
Class for rendering of Web>List module


This class is a specific TYPO3 Backend implementation and is not part of the TYPO3's Core API.

$public: true
$shared: false

Table of Contents


$allowedNewTables  : array<string|int, string>
Used to indicate which tables (values in the array) that can have a create-new-record link. If the array is empty, all tables are allowed.
$calcPerms  : Permission
Some permissions.
$CBnames  : array<string|int, string>
Tracking names of elements (for clipboard use)
$clickMenuEnabled  : bool
If TRUE, clickmenus will be rendered
$clickTitleMode  : string
Mode for what happens when a user clicks the title of a record.
$clipObj  : Clipboard
Clipboard object
$currentTable  : array<string|int, array<string|int, int>>
Used for tracking next/prev uids
$deniedNewTables  : array<string|int, string>
Used to indicate which tables (values in the array) that cannot have a create-new-record link. If the array is empty, all tables are allowed.
$disableSingleTableView  : bool
Disable single table view
$displayColumnSelector  : bool
Whether the column selector should be displayed in the tables' header
$displayRecordDownload  : bool
Whether the record download should be displayed in the tables' header
$fieldArray  : array<string|int, mixed>
Decides the columns shown. Filled with values that refers to the keys of the data-array. $this->fieldArray[0] is the title column.
$hideTables  : string
Tables which should not get listed
$hideTranslations  : string
Tables which should not list their translations
$id  : int
Page id
$listOnlyInSingleTableMode  : bool
If TRUE, records are listed only if a specific table is selected.
$modTSconfig  : array<string|int, array<string|int, mixed>>
$noControlPanels  : bool
If TRUE, will DISABLE all control panels in lists. (Takes precedence)
$pageRow  : array<string|int, string>
Set to the page record (see writeTop())
$perms_clause  : string
Page select permissions
$returnUrl  : string
Return URL
$searchString  : string
Search string
$setFields  : array<string|int, array<string|int, string>>
Fields to display for the current table
$showClipboardActions  : bool
If TRUE, will show the clipboard related actions in the table header.
$showLimit  : int
Number of records to show
$sortField  : string
Field, to sort list by
$sortRev  : bool
Field, indicating to sort in reverse order.
$table  : string
Tablename if single-table mode
$tableList  : string
Specify a list of tables which are the only ones allowed to be displayed.
$tableTSconfigOverTCA  : array<string|int, array<string|int, string>>
TSconfig which overwrites TCA-Settings
$addElement_tdCssClass  : array<string|int, mixed>
Keys are fieldnames and values are td-css-classes to add in addElement();
$backendViewFactory  : BackendViewFactory
$currentLink  : array<string|int, mixed>
Current link: array with table names and uid
$duplicateField  : string
String, can contain the field name from a table which must have duplicate values marked.
$duplicateStack  : array<string|int, string>
Used for tracking duplicate values of fields
$editable  : bool
If defined the records are editable
$eventDispatcher  : EventDispatcherInterface
$iconFactory  : IconFactory
$languagesAllowedForUser  : array<string|int, mixed>
All languages that are allowed by the user
$moduleData  : ModuleData|null
Data of the module from the user's session
$moduleProvider  : ModuleProvider
$overridePageIdList  : array<string|int, mixed>
Override the page ids taken into account by getPageIdConstraint()
$overrideUrlParameters  : array<string|int, mixed>
Override/add urlparameters in listUrl() method
$page  : int
Paging for the single table view
$pagePermsCache  : array<string|int, mixed>
A runtime first-level cache to avoid unneeded calls to BackendUtility::getRecord()
$possibleTranslations  : array<string|int, int>
This array contains all possible language uids, which could be translations of a record (excluding pages) in the default language
$recPath_cache  : array<string|int, mixed>
Cache for record path
$referenceCount  : array<string|int, array<string|int, int>>
[$tablename][$uid] = number of references to this record
$request  : ServerRequestInterface
$searchableSchemaFieldsCollector  : SearchableSchemaFieldsCollector
$searchLevels  : int
Levels to search down.
$showLocalizeColumn  : array<string|int, mixed>
$showOnlyTranslatedRecords  : bool
Only used to render translated records, used in list module to show page translations
$spaceIcon  : string
Space icon used for alignment
$tableDisplayOrder  : array<string|int, array<string|int, mixed>>
Array with before/after setting for tables Structure: 'tableName' => [ 'before' => ['A', ...] 'after' => [] ]
$translateTools  : TranslationConfigurationProvider
$uriBuilder  : UriBuilder


