TypoScriptFrontendController implements LoggerAwareInterface uses LoggerAwareTrait, PublicPropertyDeprecationTrait

Main controller class of the TypoScript based frontend.

This is prepared in Frontend middlewares and the content rendering is ultimately called in \TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\Http\RequestHandler.

When calling a Frontend page, an instance of this object is available as $GLOBALS['TSFE'], even though the core development strives to get rid of this in the future.

Table of Contents




$absRefPrefix  : string
Absolute Reference prefix
$additionalFooterData  : array<string|int, mixed>
Used to accumulate additional HTML-code for the footer-section of the template
$additionalHeaderData  : array<string|int, mixed>
Eg. insert JS-functions in this array ($additionalHeaderData) to include them once. Use associative keys.
$applicationData  : array<string|int, mixed>
'Global' Storage for various applications. Keys should be 'tx_'.extKey for extensions.
$cObj  : ContentObjectRenderer
Page content render object
$config  : array<string, mixed>
A central data array consisting of various keys, initialized and processed at various places in the class.
$content  : string
All page content is accumulated in this variable. See RequestHandler
$contentPid  : int
This will normally point to the same value as id, but can be changed to point to another page from which content will then be displayed instead.
$currentRecord  : string
This is set to the [table]:[uid] of the latest record rendered. Note that class ContentObjectRenderer has an equal value, but that is pointing to the record delivered in the $data-array of the ContentObjectRenderer instance, if the cObjects CONTENT or RECORD created that instance
$fe_user  : FrontendUserAuthentication
The frontend user
$id  : int
The page id (int)
$lastImgResourceInfo  : array<string|int, mixed>|null
Info-array of the last resulting image resource of content object IMG_RESOURCE (if any), containing width, height and so on.
$linkVars  : string
A string prepared for insertion in all links on the page as url-parameters.
$lock  : ResourceMutex|null
$MP  : string
$newHash  : string
This hash is unique to the template, the $this->id and $this->type vars and the list of groups. Used to get and later store the cached data
$no_cache  : bool
Page will not be cached. Write only TRUE. Never clear value (some other code might have reasons to set it TRUE).
$page  : array<string|int, mixed>
The pagerecord
$pSetup  : array<string|int, mixed>|string
TypoScript configuration of the page-object.
$recordRegister  : array<string|int, mixed>
Used by RecordContentObject and ContentContentObject to ensure the a records is NOT rendered twice through it!
$register  : array<string|int, mixed>
$registerStack  : array<string|int, mixed>
Stack used for storing array and retrieving register arrays (see LOAD_REGISTER and RESTORE_REGISTER)
$rootLine  : array<int, array<string, mixed>>
Rootline of page records all the way to the root.
$sys_page  : PageRepository|string
sys_page-object, pagefunctions
$tmpl  : TemplateService
The TypoScript template object. Used to parse the TypoScript template
$baseUrl  : string
The base URL set for the page header.
$cacheExpires  : int
Set to the expire time of cached content
$cacheTimeOutDefault  : int
Is set to the time-to-live time of cached pages. Default is 60*60*24, which is 24 hours.
$contentType  : string
Content type HTTP header being sent in the request.
$context  : Context
The context for keeping the current state, mostly related to current page information, backend user / frontend user access, workspaceId
$debugInformationHeader  : string
If debug mode is enabled, this contains the information if a page is fetched from cache, and sent as HTTP Response Header.
$deprecatedPublicProperties  : array<string|int, mixed>
$extTarget  : string
Default external target
$fileTarget  : string
Default file link target
$intTarget  : string
Default internal target
$language  : SiteLanguage
$languageService  : LanguageService|null
Internal calculations for labels
$no_cacheBeforePageGen  : bool
This flag is set before the page is generated IF $this->no_cache is set. If this flag is set after the page content was generated, $this->no_cache is forced to be set.
$originalMountPointPage  : array<string|int, mixed>|null
Gets set when we are processing a page of type mountpoint with enabled overlay in getPageAndRootline() Used later in checkPageForMountpointRedirect() to determine the final target URL where the user should be redirected to.
$originalShortcutPage  : array<string|int, mixed>|null
Gets set when we are processing a page of type shortcut in the early stages of the request, used later in the request to resolve the shortcut and redirect again.
$pageAccessFailureHistory  : array<string|int, mixed>
Array containing a history of why a requested page was not accessible.
$pageArguments  : PageArguments
$pageCache  : FrontendInterface
The page cache object, use this to save pages to the cache and to retrieve them again
$pageCacheTags  : array<string|int, mixed>
$pageContentWasLoadedFromCache  : bool
Set if cached content was fetched from the cache.
$pageNotFound  : int
Is set to > 0 if the page could not be resolved. This will then result in early returns when resolving the page.
$pageRenderer  : PageRenderer|null
$pagesTSconfig  : array<string|int, mixed>|null
May be set to the pagesTSconfig
$requestedId  : int
Originally requested id from PageArguments
$site  : Site
$spamProtectEmailAddresses  : int
If set, typolink() function encrypts email addresses.
$type  : int|string
The type (read-only)
$uniqueCounter  : int
Used to generate page-unique keys. Point is that uniqid() functions is very slow, so a unique key is made based on this, see function uniqueHash()
$uniqueString  : string
$xhtmlDoctype  : string
Doctype to use
$xhtmlVersion  : int


