

Listeners to this event will be able to modify the differences of versioned records

Table of Contents


__construct()  : mixed
getLiveRecordData()  : array<int, array{field: string, label: string, content: string}>
Returns the records live data (used to create the version difference)
getParameters()  : stdClass
Returns meta information like current stage and current workspace
getVersionDifferences()  : array<int, array{field: string, label: string, content: string}>
Get the version differences.
setVersionDifferences()  : void
Modifies the version differences data



public __construct(array<int, array{field: string, label: string, content: string}> $versionDifferences, array<int, array{field: string, label: string, content: string}> $liveRecordData, stdClass $parameters) : mixed
$versionDifferences : array<int, array{field: string, label: string, content: string}>
$liveRecordData : array<int, array{field: string, label: string, content: string}>
$parameters : stdClass


Returns the records live data (used to create the version difference)

public getLiveRecordData() : array<int, array{field: string, label: string, content: string}>
Return values
array<int, array{field: string, label: string, content: string}>


Returns meta information like current stage and current workspace

public getParameters() : stdClass
Return values


Get the version differences.

public getVersionDifferences() : array<int, array{field: string, label: string, content: string}>

This array contains the differences of each field with the following keys:

  • field: The corresponding field name
  • label: The corresponding field label
  • content: The field values difference
Return values
array<int, array{field: string, label: string, content: string}>


Modifies the version differences data

public setVersionDifferences(array<int, array{field: string, label: string, content: string}> $versionDifferences) : void
$versionDifferences : array<int, array{field: string, label: string, content: string}>

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