FrontendBackendUserAuthentication extends FrontendBackendUserAuthentication

TYPO3 backend user authentication in the Frontend rendering.


since TYPO3 v13, will be removed in TYPO3 v14

Table of Contents


ROLE_SYSTEMMAINTAINER  = 'systemMaintainer'


$checkPid  : bool
If set, the user-record must be stored at the page defined by $checkPid_value
$checkPid_value  : int|string|null
The page id the user record must be stored at, can also hold a comma separated list of pids
$enablecolumns  : array<string|int, mixed>
Enable field columns of user table
$errorMsg  : string
Contains last error message
$firstMainGroup  : int
$groupData  : array<string|int, mixed>
holds lists of eg. tables, fields and other values related to the permission-system. See fetchGroupData
$lastLogin_column  : string
Column name for last login timestamp
$loginType  : string
Login type, used for services.
$name  : string
Session/Cookie name
$uc  : array<string|int, mixed>
User Settings (= preferences)
$uc_default  : array<string|int, mixed>
User Config Default values: The array may contain other fields for configuration.
$user  : array<string|int, mixed>|null
$user_table  : string
Table in database with user data
$usergroup_column  : string
Should be set to the usergroup-column (id-list) in the user-record
$usergroup_table  : string
The name of the group-table
$userGroups  : array<string|int, mixed>
This array will hold the groups that the user is a member of
$userGroupsUID  : array<string|int, mixed>
This array holds the uid's of the groups in the listed order
$userid_column  : string
Column for user-id
$userident_column  : string
Column for password
$username_column  : string
Column for login-name
$workspace  : int
User workspace.
$workspaceRec  : array<string|int, mixed>
Custom workspace record if any
$writeAttemptLog  : bool
If the writelog() functions is called if a login-attempt has be tried without success.
$writeStdLog  : bool
Decides if the writelog() function is called at login and logout.
$checkWorkspaceCurrent_cache  : array<string|int, mixed>|null
Cache for checkWorkspaceCurrent()
$dontSetCookie  : bool
Will prevent the setting of the session cookie
$filePermissions  : array<string|int, mixed>|null
$fileStorages  : array<string|int, ResourceStorage>
$formfield_status  : string
Formfield_status should be set to "". The value this->formfield_status is set to empty in order to disable login-attempts to the backend account through this script
$formfield_uident  : string
Form field with password.
$formfield_uname  : string
Form field with login name.
$loginSessionStarted  : bool
Will be set to TRUE if the login session is actually written during auth-check.
$setCookie  : SetCookieBehavior
If set, this cookie will be set to the response.
$userSession  : UserSession|null
$userSessionManager  : UserSessionManager
$userTsConfig  : UserTsConfig|null
$userTSUpdated  : bool
True if the user TSconfig was parsed and needs to be cached.