__construct()  : mixed
Since TYPO3 v10.0, TSFE is composed out of - Context - Site - SiteLanguage - PageArguments (containing ID, Type, cHash and MP arguments)
__get()  : mixed
Gets the value of the property of the given name if tagged.
__isset()  : bool
Checks if the property of the given name is set.
__set()  : mixed
Sets the property of the given name if tagged.
__unset()  : mixed
Unsets the property of the given name if tagged.
addCacheTags()  : mixed
Adds tags to this page's cache entry, you can then f.e. remove cache entries by tag
applyHttpHeadersToResponse()  : ResponseInterface
Add HTTP headers to the response object.
baseUrlWrap()  : string
Prefixing the input URL with ->baseUrl If ->baseUrl is set and the input url is not absolute in some way.
calculateLinkVars()  : mixed
Calculates and sets the internal linkVars based upon the current request parameters and the setting "config.linkVars".
checkEnableFields()  : bool
Checks page record for enableFields Returns TRUE if enableFields does not disable the page record.
clearPageCacheContent()  : mixed
Clears cache content (for $this->newHash)
determineId()  : ResponseInterface|null
Resolves the page id and sets up several related properties.
doWorkspacePreview()  : bool
Returns TRUE if workspace preview is enabled
generatePage_postProcessing()  : mixed
Does processing of the content after the page content was generated.
generatePage_preProcessing()  : mixed
Does some processing BEFORE the page content is generated / built.
generatePageTitle()  : string
Generate the page title, can be called multiple times, as PageTitleProvider might have been modified by an uncached plugin etc.
get_cache_timeout()  : int
Get the cache timeout for the current page.
getContext()  : Context
getFromCache()  : ServerRequestInterface
This is a central and quite early method called by PrepareTypoScriptFrontendRendering middleware: This code is *always* executed for *every* frontend call if a general page rendering has to be done, if there is no early redirect or eid call or similar.
getLanguage()  : SiteLanguage
getPageAccessFailureReasons()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Analysing $this->pageAccessFailureHistory into a summary array telling which features disabled display and on which pages and conditions. That data can be used inside a page-not-found handler
getPageArguments()  : PageArguments
getPageCacheTags()  : array<string|int, mixed>
getPagesTSconfig()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Returns the pages TSconfig array based on the current ->rootLine
getRedirectUriForMountPoint()  : string|null
Returns URI of target page, if the current page is an overlaid mountpoint.
getRedirectUriForShortcut()  : string|null
Returns URI of target page, if the current page is a Shortcut.
getRequestedId()  : int
Returns the originally requested page uid when TSFE was instantiated initially.
getSite()  : Site
initUserGroups()  : mixed
Initializes the front-end user groups.
INTincScript()  : void
Processes the INTinclude-scripts
INTincScript_loadJSCode()  : mixed
Loads the JavaScript/CSS code for INTincScript, if there are non-cacheable content objects it prepares the placeholders, otherwise populates options directly.
isBackendUserLoggedIn()  : bool
Checks if a backend user is logged in
isGeneratePage()  : bool
Returns TRUE if the page content should be generated.
isINTincScript()  : bool
Determines if there are any INTincScripts to include = "non-cacheable" parts
isStaticCacheble()  : bool
Reporting status whether we can send cache control headers for proxy caching or publishing to static files
isUserOrGroupSet()  : bool
Checking if a user is logged in or a group constellation different from "0,-1"
logDeprecatedTyposcript()  : mixed
Logs access to deprecated TypoScript objects and properties.
newCObj()  : mixed
Creates an instance of ContentObjectRenderer in $this->cObj This instance is used to start the rendering of the TypoScript template structure
preparePageContentGeneration()  : mixed
Sets up TypoScript "config." options and set properties in $TSFE.
releaseLocks()  : void
Release the page specific lock.
set_cache_timeout_default()  : mixed
Sets the cache-timeout in seconds
set_no_cache()  : mixed
Sets the cache-flag to 1. Could be called from user-included php-files in order to ensure that a page is not cached.
setContentType()  : mixed
sL()  : string
Split Label function for front-end applications.
uniqueHash()  : string
Returns a unique md5 hash.
whichWorkspace()  : int
Returns the uid of the current workspace
checkRootlineForIncludeSection()  : bool
Checks if visibility of the page is blocked upwards in the root line.
createHashBase()  : string
This creates a hash used as page cache entry identifier and as page generation lock.
disableCache()  : mixed
Disables caching of the current page.
evaluatePageNotFound()  : void
If $this->pageNotFound is set, then throw an exception to stop further page generation process
getAdditionalHeaders()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Send additional headers from config.additionalHeaders
getBackendUser()  : FrontendBackendUserAuthentication|null
Returns the current BE user.
getCacheHeaders()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Get cache headers good for client/reverse proxy caching.
getPageAndRootline()  : mixed
Loads the page and root line records based on $this->id
getRelevantParametersForCachingFromPageArguments()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Fetches the arguments that are relevant for creating the hash base from the given PageArguments object.
getTimeTracker()  : TimeTracker
getUriToCurrentPageForRedirect()  : string
Instantiate \TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\ContentObject to generate the correct target URL
getWebsiteTitle()  : string
initCaches()  : mixed
Initializes the caching system.
initPageRenderer()  : mixed
Initializes the page renderer object
logPageAccessFailure()  : void
Log the page access failure with additional request information
populatePageDataFromCache()  : void
This method properly sets the values given from the pages cache into the corresponding TSFE variables. The counterpart is setPageCacheContent() where all relevant information is fetched.
printTitle()  : string
Compiles the content for the page <title> tag.
processNonCacheableContentPartsAndSubstituteContentMarkers()  : mixed
Processes the INTinclude-scripts and substitute in content.
recursivelyReplaceIntPlaceholdersInContent()  : mixed
Replaces INT placeholders (COA_INT and USER_INT) in $this->content In case the replacement adds additional placeholders, it loops until no new placeholders are found any more.
resolveContentPid()  : int
Check the value of "content_from_pid" of the current page record, and see if the current request should actually show content from another page.
setAbsRefPrefix()  : mixed
Converts relative paths in the HTML source to absolute paths for fileadmin/, typo3conf/ext/ and media/ folders.
setPageArguments()  : void
setPageCacheContent()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Sets cache content; Inserts the content string into the pages cache.
setRegisterValueForSysLastChanged()  : void
Set the SYS_LASTCHANGED register value, is also called when a translated page is in use, so the register reflects the state of the translated page, not the page in the default language.
setSysLastChanged()  : mixed
Setting the SYS_LASTCHANGED value in the pagerecord: This value will thus be set to the highest tstamp of records rendered on the page.
settingLanguage()  : mixed
Setting the language key that will be used by the current page.
shouldAcquireCacheData()  : bool
Detecting if shift-reload has been clicked.
updateRootLinesWithTranslations()  : mixed
Updating content of the two rootLines IF the language key is set!



