string|int, mixed>
The TypoScript configuration properties
Return values
An abstraction method to add parameters to an A tag.
getATagParams(array<string|int, mixed> $conf) : string
will be removed in TYPO3 v13.0. Use LinkFactory functionality directly, available since TYPO3 v12.0.
Uses the ATagParams property, also includes the global TypoScript config.ATagParams
- $conf : array<string|int, mixed>
TypoScript configuration properties
Return values
string —String containing the parameters to the A tag (if non empty, with a leading space)
Returns a new content object of type $name.
getContentObject(string $name) : AbstractContentObject|null
- $name : string
Return values
Gets the current file object during iterations over files.
getCurrentFile() : File|FileReference|Folder|string|null
Return values
File|FileReference|Folder|string|null —The current file object.
Returns the current table
getCurrentTable() : string
Return values
Returns the "current" value.
getCurrentVal() : mixed
The "current" value is just an internal variable that can be used by functions to pass a single value on to another function later in the TypoScript processing. It's like "load accumulator" in the good old C64 days... basically a "register" you can use as you like. The TSref will tell if functions are setting this value before calling some other object so that you know if it holds any special information.
Return values
mixed —The "current" value
Implements the TypoScript data type "getText". This takes a string with parameters and based on those a value from somewhere in the system is returned.
getData(string $string[, array<string|int, mixed>|null $fieldArray = null ]) : string
- $string : string
The parameter string, eg. "field : title" or "field : navtitle // field : title" (in the latter case and example of how the value is FIRST splitted by "//" is shown)
- $fieldArray : array<string|int, mixed>|null = null
Alternative field array; If you set this to an array this variable will be used to look up values for the "field" key. Otherwise the current page record in $GLOBALS['TSFE']->page is used.
Return values
string —The value fetched
Returns the value for the field from $this->data. If "//" is found in the $field value that token will split the field values apart and the first field having a non-blank value will be returned.
getFieldVal(string $field) : string|null
- $field : string
The fieldname, eg. "title" or "navtitle // title" (in the latter case the value of $this->data[navtitle] is returned if not blank, otherwise $this->data[title] will be)
Return values
Return global variable where the input string $var defines array keys separated by "|" Example: $var = "HTTP_SERVER_VARS | something" will return the value $GLOBALS['HTTP_SERVER_VARS']['something'] value
getGlobal(string $keyString[, array<string|int, mixed> $source = null ]) : mixed
- $keyString : string
Global var key, eg. "HTTP_GET_VAR" or "HTTP_GET_VARS|id" to get the GET parameter "id" back.
- $source : array<string|int, mixed> = null
Alternative array than $GLOBAL to get variables from.
Return values
mixed —Whatever value. If none, then blank string.
Creates and returns a TypoScript "imgResource".
getImgResource(string|File|FileReference $file, array<string|int, mixed> $fileArray) : array<string|int, mixed>|null
The value ($file) can either be a file reference (TypoScript resource) or the string "GIFBUILDER". In the first case a current image is returned, possibly scaled down or otherwise processed. In the latter case a GIFBUILDER image is returned; This means an image is made by TYPO3 from layers of elements as GIFBUILDER defines. In the function IMG_RESOURCE() this function is called like $this->getImgResource($conf['file'], $conf['file.']);
Structure of the returned info array: 0 => width 1 => height 2 => file extension 3 => file name origFile => original file name origFile_mtime => original file mtime -- only available if processed via FAL: -- originalFile => original file object processedFile => processed file object fileCacheHash => checksum of processed file
- $file : string|File|FileReference
A "imgResource" TypoScript data type. Either a TypoScript file resource, a file or a file reference object or the string GIFBUILDER. See description above.
- $fileArray : array<string|int, mixed>
TypoScript properties for the imgResource type
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>|null —Returns info-array
Processing of key values pointing to entries in $arr; Here negative values are converted to positive keys pointer to an entry in the array but from behind (based on the negative value).
getKey(int $key, array<string|int, mixed> $arr) : int
Example: entrylevel = -1 means that entryLevel ends up pointing at the outermost-level, -2 means the level before the outermost...
- $key : int
The integer to transform
- $arr : array<string|int, mixed>
array in which the key should be found.
Return values
int —The processed integer key value.
getMailTo(string $mailAddress, string $linktxt) : array{0: string, 1: string, 2: array}
will be removed in TYPO3 v13.0. Use EmailLinkBuilder->processEmailLink() instead.
- $mailAddress : string
Email address
- $linktxt : string
Link text, default will be the email address.
Return values
array{0: string, 1: string, 2: arrayA numerical array with three items
Creates and returns a SELECT query for records from $table and with conditions based on the configuration in the $conf array Implements the "select" function in TypoScript
getQuery(string $table, array<string|int, mixed> $conf[, bool $returnQueryArray = false ]) : mixed
- $table : string
See ->exec_getQuery()
- $conf : array<string|int, mixed>
See ->exec_getQuery()
- $returnQueryArray : bool = false
If set, the function will return the query not as a string but array with the various parts. RECOMMENDED!
Return values
mixed —A SELECT query if $returnQueryArray is FALSE, otherwise the SELECT query in an array as parts.
Gets the query arguments and assembles them for URLs.
getQueryArguments(array<string|int, mixed> $conf) : string
will be removed in TYPO3 v13.0
Arguments may be removed or set, depending on configuration.
- $conf : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
string —The URL query part (starting with a &)
Builds list of marker values for handling PDO-like parameter markers in select parts.
getQueryMarkers(string $table, array<string|int, mixed> $conf) : array<string|int, mixed>
Marker values support stdWrap functionality thus allowing a way to use stdWrap functionality in various properties of 'select' AND prevents SQL-injection problems by quoting and escaping of numeric values, strings, NULL values and comma separated lists.
- $table : string
Table to select records from
- $conf : array<string|int, mixed>
Select part of CONTENT definition
Return values
array<string|int, mixed> —List of values to replace markers with
Executes a SELECT query for records from $table and with conditions based on the configuration in the $conf array and overlays with translation and version if available
getRecords(string $tableName, array<string|int, mixed> $queryConfiguration) : array<string|int, mixed>
- $tableName : string
the name of the TCA database table
- $queryConfiguration : array<string|int, mixed>
The TypoScript configuration properties, see .select in TypoScript reference
Return values
array<string|int, mixed> —The records
getRequest() : ServerRequestInterface
This method might be deprecated with TYPO3 v13.
Return values
Returns all parents of the given PID (Page UID) list
getSlidePids(string $pidList, array<string|int, mixed> $pidConf) : string
- $pidList : string
A list of page Content-Element PIDs (Page UIDs) / stdWrap
- $pidConf : array<string|int, mixed>
stdWrap array for the list
Return values
string —A list of PIDs
Generates a list of Page-uid's from $id. List does not include $id itself (unless the id specified is negative in which case it does!) The only pages WHICH PREVENTS DECENDING in a branch are - deleted pages, - pages in a recycler (doktype = 255) or of the Backend User Section (doktpe = 6) type - pages that has the extendToSubpages set, WHERE start/endtime, hidden and fe_users would hide the records.
getTreeList(int $id, int $depth[, int $begin = 0 ][, bool $dontCheckEnableFields = false ][, string $addSelectFields = '' ][, string $moreWhereClauses = '' ][, array<string|int, mixed> $prevId_array = [] ][, int $recursionLevel = 0 ]) : string
since TYPO3 v12.0, will be removed in TYPO3 v13.0. Use PageRepository->getDescendantPageIdsRecursive() or PageRepository->getPageIdsRecursive() instead.
