TextMenuContentObject extends AbstractMenuContentObject

Extension class creating text based menus

Table of Contents


customItemStates  = [ // IFSUB is TRUE if there exist submenu items to the current item 'IFSUB', 'ACT', // ACTIFSUB is TRUE if there exist submenu items to the current item and the current item is active 'ACTIFSUB', // CUR is TRUE if the current page equals the item here! 'CUR', // CURIFSUB is TRUE if there exist submenu items to the current item and the current page equals the item here! 'CURIFSUB', 'USR', 'SPC', 'USERDEF1', 'USERDEF2', ]


$parent_cObj  : ContentObjectRenderer
Loaded with the parent cObj-object when a new HMENU is made
$alternativeMenuTempArray  : array<string|int, mixed>
Can be set to contain menu item arrays for sub-levels.
$alwaysActivePIDlist  : array<string|int, int>
$conf  : array<string|int, mixed>
HMENU configuration
$disableGroupAccessCheck  : bool
$entryLevel  : int
0 = rootFolder
$excludedDoktypes  : array<string|int, int>
Doktypes that define which should not be included in a menu
$hash  : string
$I  : array<string|int, mixed>
$id  : int
The base page-id of the menu.
$mconf  : array<string|int, mixed>
xMENU configuration (TMENU etc)
$menuArr  : array<string|int, array<string|int, mixed>>
The array of menuItems which is built
$menuNumber  : int
tells you which menu number this is. This is important when getting data from the setup
$MP_array  : array<string|int, string>
accumulation of mount point data
$nextActive  : string
Holds the page uid of the NEXT page in the root line from the page pointed to by entryLevel; Used to expand the menu automatically if in a certain root line.
$parentMenuArr  : array<string|int, mixed>
$parentMenuArrItemKey  : int|null
Array key of the parentMenuItem in the parentMenuArr, if this menu is a subMenu.
$request  : ServerRequestInterface
$result  : array<string|int, mixed>
$rL_uidRegister  : array<string|int, mixed>
Is filled with an array of page uid numbers + RL parameters which are in the current root line (used to evaluate whether a menu item is in active state)
$sys_page  : PageRepository
$tmpl  : TemplateService|null