Absolute Reference prefix

public string $absRefPrefix = ''


Used to accumulate additional HTML-code for the footer-section of the template

public array<string|int, mixed> $additionalFooterData = []


Eg. insert JS-functions in this array ($additionalHeaderData) to include them once. Use associative keys.

public array<string|int, mixed> $additionalHeaderData = []

Keys in use:

used to accumulate additional HTML-code for the header-section,

.... Insert either associative keys (like additionalHeaderData['myStyleSheet'], see reserved keys above) or num-keys (like additionalHeaderData[] = '...')


'Global' Storage for various applications. Keys should be 'tx_'.extKey for extensions.

public array<string|int, mixed> $applicationData = []


A central data array consisting of various keys, initialized and processed at various places in the class.

public array<string, mixed> $config = []

This array is cached along with the rendered page content and contains for instance a list of INT identifiers used to calculate 'dynamic' page parts when a page is retrieved from cache.

Some sub keys:

'config': This is the TypoScript ['config.'] sub-array, with some settings being sanitized and merged.

'rootLine': This is the "local" rootline of a deep page that stops at the first parent sys_template record that has "root" flag set, in natural parent-child order.

        Both language and version overlays are applied to these page records:
        All "data" fields are set to language / version overlay values, *except* uid and
        pid, which are the default-language and live-version ids.

        When page uid 5 is called in this example:
        [0] Project name
        |- [2] An organizational page, probably with is_siteroot=1 and a site config
           |- [3] Site root with a sys_template having "root" flag set
              |- [5] Here you are

        This rootLine is:
        [0] => [uid = 3, pid = 2, title = Site root with a sys_template having "root" flag set, ...]
        [1] => [uid = 5, pid = 3, title = Here you are, ...]


All page content is accumulated in this variable. See RequestHandler

public string $content = ''


This will normally point to the same value as id, but can be changed to point to another page from which content will then be displayed instead.

public int $contentPid = 0


This is set to the [table]:[uid] of the latest record rendered. Note that class ContentObjectRenderer has an equal value, but that is pointing to the record delivered in the $data-array of the ContentObjectRenderer instance, if the cObjects CONTENT or RECORD created that instance

public string $currentRecord = ''


Info-array of the last resulting image resource of content object IMG_RESOURCE (if any), containing width, height and so on.

public array<string|int, mixed>|null $lastImgResourceInfo = null


A string prepared for insertion in all links on the page as url-parameters.

public string $linkVars = ''

Based on configuration in TypoScript where you defined which GET parameters you would like to pass on.


if needed, generate linkVars via LinkVarsCalculator


This hash is unique to the template, the $this->id and $this->type vars and the list of groups. Used to get and later store the cached data

public string $newHash = ''


Page will not be cached. Write only TRUE. Never clear value (some other code might have reasons to set it TRUE).

public bool $no_cache = false


The pagerecord

public array<string|int, mixed> $page = []


TypoScript configuration of the page-object.

public array<string|int, mixed>|string $pSetup = ''

should only be used by TYPO3 Core


Used by RecordContentObject and ContentContentObject to ensure the a records is NOT rendered twice through it!

public array<string|int, mixed> $recordRegister = []


public array<string|int, mixed> $register = []


Stack used for storing array and retrieving register arrays (see LOAD_REGISTER and RESTORE_REGISTER)

public array<string|int, mixed> $registerStack = []


Rootline of page records all the way to the root.

public array<int, array<string, mixed>> $rootLine = []

Both language and version overlays are applied to these page records: All "data" fields are set to language / version overlay values, except uid and pid, which are the default-language and live-version ids.