Apart from that, pages with enable-fields excluding them, will also be removed. HOWEVER $dontCheckEnableFields set will allow enableFields-excluded pages to be included anyway - including extendToSubpages sections! Mount Pages are also descended but notice that these ID numbers are not useful for links unless the correct MPvar is set.
- $id : int
The id of the start page from which point in the page tree to descend. IF NEGATIVE the id itself is included in the end of the list (only if $begin is 0) AND the output does NOT contain a last comma. Recommended since it will resolve the input ID for mount pages correctly and also check if the start ID actually exists!
- $depth : int
The number of levels to descend. If you want to descend infinitely, just set this to 100 or so. Should be at least "1" since zero will just make the function return (no descend...)
- $begin : int = 0
Is an optional integer that determines at which level in the tree to start collecting uid's. Zero means 'start right away', 1 = 'next level and out'
- $dontCheckEnableFields : bool = false
See function description
- $addSelectFields : string = ''
Additional fields to select. Syntax: ",[fieldname],[fieldname],...
- $moreWhereClauses : string = ''
Additional where clauses. Syntax: " AND [fieldname]=[value] AND ...
- $prevId_array : array<string|int, mixed> = []
array of IDs from previous recursions. In order to prevent infinite loops with mount pages.
- $recursionLevel : int = 0
Internal: Zero for the first recursion, incremented for each recursive call.
Return values
string —Returns the list of ids as a comma separated string
Returns a linked string made from typoLink parameters.
getTypoLink(string $label, string $params[, array<string|int, mixed>|string $urlParameters = [] ][, string $target = '' ]) : string
since TYPO3 v12.0. will be removed in TYPO3 v13.0, use LinkFactory or cObj->typoLink() instead.
This function takes $label as a string, wraps it in a link-tag based on the $params string, which should contain data like that you would normally pass to the popular <LINK>-tag in the TSFE. Optionally you can supply $urlParameters which is an array with key/value pairs that are rawurlencoded and appended to the resulting url.
- $label : string
Text string being wrapped by the link.
- $params : string
Link parameter; eg. "123" for page id, "" for email address, "http://...." for URL, "fileadmin/example.txt" for file.
- $urlParameters : array<string|int, mixed>|string = []
As an array key/value pairs represent URL parameters to set. Values NOT URL-encoded yet, keys should be URL-encoded if needed. As a string the parameter is expected to be URL-encoded already.
- $target : string = ''
Specific target set, if any. (Default is using the current)
Return values
string —The wrapped $label-text string
Returns the URL of a "typolink" create from the input parameter string, url-parameters and target
getTypoLink_URL(string $params[, array<string|int, mixed>|string $urlParameters = [] ][, string $target = '' ]) : string
since TYPO3 v12.0, will be removed in TYPO3 v13.0. Use LinkFactory API directly.
- $params : string
Link parameter; eg. "123" for page id, "" for email address, "http://...." for URL, "fileadmin/example.txt" for file.
- $urlParameters : array<string|int, mixed>|string = []
As an array key/value pairs represent URL parameters to set. Values NOT URL-encoded yet, keys should be URL-encoded if needed. As a string the parameter is expected to be URL-encoded already.
- $target : string = ''
Specific target set, if any. (Default is using the current)
Return values
string —The URL
getTypoScriptFrontendController() : TypoScriptFrontendController|null
this is set to public so extensions such as EXT:solr can use the method in tests.
Return values
Returns the canonical URL to the current "location", which include the current page ID and type and optionally the query string
getUrlToCurrentLocation([bool $addQueryString = true ]) : string
since TYPO3 v12.0. will be removed in TYPO3 v13.0, use LinkFactory or cObj->typoLink() instead.
- $addQueryString : bool = true
Whether additional GET arguments in the query string should be included or not
Return values
Retrieves a type of object called as USER or USER_INT. Object can detect their type by using this call. It returns OBJECTTYPE_USER_INT or OBJECTTYPE_USER depending on the current object execution. In all other cases it will return FALSE to indicate a call out of context.
getUserObjectType() : mixed
Return values
mixed —One of OBJECTTYPE_ class constants or FALSE
Shifts the case of characters outside of HTML tags in the input string
HTMLcaseshift(string $theValue, string $case) : string
- $theValue : string
The string to change case for.
- $case : string
The direction; either "upper" or "lower"
Return values
Passes the input value, $theValue, to an instance of "\TYPO3\CMS\Core\Html\HtmlParser" together with the TypoScript options which are first converted from a TS style array to a set of arrays with options for the \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Html\HtmlParser class.
HTMLparser_TSbridge(string $theValue, array<string|int, mixed> $conf) : string
- $theValue : string
The value to parse by the class \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Html\HtmlParser
- $conf : array<string|int, mixed>
TypoScript properties for the parser. See link.
Return values
string —Return value.
Wraps the input string in link-tags that opens the image in a new window.
imageLinkWrap(string $string, string|File|FileReference $imageFile, array<string|int, mixed> $conf) : string
- $string : string
String to wrap, probably an
- $imageFile : string|File|FileReference
The original image file
- $conf : array<string|int, mixed>
TypoScript properties for the "imageLinkWrap" function
This method should be used within TYPO3 Core only
Return values
string —The input string, $string, wrapped as configured.
Implements the "insertData" property of stdWrap meaning that if strings matching {...} is found in the input string they will be substituted with the return value from getData (datatype) which is passed the content of the curly braces.
insertData(string $str) : string
If the content inside the curly braces starts with a hash sign {#...} it is a field name that must be quoted by Doctrine DBAL and is skipped here for later processing.
Example: If input string is "This is the page title: {page:title}" then the part, '{page:title}', will be substituted with the current pages title field value.
- $str : string
Input value
Return values
string —Processed input value
Cleans up a string of keywords. Keywords at splitted by "," (comma) ";" (semi colon) and linebreak
keywords(string $content) : string
- $content : string
String of keywords
Return values
string —Cleaned up string, keywords will be separated by a comma only.
Sets the SYS_LASTCHANGED timestamp if input timestamp is larger than current value.
lastChanged(int $tstamp) : mixed
The SYS_LASTCHANGED timestamp can be used by various caching/indexing applications to determine if the page has new content. Therefore you should call this function with the last-changed timestamp of any element you display.
- $tstamp : int
Unix timestamp (number of seconds since 1970)
Explode a string by the $delimeter value and return the value of index $listNum
listNum(string $content, string $listNum[, string $delimeter = ',' ]) : string
- $content : string
String to explode
- $listNum : string
Index-number | 'last' | 'rand' | arithmetic expression. You can place the word "last" in it and it will be substituted with the pointer to the last value. You can use math operators like "+-/*" (passed to calc())
- $delimeter : string = ','
Either a string used to explode the content string or an integer value (as string) which will then be changed into a character, eg. "10" for a linebreak char.
Return values
Resolve a TypoScript reference value to the full set of properties BUT overridden with any local properties set.
mergeTSRef(array<string|int, mixed> $typoScriptArray, string $propertyName) : array<string|int, mixed>
So the reference is resolved but overlaid with local TypoScript properties of the reference value.
In short: This parses the "=<" operator for a couple of special properties like "parseFunc" and "tt_content.*".
Note the "=<" operator is not a general TypoScript language construct, but applied here for a couple of special objects only.
- $typoScriptArray : array<string|int, mixed>
The TypoScript array: ['someProperty' => 'somePropertyValue', 'someProperty.' => [ 'someSubProperty' => 'someSubValue', ... ]
- $propertyName : string
The property name: If this value in $typoScriptArray[$prop] is a reference (eg. "< lib.contentElement"), then the reference will be retrieved and inserted at that position and overlaid with given local properties if any.
