BackendUserAuthenticator extends BackendUserAuthenticator

This middleware authenticates a Backend User (be_user) (pre)-viewing a frontend page.

This middleware also ensures that $GLOBALS['LANG'] is available, however it is possible that a different middleware later-on might unset the BE_USER as he/she is not allowed to preview a certain page due to rights management. As this can only happen once the page ID is resolved, this will happen after the routing middleware.

Table of Contents


$context  : Context
$languageServiceFactory  : LanguageServiceFactory


__construct()  : mixed
process()  : ResponseInterface
Creates a backend user authentication object, tries to authenticate a user
applyHeadersToResponse()  : ResponseInterface
Adding headers to the response to avoid caching on the client side.
initializeBackendUser()  : FrontendBackendUserAuthentication|null
Creates the backend user object and returns it if a valid backend user is found.
isAuthenticated()  : bool
Implementing the access checks that the TYPO3 CMS bootstrap script does before a user is ever logged in.
setBackendUserAspect()  : void
Register the backend user as aspect




Creates a backend user authentication object, tries to authenticate a user

public process(ServerRequestInterface $request, RequestHandlerInterface $handler) : ResponseInterface
$request : ServerRequestInterface
$handler : RequestHandlerInterface
Return values


Adding headers to the response to avoid caching on the client side.

protected applyHeadersToResponse(ResponseInterface $response) : ResponseInterface

These headers will override any previous headers of these names sent. Get the http headers to be sent if an authenticated user is available, in order to disallow browsers to store the response on the client side.

$response : ResponseInterface
Return values

the modified response object.

On this page

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