First array row with the highest key is the deepest page (the requested page), then parent pages with descending keys until (but not including) the project root pseudo page 0.

When page uid 5 is called in this example: [0] Project name |- [2] An organizational page, probably with is_siteroot=1 and a site config |- [3] Site root with a sys_template having "root" flag set |- [5] Here you are

This $absoluteRootLine is: [3] => [uid = 5, pid = 3, title = Here you are, ...] [2] => [uid = 3, pid = 2, title = Site root with a sys_template having "root" flag set, ...] [1] => [uid = 2, pid = 0, title = An organizational page, probably with is_siteroot=1 and a site config, ...]


The TypoScript template object. Used to parse the TypoScript template

public TemplateService $tmpl

Will get a proper deprecation in v12.x.


TemplateService is kept for b/w compat in v12 but will be removed in v13.


The base URL set for the page header.


since TYPO3 v12.0. will be removed in TYPO3 v13.0.

protected string $baseUrl = ''


Set to the expire time of cached content

protected int $cacheExpires = 0


Is set to the time-to-live time of cached pages. Default is 60*60*24, which is 24 hours.

protected int $cacheTimeOutDefault = 0


Content type HTTP header being sent in the request.

protected string $contentType = 'text/html; charset=utf-8'

Should only be used by TYPO3 core for now


Ticket: #63642 Should be refactored to a request/response model later


The context for keeping the current state, mostly related to current page information, backend user / frontend user access, workspaceId

protected Context $context


If debug mode is enabled, this contains the information if a page is fetched from cache, and sent as HTTP Response Header.

protected string $debugInformationHeader = ''


protected array<string|int, mixed> $deprecatedPublicProperties = ['intTarget' => '$TSFE->intTarget will be removed in TYPO3 v13.0. Use $TSFE->config[\'config\'][\'intTarget\'] instead.', 'extTarget' => '$TSFE->extTarget will be removed in TYPO3 v13.0. Use $TSFE->config[\'config\'][\'extTarget\'] instead.', 'fileTarget' => '$TSFE->fileTarget will be removed in TYPO3 v13.0. Use $TSFE->config[\'config\'][\'fileTarget\'] instead.', 'spamProtectEmailAddresses' => '$TSFE->spamProtectEmailAddresses will be removed in TYPO3 v13.0. Use $TSFE->config[\'config\'][\'spamProtectEmailAddresses\'] instead.', 'baseUrl' => '$TSFE->baseUrl will be removed in TYPO3 v13.0. Use $TSFE->config[\'config\'][\'baseURL\'] instead.', 'xhtmlDoctype' => '$TSFE->xhtmlDoctype will be removed in TYPO3 v13.0. Use PageRenderer->getDocType() instead.', 'xhtmlVersion' => '$TSFE->xhtmlVersion will be removed in TYPO3 v13.0. Use PageRenderer->getDocType() instead.', 'type' => '$TSFE->type will be removed in TYPO3 v13.0. Use $TSFE->getPageArguments()->getPageType() instead.']


Default external target


since TYPO3 v12.0. will be removed in TYPO3 v13.0.

protected string $extTarget = ''


Default file link target


since TYPO3 v12.0. will be removed in TYPO3 v13.0.

protected string $fileTarget = ''


Default internal target


since TYPO3 v12.0. will be removed in TYPO3 v13.0.

protected string $intTarget = ''


This flag is set before the page is generated IF $this->no_cache is set. If this flag is set after the page content was generated, $this->no_cache is forced to be set.

protected bool $no_cacheBeforePageGen = false

This is done in order to make sure that PHP code from Plugins / USER scripts does not falsely clear the no_cache flag.



Gets set when we are processing a page of type mountpoint with enabled overlay in getPageAndRootline() Used later in checkPageForMountpointRedirect() to determine the final target URL where the user should be redirected to.

protected array<string|int, mixed>|null $originalMountPointPage = null


Gets set when we are processing a page of type shortcut in the early stages of the request, used later in the request to resolve the shortcut and redirect again.

protected array<string|int, mixed>|null $originalShortcutPage = null


Array containing a history of why a requested page was not accessible.

protected array<string|int, mixed> $pageAccessFailureHistory = []


The page cache object, use this to save pages to the cache and to retrieve them again

protected FrontendInterface $pageCache


protected array<string|int, mixed> $pageCacheTags = []


Set if cached content was fetched from the cache.