Return values
array<string|int, mixed> —The modified TypoScript array with resolved "=<" reference operator
Wrapping a string, preserving whitespace in wrap value.
noTrimWrap(string $content, string $wrap[, string $char = '|' ]) : string
Notice that the wrap value uses part 1/2 to wrap (and not 0/1 which wrap() does)
- $content : string
The content to wrap, eg. "HELLO WORLD
- $wrap : string
The wrap value, eg. " | |
- $char : string = '|'
The char used to split the wrapping value, default is "|"
Return values
string —Wrapped input string, eg. " HELLO WORD
Implements the stdWrap property "numberFormat" This is a Wrapper function for php's number_format()
numberFormat(float $content, array<string|int, mixed> $conf) : string
- $content : float
Value to process
- $conf : array<string|int, mixed>
TypoScript Configuration for numberFormat
Return values
string —The formatted number
Returns number of rows selected by the query made by the properties set.
numRows(array<string|int, mixed> $conf) : int
Implements the stdWrap "numRows" property
- $conf : array<string|int, mixed>
TypoScript properties for the property (see link to "numRows")
Return values
int —The number of rows found by the select
Implements the stdWrap property, "parseFunc".
parseFunc(string $theValue, array<string|int, mixed>|null $conf[, non-empty-string|null $ref = null ]) : string
This is a function with a lot of interesting uses. In classic TypoScript this is used to process text from the bodytext field; This included highlighting of search words, changing http:// and mailto: prefixed strings into etc. It is still a very important function for processing of bodytext which is normally stored in the database in a format which is not fully ready to be outputted. This situation has not become better by having a RTE around...
This function is actually just splitting the input content according to the configuration of "external blocks". This means that before the input string is actually "parsed" it will be split into the parts configured to BE parsed (while other parts/blocks should NOT be parsed). Therefore, the actual processing of the parseFunc properties goes on in ->parseFuncInternal()
- $theValue : string
The value to process.
- $conf : array<string|int, mixed>|null
- $ref : non-empty-string|null = null
Reference to get configuration from. Eg. "< lib.parseFunc" which means that the configuration of the object path "lib.parseFunc" will be retrieved and MERGED with what is in $conf!
Return values
string —The processed value
Returns a HTML comment with the second part of input string (divided by "|") where first part is an integer telling how many trailing tabs to put before the comment on a new line.
prefixComment(string $str, array<string|int, mixed> $conf, string $content) : string
Notice; this function (used by stdWrap) can be disabled by a "config.disablePrefixComment" setting in TypoScript.
- $str : string
Input value
- $conf : array<string|int, mixed>
TypoScript Configuration (not used at this point.)
- $content : string
The content to wrap the comment around.
Return values
string —Processed input value
Converts a given config in Flexform to a conf-array
readFlexformIntoConf(string|array<string|int, mixed> $flexData, array<string|int, mixed> &$conf[, bool $recursive = false ]) : mixed
- $flexData : string|array<string|int, mixed>
Flexform data
- $conf : array<string|int, mixed>
Array to write the data into, by reference
- $recursive : bool = false
Is set if called recursive. Don't call function with this parameter, it's used inside the function only
Renders a content object by taking exception and cache handling into consideration
render(AbstractContentObject $contentObject[, array<string|int, mixed> $configuration = [] ]) : string
- $contentObject : AbstractContentObject
Content object instance
- $configuration : array<string|int, mixed> = []
Array of TypoScript properties
Return values
Returns a value from the current rootline (site) from $GLOBALS['TSFE']->config['rootLine'];
rootLineValue(int $key, string $field[, bool $slideBack = false ][, mixed $altRootLine = '' ]) : string
- $key : int
Which level in the root line
- $field : string
The field in the rootline record to return (a field from the pages table)
- $slideBack : bool = false
If set, then we will traverse through the rootline from outer level towards the root level until the value found is TRUE
- $altRootLine : mixed = ''
If you supply an array for this it will be used as an alternative root line array
Return values
string —The value from the field of the rootline.
Generates a search where clause based on the input search words (AND operation - all search words must be found in record.) Example: The $sw is "content management, system" (from an input form) and the $searchFieldList is "bodytext,header" then the output will be ' AND (bodytext LIKE "%content%" OR header LIKE "%content%") AND (bodytext LIKE "%management%" OR header LIKE "%management%") AND (bodytext LIKE "%system%" OR header LIKE "%system%")'
searchWhere(string $searchWords, string $searchFieldList, string $searchTable) : string
- $searchWords : string
The search words. These will be separated by space and comma.
- $searchFieldList : string
The fields to search in
- $searchTable : string
The table name you search in (recommended for DBAL compliance. Will be prepended field names as well)
Return values
string —The WHERE clause.
Sets the current file object during iterations over files.
setCurrentFile(File|FileReference|Folder|string|null $fileObject) : mixed
- $fileObject : File|FileReference|Folder|string|null
The file object.
Sets the "current" value.
setCurrentVal(mixed $value) : mixed
- $value : mixed
The variable that you want to set as "current
Sets the internal variable parentRecord with information about current record.
setParent(array<string|int, mixed> $data, string $currentRecord) : mixed
If the ContentObjectRender was started from CONTENT, RECORD or SEARCHRESULT cObject's this array has two keys, 'data' and 'currentRecord' which indicates the record and data for the parent cObj.
- $data : array<string|int, mixed>
The record array
- $currentRecord : string
This is set to the [table]:[uid] of the record delivered in the $data-array, if the cObjects CONTENT or RECORD is in operation. Note that $GLOBALS['TSFE']->currentRecord is set to an equal value but always indicating the latest record rendered.
setRequest(ServerRequestInterface|null $request) : void
- $request : ServerRequestInterface|null
Sets the user object type
setUserObjectType(mixed $userObjectType) : mixed
- $userObjectType : mixed
Implements the "split" property of stdWrap; Splits a string based on a token (given in TypoScript properties), sets the "current" value to each part and then renders a content object pointer to by a number.
splitObj(string $value, array<string|int, mixed> $conf) : string
In classic TypoScript (like 'content (default)'/'styles.content (default)') this is used to render tables, splitting rows and cells by tokens and putting them together again wrapped in tags etc. Implements the "optionSplit" processing of the TypoScript options for each splitted value to parse.
- $value : string
The string value to explode by $conf[token] and process each part
- $conf : array<string|int, mixed>
TypoScript properties for "split
Return values
string —Compiled result
Class constructor.
start(array<string|int, mixed> $data[, string $table = '' ][, ServerRequestInterface|null $request = null ]) : mixed
Well, it has to be called manually since it is not a real constructor function. So after making an instance of the class, call this function and pass to it a database record and the tablename from where the record is from. That will then become the "current" record loaded into memory and accessed by the .fields property found in eg. stdWrap.
- $data : array<string|int, mixed>
The record data that is rendered.
- $table : string = ''
The table that the data record is from.
- $request : ServerRequestInterface|null = null
The "stdWrap" function. This is the implementation of what is known as "stdWrap properties" in TypoScript.
stdWrap([string $content = '' ][, array<string|int, mixed> $conf = [] ]) : string|null
Basically "stdWrap" performs some processing of a value based on properties in the input $conf array(holding the TypoScript "stdWrap properties") See the link below for a complete list of properties and what they do. The order of the table with properties found in TSref (the link) follows the actual order of implementation in this function.
- $content : string = ''
Input value undergoing processing in this function. Possibly substituted by other values fetched from another source.
- $conf : array<string|int, mixed> = []
TypoScript "stdWrap properties".
Return values
string|null —The processed input value
Add tags to page cache (comma-separated list)
stdWrap_addPageCacheTags([string $content = '' ][, array<string|int, mixed> $conf = [] ]) : string
- $content : string = ''
Input value undergoing processing in these functions.
- $conf : array<string|int, mixed> = []
All stdWrap properties, not just the ones for a particular function.
