
Interface PreviewRendererInterface

Contract for classes capable of rendering previews of a given record from a table. Responsible for rendering preview header, preview content and wrapping of those two values.

Responsibilities are segmented into three methods, one for each responsibility, which is done in order to allow overriding classes to change those parts individually without having to replace other parts. Rather than relying on implementations to be friendly and divide code into smaller pieces and give them (at least) protected visibility, the key methods are instead required on the interface directly.

Callers are then responsible for calling each method and combining/wrapping the output appropriately.

Table of Contents


renderPageModulePreviewContent()  : string
Dedicated method for rendering preview body HTML for the page module only. Receives the GridColumnItem that contains the record for which a preview should be rendered and returned.
renderPageModulePreviewFooter()  : string
Render a footer for the record to display in page module below the body of the item's preview.
renderPageModulePreviewHeader()  : string
Dedicated method for rendering preview header HTML for the page module only. Receives the GridColumnItem that contains the record for which a preview header should be rendered and returned.
wrapPageModulePreview()  : string
Dedicated method for wrapping a preview header and body HTML. Receives $item, an instance of GridColumnItem holding among other things the record, which can be used to determine appropriate wrapping.



Dedicated method for rendering preview body HTML for the page module only. Receives the GridColumnItem that contains the record for which a preview should be rendered and returned.

public renderPageModulePreviewContent(GridColumnItem $item) : string
$item : GridColumnItem
Return values


Render a footer for the record to display in page module below the body of the item's preview.

public renderPageModulePreviewFooter(GridColumnItem $item) : string
$item : GridColumnItem
Return values


Dedicated method for rendering preview header HTML for the page module only. Receives the GridColumnItem that contains the record for which a preview header should be rendered and returned.

public renderPageModulePreviewHeader(GridColumnItem $item) : string
$item : GridColumnItem
Return values


Dedicated method for wrapping a preview header and body HTML. Receives $item, an instance of GridColumnItem holding among other things the record, which can be used to determine appropriate wrapping.

public wrapPageModulePreview(string $previewHeader, string $previewContent, GridColumnItem $item) : string
$previewHeader : string
$previewContent : string
$item : GridColumnItem
Return values

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