protected bool $pageContentWasLoadedFromCache = false


Is set to > 0 if the page could not be resolved. This will then result in early returns when resolving the page.

protected int $pageNotFound = 0


May be set to the pagesTSconfig

protected array<string|int, mixed>|null $pagesTSconfig = null


Originally requested id from PageArguments

protected int $requestedId = 0


If set, typolink() function encrypts email addresses.


since TYPO3 v12.0. will be removed in TYPO3 v13.0.

protected int $spamProtectEmailAddresses = 0


The type (read-only)

protected int|string $type = 0

since TYPO3 v12. Use $TSFE->getPageArguments()->getPageType() instead


Used to generate page-unique keys. Point is that uniqid() functions is very slow, so a unique key is made based on this, see function uniqueHash()

protected int $uniqueCounter = 0


protected string $uniqueString = ''


Doctype to use


since TYPO3 v12, will be removed in TYPO3 v13. Use PageRenderer->getDocType() instead.

protected string $xhtmlDoctype = ''



since TYPO3 v12, will be removed in TYPO3 v13. Use PageRenderer->getDocType() instead.

protected int $xhtmlVersion



Since TYPO3 v10.0, TSFE is composed out of - Context - Site - SiteLanguage - PageArguments (containing ID, Type, cHash and MP arguments)

public __construct(Context $context, Site $site, SiteLanguage $siteLanguage, PageArguments $pageArguments, FrontendUserAuthentication $frontendUser) : mixed

Also sets a unique string (->uniqueString) for this script instance; A md5 hash of the microtime()

$context : Context

the Context object to work with

$site : Site

The resolved site to work with

$siteLanguage : SiteLanguage

The resolved language to work with

$pageArguments : PageArguments

The PageArguments object containing Page ID, type and GET parameters

$frontendUser : FrontendUserAuthentication

a FrontendUserAuthentication object


Gets the value of the property of the given name if tagged.

public __get(string $propertyName) : mixed

The evaluation is done in the assumption that this method is never reached for a public property.

$propertyName : string


Checks if the property of the given name is set.

public __isset(string $propertyName) : bool

Unmarked protected properties must return false as usual. Marked properties are evaluated by isset().

This method is not called for public properties.

$propertyName : string
Return values


Sets the property of the given name if tagged.

public __set(string $propertyName, mixed $propertyValue) : mixed

Additionally it's allowed to set unknown properties.

The evaluation is done in the assumption that this method is never reached for a public property.

$propertyName : string
$propertyValue : mixed


Unsets the property of the given name if tagged.

public __unset(string $propertyName) : mixed
$propertyName : string


Adds tags to this page's cache entry, you can then f.e. remove cache entries by tag

public addCacheTags(array<string|int, mixed> $tags) : mixed
$tags : array<string|int, mixed>

An array of tag


Add HTTP headers to the response object.

public applyHttpHeadersToResponse(ResponseInterface $response) : ResponseInterface
$response : ResponseInterface
Return values


Prefixing the input URL with ->baseUrl If ->baseUrl is set and the input url is not absolute in some way.

public baseUrlWrap(string $url[, bool $internal = false ]) : string

will be removed in TYPO3 v13.0 along with config.baseURL

Designed as a wrapper functions for use with all frontend links that are processed by JavaScript (for "realurl" compatibility!). So each time a URL goes into window.open, window.location.href or otherwise, wrap it with this function!

$url : string

Input URL, relative or absolute

$internal : bool = false

used for TYPO3 Core to avoid deprecation errors in v12 when calling this method directly.


only for TYPO3 Core internal purposes. Might be removed at a later point as it was related to RealURL functionality.

Return values

Processed input value.


Calculates and sets the internal linkVars based upon the current request parameters and the setting "config.linkVars".

public calculateLinkVars(array<string|int, mixed> $queryParams) : mixed
$queryParams : array<string|int, mixed>

$_GET (usually called with a PSR-7 $request->getQueryParams())


Checks page record for enableFields Returns TRUE if enableFields does not disable the page record.

public checkEnableFields(array<string|int, mixed> $row[, bool $bypassGroupCheck = false ]) : bool

since TYPO3 v12, will be removed in TYPO3 v13. Use RecordAccessVoter instead.

Takes notice of the includeHiddenPages visibility aspect flag and uses SIM_ACCESS_TIME for start/endtime evaluation

$row : array<string|int, mixed>

The page record to evaluate (needs fields: hidden, starttime, endtime, fe_group)

$bypassGroupCheck : bool = false

Bypass group-check

Return values

TRUE, if record is viewable.


Clears cache content (for $this->newHash)

public clearPageCacheContent() : mixed


Resolves the page id and sets up several related properties.

public determineId(ServerRequestInterface $request) : ResponseInterface|null

At this point, the Context object already contains relevant preview settings (if a backend user is logged in etc).