Return values
string —The processed input value
age Will return the age of a given timestamp based on configuration given by stdWrap properties
stdWrap_age([string $content = '' ][, array<string|int, mixed> $conf = [] ]) : string
- $content : string = ''
Input value undergoing processing in this function.
- $conf : array<string|int, mixed> = []
stdWrap properties for age.
Return values
string —The processed input value
append A content object that will be appended to the current content after most of the wraps have already been applied
stdWrap_append([string $content = '' ][, array<string|int, mixed> $conf = [] ]) : string
- $content : string = ''
Input value undergoing processing in this function.
- $conf : array<string|int, mixed> = []
stdWrap properties for append.
Return values
string —The processed input value
br Searches for single line breaks and replaces them with a <br />/<br> tag according to the doctype
stdWrap_br([string $content = '' ]) : string
- $content : string = ''
Input value undergoing processing in this function.
Return values
string —The processed input value
brTag Searches for single line feeds and replaces them with the given value
stdWrap_brTag([string $content = '' ][, array<string|int, mixed> $conf = [] ]) : string
- $content : string = ''
Input value undergoing processing in this function.
- $conf : array<string|int, mixed> = []
stdWrap properties for brTag.
Return values
string —The processed input value
bytes Will return the size of a given number in Bytes *
stdWrap_bytes([string $content = '' ][, array<string|int, mixed> $conf = [] ]) : string
- $content : string = ''
Input value undergoing processing in this function.
- $conf : array<string|int, mixed> = []
stdWrap properties for bytes.
Return values
string —The processed input value
Check if content was cached before (depending on the given cache key)
stdWrap_cacheRead([string $content = '' ][, array<string|int, mixed> $conf = [] ]) : string
- $content : string = ''
Input value undergoing processing in these functions.
- $conf : array<string|int, mixed> = []
All stdWrap properties, not just the ones for a particular function.
Return values
string —The processed input value
Store content into cache
stdWrap_cacheStore([string $content = '' ][, array<string|int, mixed> $conf = [] ]) : string
- $content : string = ''
Input value undergoing processing in these functions.
- $conf : array<string|int, mixed> = []
All stdWrap properties, not just the ones for a particular function.
Return values
string —The processed input value
case Will transform the content to be upper or lower case only Leaves HTML tags untouched
stdWrap_case([string $content = '' ][, array<string|int, mixed> $conf = [] ]) : string
- $content : string = ''
Input value undergoing processing in this function.
- $conf : array<string|int, mixed> = []
stdWrap properties for case.
Return values
string —The processed input value
char Returns a one-character string containing the character specified by ascii code.
stdWrap_char([string $content = '' ][, array<string|int, mixed> $conf = [] ]) : string
Reliable results only for character codes in the integer range 0 - 127.
- $content : string = ''
Input value undergoing processing in this function.
- $conf : array<string|int, mixed> = []
stdWrap properties for char.
Return values
string —The processed input value
cObject Will replace the content with the value of an official TypoScript cObject like TEXT, COA, HMENU
stdWrap_cObject([string $content = '' ][, array<string|int, mixed> $conf = [] ]) : string
- $content : string = ''
Input value undergoing processing in this function.
- $conf : array<string|int, mixed> = []
stdWrap properties for cObject.
Return values
string —The processed input value
crop Crops content to a given size without caring about HTML tags
stdWrap_crop([string $content = '' ][, array<string|int, mixed> $conf = [] ]) : string
- $content : string = ''
Input value undergoing processing in this function.
- $conf : array<string|int, mixed> = []
stdWrap properties for crop.
Return values
string —The processed input value
cropHTML Crops content to a given size while leaving HTML tags untouched
stdWrap_cropHTML([string $content = '' ][, array<string|int, mixed> $conf = [] ]) : string
- $content : string = ''
Input value undergoing processing in this function.
- $conf : array<string|int, mixed> = []
stdWrap properties for cropHTML.
Return values
string —The processed input value
stdWrap csConv: Converts the input to UTF-8
stdWrap_csConv([string $content = '' ][, array<string|int, mixed> $conf = [] ]) : string
The character set of the input must be specified. Returns the input if matters go wrong, for example if an invalid character set is given.
- $content : string = ''
The string to convert.
- $conf : array<string|int, mixed> = []
stdWrap properties for csConv.
Return values
string —The processed input.
current Gets content that has been previously set as 'current' Can be set via setContentToCurrent or setCurrent or will be set automatically i.e. inside the split function
stdWrap_current([string $content = '' ][, array<string|int, mixed> $conf = [] ]) : string
- $content : string = ''
Input value undergoing processing in this function.
- $conf : array<string|int, mixed> = []
stdWrap properties for current.
Return values
string —The processed input value
Gets content from different sources based on getText functions.
stdWrap_data([string $_ = '' ][, array<string|int, mixed> $conf = [] ]) : string
- $_ : string = ''
- $conf : array<string|int, mixed> = []
stdWrap properties for data.
Return values
string —The processed input value
dataWrap Sixth of a set of different wraps which will be applied in a certain order before or after other functions that modify the content Can fetch additional content the same way data does (i.e. {field:whatever}) and apply it to the wrap before that is applied to the content
stdWrap_dataWrap([string $content = '' ][, array<string|int, mixed> $conf = [] ]) : string
- $content : string = ''
Input value undergoing processing in this function.
- $conf : array<string|int, mixed> = []
stdWrap properties for dataWrap.
Return values
string —The processed input value
date Will return a formatted date based on configuration given according to PHP date/gmdate properties Will return gmdate when the property GMT returns TRUE
stdWrap_date([string $content = '' ][, array<string|int, mixed> $conf = [] ]) : string
- $content : string = ''
Input value undergoing processing in this function.
- $conf : array<string|int, mixed> = []
stdWrap properties for date.
Return values
string —The processed input value
debug Will output the content as readable HTML code
stdWrap_debug([string $content = '' ]) : string
- $content : string = ''
Input value undergoing processing in this function.
Return values
string —The processed input value
debugData Will output the data used by the current record in a debug table
stdWrap_debugData([string $content = '' ]) : string
- $content : string = ''
Input value undergoing processing in this function.
Return values
string —The processed input value
debugFunc Will output the content in a debug table
stdWrap_debugFunc([string $content = '' ][, array<string|int, mixed> $conf = [] ]) : string
- $content : string = ''
Input value undergoing processing in this function.
- $conf : array<string|int, mixed> = []
stdWrap properties for debugFunc.
Return values
string —The processed input value
doubleBrTag Searches for double line breaks and replaces them with the given value
stdWrap_doubleBrTag([string $content = '' ][, array<string|int, mixed> $conf = [] ]) : string
- $content : string = ''
Input value undergoing processing in this function.
- $conf : array<string|int, mixed> = []
stdWrap properties for doubleBrTag.
Return values
string —The processed input value
encapsLines Modifies text blocks by searching for lines which are not surrounded by HTML tags yet and wrapping them with values given by stdWrap properties
stdWrap_encapsLines([string $content = '' ][, array<string|int, mixed> $conf = [] ]) : string
- $content : string = ''
Input value undergoing processing in this function.
- $conf : array<string|int, mixed> = []
stdWrap properties for erncapsLines.
Return values
string —The processed input value
encodeForJavaScriptValue Escapes content to be used inside JavaScript strings. Single quotes are added around the value.
stdWrap_encodeForJavaScriptValue([string $content = '' ]) : string
- $content : string = ''
Input value undergoing processing in this function
Return values
string —The processed input value
expandList Will return a formatted number based on configuration given as stdWrap properties
stdWrap_expandList([string $content = '' ]) : string
- $content : string = ''
Input value undergoing processing in this function.