__construct()  : mixed
appendCookieToResponse()  : ResponseInterface
Used to apply a cookie to a PSR-7 Response.
backendCheckLogin()  : bool
Implementing the access checks that the TYPO3 CMS bootstrap script does before a user is ever logged in.
backendSetUC()  : mixed
Initialize the internal ->uc array for the backend user (UC - user configuration is a serialized array inside the user object). Will make the overrides if necessary, and write the UC back to the be_users record if changes has happened.
calcPerms()  : int
Returns a combined binary representation of the current users permissions for the page-record, $row.
check()  : bool
Returns TRUE if the $value is found in the list in a $this->groupData[] index pointed to by $type (array key).
checkAuthentication()  : mixed
Checks if a submission of username and password is present or use other authentication by auth services
checkAuthMode()  : bool
Checking the authMode of a select field with authMode set
checkFullLanguagesAccess()  : bool
Check if user has access to all existing localizations for a certain record
checkLanguageAccess()  : bool
Checking if a language value (-1, 0 and >0) is allowed to be edited by the user.
checkWorkspace()  : array<string|int, mixed>|false
Checking if a workspace is allowed for backend user
createUserSession()  : UserSession
Creates a user session record and returns its values.
doesUserHaveAccess()  : bool
Checks if the permissions is granted based on a page-record ($row) and $perms (binary and'ed)
enforceNewSessionId()  : mixed
Regenerates the session ID and sets the cookie again.
evaluateUserSpecificFileFilterSettings()  : mixed
Adds filters based on what the user has set this should be done in this place, and called whenever needed, but only when needed
fetchGroupData()  : mixed
Initializes a lot of stuff like the access-lists, database-mountpoints and filemountpoints This method is called by ->backendCheckLogin() (from extending BackendUserAuthentication) if the backend user login has verified OK.
getAuthInfoArray()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Returns an info array which provides additional information for auth services
getCategoryMountPoints()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Returns an array of category mount points. The category permissions from BE Groups are also taken into consideration and are merged into User permissions.
getCookieName()  : string
Returns the configured cookie name
getFileMountRecords()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Returns an array of file mount records, taking workspaces and user home and group home directories into account Needs to be called AFTER the groups have been loaded.
getFilePermissions()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Returns the information about file permissions.
getFileStorages()  : array<string|int, ResourceStorage>
Returns an array with the filemounts for the user.
getLoginFormData()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Returns an info array with Login/Logout data submitted by a form or params
getModuleData()  : mixed
Gets module data for a module (from a loaded ->uc array)
getOriginalUserIdWhenInSwitchUserMode()  : int|null
Returns the uid of the backend user to return to.
getPagePermsClause()  : string
Returns a WHERE-clause for the pages-table where user permissions according to input argument, $perms, is validated.
getRawUserByName()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Fetching raw user record with username=$name
getRawUserByUid()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Fetching raw user record with uid=$uid
getSession()  : UserSession
getSessionData()  : mixed
Returns the session data stored for $key.
getTSConfig()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Returns full parsed user TSconfig array, merged with TSconfig from groups.
getUserId()  : int|null
getUserName()  : string|null
getUserTsConfig()  : UserTsConfig|null
Return the full user TSconfig object instead of just the array as in getTSConfig()
getWebmounts()  : array<int, int>
Returns an unique array with the webmounts.
handleUserLoggedIn()  : void
Is called after a user has sucesfully logged in. So either by using only one factor (e.g. username/password) or after the multi-factor authentication process has been passed.
initializeBackendLogin()  : void
initializeUserSessionManager()  : void
Currently needed for various unit tests, until start() and checkAuthentication() methods are smaller and extracted from this class.
initializeWebmountsForElementBrowser()  : mixed
Checks for alternative web mount points for the element browser.
isActiveLogin()  : bool
isAdmin()  : bool
Returns TRUE if user is admin Basically this function evaluates if the ->user[admin] field has bit 0 set. If so, user is admin.
isExportEnabled()  : bool
Returns if export functionality is available for current user
isImportEnabled()  : bool
Returns if import functionality is available for current user
isInWebMount()  : int|null
Checks if the page id or page record ($idOrRow) is found within the webmounts set up for the user.
isMfaSetupRequired()  : bool
Evaluate whether the user is required to set up MFA, based on user TSconfig and global configuration
isSystemMaintainer()  : bool
Checks if the user is in the valid list of allowed system maintainers. if the list is not set, then all admins are system maintainers. If the list is empty, no one is system maintainer (good for production systems). If the currently logged in user is in "switch user" mode, this method will return false.
isUserAllowedToLogin()  : bool
Determines whether a backend user is allowed to access the backend.
jsConfirmation()  : bool
Returns TRUE or FALSE, depending if an alert popup (a javascript confirmation) should be shown call like $GLOBALS['BE_USER']->jsConfirmation($BITMASK).
logoff()  : mixed
Logs out the current user and clears the form protection tokens.
mayMakeShortcut()  : bool
Returns TRUE if the BE_USER is allowed to *create* shortcuts in the backend modules
overrideUC()  : mixed
Override: Call this function every time the uc is updated.
processLoginData()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Processes Login data submitted by a form or params
pushModuleData()  : void
Stores data for a module.
recordEditAccessInternals()  : bool
Checking if a user has editing access to a record from a $GLOBALS['TCA'] table.
removeCookie()  : mixed
Empty / unset the cookie
resetUC()  : mixed
Clears the user[uc] and ->uc to blank strings. Then calls ->backendSetUC() to fill it again with reset contents
returnWebmounts()  : array<int, numeric-string>
Returns an array with the webmounts.
setAndSaveSessionData()  : mixed
Sets the session data ($data) for $key and writes all session data (from ->user['ses_data']) to the database.
setBeUserByName()  : mixed
Raw initialization of the be_user with username=$name
setBeUserByUid()  : mixed
Raw initialization of the be_user with uid=$uid This will circumvent all login procedures and select a be_users record from the database and set the content of ->user to the record selected.
setSessionData()  : mixed
Set session data by key.
setTemporaryWorkspace()  : bool
Sets a temporary workspace in the context of the current backend user.
setWebmounts()  : mixed
Initializes the given mount points for the current Backend user.
setWorkspace()  : mixed
Setting workspace ID
shallDisplayDebugInformation()  : bool
Returns whether debug information shall be displayed to the user
start()  : mixed
Starts a user session Typical configurations will: a) check if session cookie was set and if not, set one, b) check if a password/username was sent and if so, try to authenticate the user c) Lookup a session attached to a user and check timeout etc.
workspaceAllowsLiveEditingInTable()  : bool
Checks if a record is allowed to be edited in the current workspace.
workspaceCanCreateNewRecord()  : bool
Evaluates if a record from $table can be created. If the table is not set up for versioning, and the "live edit" flag of the page is set, return false. In live workspace this is always true, as all records can be created in live workspace
workspaceCheckStageForCurrent()  : bool
Checks if an element stage allows access for the user in the current workspace In live workspace (= 0) access is always granted for any stage.
writelog()  : int
Writes an entry in the logfile/table Documentation in "TYPO3 Core API"
writeUC()  : mixed
This writes $this->>uc to the user-record. This is a way of providing session-data.
checkWorkspaceCurrent()  : false|array<string|int, mixed>|null
Uses checkWorkspace() to check if current workspace is available for user.
evaluateMfaRequirements()  : void
This method checks if the user is authenticated but has not succeeded in passing his MFA challenge. This method can therefore only be used if a user has been authenticated against his first authentication method (username+password or any other authentication token).
fetchPossibleUsers()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Loads users from various sources (= authentication services) as an array of arrays.
fetchValidUserFromSessionOrDestroySession()  : array<string|int, mixed>|null
If the session is bound to a user, this method fetches the user record, and returns it.
filterValidWebMounts()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Checking read access to web mounts, but keeps "0" or empty strings.
getAuthServiceConfiguration()  : array<string|int, mixed>
"auth" services configuration array from $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SVCONF']['auth']
getAuthServices()  : Traversable
Initializes authentication services to be used in a foreach loop
getDefaultWorkspace()  : int
Return default workspace ID for user, if EXT:workspaces is not installed the user will be pushed to the Live workspace, if he has access to. If no workspace is available for the user, the workspace ID is set to "-99"
hasEditAccessToLiveWorkspace()  : bool
If a user is in a workspace, but previews the live workspace (GET keyword "LIVE") even if the user has no editing permissions for this, it should still be visible, even though "be_users.workspace_perms" is set to "0".
initializeDbMountpointsInWorkspace()  : mixed
Limiting the DB mountpoints if there are any selected in the workspace record
initializeFileStorages()  : mixed
Sets up all file storages for a user.
isCookieSet()  : bool
Returns whether this request is going to set a cookie or a cookie was already found in the system
isMemberOfGroup()  : bool
Returns TRUE if the current user is a member of group $groupId $groupId must be set. $this->userGroupsUID must contain groups Will return TRUE also if the user is a member of a group through subgroups.
isRefreshTimeBasedCookie()  : bool
Determine whether a non-session cookie needs to be set (lifetime>0)
isSetSessionCookie()  : bool
Determine whether a session cookie needs to be set (lifetime=0)
performLogoff()  : mixed
Perform the logoff action. Called from logoff() as a way to allow subclasses to override what happens when a user logs off, without needing to reproduce the hook calls and logging that happens in the public logoff() API method.
prepareUserTsConfig()  : void
Parse user TSconfig from current user and its groups and set it as $this->userTS.
regenerateSessionId()  : mixed
Regenerate the session ID and transfer the session to new ID Call this method whenever a user proceeds to a higher authorization level e.g. when an anonymous session is now authenticated.
releaseLockedRecords()  : mixed
Remove any "locked records" added for editing for the given user (= current backend user)
removeSensitiveLoginDataForLoggingInfo()  : mixed
Removes any sensitive data from the incoming data (either from loginData, processedLogin data or the user record from the DB).
setDefaultWorkspace()  : void
Sets the default workspace in the context of the current backend user.
setSessionCookie()  : mixed
Sets the setCookie directive to "Send", which will then result in appending a new cookie to the PSR-7 response, see appendCookieToResponse().
shallSetSessionCookie()  : bool
Determines whether setting the session cookie is generally enabled, or the current session is a non-session cookie (FE permalogin).
unpack_uc()  : mixed
Unserializes the user configuration from the user record into $this->>uc
updateLoginTimestamp()  : mixed
Updates the last login column in the user with the given id
userConstraints()  : QueryRestrictionContainerInterface
This returns the restrictions needed to select the user respecting enable columns and flags like deleted, hidden, starttime, endtime and rootLevel
workspaceInit()  : void
Initializing workspace settings after all TSconfig has been parsed.