If $this->id is not set at all, the method does its best to set the value to an integer. Resolving is based on this options:

  • Finding the domain record start page
  • First visible page
  • Relocating the id below the site if outside the site / domain

The following properties may be set up or updated:

  • id
  • sys_page
  • sys_page->where_groupAccess
  • sys_page->where_hid_del
  • register['SYS_LASTCHANGED']
  • pageNotFound

Via getPageAndRootline()

  • rootLine
  • page
  • MP
  • originalShortcutPage
  • originalMountPointPage
  • pageAccessFailureHistory['direct_access']
  • pageNotFound
$request : ServerRequestInterface
Return values


Returns TRUE if workspace preview is enabled

public doWorkspacePreview() : bool

will be removed in TYPO3 v13.0. Use the Context API directly.

Return values

Returns TRUE if workspace preview is enabled


Does processing of the content after the page content was generated.

public generatePage_postProcessing(ServerRequestInterface $request) : mixed

This includes caching the page, indexing the page (if configured) and setting sysLastChanged

$request : ServerRequestInterface


Does some processing BEFORE the page content is generated / built.

public generatePage_preProcessing() : mixed


Generate the page title, can be called multiple times, as PageTitleProvider might have been modified by an uncached plugin etc.

public generatePageTitle() : string
Return values

the generated page title


Get the cache timeout for the current page.

public get_cache_timeout() : int
Return values


This is a central and quite early method called by PrepareTypoScriptFrontendRendering middleware: This code is *always* executed for *every* frontend call if a general page rendering has to be done, if there is no early redirect or eid call or similar.

public getFromCache(ServerRequestInterface $request) : ServerRequestInterface

The goal is to calculate dependencies up to a point to see if a possible page cache can be used, and to prepare TypoScript as far as really needed.

$request : ServerRequestInterface

This method may vanish from TypoScriptFrontendController without further notice.


This method is typically called by PrepareTypoScriptFrontendRendering middleware. However, the RedirectService of (earlier) ext:redirects RedirectHandler middleware calls this as well. We may want to put this code into some helper class, reduce class state as much as possible and carry really needed state as request attributes around?!

Return values

New request object with typoscript attribute


Analysing $this->pageAccessFailureHistory into a summary array telling which features disabled display and on which pages and conditions. That data can be used inside a page-not-found handler

public getPageAccessFailureReasons([string|null $failureReasonCode = null ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
$failureReasonCode : string|null = null

the error code to be attached (optional), see PageAccessFailureReasons list for details

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

Summary of why page access was not allowed.


public getPageCacheTags() : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


Returns the pages TSconfig array based on the current ->rootLine

public getPagesTSconfig() : array<string|int, mixed>

since TYPO3 v12, will be removed in v13. Frontend should typically not depend on Backend TsConfig. If really needed, use PageTsConfigFactory, see usage in DatabaseRecordLinkBuilder. Remove together with class PageTsConfig.

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


Returns URI of target page, if the current page is an overlaid mountpoint.

public getRedirectUriForMountPoint(ServerRequestInterface $request) : string|null

If the current page is of type mountpoint and should be overlaid with the contents of the mountpoint page and is accessed directly, the user will be redirected to the mountpoint context.

$request : ServerRequestInterface
Return values


Returns URI of target page, if the current page is a Shortcut.

public getRedirectUriForShortcut(ServerRequestInterface $request) : string|null

If the current page is of type shortcut and accessed directly via its URL, the user will be redirected to shortcut target.

$request : ServerRequestInterface
Return values


Returns the originally requested page uid when TSFE was instantiated initially.

public getRequestedId() : int
Return values


Initializes the front-end user groups.

public initUserGroups() : mixed

will be removed in TYPO3 v13.0. Use the Context API directly.

Sets frontend.user aspect based on front-end user status.


Processes the INTinclude-scripts

public INTincScript(ServerRequestInterface $request) : void
$request : ServerRequestInterface


Loads the JavaScript/CSS code for INTincScript, if there are non-cacheable content objects it prepares the placeholders, otherwise populates options directly.

public INTincScript_loadJSCode() : mixed

this method should be renamed as it does not only handle JS, but all additional header data


Checks if a backend user is logged in

public isBackendUserLoggedIn() : bool

will be removed in TYPO3 v13.0. Use the Context API directly.

Return values

whether a backend user is logged in


Returns TRUE if the page content should be generated.

public isGeneratePage() : bool
Return values


Determines if there are any INTincScripts to include = "non-cacheable" parts

public isINTincScript() : bool
Return values

Returns TRUE if scripts are found


Reporting status whether we can send cache control headers for proxy caching or publishing to static files

public isStaticCacheble() : bool

Rules are: no_cache cannot be set: If it is, the page might contain dynamic content and should never be cached. There can be no USER_INT objects on the page ("isINTincScript()") because they implicitly indicate dynamic content There can be no logged in user because user sessions are based on a cookie and thereby does not offer client caching a chance to know if the user is logged in. Actually, there will be a reverse problem here; If a page will somehow change when a user is logged in he may not see it correctly if the non-login version sent a cache-header! So do NOT use cache headers in page sections where user logins change the page content. (unless using such as realurl to apply a prefix in case of login sections)

Return values


Checking if a user is logged in or a group constellation different from "0,-1"

public isUserOrGroupSet() : bool

will be removed in TYPO3 v13.0. Use the Context API directly.