filterMenuPages()  : bool
Checks if a page is OK to include in the final menu item array. Pages can be excluded if the doktype is wrong, if they are hidden in navigation, have a uid in the list of banned uids etc.
generate()  : mixed
Calls processItemStates() so that the common configuration for the menu items are resolved into individual configuration per item.
getParentContentObject()  : ContentObjectRenderer
Returns the parent content object
getParentMenuArr()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Get the parentMenuArr, if this is subMenu.
getParentMenuItem()  : array<string|int, mixed>|null
Get the parentMenuItem from the parentMenuArr, if this is a subMenu
getSysPage()  : PageRepository
Returns the sys_page object
makeMenu()  : mixed
Creates the menu in the internal variables, ready for output.
setParentMenu()  : mixed
Set the parentMenuArr and key to provide the parentMenu information to the subMenu, special fur IProcFunc and itemArrayProcFunc user functions.
start()  : bool
The initialization of the object. This just sets some internal variables.
writeMenu()  : string
Traverses the ->result array of menu items configuration (made by ->generate()) and renders each item.
buildPageRepository()  : PageRepository
Builds PageRepository instance without depending on global context, e.g.
getBannedUids()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Returns an array of banned UIDs (from excludeUidList)
getBeforeAfter()  : string
Generates the before* and after* stdWrap for TMENUs Evaluates: - before.stdWrap* - beforeWrap - after.stdWrap* - afterWrap
getCache()  : FrontendInterface
getCacheIdentifierForSubMenuDecision()  : string
getCurrentLanguageAspect()  : LanguageAspect
getCurrentSite()  : Site
Returns the currently configured "site" if a site is configured (= resolved) in the current request.
getDoktypeExcludeWhere()  : string
Returns where clause part to exclude 'not in menu' pages
getMPvar()  : string
Return MPvar string for entry $key in ->menuArr
getPageTitle()  : string
Returns the title for the navigation
getRuntimeCache()  : FrontendInterface
getTimeTracker()  : TimeTracker
getTypoScriptFrontendController()  : TypoScriptFrontendController
hasParentMenuArr()  : bool
Check if there is a valid parentMenuArr.
hasParentMenuItem()  : mixed
Check if the the parentMenuItem exists
hasParentMenuItemKey()  : mixed
Check if we have a parentMenuArrItemKey
isActive()  : bool
Returns TRUE if the given page is active (in the current rootline)
isCurrent()  : bool
Returns TRUE if the page is the CURRENT page (equals $this->getTypoScriptFrontendController()->id)
isItemState()  : bool
Used by processItemStates() to evaluate if a menu item (identified by $key) is in a certain state.
isNext()  : bool
Returns TRUE if the page with UID $uid is the NEXT page in root line (which means a submenu should be drawn)
isSubMenu()  : bool
Returns TRUE if there is a submenu with items for the page id, $uid Used by the item states "IFSUB", "ACTIFSUB" and "CURIFSUB" to check if there is a submenu
link()  : LinkResultInterface|null
Creates the URL, target and data-window-* attributes for the menu item link. Returns them in an array as key/value pairs for <A>-tag attributes
menuTypoLink()  : LinkResultInterface
Calls typolink to create menu item links.
prepareMenuItems()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Main function for retrieving menu items based on the menu type (special or sectionIndex or "normal")
prepareMenuItemsForBrowseMenu()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Fetches all menuitems if special = browse is set
prepareMenuItemsForDirectoryMenu()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Fetches all menuitems if special = directory is set
prepareMenuItemsForKeywordsMenu()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Fetches all menuitems if special = keywords is set
prepareMenuItemsForLanguageMenu()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Fetches all menuitems if special = language is set
prepareMenuItemsForListMenu()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Fetches all menuitems if special = list is set
prepareMenuItemsForRootlineMenu()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Fetches all menuitems if special = rootline is set
prepareMenuItemsForUpdatedMenu()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Fetches all menuitems if special = updated is set
prepareMenuItemsForUserSpecificMenu()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Fetches all menuitems if special = userfunction is set
processItemStates()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Generating the per-menu-item configuration arrays based on the settings for item states (NO, ACT, CUR etc) set in ->mconf (config for the current menu object) Basically it will produce an individual array for each menu item based on the item states.
removeInaccessiblePages()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Gets an array of page rows and removes all, which are not accessible
sectionIndex()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Generates a list of content objects with sectionIndex enabled available on a specific page
setATagParts()  : mixed
Creates the <A> tag parts for the current item (in $this->I, [A1] and [A2]) based on the given link result
subMenu()  : string
Creates a submenu level to the current level - if configured for.
userProcess()  : mixed
Calls a user function for processing of internal data.



protected mixed customItemStates = [ // IFSUB is TRUE if there exist submenu items to the current item 'IFSUB', 'ACT', // ACTIFSUB is TRUE if there exist submenu items to the current item and the current item is active 'ACTIFSUB', // CUR is TRUE if the current page equals the item here! 'CUR', // CURIFSUB is TRUE if there exist submenu items to the current item and the current page equals the item here! 'CURIFSUB', 'USR', 'SPC', 'USERDEF1', 'USERDEF2', ]



Can be set to contain menu item arrays for sub-levels.

protected array<string|int, mixed> $alternativeMenuTempArray = []


protected array<string|int, int> $alwaysActivePIDlist = []


HMENU configuration

protected array<string|int, mixed> $conf = []


protected bool $disableGroupAccessCheck = false


0 = rootFolder

protected int $entryLevel = 0


Doktypes that define which should not be included in a menu

protected array<string|int, int> $excludedDoktypes = [\TYPO3\CMS\Core\Domain\Repository\PageRepository::DOKTYPE_BE_USER_SECTION, \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Domain\Repository\PageRepository::DOKTYPE_SYSFOLDER]


The base page-id of the menu.

protected int $id


xMENU configuration (TMENU etc)

protected array<string|int, mixed> $mconf = []