public mixed ROLE_SYSTEMMAINTAINER = 'systemMaintainer'



If set, the user-record must be stored at the page defined by $checkPid_value

public bool $checkPid = true


The page id the user record must be stored at, can also hold a comma separated list of pids

public int|string|null $checkPid_value = 0


Enable field columns of user table

public array<string|int, mixed> $enablecolumns = ['rootLevel' => 1, 'deleted' => 'deleted', 'disabled' => 'disable', 'starttime' => 'starttime', 'endtime' => 'endtime']


Contains last error message

public string $errorMsg = ''

should only be used from within TYPO3 Core


public int $firstMainGroup = 0

should only be used from within TYPO3 Core


holds lists of eg. tables, fields and other values related to the permission-system. See fetchGroupData

public array<string|int, mixed> $groupData = ['allowed_languages' => '', 'tables_select' => '', 'tables_modify' => '', 'pagetypes_select' => '', 'non_exclude_fields' => '', 'explicit_allowdeny' => '', 'custom_options' => '', 'file_permissions' => '']


Column name for last login timestamp

public string $lastLogin_column = 'lastlogin'


Login type, used for services.

public string $loginType = 'BE'


Session/Cookie name

public string $name = ''


User Settings (= preferences)

public array<string|int, mixed> $uc = []


User Config Default values: The array may contain other fields for configuration.

public array<string|int, mixed> $uc_default = [ // serialized content that is used to store interface pane and menu positions. Set by the logout.php-script 'moduleData' => [], // user-data for the modules 'emailMeAtLogin' => 0, 'titleLen' => 50, 'edit_docModuleUpload' => '1', ]

For this, see "setup" extension and "TSconfig" document (User TSconfig, "setup.[xxx]....") Reserved keys for other storage of session data: moduleData moduleSessionID


should only be used from within TYPO3 Core


public array<string|int, mixed>|null $user

contains user- AND session-data from database (joined tables)



Table in database with user data

public string $user_table = 'be_users'


Should be set to the usergroup-column (id-list) in the user-record

public string $usergroup_column = 'usergroup'


The name of the group-table

public string $usergroup_table = 'be_groups'


This array will hold the groups that the user is a member of

public array<string|int, mixed> $userGroups = []


This array holds the uid's of the groups in the listed order

public array<string|int, mixed> $userGroupsUID = []


Column for user-id

public string $userid_column = 'uid'


Column for password

public string $userident_column = 'password'


Column for login-name

public string $username_column = 'username'


User workspace.

public int $workspace = -99

-99 is ERROR (none available) 0 is online

0 is custom workspaces


Custom workspace record if any

public array<string|int, mixed> $workspaceRec = []


If the writelog() functions is called if a login-attempt has be tried without success.