Return values
string —The processed input value
field Gets content from a DB field
stdWrap_field([string $content = '' ][, array<string|int, mixed> $conf = [] ]) : string|null
- $content : string = ''
Input value undergoing processing in this function.
- $conf : array<string|int, mixed> = []
stdWrap properties for field.
Return values
string|null —The processed input value
fieldRequired Will immediately stop rendering and return an empty value when there is no content in the field given by fieldRequired
stdWrap_fieldRequired([string $content = '' ][, array<string|int, mixed> $conf = [] ]) : string
- $content : string = ''
Input value undergoing processing in this function.
- $conf : array<string|int, mixed> = []
stdWrap properties for fieldRequired.
Return values
string —The processed input value
php-intl dateformatted Will return a timestamp based on configuration given according to PHP-intl DateFormatter->format() see
stdWrap_formattedDate(string $content, array<string|int, mixed> $conf) : string
- $content : string
Input value undergoing processing in this function.
- $conf : array<string|int, mixed>
stdWrap properties for formattedDate.
Return values
string —The processed input value
Will return a hashed value of the current content
stdWrap_hash([string $content = '' ][, array<string|int, mixed> $conf = [] ]) : string
- $content : string = ''
Input value undergoing processing in this function.
- $conf : array<string|int, mixed> = []
stdWrap properties for hash.
Return values
string —The processed input value
HTMLparser Will parse HTML content based on functions given as stdWrap properties Heavily used together with RTE based content
stdWrap_HTMLparser([string $content = '' ][, array<string|int, mixed> $conf = [] ]) : string
- $content : string = ''
Input value undergoing processing in this function.
- $conf : array<string|int, mixed> = []
stdWrap properties for HTMLparser.
Return values
string —The processed input value
stdWrap_htmlSanitize([string $content = '' ][, array<string|int, mixed> $conf = [] ]) : string
- $content : string = ''
- $conf : array<string|int, mixed> = []
Return values
htmlSpecialChars Transforms HTML tags to readable text by replacing special characters with their HTML entity When preserveEntities returns TRUE, existing entities will be left untouched
stdWrap_htmlSpecialChars([string $content = '' ][, array<string|int, mixed> $conf = [] ]) : string
- $content : string = ''
Input value undergoing processing in this function.
- $conf : array<string|int, mixed> = []
stdWrap properties for htmlSpecialChars.
Return values
string —The processed input value
if Will immediately stop rendering and return an empty value when the result of the checks returns FALSE
stdWrap_if([string $content = '' ][, array<string|int, mixed> $conf = [] ]) : string
- $content : string = ''
Input value undergoing processing in this function.
- $conf : array<string|int, mixed> = []
stdWrap properties for if.
Return values
string —The processed input value
ifBlank Will set content to a replacement value in case the trimmed value of content has no length 0 (zero) will not be replaced
stdWrap_ifBlank([string $content = '' ][, array<string|int, mixed> $conf = [] ]) : string
- $content : string = ''
Input value undergoing processing in this function.
- $conf : array<string|int, mixed> = []
stdWrap properties for ifBlank.
Return values
string —The processed input value
ifEmpty Will set content to a replacement value in case the trimmed value of content returns FALSE 0 (zero) will be replaced as well
stdWrap_ifEmpty([string $content = '' ][, array<string|int, mixed> $conf = [] ]) : string
- $content : string = ''
Input value undergoing processing in this function.
- $conf : array<string|int, mixed> = []
stdWrap properties for ifEmpty.
Return values
string —The processed input value
ifNull Will set content to a replacement value in case the value of content is NULL
stdWrap_ifNull([string|null $content = '' ][, array<string|int, mixed> $conf = [] ]) : string
- $content : string|null = ''
Input value undergoing processing in this function.
- $conf : array<string|int, mixed> = []
stdWrap properties for ifNull.
Return values
string —The processed input value
innerWrap First of a set of different wraps which will be applied in a certain order before or after other functions that modify the content See wrap
stdWrap_innerWrap([string $content = '' ][, array<string|int, mixed> $conf = [] ]) : string
- $content : string = ''
Input value undergoing processing in this function.
- $conf : array<string|int, mixed> = []
stdWrap properties for innerWrap.
Return values
string —The processed input value
innerWrap2 Second of a set of different wraps which will be applied in a certain order before or after other functions that modify the content See wrap
stdWrap_innerWrap2([string $content = '' ][, array<string|int, mixed> $conf = [] ]) : string
- $content : string = ''
Input value undergoing processing in this function.
- $conf : array<string|int, mixed> = []
stdWrap properties for innerWrap2.
Return values
string —The processed input value
insertData Can fetch additional content the same way data does and replaces any occurrence of {field:whatever} with this content
stdWrap_insertData([string $content = '' ]) : string
- $content : string = ''
Input value undergoing processing in this function.
Return values
string —The processed input value
intval Will return an integer value of the current content
stdWrap_intval([string $content = '' ]) : string
- $content : string = ''
Input value undergoing processing in this function.
Return values
string —The processed input value
keywords Transforms content into a CSV list to be used i.e. as keywords within a meta tag
stdWrap_keywords([string $content = '' ]) : string
- $content : string = ''
Input value undergoing processing in this function.
Return values
string —The processed input value
lang Translates content based on the language currently used by the FE
stdWrap_lang([string $content = '' ][, array<string|int, mixed> $conf = [] ]) : string
- $content : string = ''
Input value undergoing processing in this function.
- $conf : array<string|int, mixed> = []
stdWrap properties for lang.
Return values
string —The processed input value
listNum Gets a value off a CSV list after ifEmpty check Might return an empty value in case the CSV does not contain a value at the position given by listNum Use preIfEmptyListNum to avoid that behaviour
stdWrap_listNum([string $content = '' ][, array<string|int, mixed> $conf = [] ]) : string
- $content : string = ''
Input value undergoing processing in this function.
- $conf : array<string|int, mixed> = []
stdWrap properties for listNum.
Return values
string —The processed input value
noTrimWrap Fourth of a set of different wraps which will be applied in a certain order before or after other functions that modify the content The major difference to any other wrap is, that this one can make use of whitespace without trimming *
stdWrap_noTrimWrap([string $content = '' ][, array<string|int, mixed> $conf = [] ]) : string
- $content : string = ''
Input value undergoing processing in this function.
- $conf : array<string|int, mixed> = []
stdWrap properties for noTrimWrap.
Return values
string —The processed input value
numberFormat Will return a formatted number based on configuration given as stdWrap properties
stdWrap_numberFormat([string $content = '' ][, array<string|int, mixed> $conf = [] ]) : string
- $content : string = ''
Input value undergoing processing in this function.
- $conf : array<string|int, mixed> = []
stdWrap properties for numberFormat.
Return values
string —The processed input value
numRows Counts the number of returned records of a DB operation makes use of select internally
stdWrap_numRows([string $content = '' ][, array<string|int, mixed> $conf = [] ]) : string
- $content : string = ''
Input value undergoing processing in this function.
- $conf : array<string|int, mixed> = []
stdWrap properties for numRows.
Return values
string —The processed input value
orderedStdWrap Calls stdWrap for each entry in the provided array
stdWrap_orderedStdWrap([string $content = '' ][, array<string|int, mixed> $conf = [] ]) : string
- $content : string = ''
Input value undergoing processing in this function.
- $conf : array<string|int, mixed> = []
stdWrap properties for orderedStdWrap.
Return values
string —The processed input value
outerWrap Eighth of a set of different wraps which will be applied in a certain order before or after other functions that modify the content
stdWrap_outerWrap([string $content = '' ][, array<string|int, mixed> $conf = [] ]) : string
- $content : string = ''
Input value undergoing processing in this function.