The array of menuItems which is built

protected array<string|int, array<string|int, mixed>> $menuArr


tells you which menu number this is. This is important when getting data from the setup

protected int $menuNumber = 1


accumulation of mount point data

protected array<string|int, string> $MP_array = []


Holds the page uid of the NEXT page in the root line from the page pointed to by entryLevel; Used to expand the menu automatically if in a certain root line.

protected string $nextActive


protected array<string|int, mixed> $parentMenuArr


Array key of the parentMenuItem in the parentMenuArr, if this menu is a subMenu.

protected int|null $parentMenuArrItemKey


protected ServerRequestInterface $request


protected array<string|int, mixed> $result = []


Is filled with an array of page uid numbers + RL parameters which are in the current root line (used to evaluate whether a menu item is in active state)

protected array<string|int, mixed> $rL_uidRegister



since v12: Remove property and usages in v13 when TemplateService is removed

protected TemplateService|null $tmpl



Checks if a page is OK to include in the final menu item array. Pages can be excluded if the doktype is wrong, if they are hidden in navigation, have a uid in the list of banned uids etc.

public filterMenuPages(array<string|int, mixed> &$data, array<string|int, mixed> $banUidArray, bool $isSpacerPage) : bool
$data : array<string|int, mixed>

Array of menu items

$banUidArray : array<string|int, mixed>

Array of page uids which are to be excluded

$isSpacerPage : bool

If set, then the page is a spacer.

Return values

Returns TRUE if the page can be safely included.


Calls processItemStates() so that the common configuration for the menu items are resolved into individual configuration per item.

public generate() : mixed

Sets the result for the new "normal state" in $this->result



Get the parentMenuArr, if this is subMenu.

public getParentMenuArr() : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


Get the parentMenuItem from the parentMenuArr, if this is a subMenu

public getParentMenuItem() : array<string|int, mixed>|null
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>|null


Creates the menu in the internal variables, ready for output.

public makeMenu() : mixed

Basically this will read the page records needed and fill in the internal $this->menuArr Based on a hash of this array and some other variables the $this->result variable will be loaded either from cache OR by calling the generate() method of the class to create the menu for real.


Set the parentMenuArr and key to provide the parentMenu information to the subMenu, special fur IProcFunc and itemArrayProcFunc user functions.

public setParentMenu(array<string|int, mixed> $menuArr, int $menuItemKey) : mixed
$menuArr : array<string|int, mixed>
$menuItemKey : int


The initialization of the object. This just sets some internal variables.

public start(TemplateService|null $_, PageRepository $sys_page, int|string $id, array<string|int, mixed> $conf, int $menuNumber[, string $objSuffix = '' ][, ServerRequestInterface|null $request = null ]) : bool
$_ : TemplateService|null

Obsolete argument

$sys_page : PageRepository

The $this->getTypoScriptFrontendController()->sys_page object

$id : int|string

A starting point page id. This should probably be blank since the 'entryLevel' value will be used then.

$conf : array<string|int, mixed>

The TypoScript configuration for the HMENU cObject

$menuNumber : int

Menu number; 1,2,3. Should probably be 1

$objSuffix : string = ''

Submenu Object suffix. This offers submenus a way to use alternative configuration for specific positions in the menu; By default "1 = TMENU" would use "1." for the TMENU configuration, but if this string is set to eg. "a" then "1a." would be used for configuration instead (while "1 = " is still used for the overall object definition of "TMENU")

$request : ServerRequestInterface|null = null
Return values

Returns TRUE on success


Traverses the ->result array of menu items configuration (made by ->generate()) and renders each item.

public writeMenu() : string

An instance of ContentObjectRenderer is also made and for each menu item rendered it is loaded with the record for that page so that any stdWrap properties that applies will have the current menu items record available.

Return values

The HTML for the menu including submenus


Builds PageRepository instance without depending on global context, e.g.

protected buildPageRepository([LanguageAspect|null $languageAspect = null ]) : PageRepository

not automatically overlaying records based on current request language.