public bool $writeAttemptLog = false


Decides if the writelog() function is called at login and logout.

public bool $writeStdLog = false


Cache for checkWorkspaceCurrent()

protected array<string|int, mixed>|null $checkWorkspaceCurrent_cache


Will prevent the setting of the session cookie

protected bool $dontSetCookie = false


protected array<string|int, mixed>|null $filePermissions


Formfield_status should be set to "". The value this->formfield_status is set to empty in order to disable login-attempts to the backend account through this script

protected string $formfield_status = ''


Form field with password.

protected string $formfield_uident = ''


Form field with login name.

protected string $formfield_uname = ''


Will be set to TRUE if the login session is actually written during auth-check.

protected bool $loginSessionStarted = false


If set, this cookie will be set to the response.

protected SetCookieBehavior $setCookie = \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Http\SetCookieBehavior::None


True if the user TSconfig was parsed and needs to be cached.

protected bool $userTSUpdated = false

Should vanish, see todo below.




public __construct() : mixed


Used to apply a cookie to a PSR-7 Response.

public appendCookieToResponse(ResponseInterface $response[, NormalizedParams|null $normalizedParams = null ]) : ResponseInterface
$response : ResponseInterface
$normalizedParams : NormalizedParams|null = null

should go into a middleware?

Return values


Implementing the access checks that the TYPO3 CMS bootstrap script does before a user is ever logged in.

public backendCheckLogin([ServerRequestInterface|null $request = null ]) : bool

Used in the frontend.

$request : ServerRequestInterface|null = null
Return values

Returns TRUE if access is OK


Initialize the internal ->uc array for the backend user (UC - user configuration is a serialized array inside the user object). Will make the overrides if necessary, and write the UC back to the be_users record if changes has happened.

public backendSetUC() : mixed


Returns a combined binary representation of the current users permissions for the page-record, $row.

public calcPerms(array<string|int, mixed> $row) : int

The perms for user, group and everybody is OR'ed together (provided that the page-owner is the user and for the groups that the user is a member of the group. If the user is admin, 31 is returned (full permissions for all five flags)

$row : array<string|int, mixed>

Input page row with all perms_* fields available.

Return values

Bitwise representation of the users permissions in relation to input page row, $row


Returns TRUE if the $value is found in the list in a $this->groupData[] index pointed to by $type (array key).

public check(string $type, string|int $value) : bool

Can thus be users to check for modules, exclude-fields, select/modify permissions for tables etc. If user is admin TRUE is also returned

$type : string

The type value; "webmounts", "filemounts", "pagetypes_select", "tables_select", "tables_modify", "non_exclude_fields", "modules", "available_widgets", "mfa_providers"

$value : string|int

String to search for in the groupData-list, can also be an integer for "pagetypes_select" or "allowed_languages")

Return values

TRUE if permission is granted (that is, the value was found in the groupData list - or the BE_USER is "admin")


Checks if a submission of username and password is present or use other authentication by auth services

public checkAuthentication(ServerRequestInterface $request) : mixed
$request : ServerRequestInterface


Checking the authMode of a select field with authMode set

public checkAuthMode(string $table, string $field, string $value) : bool
$table : string

Table name

$field : string

Field name (must be configured in TCA and of type "select" with authMode set!)

$value : string

Value to evaluation (single value, must not contain any of the chars ":,|")

Return values

Whether access is granted or not


Check if user has access to all existing localizations for a certain record

public checkFullLanguagesAccess(string $table, array<string|int, mixed> $record) : bool
$table : string

The table

$record : array<string|int, mixed>

The current record

Return values


Checking if a language value (-1, 0 and >0) is allowed to be edited by the user.

public checkLanguageAccess(int|SiteLanguage|string $langValue) : bool
$langValue : int|SiteLanguage|string

Language value to evaluate

Return values

Returns TRUE if the language value is allowed, otherwise FALSE.


Checking if a workspace is allowed for backend user

public checkWorkspace(int|array<string|int, mixed> $wsRec) : array<string|int, mixed>|false
$wsRec : int|array<string|int, mixed>

If integer, workspace record is looked up, if array it is seen as a Workspace record with at least uid, title, members and adminusers columns. Can be faked for workspaces uid 0 (live)


should only be used from within TYPO3 Core

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>|false

Output will also show how access was granted. Admin users will have a true output regardless of input.


Creates a user session record and returns its values.

public createUserSession(array<string|int, mixed> $userRecordCandidate) : UserSession
$userRecordCandidate : array<string|int, mixed>

User data array

Return values

The session data for the newly created session.


Checks if the permissions is granted based on a page-record ($row) and $perms (binary and'ed)

public doesUserHaveAccess(array<string|int, mixed> $row, int $perms) : bool

Bits for permissions, see $perms variable:

1 - Show: See/Copy page and the pagecontent. 2 - Edit page: Change/Move the page, eg. change title, startdate, hidden. 4 - Delete page: Delete the page and pagecontent. 8 - New pages: Create new pages under the page. 16 - Edit pagecontent: Change/Add/Delete/Move pagecontent.

$row : array<string|int, mixed>

Is the pagerow for which the permissions is checked

$perms : int

Is the binary representation of the permission we are going to check. Every bit in this number represents a permission that must be set. See function explanation.