- $conf : array<string|int, mixed> = []
stdWrap properties for outerWrap.
Return values
string —The processed input value
override Will override the current value of content with its own value'
stdWrap_override([string $content = '' ][, array<string|int, mixed> $conf = [] ]) : string
- $content : string = ''
Input value undergoing processing in this function.
- $conf : array<string|int, mixed> = []
stdWrap properties for override.
Return values
string —The processed input value
parseFunc Will parse the content based on functions given as stdWrap properties Heavily used together with RTE based content
stdWrap_parseFunc([string $content = '' ][, array<string|int, mixed> $conf = [] ]) : string
- $content : string = ''
Input value undergoing processing in this function.
- $conf : array<string|int, mixed> = []
stdWrap properties for parseFunc.
Return values
string —The processed input value
postCObject A content object that is appended to the current content but between the innerWraps and the rest of the wraps
stdWrap_postCObject([string $content = '' ][, array<string|int, mixed> $conf = [] ]) : string
- $content : string = ''
Input value undergoing processing in this function.
- $conf : array<string|int, mixed> = []
stdWrap properties for postCObject.
Return values
string —The processed input value
postUserFunc Will execute a user function after the content has been modified by any other stdWrap function
stdWrap_postUserFunc([string $content = '' ][, array<string|int, mixed> $conf = [] ]) : string
- $content : string = ''
Input value undergoing processing in this function.
- $conf : array<string|int, mixed> = []
stdWrap properties for postUserFunc.
Return values
string —The processed input value
postUserFuncInt Will execute a user function after the content has been created and each time it is fetched from Cache The result of this function itself will not be cached
stdWrap_postUserFuncInt([string $content = '' ][, array<string|int, mixed> $conf = [] ]) : string
- $content : string = ''
Input value undergoing processing in this function.
- $conf : array<string|int, mixed> = []
stdWrap properties for postUserFuncInt.
Return values
string —The processed input value
preCObject A content object that is prepended to the current content but between the innerWraps and the rest of the wraps
stdWrap_preCObject([string $content = '' ][, array<string|int, mixed> $conf = [] ]) : string
- $content : string = ''
Input value undergoing processing in this function.
- $conf : array<string|int, mixed> = []
stdWrap properties for preCObject.
Return values
string —The processed input value
prefixComment Will add HTML comments to the content to make it easier to identify certain content elements within the HTML output later on
stdWrap_prefixComment([string $content = '' ][, array<string|int, mixed> $conf = [] ]) : string
- $content : string = ''
Input value undergoing processing in this function.
- $conf : array<string|int, mixed> = []
stdWrap properties for prefixComment.
Return values
string —The processed input value
preIfEmptyListNum Gets a value off a CSV list before the following ifEmpty check Makes sure that the result of ifEmpty will be TRUE in case the CSV does not contain a value at the position given by preIfEmptyListNum
stdWrap_preIfEmptyListNum([string $content = '' ][, array<string|int, mixed> $conf = [] ]) : string
- $content : string = ''
Input value undergoing processing in this function.
- $conf : array<string|int, mixed> = []
stdWrap properties for preIfEmptyListNum.
Return values
string —The processed input value
prepend A content object that will be prepended to the current content after most of the wraps have already been applied
stdWrap_prepend([string $content = '' ][, array<string|int, mixed> $conf = [] ]) : string
- $content : string = ''
Input value undergoing processing in this function.
- $conf : array<string|int, mixed> = []
stdWrap properties for prepend.
Return values
string —The processed input value
preUserFunc Will execute a user public function before the content will be modified by any other stdWrap function
stdWrap_preUserFunc([string $content = '' ][, array<string|int, mixed> $conf = [] ]) : string
- $content : string = ''
Input value undergoing processing in this function.
- $conf : array<string|int, mixed> = []
stdWrap properties for preUserFunc.
Return values
string —The processed input value
prioriCalc Will use the content as a mathematical term and calculate the result Can be set to 1 to just get a calculated value or 'intval' to get the integer of the result
stdWrap_prioriCalc([string $content = '' ][, array<string|int, mixed> $conf = [] ]) : string
- $content : string = ''
Input value undergoing processing in this function.
- $conf : array<string|int, mixed> = []
stdWrap properties for prioriCalc.
Return values
string —The processed input value
rawUrlEncode Encodes content to be used within URLs
stdWrap_rawUrlEncode([string $content = '' ]) : string
- $content : string = ''
Input value undergoing processing in this function.
Return values
string —The processed input value
replacement Will execute replacements on the content (optionally with preg-regex)
stdWrap_replacement([string $content = '' ][, array<string|int, mixed> $conf = [] ]) : string
- $content : string = ''
Input value undergoing processing in this function.
- $conf : array<string|int, mixed> = []
stdWrap properties for replacement.
Return values
string —The processed input value
required Will immediately stop rendering and return an empty value when there is no content at this point
stdWrap_required([string $content = '' ]) : string
- $content : string = ''
Input value undergoing processing in this function.
Return values
string —The processed input value
stdWrap_round will return a rounded number with ceil(), floor() or round(), defaults to round() Only the english number format is supported . (dot) as decimal point
stdWrap_round([string $content = '' ][, array<string|int, mixed> $conf = [] ]) : string
- $content : string = ''
Input value undergoing processing in this function.
- $conf : array<string|int, mixed> = []
stdWrap properties for round.
Return values
string —The processed input value
setContentToCurrent actually it just does the contrary: Sets the value of 'current' based on current content
stdWrap_setContentToCurrent([string $content = '' ]) : string
- $content : string = ''
Input value undergoing processing in this function.
Return values
string —The processed input value
setCurrent Sets the value of 'current' based on the outcome of stdWrap operations
stdWrap_setCurrent([string $content = '' ][, array<string|int, mixed> $conf = [] ]) : string
- $content : string = ''
Input value undergoing processing in this function.
- $conf : array<string|int, mixed> = []
stdWrap properties for setCurrent.
Return values
string —The processed input value
split Will split the content by a given token and treat the results separately Automatically fills 'current' with a single result
stdWrap_split([string $content = '' ][, array<string|int, mixed> $conf = [] ]) : string
- $content : string = ''
Input value undergoing processing in this function.
- $conf : array<string|int, mixed> = []
stdWrap properties for split.
Return values
string —The processed input value
stdWrap A recursive call of the stdWrap function set This enables the user to execute stdWrap functions in another than the predefined order It modifies the content, not the property while the new feature of chained stdWrap functions modifies the property and not the content
stdWrap_stdWrap([string $content = '' ][, array<string|int, mixed> $conf = [] ]) : string
- $content : string = ''
Input value undergoing processing in this function.
- $conf : array<string|int, mixed> = []
stdWrap properties for stdWrap.
Return values
string —The processed input value
stdWrap override hook can be used by extensions authors to modify the behaviour of stdWrap functions to their needs this hook will execute functions on existing content but still before the content gets modified or replaced
stdWrap_stdWrapOverride([string $content = '' ][, array<string|int, mixed> $conf = [] ]) : string
- $content : string = ''
Input value undergoing processing in these functions.
- $conf : array<string|int, mixed> = []
All stdWrap properties, not just the ones for a particular function.
Return values
string —The processed input value
stdWrap post process hook can be used by extensions authors to modify the behaviour of stdWrap functions to their needs this hook executes functions at after the content has been modified by the rest of the stdWrap functions but still before debugging
stdWrap_stdWrapPostProcess([string $content = '' ][, array<string|int, mixed> $conf = [] ]) : string
- $content : string = ''
Input value undergoing processing in these functions.
- $conf : array<string|int, mixed> = []
All stdWrap properties, not just the ones for a particular function.