Return values

TRUE if either a login user is found (array fe_user->user) OR if the gr_list is set to something else than '0,-1' (could be done even without a user being logged in!)


Logs access to deprecated TypoScript objects and properties.

public logDeprecatedTyposcript(string $typoScriptProperty[, string $explanation = '' ]) : mixed

Dumps message to the TypoScript message log (admin panel) and the TYPO3 deprecation log.

$typoScriptProperty : string

Deprecated object or property

$explanation : string = ''

Message or additional information


Creates an instance of ContentObjectRenderer in $this->cObj This instance is used to start the rendering of the TypoScript template structure

public newCObj([ServerRequestInterface|null $request = null ]) : mixed
$request : ServerRequestInterface|null = null


Sets up TypoScript "config." options and set properties in $TSFE.

public preparePageContentGeneration(ServerRequestInterface $request) : mixed
$request : ServerRequestInterface


Release the page specific lock.

public releaseLocks() : void


Sets the cache-timeout in seconds

public set_cache_timeout_default(int $seconds) : mixed
$seconds : int

Cache-timeout in seconds


Sets the cache-flag to 1. Could be called from user-included php-files in order to ensure that a page is not cached.

public set_no_cache([string $reason = '' ][, bool $internalRequest = false ]) : mixed
$reason : string = ''

An optional reason to be written to the log.

$internalRequest : bool = false

Whether the request is internal or not (true should only be used by core calls).


public setContentType(string $contentType) : mixed
$contentType : string

Must only be used by TYPO3 core


Split Label function for front-end applications.

public sL(string $input) : string
$input : string

Key string. Accepts the "LLL:" prefix.

Return values

Label value, if any.


Returns a unique md5 hash.

public uniqueHash([string $str = '' ]) : string

There is no special magic in this, the only point is that you don't have to call md5(uniqid()) which is slow and by this you are sure to get a unique string each time in a little faster way.

$str : string = ''

Some string to include in what is hashed. Not significant at all.

Return values

MD5 hash of ->uniqueString, input string and uniqueCounter


Returns the uid of the current workspace

public whichWorkspace() : int

will be removed in TYPO3 v13.0. Use the Context API directly.

Return values

returns workspace integer for which workspace is being preview. 0 if none (= live workspace).


Checks if visibility of the page is blocked upwards in the root line.

protected checkRootlineForIncludeSection() : bool

If any page in the root line is blocking visibility, true is returned.

All pages from the blocking page downwards are removed from the root line, so that the remaining pages can be used to relocate the page up to lowest visible page.

The blocking feature of a page must be turned on by setting the page record field 'extendToSubpages' to 1 in case of hidden, starttime, endtime or fe_group restrictions.

Additionally, this method checks for backend user sections in root line and if found, evaluates if a backend user is logged in and has access.

Recyclers are also checked and trigger page not found if found in root line.


Find a better name, i.e. checkVisibilityByRootLine


Invert boolean return value. Return true if visible.

Return values


This creates a hash used as page cache entry identifier and as page generation lock.

protected createHashBase(array<string|int, mixed> $sysTemplateRows, array<string|int, mixed> $constantConditionList, array<string|int, mixed> $setupConditionList) : string

When multiple requests try to render the same page that will result in the same page cache entry, this lock allows creation by one request which typically puts the result into page cache, while the other requests wait until this finished and re-use the result.

This hash is unique to the TS template and constant and setup condition verdict, the variables ->id, ->type, list of frontend user groups, ->MP (Mount Points) and cHash array.

$sysTemplateRows : array<string|int, mixed>
$constantConditionList : array<string|int, mixed>
$setupConditionList : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values

Page cache entry identifier also used as page generation lock


Disables caching of the current page.

protected disableCache() : mixed


If $this->pageNotFound is set, then throw an exception to stop further page generation process

protected evaluatePageNotFound(int $pageNotFoundNumber, ServerRequestInterface $request) : void
$pageNotFoundNumber : int
$request : ServerRequestInterface


Send additional headers from config.additionalHeaders

protected getAdditionalHeaders() : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


Get cache headers good for client/reverse proxy caching.

protected getCacheHeaders() : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


Loads the page and root line records based on $this->id

protected getPageAndRootline(ServerRequestInterface $request) : mixed

A final page and the matching root line are determined and loaded by the algorithm defined by this method.

First it loads the initial page from the page repository for $this->id. If that can't be loaded directly, it gets the root line for $this->id. It walks up the root line towards the root page until the page repository can deliver a page record. (The loading restrictions of the root line records are more liberal than that of the page record.)

Now the page type is evaluated and handled if necessary. If the page is a short cut, it is replaced by the target page. If the page is a mount point in overlay mode, the page is replaced by the mounted page.

After this potential replacements are done, the root line is loaded (again) for this page record. It walks up the root line up to the first viewable record.

(While upon the first accessibility check of the root line it was done by loading page by page from the page repository, this time the method checkRootlineForIncludeSection() is used to find the most distant accessible page within the root line.)

Having found the final page id, the page record and the root line are loaded for last time by this method.

