Table of Contents
- AbstractEncodingViewHelper
- This is the base class for ViewHelpers that work with encodings.
- BytesViewHelper
- Formats an integer with a byte count into human readable form.
- CaseViewHelper
- Modifies the case of an input string to upper- or lowercase or capitalization.
- CropViewHelper
- Use this ViewHelper to crop the text between its opening and closing tags.
- CurrencyViewHelper
- Formats a given float to a currency representation.
- DateViewHelper
- Formats an object implementing :php:`\DateTimeInterface`.
- HtmlentitiesDecodeViewHelper
- Applies :php:`html_entity_decode()` to a value.
- HtmlentitiesViewHelper
- Applies :php:`htmlentities()` escaping to a value.
- HtmlViewHelper
- Renders a string by passing it to a TYPO3 `parseFunc`_.
- JsonViewHelper
- Wrapper for PHPs :php:`json_encode` function.
- Nl2brViewHelper
- Wrapper for PHPs :php:`nl2br` function.
- NumberViewHelper
- Formats a number with custom precision, decimal point and grouped thousands.
- PaddingViewHelper
- Formats a string using PHPs :php:`str_pad` function.
- StripTagsViewHelper
- Removes tags from the given string (applying PHPs :php:`strip_tags()` function)
- TrimViewHelper
- This ViewHelper strips whitespace (or other characters) from the beginning and end of a string.
- UrlencodeViewHelper
- Encodes the given string according to
Applying PHPs :php:`rawurlencode()` function.