Return values
string —The processed input value
stdWrap pre process hook can be used by extensions authors to modify the behaviour of stdWrap functions to their needs this hook will execute functions before any other stdWrap function can modify anything
stdWrap_stdWrapPreProcess([string $content = '' ][, array<string|int, mixed> $conf = [] ]) : string
- $content : string = ''
Input value undergoing processing in these functions.
- $conf : array<string|int, mixed> = []
All stdWrap properties, not just the ones for a particular function.
Return values
string —The processed input value
stdWrap process hook can be used by extensions authors to modify the behaviour of stdWrap functions to their needs this hook executes functions directly after the recursive stdWrap function call but still before the content gets modified
stdWrap_stdWrapProcess([string $content = '' ][, array<string|int, mixed> $conf = [] ]) : string
- $content : string = ''
Input value undergoing processing in these functions.
- $conf : array<string|int, mixed> = []
All stdWrap properties, not just the ones for a particular function.
Return values
string —The processed input value
strftime Will return a formatted date based on configuration given according to PHP strftime/gmstrftime properties Will return gmstrftime when the property GMT returns TRUE
stdWrap_strftime([string $content = '' ][, array<string|int, mixed> $conf = [] ]) : string
- $content : string = ''
Input value undergoing processing in this function.
- $conf : array<string|int, mixed> = []
stdWrap properties for strftime.
Return values
string —The processed input value
stripHtml Completely removes HTML tags from content
stdWrap_stripHtml([string $content = '' ]) : string
- $content : string = ''
Input value undergoing processing in this function.
Return values
string —The processed input value
strPad Will return a string padded left/right/on both sides, based on configuration given as stdWrap properties
stdWrap_strPad([string $content = '' ][, array<string|int, mixed> $conf = [] ]) : string
- $content : string = ''
Input value undergoing processing in this function.
- $conf : array<string|int, mixed> = []
stdWrap properties for strPad.
Return values
string —The processed input value
strtotime Will return a timestamp based on configuration given according to PHP strtotime
stdWrap_strtotime([string $content = '' ][, array<string|int, mixed> $conf = [] ]) : string
- $content : string = ''
Input value undergoing processing in this function.
- $conf : array<string|int, mixed> = []
stdWrap properties for strtotime.
Return values
string —The processed input value
substring Will return a substring based on position information given by stdWrap properties
stdWrap_substring([string $content = '' ][, array<string|int, mixed> $conf = [] ]) : string
- $content : string = ''
Input value undergoing processing in this function.
- $conf : array<string|int, mixed> = []
stdWrap properties for substring.
Return values
string —The processed input value
trim Cuts off any whitespace at the beginning and the end of the content
stdWrap_trim([string $content = '' ]) : string
- $content : string = ''
Input value undergoing processing in this function.
Return values
string —The processed input value
typolink Wraps the content with a link tag URLs and other attributes are created automatically by the values given in the stdWrap properties See wrap
stdWrap_typolink([string $content = '' ][, array<string|int, mixed> $conf = [] ]) : string
- $content : string = ''
Input value undergoing processing in this function.
- $conf : array<string|int, mixed> = []
stdWrap properties for typolink.
Return values
string —The processed input value
wrap This is the "mother" of all wraps Third of a set of different wraps which will be applied in a certain order before or after other functions that modify the content Basically it will put additional content before and after the current content using a split character as a placeholder for the current content The default split character is | but it can be replaced with other characters by the property splitChar Any other wrap that does not have own splitChar settings will be using the default split char though
stdWrap_wrap([string $content = '' ][, array<string|int, mixed> $conf = [] ]) : string
- $content : string = ''
Input value undergoing processing in this function.
- $conf : array<string|int, mixed> = []
stdWrap properties for wrap.
Return values
string —The processed input value
wrap2 Fifth of a set of different wraps which will be applied in a certain order before or after other functions that modify the content The default split character is | but it can be replaced with other characters by the property splitChar
stdWrap_wrap2([string $content = '' ][, array<string|int, mixed> $conf = [] ]) : string
- $content : string = ''
Input value undergoing processing in this function.
- $conf : array<string|int, mixed> = []
stdWrap properties for wrap2.
Return values
string —The processed input value
wrap3 Seventh of a set of different wraps which will be applied in a certain order before or after other functions that modify the content The default split character is | but it can be replaced with other characters by the property splitChar
stdWrap_wrap3([string $content = '' ][, array<string|int, mixed> $conf = [] ]) : string
- $content : string = ''
Input value undergoing processing in this function.
- $conf : array<string|int, mixed> = []
stdWrap properties for wrap3.
Return values
string —The processed input value
wrapAlign Wraps content with a div container having the style attribute text-align set to the given value See wrap
stdWrap_wrapAlign([string $content = '' ][, array<string|int, mixed> $conf = [] ]) : string
- $content : string = ''
Input value undergoing processing in this function.
- $conf : array<string|int, mixed> = []
stdWrap properties for wrapAlign.
Return values
string —The processed input value
Gets a configuration value by passing them through stdWrap first and taking a default value if stdWrap doesn't yield a result.
stdWrapValue(string $key, array<string|int, mixed> $config[, string|int|bool|null $defaultValue = '' ]) : string|int|bool|null
- $key : string
The config variable key (from TS array).
- $config : array<string|int, mixed>
The TypoScript array.
- $defaultValue : string|int|bool|null = ''
Optional default value.
Return values
string|int|bool|null —Value of the config variable
Implements the stdWrap property "substring" which is basically a TypoScript implementation of the PHP function, substr()
substring(string $content, string $options) : string
- $content : string
The string to perform the operation on
- $options : string
The parameters to substring, given as a comma list of integers where the first and second number is passed as arg 1 and 2 to substr().
Return values
string —The processed input value.
Implements the "typolink" property of stdWrap (and others) Basically the input string, $linkText, is (typically) wrapped in a <a>-tag linking to some page, email address, file or URL based on a parameter defined by the configuration array $conf.
typoLink(string $linkText, array<string|int, mixed> $conf) : string|LinkResult
This function is best used from internal functions as is. There are some API functions defined after this function which is more suited for general usage in external applications.
Generally the concept "typolink" should be used in your own applications as an API for making links to pages with parameters and more. The reason for this is that you will then automatically make links compatible with all the centralized functions for URL simulation and manipulation of parameters into hashes and more.
For many more details on the parameters and how they are interpreted, please see the link to TSref below.
- $linkText : string
The string (text) to link
- $conf : array<string|int, mixed>
TypoScript configuration (see link below)
Return values
string|LinkResult —A link-wrapped string.
Based on the input "TypoLink" TypoScript configuration this will return the generated URL
typoLink_URL(array<string|int, mixed> $conf) : string
- $conf : array<string|int, mixed>
TypoScript properties for "typolink"
Return values
string —The URL of the link-tag that typoLink() would by itself return
Wrapping a string.
wrap(string $content, string $wrap[, string $char = '|' ]) : string
Implements the TypoScript "wrap" property. Example: $content = "HELLO WORLD" and $wrap = " | ", result: "HELLO WORLD"
- $content : string
The content to wrap
- $wrap : string
The wrap value, eg. " |
- $char : string = '|'
The char used to split the wrapping value, default is "|
Return values
string —Wrapped input string
addDefaultFrontendJavaScript() : void
Applies stdWrap to the cache key
calculateCacheKey(array<string|int, mixed> $configuration) : string
- $configuration : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
Calculates the lifetime of a cache entry based on the given configuration
calculateCacheLifetime(array<string|int, mixed> $configuration) : int|null
- $configuration : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
Calculates the tags for a cache entry bases on the given configuration
calculateCacheTags(array<string|int, mixed> $configuration) : array<string|int, mixed>
- $configuration : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>createCropAreaFromJsonString()
Takes a JSON string and creates CropVariantCollection and fetches the corresponding CropArea for that.
createCropAreaFromJsonString(string $cropSettings, string $cropVariant) : Area
- $cropSettings : string
- $cropVariant : string
Return values
Creates the content object exception handler from local content object configuration or, from global configuration if not explicitly disabled in local configuration
createExceptionHandler([array<string|int, mixed> $configuration = [] ]) : ExceptionHandlerInterface|null
- $configuration : array<string|int, mixed> = []
Return values
Determine exception handler class name from global and content object configuration
determineExceptionHandlerClassName(array<string|int, mixed> $configuration) : string|null
- $configuration : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
Get content length of the current tag that could also contain nested tag contents
getContentLengthOfCurrentTag(string $theValue, int $pointer, string $currentTag) : int
Helper method of parseFuncInternal().