Return values


Regenerates the session ID and sets the cookie again.

public enforceNewSessionId() : mixed


Adds filters based on what the user has set this should be done in this place, and called whenever needed, but only when needed

public evaluateUserSpecificFileFilterSettings() : mixed


Initializes a lot of stuff like the access-lists, database-mountpoints and filemountpoints This method is called by ->backendCheckLogin() (from extending BackendUserAuthentication) if the backend user login has verified OK.

public fetchGroupData() : mixed

Generally this is required initialization of a backend user.



Returns an info array which provides additional information for auth services

public getAuthInfoArray(ServerRequestInterface $request) : array<string|int, mixed>
$request : ServerRequestInterface
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


Returns an array of category mount points. The category permissions from BE Groups are also taken into consideration and are merged into User permissions.

public getCategoryMountPoints() : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


Returns the configured cookie name

public static getCookieName() : string
Return values


Returns an array of file mount records, taking workspaces and user home and group home directories into account Needs to be called AFTER the groups have been loaded.

public getFileMountRecords() : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


Returns the information about file permissions.

public getFilePermissions() : array<string|int, mixed>

Previously, this was stored in the DB field fileoper_perms now it is file_permissions. Besides it can be handled via user TSconfig

permissions.file.default { addFile = 1 readFile = 1 writeFile = 1 copyFile = 1 moveFile = 1 renameFile = 1 deleteFile = 1

addFolder = 1 readFolder = 1 writeFolder = 1 copyFolder = 1 moveFolder = 1 renameFolder = 1 deleteFolder = 1 recursivedeleteFolder = 1 }

overwrite settings for a specific storageObject { readFile = 1 recursivedeleteFolder = 0 }

Please note that these permissions only apply, if the storage has the capabilities (browseable, writable), and if the driver allows for writing etc

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


Returns an array with the filemounts for the user.

public getFileStorages() : array<string|int, ResourceStorage>

Each filemount is represented with an array of a "name", "path" and "type". If no filemounts an empty array is returned.

Return values
array<string|int, ResourceStorage>


Returns an info array with Login/Logout data submitted by a form or params

public getLoginFormData(ServerRequestInterface $request) : array<string|int, mixed>
$request : ServerRequestInterface
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


Gets module data for a module (from a loaded ->uc array)

public getModuleData(string $module[, string $type = '' ]) : mixed
$module : string

Is the identifier of the module, e.g. "web_info"

$type : string = ''

If $type = 'ses' then module data is returned only if it was stored in the current session, otherwise data from a previous session will be returned (if available).

Return values

The module data if available: $this->uc['moduleData'][$module];


Returns the uid of the backend user to return to.

public getOriginalUserIdWhenInSwitchUserMode() : int|null

This is set when the current session is a "switch-user" session.


should only be used from within TYPO3 Core

Return values

The user id


Returns a WHERE-clause for the pages-table where user permissions according to input argument, $perms, is validated.

public getPagePermsClause(int $perms) : string

$perms is the "mask" used to select. Fx. if $perms is 1 then you'll get all pages that a user can actually see! 2^0 = show (1) 2^1 = edit (2) 2^2 = delete (4) 2^3 = new (8) If the user is 'admin' " 1=1" is returned (no effect) If the user is not set at all (->user is not an array), then " 1=0" is returned (will cause no selection results at all) The 95% use of this function is "->getPagePermsClause(1)" which will return WHERE clauses for selecting pages in backend listings - in other words this will check read permissions.

$perms : int

Permission mask to use, see function description


should only be used from within TYPO3 Core, use PagePermissionDatabaseRestriction instead.

Return values

Part of where clause. Prefix " AND " to this.


Fetching raw user record with username=$name

public getRawUserByName(string $name) : array<string|int, mixed>
$name : string

The username to look up.

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

user record or FALSE


Fetching raw user record with uid=$uid

public getRawUserByUid(int $uid) : array<string|int, mixed>
$uid : int

The UID of the backend user to set in ->user

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

user record or FALSE


Returns the session data stored for $key.

public getSessionData(string $key) : mixed

The data will last only for this login session since it is stored in the user session.

$key : string

The key associated with the session data


Returns full parsed user TSconfig array, merged with TSconfig from groups.

public getTSConfig() : array<string|int, mixed>

Example: [ 'options.' => [ 'fooEnabled' => '0', 'fooEnabled.' => [ 'tt_content' => 1, ], ], ]

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

Parsed and merged user TSconfig array


public getUserId() : int|null
Return values


public getUserName() : string|null
Return values


Return the full user TSconfig object instead of just the array as in getTSConfig()

public getUserTsConfig() : UserTsConfig|null

for now until API stabilized

Return values


Returns an unique array with the webmounts.

public getWebmounts() : array<int, int>

If no webmounts, and empty array is returned. Webmounts permissions are checked in fetchGroupData()

Return values
array<int, int>

of web mounts uids (may include 0)


Is called after a user has sucesfully logged in. So either by using only one factor (e.g. username/password) or after the multi-factor authentication process has been passed.

public handleUserLoggedIn([ServerRequestInterface|null $request = null ]) : void
$request : ServerRequestInterface|null = null


public initializeBackendLogin([ServerRequestInterface|null $request = null ]) : void
$request : ServerRequestInterface|null = null


Currently needed for various unit tests, until start() and checkAuthentication() methods are smaller and extracted from this class.

public initializeUserSessionManager([UserSessionManager|null $userSessionManager = null ]) : void
$userSessionManager : UserSessionManager|null = null


Checks for alternative web mount points for the element browser.

public initializeWebmountsForElementBrowser() : mixed

If there is a temporary mount point active in the page tree it will be used.