$languageAspect : LanguageAspect|null = null
Return values


Returns an array of banned UIDs (from excludeUidList)

protected getBannedUids() : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

Array of banned UIDs


Generates the before* and after* stdWrap for TMENUs Evaluates: - before.stdWrap* - beforeWrap - after.stdWrap* - afterWrap

protected getBeforeAfter(string $pref, ContentObjectRenderer $cObjectForCurrentMenu) : string
$pref : string

Can be "before" or "after" and determines which kind of stdWrap to process (basically this is the prefix of the TypoScript properties that are read from the ->I['val'] array

$cObjectForCurrentMenu : ContentObjectRenderer
Return values

The resulting HTML


protected getCacheIdentifierForSubMenuDecision(mixed $uid) : string
$uid : mixed
Return values


Returns the currently configured "site" if a site is configured (= resolved) in the current request.

protected getCurrentSite() : Site
Return values


Returns where clause part to exclude 'not in menu' pages

protected getDoktypeExcludeWhere() : string
Return values

where clause part.


Return MPvar string for entry $key in ->menuArr

protected getMPvar(int $key) : string
$key : int

Pointer to element in ->menuArr

Return values

MP vars for element.


Returns the title for the navigation

protected getPageTitle(string $title, string $nav_title) : string
$title : string

The current page title

$nav_title : string

The current value of the navigation title

Return values

Returns the navigation title if it is NOT blank, otherwise the page title.


Check if there is a valid parentMenuArr.

protected hasParentMenuArr() : bool
Return values


Check if the the parentMenuItem exists

protected hasParentMenuItem() : mixed


Check if we have a parentMenuArrItemKey

protected hasParentMenuItemKey() : mixed


Returns TRUE if the given page is active (in the current rootline)

protected isActive(array<string|int, mixed> $page, string $MPvar) : bool
$page : array<string|int, mixed>

Page record to evaluate.

$MPvar : string

MPvar for the current position of item.

Return values

TRUE if $page is active


Returns TRUE if the page is the CURRENT page (equals $this->getTypoScriptFrontendController()->id)

protected isCurrent(array<string|int, mixed> $page, string $MPvar) : bool
$page : array<string|int, mixed>

Page record to evaluate.

$MPvar : string

MPvar for the current position of item.

Return values

TRUE if resolved page ID = $this->getTypoScriptFrontendController()->id


Used by processItemStates() to evaluate if a menu item (identified by $key) is in a certain state.

protected isItemState(string $kind, int $key) : bool
$kind : string

The item state to evaluate (SPC, IFSUB, ACT etc...)

$key : int

Key pointing to menu item from ->menuArr

Return values

Returns TRUE if state matches


Returns TRUE if the page with UID $uid is the NEXT page in root line (which means a submenu should be drawn)

protected isNext(int $uid, string $MPvar) : bool
$uid : int

Page uid to evaluate.

$MPvar : string

MPvar for the current position of item.

Return values

TRUE if page with $uid is active


Returns TRUE if there is a submenu with items for the page id, $uid Used by the item states "IFSUB", "ACTIFSUB" and "CURIFSUB" to check if there is a submenu

protected isSubMenu(int $uid) : bool
$uid : int

Page uid for which to search for a submenu

Return values

Returns TRUE if there was a submenu with items found

Creates the URL, target and data-window-* attributes for the menu item link. Returns them in an array as key/value pairs for <A>-tag attributes

protected link(int $key, string $altTarget, string $typeOverride) : LinkResultInterface|null
$key : int

Pointer to a key in the $this->menuArr array where the value for that key represents the menu item we are linking to (page record)

$altTarget : string

Alternative target

$typeOverride : string

Alternative type

Return values

Calls typolink to create menu item links.

protected menuTypoLink(array<string|int, mixed> $page, string $oTarget, string $addParams, int|string $typeOverride[, int|null $overridePageId = null ]) : LinkResultInterface
$page : array<string|int, mixed>

Page record (uid points where to link to)

$oTarget : string

Target frame/window

$addParams : string

Parameters to add to URL

$typeOverride : int|string

"type" value, empty string means "not set"

$overridePageId : int|null = null

link to this page instead of the $page[uid] value

Return values


Main function for retrieving menu items based on the menu type (special or sectionIndex or "normal")

protected prepareMenuItems() : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