- $theValue : string
- $pointer : int
- $currentTag : string
Return values
Returns an ImageManipulation\Area object for the given cropVariant (or 'default') or null if the crop settings or crop area is empty.
getCropAreaFromFileReference(FileReference $fileReference, array<string|int, mixed> $fileArray) : Area|null
The cropArea from file reference is used, if not set in TypoScript.
Example TypoScript settings: file.crop = OR file.crop = 50,50,100,100 OR = file:current:crop
- $fileReference : FileReference
- $fileArray : array<string|int, mixed>
TypoScript properties for the imgResource type
Return values
Returns an ImageManipulation\Area object for the given cropVariant (or 'default') or null if the crop settings or crop area is empty.
getCropAreaFromFromTypoScriptSettings(FileInterface $file, array<string|int, mixed> $fileArray) : Area|null
- $file : FileInterface
- $fileArray : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
Wrapper function for GeneralUtility::getIndpEnv()
getEnvironmentVariable(string $key) : string
- $key : string
Name of the "environment variable"/"server variable" you wish to get.
Return values
Gets file information. This is a helper function for the getData() method above, which resolves e.g.
getFileDataKey(string $key) : string|int = file:current:title or = file:17:title
- $key : string
A colon-separated key, e.g. 17:name or current:sha1, with the first part being a sys_file uid or the keyword "current" and the second part being the key of information to get from file (e.g. "title", "size", "description", etc.)
Return values
string|int —The value as retrieved from the file object.
Fetches content from cache
getFromCache(array<string|int, mixed> $configuration) : string|bool
- $configuration : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
string|bool —FALSE on cache miss
Gets the 'getImgResource' hook objects.
getGetImgResourceHookObjects() : array<string|int, mixed>
The first call initializes the accordant objects.
Return values
array<string|int, mixed> —The 'getImgResource' hook objects (if any)
Adds parts to the WHERE clause that are related to language.
getLanguageRestriction(ExpressionBuilder $expressionBuilder, string $table, array<string|int, mixed> $conf, Context $context) : string|CompositeExpression|null
This only works on TCA tables which have the [ctrl][languageField] field set or if they have select.languageField = my_language_field set explicitly.
It is also possible to disable the language restriction for a query by using select.languageField = 0, if select.languageField is not explicitly set, the TCA default values are taken.
If the table is "localizeable" (= any of the criteria above is met), then the DB query is restricted:
If the current language aspect has overlays enabled, then the only records with language "0" or "-1" are fetched (the overlays are taken care of later-on). if the current language has overlays but also records without localization-parent (free mode) available, then these are fetched as well. This can explicitly set via select.includeRecordsWithoutDefaultTranslation = 1 which overrules the overlayType within the language aspect.
If the language aspect has NO overlays enabled, it behaves as in "free mode" (= only fetch the records for the current language.
- $expressionBuilder : ExpressionBuilder
- $table : string
- $conf : array<string|int, mixed>
- $context : Context
Return values
Helper to transform a QueryBuilder object into a queryParts array that can be used with exec_SELECT_queryArray
getQueryArray(QueryBuilder $queryBuilder) : array<string|int, mixed>
- $queryBuilder : QueryBuilder
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>getQueryArrayJoinHelper()
Helper to transform the QueryBuilder join part into a SQL fragment.
getQueryArrayJoinHelper(string $fromAlias, array<string|int, mixed> $joinParts, array<string|int, mixed> &$knownAliases) : string
- $fromAlias : string
- $joinParts : array<string|int, mixed>
- $knownAliases : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
Helper function for getQuery(), creating the WHERE clause of the SELECT query
getQueryConstraints(string $table, array<string|int, mixed> $conf) : array<string|int, mixed>
- $table : string
The table name
- $conf : array<string|int, mixed>
The TypoScript configuration properties
Return values
array<string|int, mixed> —Associative array containing the prepared data for WHERE, ORDER BY and GROUP BY fragments
Get instance of FAL resource factory
getResourceFactory() : ResourceFactory
Return values
getTimeTracker() : TimeTracker
Return values
This method recursively checks for values in methods, arrays, objects, but does not fall back to $GLOBALS object instead of getGlobal().
getValueFromRecursiveData(array<string|int, mixed> $keys, mixed $startValue) : int|float|string
see getGlobal()
- $keys : array<string|int, mixed>
- $startValue : mixed
Return values
Finds URLs in text and makes it to a real link.
http_makelinks(string $data, array<string|int, mixed> $conf) : string
Will find all strings prefixed with "http://" and "https://" in the $data string and make them into a link, linking to the URL we should have found.
Helper method of parseFuncInternal().
- $data : string
The string in which to search for "http://
- $conf : array<string|int, mixed>
Configuration for makeLinks, see link
Return values
string —The processed input string, being returned.
Will find all strings prefixed with "mailto:" in the $data string and make them into a link, linking to the email address they point to.
mailto_makelinks(string $data, array<string|int, mixed> $conf) : string
Helper method of parseFuncInternal().
- $data : string
The string in which to search for "mailto:
- $conf : array<string|int, mixed>
Configuration for makeLinks, see link
Return values
string —The processed input string, being returned.
Merges global exception handler configuration with the one from the content object and returns the merged exception handler configuration
mergeExceptionHandlerConfiguration(array<string|int, mixed> $configuration) : array<string|int, mixed>
- $configuration : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>parseFuncInternal()
Helper function for parseFunc()
parseFuncInternal(string $theValue, array<string|int, mixed> $conf) : string
- $theValue : string
The value to process.
- $conf : array<string|int, mixed>
TypoScript configuration for parseFunc
Return values
string —The processed value
Processes ordered replacements on content data.
replacement(string $content, array<string|int, mixed> $configuration) : string
- $content : string
The content to be processed
- $configuration : array<string|int, mixed>
The TypoScript configuration for stdWrap.replacement
Return values
string —The processed content data
Processes a single search/replace on content data.
replacementSingle(string $content, array<string|int, mixed> $configuration) : string
- $content : string
The content to be processed
- $configuration : array<string|int, mixed>
The TypoScript of the search/replace action to be processed
Return values
string —The processed content data
Implements the "round" property of stdWrap This is a Wrapper function for PHP's rounding functions (round,ceil,floor), defaults to round()
round(string $content[, array<string|int, mixed> $conf = [] ]) : string
- $content : string
Value to process
- $conf : array<string|int, mixed> = []
TypoScript configuration for round
Return values
string —The formatted number
Helper function for getQuery, sanitizing the select part
sanitizeSelectPart(string $selectPart, string $table) : string
This functions checks if the necessary fields are part of the select and adds them if necessary.
- $selectPart : string
Select part
- $table : string
Table to select from
Return values
string —Sanitized select part
shallDebug() : bool
Return values
shallExportDefaultFrontendJavaScript() : bool
Return values
shallRemoveDefaultFrontendJavaScript() : bool