If the user TSconfig options.pageTree.altElementBrowserMountPoints is not empty the pages configured there are used as web mounts If options.pageTree.altElementBrowserMountPoints.append is enabled, they are appended to the existing webmounts.

  • do not use in your own extension


public isActiveLogin(ServerRequestInterface $request) : bool
$request : ServerRequestInterface
Return values


Returns TRUE if user is admin Basically this function evaluates if the ->user[admin] field has bit 0 set. If so, user is admin.

public isAdmin() : bool
Return values


Returns if export functionality is available for current user

public isExportEnabled() : bool
Return values


Returns if import functionality is available for current user

public isImportEnabled() : bool
Return values


Checks if the page id or page record ($idOrRow) is found within the webmounts set up for the user.

public isInWebMount(int|array<string|int, mixed> $idOrRow[, string $readPerms = '' ]) : int|null

This should ALWAYS be checked for any page id a user works with, whether it's about reading, writing or whatever. The point is that this will add the security that a user can NEVER touch parts outside his mounted pages in the page tree. This is otherwise possible if the raw page permissions allows for it. So this security check just makes it easier to make safe user configurations. If the user is admin then it returns "1" right away Otherwise the function will return the uid of the webmount which was first found in the rootline of the input page $id

$idOrRow : int|array<string|int, mixed>

Page ID or full page record to check

$readPerms : string = ''

Content of "->getPagePermsClause(1)" (read-permissions). If not set, they will be internally calculated (but if you have the correct value right away you can save that database lookup!)

Return values

The page UID of a page in the rootline that matched a mount point


Evaluate whether the user is required to set up MFA, based on user TSconfig and global configuration

public isMfaSetupRequired() : bool
Return values


Checks if the user is in the valid list of allowed system maintainers. if the list is not set, then all admins are system maintainers. If the list is empty, no one is system maintainer (good for production systems). If the currently logged in user is in "switch user" mode, this method will return false.

public isSystemMaintainer([bool $pure = false ]) : bool
$pure : bool = false

Whether to apply pure behavior (ignore development & skip fallback for empty setting)

Return values


Determines whether a backend user is allowed to access the backend.

public isUserAllowedToLogin() : bool

The conditions are:

  • backend user is a regular user and adminOnly is not defined
  • backend user is an admin user
  • backend user is used in CLI context and adminOnly is explicitly set to "2" (see CommandLineUserAuthentication)
  • backend user is being controlled by an admin user
Return values

Whether a backend user is allowed to access the backend


Returns TRUE or FALSE, depending if an alert popup (a javascript confirmation) should be shown call like $GLOBALS['BE_USER']->jsConfirmation($BITMASK).

public jsConfirmation(int $bitmask) : bool
$bitmask : int

Bitmask, one of \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Authentication\JsConfirmation

Return values

TRUE if the confirmation should be shown


Logs out the current user and clears the form protection tokens.

public logoff() : mixed


Returns TRUE if the BE_USER is allowed to *create* shortcuts in the backend modules

public mayMakeShortcut() : bool
Return values


Override: Call this function every time the uc is updated.

public overrideUC() : mixed

That is 1) by reverting to default values, 2) in the setup-module, 3) userTS changes (userauthgroup)



Processes Login data submitted by a form or params

public processLoginData(array<string|int, mixed> $loginData, ServerRequestInterface $request) : array<string|int, mixed>
$loginData : array<string|int, mixed>

Login data array

$request : ServerRequestInterface
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


Stores data for a module.

public pushModuleData(string $module, mixed $data[, bool $dontPersistImmediately = false ]) : void

The data is stored with the session ID, so you can even check upon retrieval if the module data is from a previous session or from the current session.

$module : string

Is the identifier of the module, e.g. "web_info"

$data : mixed

Is the data you want to store for that module (array, string, ...)

$dontPersistImmediately : bool = false

If set, then the ->uc array (which carries all kinds of user data) is NOT written immediately, but must be written by some subsequent call.


Checking if a user has editing access to a record from a $GLOBALS['TCA'] table.

public recordEditAccessInternals(string $table, int|array<string|int, mixed> $idOrRow[, bool $newRecord = false ][, bool $deletedRecord = false ][, bool $checkFullLanguageAccess = false ]) : bool

The checks does not take page permissions and other "environmental" things into account. It only deal with record internals; If any values in the record fields disallows it. For instance languages settings, authMode selector boxes are evaluated (and maybe more in the future). It will check for workspace dependent access. The function takes an ID (int) or row (array) as second argument.

$table : string

Table name

$idOrRow : int|array<string|int, mixed>

If integer, then this is the ID of the record. If Array this just represents fields in the record.

$newRecord : bool = false

Set, if testing a new (non-existing) record array. Will disable certain checks that doesn't make much sense in that context.

$deletedRecord : bool = false

Set, if testing a deleted record array.

$checkFullLanguageAccess : bool = false

Set, whenever access to all translations of the record is required


should only be used from within TYPO3 Core

Return values

TRUE if OK, otherwise FALSE


Empty / unset the cookie

public removeCookie([string|null $cookieName = null ]) : mixed
$cookieName : string|null = null

usually, this is $this->name



Clears the user[uc] and ->uc to blank strings. Then calls ->backendSetUC() to fill it again with reset contents

public resetUC() : mixed


Returns an array with the webmounts.

public returnWebmounts() : array<int, numeric-string>

will be removed in TYPO3 v14, use getWebmounts() instead.