Fetches all menuitems if special = browse is set

protected prepareMenuItemsForBrowseMenu(string $specialValue, string $sortingField, string $additionalWhere) : array<string|int, mixed>
$specialValue : string

The value from special.value

$sortingField : string

The sorting field

$additionalWhere : string

Additional WHERE clause

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


Fetches all menuitems if special = directory is set

protected prepareMenuItemsForDirectoryMenu(string $specialValue, string $sortingField) : array<string|int, mixed>
$specialValue : string

The value from special.value

$sortingField : string

The sorting field

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


Fetches all menuitems if special = keywords is set

protected prepareMenuItemsForKeywordsMenu(string $specialValue, string $sortingField) : array<string|int, mixed>
$specialValue : string

The value from special.value

$sortingField : string

The sorting field

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


Fetches all menuitems if special = language is set

protected prepareMenuItemsForLanguageMenu(string $specialValue) : array<string|int, mixed>
$specialValue : string

The value from special.value

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


Fetches all menuitems if special = list is set

protected prepareMenuItemsForListMenu(string $specialValue) : array<string|int, mixed>
$specialValue : string

The value from special.value

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


Fetches all menuitems if special = rootline is set

protected prepareMenuItemsForRootlineMenu() : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


Fetches all menuitems if special = updated is set

protected prepareMenuItemsForUpdatedMenu(string $specialValue, string $sortingField) : array<string|int, mixed>
$specialValue : string

The value from special.value

$sortingField : string

The sorting field

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


Fetches all menuitems if special = userfunction is set

protected prepareMenuItemsForUserSpecificMenu(string $specialValue, string $sortingField) : array<string|int, mixed>
$specialValue : string

The value from special.value

$sortingField : string

The sorting field

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


Generating the per-menu-item configuration arrays based on the settings for item states (NO, ACT, CUR etc) set in ->mconf (config for the current menu object) Basically it will produce an individual array for each menu item based on the item states.

protected processItemStates(int $splitCount) : array<string|int, mixed>

BUT in addition the "optionSplit" syntax for the values is ALSO evaluated here so that all property-values are "option-splitted" and the output will thus be resolved. Is called from the "generate" functions in the extension classes. The function is processor intensive due to the option split feature in particular. But since the generate function is not always called (since the ->result array may be cached, see makeMenu) it doesn't hurt so badly.

$splitCount : int

Number of menu items in the menu

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

the resolved configuration for each item


Gets an array of page rows and removes all, which are not accessible

protected removeInaccessiblePages(array<string|int, mixed> $pages) : array<string|int, mixed>
$pages : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


Generates a list of content objects with sectionIndex enabled available on a specific page

protected sectionIndex(string $altSortField[, int $pid = null ]) : array<string|int, mixed>

Used for menus with sectionIndex enabled

$altSortField : string

Alternative sorting field

$pid : int = null

The page id to search for sections


if the query to fetch the content elements unexpectedly fails

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


Creates the <A> tag parts for the current item (in $this->I, [A1] and [A2]) based on the given link result

protected setATagParts(LinkResultInterface|null $linkResult) : mixed
$linkResult : LinkResultInterface|null


Creates a submenu level to the current level - if configured for.

protected subMenu(int $uid, string $objSuffix, int $menuItemKey) : string
$uid : int

Page id of the current page for which a submenu MAY be produced (if conditions are met)

$objSuffix : string

Object prefix, see ->start()

$menuItemKey : int
Return values

HTML content of the submenu


Calls a user function for processing of internal data.

protected userProcess(string $mConfKey, mixed $passVar) : mixed

Used for the properties "IProcFunc" and "itemArrayProcFunc"

$mConfKey : string

Key pointing for the property in the current ->mconf array holding possibly parameters to pass along to the function/method. Currently the keys used are "IProcFunc" and "itemArrayProcFunc".

$passVar : mixed

A variable to pass to the user function and which should be returned again from the user function. The idea is that the user function modifies this variable according to what you want to achieve and then returns it. For "itemArrayProcFunc" this variable is $this->menuArr, for "IProcFunc" it is $this->I

Return values

The processed $passVar

On this page

Search results