Exceptions may be thrown for DOKTYPE_SPACER and not loadable page records or root lines.

May set or update these properties:

$request : ServerRequestInterface


Fetches the arguments that are relevant for creating the hash base from the given PageArguments object.

protected getRelevantParametersForCachingFromPageArguments(PageArguments $pageArguments) : array<string|int, mixed>

Excluded parameters are not taken into account when calculating the hash base.

$pageArguments : PageArguments
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


Instantiate \TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\ContentObject to generate the correct target URL

protected getUriToCurrentPageForRedirect(ServerRequestInterface $request) : string
$request : ServerRequestInterface
Return values


protected getWebsiteTitle() : string
Return values


Initializes the caching system.

protected initCaches() : mixed


Initializes the page renderer object

protected initPageRenderer() : mixed


Log the page access failure with additional request information

protected logPageAccessFailure(string $message, ServerRequestInterface $request) : void
$message : string
$request : ServerRequestInterface


This method properly sets the values given from the pages cache into the corresponding TSFE variables. The counterpart is setPageCacheContent() where all relevant information is fetched.

protected populatePageDataFromCache(array<string|int, mixed> $cachedData) : void

This also contains all data that could be cached, even for pages that are partially cached, as they have non-cacheable content still to be rendered.

$cachedData : array<string|int, mixed>


Compiles the content for the page <title> tag.

protected printTitle(string $pageTitle[, bool $noPageTitle = false ][, bool $showPageTitleFirst = false ][, string $pageTitleSeparator = '' ][, bool $showWebsiteTitle = true ]) : string
$pageTitle : string

The input title string, typically the "title" field of a page's record.

$noPageTitle : bool = false

If set, the page title will not be printed

$showPageTitleFirst : bool = false

If set, website title and page title are swapped

$pageTitleSeparator : string = ''

an alternative to the ": " as the separator between site title and page title

$showWebsiteTitle : bool = true

If set, the website title will be printed

Return values

The page title on the form "[website title]: [input-title]". Not htmlspecialchar()'ed.


Processes the INTinclude-scripts and substitute in content.

protected processNonCacheableContentPartsAndSubstituteContentMarkers(array<string|int, mixed> $nonCacheableData, ServerRequestInterface $request) : mixed

Takes $this->content, and splits the content by and then puts the content back together.

$nonCacheableData : array<string|int, mixed>

$GLOBALS['TSFE']->config['INTincScript'] or part of it

$request : ServerRequestInterface


Replaces INT placeholders (COA_INT and USER_INT) in $this->content In case the replacement adds additional placeholders, it loops until no new placeholders are found any more.

protected recursivelyReplaceIntPlaceholdersInContent(ServerRequestInterface $request) : mixed
$request : ServerRequestInterface


Check the value of "content_from_pid" of the current page record, and see if the current request should actually show content from another page.

protected resolveContentPid(ServerRequestInterface $request) : int

By using $TSFE->getPageAndRootline() on the cloned object, all rootline restrictions (extendToSubPages) are evaluated as well.

$request : ServerRequestInterface
Return values

the current page ID or another one if resolved properly - usually set to $this->contentPid


Converts relative paths in the HTML source to absolute paths for fileadmin/, typo3conf/ext/ and media/ folders.

protected setAbsRefPrefix() : mixed


Sets cache content; Inserts the content string into the pages cache.

protected setPageCacheContent(string $content, array<string|int, mixed> $data, int $expirationTstamp) : array<string|int, mixed>
$content : string

The content to store in the HTML field of the cache table

$data : array<string|int, mixed>

The additional cache_data array, fx. $this->config

$expirationTstamp : int

Expiration timestamp

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


Set the SYS_LASTCHANGED register value, is also called when a translated page is in use, so the register reflects the state of the translated page, not the page in the default language.

protected setRegisterValueForSysLastChanged(array<string|int, mixed> $page) : void
$page : array<string|int, mixed>


Setting the SYS_LASTCHANGED value in the pagerecord: This value will thus be set to the highest tstamp of records rendered on the page.

protected setSysLastChanged() : mixed

This includes all records with no regard to hidden records, userprotection and so on.

The important part is that this actually updates a translated "pages" record (_PAGES_OVERLAY_UID) if the Frontend is called with a translation.



Setting the language key that will be used by the current page.

protected settingLanguage(ServerRequestInterface $request) : mixed

In this function it should be checked, 1) that this language exists, 2) that a page_overlay_record exists, .. and if not the default language, 0 (zero), should be set.

$request : ServerRequestInterface


Detecting if shift-reload has been clicked.

protected shouldAcquireCacheData(ServerRequestInterface $request) : bool

This option will have no effect if re-generation of page happens by other reasons (for instance that the page is not in cache yet). Also, a backend user MUST be logged in for the shift-reload to be detected due to DoS-attack-security reasons.

$request : ServerRequestInterface
Return values

If shift-reload in client browser has been clicked, disable getting cached page and regenerate the page content.


Updating content of the two rootLines IF the language key is set!

protected updateRootLinesWithTranslations() : mixed

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