If no webmounts, and empty array is returned. Webmounts permissions are checked in fetchGroupData()

Return values
array<int, numeric-string>

of web mounts uids (may include '0')


Sets the session data ($data) for $key and writes all session data (from ->user['ses_data']) to the database.

public setAndSaveSessionData(string $key, mixed $data) : mixed

The data will last only for this login session since it is stored in the session table.

$key : string

Pointer to an associative key in the session data array which is stored serialized in the field "ses_data" of the session table.

$data : mixed

The data to store in index $key


Raw initialization of the be_user with uid=$uid This will circumvent all login procedures and select a be_users record from the database and set the content of ->user to the record selected.

public setBeUserByUid(int $uid) : mixed

Thus the BE_USER object will appear like if a user was authenticated - however without a session id and the fields from the session table of course. Will check the users for disabled, start/endtime, etc. ($this->user_where_clause())

$uid : int

The UID of the backend user to set in ->user



Set session data by key.

public setSessionData(string $key, mixed $data) : mixed

The data will last only for this login session since it is stored in the user session.

$key : string

A non empty string to store the data under

$data : mixed

Data store store in session


Sets a temporary workspace in the context of the current backend user.

public setTemporaryWorkspace(int $workspaceId) : bool
$workspaceId : int

should only be used from within TYPO3 Core

Return values


Initializes the given mount points for the current Backend user.

public setWebmounts(array<string|int, mixed> $mountPointUids[, bool $append = false ]) : mixed
$mountPointUids : array<string|int, mixed>

Page UIDs that should be used as web mountpoints

$append : bool = false

If TRUE the given mount point will be appended. Otherwise the current mount points will be replaced.


Setting workspace ID

public setWorkspace(int $workspaceId) : mixed
$workspaceId : int

ID of workspace to set for backend user. If not valid the default workspace for BE user is found and set.


should only be used from within TYPO3 Core


Returns whether debug information shall be displayed to the user

public shallDisplayDebugInformation() : bool
Return values


Starts a user session Typical configurations will: a) check if session cookie was set and if not, set one, b) check if a password/username was sent and if so, try to authenticate the user c) Lookup a session attached to a user and check timeout etc.

public start(ServerRequestInterface $request) : mixed

d) Garbage collection, setting of no-cache headers. If a user is authenticated the database record of the user (array) will be set in the ->user internal variable.

$request : ServerRequestInterface


Checks if a record is allowed to be edited in the current workspace.

public workspaceAllowsLiveEditingInTable(string $table) : bool

This is not bound to an actual record, but to the mere fact if the user is in a workspace and depending on the table settings.

$table : string

should only be used from within TYPO3 Core

Return values


Evaluates if a record from $table can be created. If the table is not set up for versioning, and the "live edit" flag of the page is set, return false. In live workspace this is always true, as all records can be created in live workspace

public workspaceCanCreateNewRecord(string $table) : bool
$table : string

Table name


should only be used from within TYPO3 Core

Return values


Checks if an element stage allows access for the user in the current workspace In live workspace (= 0) access is always granted for any stage.

public workspaceCheckStageForCurrent(int $stage) : bool

Admins are always allowed. An option for custom workspaces allows members to also edit when the stage is "Review"

$stage : int

Stage id from an element: -1,0 = editing, 1 = reviewer, >1 = owner


should only be used from within TYPO3 Core

Return values

TRUE if user is allowed access


Writes an entry in the logfile/table Documentation in "TYPO3 Core API"

public writelog(int $type, int $action, int $error, int $details_nr, string $details, array<string|int, mixed> $data[, string $tablename = '' ][, int|string $recuid = '' ][, int|string $recpid = '' ][, int $event_pid = -1 ][, string $NEWid = '' ][, int $userId = 0 ]) : int
$type : int

Denotes which module that has submitted the entry. See "TYPO3 Core API". Use "4" for extensions.

$action : int

Denotes which specific operation that wrote the entry. Use "0" when no sub-categorizing applies

$error : int

Flag. 0 = message, 1 = error (user problem), 2 = System Error (which should not happen), 3 = security notice (admin)

$details_nr : int

The message number. Specific for each $type and $action. This will make it possible to translate errormessages to other languages

$details : string

Default text that follows the message (in english!). Possibly translated by identification through type/action/details_nr

$data : array<string|int, mixed>

Data that follows the log. Might be used to carry special information. If an array the first 5 entries (0-4) will be sprintf'ed with the details-text

$tablename : string = ''

Table name. Special field used by tce_main.php.

$recuid : int|string = ''

Record UID. Special field used by tce_main.php.

$recpid : int|string = ''

Record PID. Special field used by tce_main.php. OBSOLETE

$event_pid : int = -1

The page_uid (pid) where the event occurred. Used to select log-content for specific pages.

$NEWid : string = ''

Special field used by tce_main.php. NEWid string of newly created records.

$userId : int = 0

Alternative Backend User ID (used for logging login actions where this is not yet known).

Return values

Log entry ID.


This writes $this->>uc to the user-record. This is a way of providing session-data.

public writeUC() : mixed

You can fetch the data again through $this->uc in this class!


