Table of Contents
- DefaultLanguageDifferences
- Renders the diff-view of default language record content compared with what the record was originally
translated from. Will render content if any is found in the internal array.
- LocalizationStateSelector
- Allows to define the localization state per field.
- OtherLanguageContent
- Render values of "other" languages. If editing a localized row, this is typically
the content value of the according default record, but it may render field values
of other languages too, depending on configuration.
- OtherLanguageThumbnails
- Render cropped thumbnails for default and additional preview
languages by respecting the corresponding cropping configuration.
- RecordsOverview
- Render details of selected records,
typically used with type='group'.
- SelectIcons
- Render thumbnails of icons,
typically used with type=select.
- TableList
- Render list of tables and link to element browser,
typically used with type=group and internal_type=db.