LayoutController extends AbstractController uses ControllerTrait

Layout controller

Renders a first "load the Javascript in " view, and the main layout of the install tool in second action.


This class is a specific controller implementation and is not considered part of the Public TYPO3 API.

Table of Contents


__construct()  : mixed
executeSilentConfigurationUpdateAction()  : ResponseInterface
Execute silent configuration update. May be called multiple times until success = true is returned.
executeSilentExtensionConfigurationSynchronizationAction()  : ResponseInterface
Synchronize TYPO3_CONF_VARS['EXTENSIONS'] with possibly new defaults from extensions ext_conf_template.txt files. This make LocalConfiguration the only source of truth for extension configuration, and it is always up-to-date, also if an extension has been updated.
executeSilentTemplateFileUpdateAction()  : ResponseInterface
Execute silent template files update. May be called multiple times until success = true is returned.
initAction()  : ResponseInterface
The init action renders an HTML response with HTML view having <head> section containing resources to main .js routing.
mainLayoutAction()  : ResponseInterface
Return a json response with the main HTML layout body: Toolbar, main menu and doc header in standalone, doc header only in backend context. Silent updaters are executed before this main view is loaded.
createContentSecurityPolicy()  : Policy
Using fixed Content-Security-Policy for Admin Tool (extensions and database might not be available)
initializeView()  : ViewInterface
Helper method to initialize a view instance.



Execute silent configuration update. May be called multiple times until success = true is returned.

public executeSilentConfigurationUpdateAction() : ResponseInterface
Return values

success = true if no change has been done


Synchronize TYPO3_CONF_VARS['EXTENSIONS'] with possibly new defaults from extensions ext_conf_template.txt files. This make LocalConfiguration the only source of truth for extension configuration, and it is always up-to-date, also if an extension has been updated.

public executeSilentExtensionConfigurationSynchronizationAction() : ResponseInterface
Return values


Execute silent template files update. May be called multiple times until success = true is returned.

public executeSilentTemplateFileUpdateAction() : ResponseInterface
Return values

success = true if no change has been done


The init action renders an HTML response with HTML view having <head> section containing resources to main .js routing.

public initAction(ServerRequestInterface $request) : ResponseInterface
$request : ServerRequestInterface
Return values


Return a json response with the main HTML layout body: Toolbar, main menu and doc header in standalone, doc header only in backend context. Silent updaters are executed before this main view is loaded.

public mainLayoutAction(ServerRequestInterface $request) : ResponseInterface
$request : ServerRequestInterface
Return values


Using fixed Content-Security-Policy for Admin Tool (extensions and database might not be available)

protected createContentSecurityPolicy() : Policy
Return values


Helper method to initialize a view instance.

protected initializeView(ServerRequestInterface $request) : ViewInterface
$request : ServerRequestInterface
Return values

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