Uses checkWorkspace() to check if current workspace is available for user.

protected checkWorkspaceCurrent() : false|array<string|int, mixed>|null

This function caches the result and so can be called many times with no performance loss.


should only be used from within TYPO3 Core

Return values
false|array<string|int, mixed>|null


This method checks if the user is authenticated but has not succeeded in passing his MFA challenge. This method can therefore only be used if a user has been authenticated against his first authentication method (username+password or any other authentication token).

protected evaluateMfaRequirements() : void


Loads users from various sources (= authentication services) as an array of arrays.

protected fetchPossibleUsers(array<string|int, mixed> $loginData, bool $activeLogin, bool $isExistingSession, array<string|int, mixed>|null $authenticatedUserFromSession, ServerRequestInterface $request) : array<string|int, mixed>
$loginData : array<string|int, mixed>
$activeLogin : bool
$isExistingSession : bool
$authenticatedUserFromSession : array<string|int, mixed>|null

if we have a user from an existing session, this is set here, otherwise null

$request : ServerRequestInterface
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


If the session is bound to a user, this method fetches the user record, and returns it.

protected fetchValidUserFromSessionOrDestroySession([bool $skipSessionUpdate = false ]) : array<string|int, mixed>|null

If the session has a timeout, the session date is extended if needed. Also the ìs_online flag is updated for the user.

However, if the session has expired the session is removed and the request is treated as an anonymous session.

$skipSessionUpdate : bool = false
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>|null


Checking read access to web mounts, but keeps "0" or empty strings.

protected filterValidWebMounts(string $listOfWebMounts) : array<string|int, mixed>

In any case, checks if the list of pages is visible for the backend user but also if the page is not deleted.

$listOfWebMounts : string

a comma-separated list of webmounts, could also be empty, or contain "0"

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

a list of all valid web mounts the user has access to


"auth" services configuration array from $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SVCONF']['auth']

protected getAuthServiceConfiguration() : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


Initializes authentication services to be used in a foreach loop

protected getAuthServices(string $subType, array<string|int, mixed> $loginData, array<string|int, mixed>|null $authenticatedUserFromSession, ServerRequestInterface $request) : Traversable
$subType : string

e.g. getUserFE

$loginData : array<string|int, mixed>
$authenticatedUserFromSession : array<string|int, mixed>|null

the user which was loaded from the session, or null if none was found

$request : ServerRequestInterface
Return values

A generator of service objects


Return default workspace ID for user, if EXT:workspaces is not installed the user will be pushed to the Live workspace, if he has access to. If no workspace is available for the user, the workspace ID is set to "-99"

protected getDefaultWorkspace() : int

should only be used from within TYPO3 Core

Return values

Default workspace id.


If a user is in a workspace, but previews the live workspace (GET keyword "LIVE") even if the user has no editing permissions for this, it should still be visible, even though "be_users.workspace_perms" is set to "0".

protected hasEditAccessToLiveWorkspace() : bool

If this ain't true, users without the live permission cannot see the live page, only the preview of the workspace of the user.

Return values


Limiting the DB mountpoints if there are any selected in the workspace record

protected initializeDbMountpointsInWorkspace() : mixed


Sets up all file storages for a user.

protected initializeFileStorages() : mixed

Needs to be called AFTER the groups have been loaded.


Returns whether this request is going to set a cookie or a cookie was already found in the system

protected isCookieSet() : bool
Return values

Returns TRUE if a cookie is set


Returns TRUE if the current user is a member of group $groupId $groupId must be set. $this->userGroupsUID must contain groups Will return TRUE also if the user is a member of a group through subgroups.

protected isMemberOfGroup(int $groupId) : bool
$groupId : int

should only be used from within TYPO3 Core, use Context API for quicker access

Return values


Determine whether a non-session cookie needs to be set (lifetime>0)

protected isRefreshTimeBasedCookie() : bool
Return values


Determine whether a session cookie needs to be set (lifetime=0)

protected isSetSessionCookie() : bool
Return values


Perform the logoff action. Called from logoff() as a way to allow subclasses to override what happens when a user logs off, without needing to reproduce the hook calls and logging that happens in the public logoff() API method.

protected performLogoff() : mixed


Parse user TSconfig from current user and its groups and set it as $this->userTS.

protected prepareUserTsConfig() : void


Regenerate the session ID and transfer the session to new ID Call this method whenever a user proceeds to a higher authorization level e.g. when an anonymous session is now authenticated.

protected regenerateSessionId() : mixed


Remove any "locked records" added for editing for the given user (= current backend user)

protected releaseLockedRecords(int $userId) : mixed
$userId : int


Removes any sensitive data from the incoming data (either from loginData, processedLogin data or the user record from the DB).

protected removeSensitiveLoginDataForLoggingInfo(mixed|array<string|int, mixed> $data[, bool $isUserRecord = false ]) : mixed

No type hinting is added because it might be possible that the incoming data is of any other type.

$data : mixed|array<string|int, mixed>
$isUserRecord : bool = false


Sets the default workspace in the context of the current backend user.

protected setDefaultWorkspace() : void

should only be used from within TYPO3 Core


Sets the setCookie directive to "Send", which will then result in appending a new cookie to the PSR-7 response, see appendCookieToResponse().

protected setSessionCookie() : mixed

In case this method is called, the cookie needs to be set later.


Determines whether setting the session cookie is generally enabled, or the current session is a non-session cookie (FE permalogin).

protected shallSetSessionCookie() : bool
Return values


Unserializes the user configuration from the user record into $this->>uc

protected unpack_uc() : mixed


Updates the last login column in the user with the given id

protected updateLoginTimestamp(int $userId) : mixed
$userId : int


Initializing workspace settings after all TSconfig has been parsed.

protected workspaceInit() : void

Called from within fetchGroupData()


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