__construct()  : mixed
addActionToCellGroup()  : mixed
add action into correct section
addSortLink()  : string
Creates a sort-by link on the input string ($code).
generateList()  : string
Traverses the table(s) to be listed and renders the output code for each.
getColumnsToRender()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Returns a list of all fields / columns including meta columns such as "_REF_" or "_PATH_" which should be rendered for the database table.
getFieldsToSelect()  : array<string|int, string>
Based on the columns which should be rendered this method returns a list of actual database fields to be selected from the query string.
getOverridePageIdList()  : array<string|int, mixed>
getQueryBuilder()  : QueryBuilder
Returns a QueryBuilder configured to select $fields from $table where the pid is restricted depending on the current searchlevel setting.
getTable()  : string
Creates the listing of records from a single table
isEditable()  : bool
Check if the table is readonly or editable
linkWrapItems()  : string
Returns the title (based on $code) of a record (from table $table) with the proper link around (that is for 'pages'-records a link to the level of that record...)
linkWrapTable()  : string
Returns the title (based on $label) of a table ($table) with the proper link around. For headers over tables.
listURL()  : string
Creates the URL to this script, including all relevant GPvars Fixed GPvars are id, table, returnUrl, searchTerm, and search_levels The GPvars "sortField" and "sortRev" are also included UNLESS they are found in the $exclList variable.
makeCheckbox()  : string
Adds the checkbox to select a single record in the listing
makeClip()  : void
Creates the clipboard actions for a single record in the listing.
makeControl()  : string
Creates the control panel for a single record in the listing.
makeLocalizationPanel()  : string
Creates the localization panel
recPath()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Returns the path for a certain pid The result is cached internally for the session, thus you can call this function as much as you like without performance problems.
renderListHeader()  : string
Rendering the header row for a table
renderListRow()  : string
Rendering a single row for the list
setIsEditable()  : void
setLanguagesAllowedForUser()  : DatabaseRecordList
setModuleData()  : void
setOverridePageIdList()  : mixed
setOverrideUrlParameters()  : mixed
Set URL parameters to override or add in the listUrl() method.
setRequest()  : mixed
setTableDisplayOrder()  : mixed
Set table display order information
showNewRecLink()  : bool
Returns TRUE if a link for creating new records should be displayed for $table
showOnlyTranslatedRecords()  : mixed
If enabled, only translations are shown (= only with l10n_parent) See the use case in RecordList class, where a list of page translations is rendered before.
start()  : mixed
Initializes the list generation
addDividerToCellGroup()  : void
Add a divider to the secondary cell group, if not already present
addElement()  : string
Returns a table-row with the content from the fields in the input data array.
addPageIdConstraint()  : QueryBuilder
Add conditions to the QueryBuilder object ($queryBuilder) to limit a query to a list of page IDs based on the current search level setting.
applyPresetToColumns()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Checks if a preset exists that will modify the selected columns.
createActionButtonCollapse()  : ButtonInterface|null
createActionButtonColumnSelector()  : ButtonInterface|null
Creates a button, which triggers a modal for the column selection
createActionButtonDownload()  : ButtonInterface|null
createActionButtonNewRecord()  : ButtonInterface|null
If new records can be created on this page, create a button
createShowItemTagAttributes()  : string
Creates data attributes to be handles in moddule `TYPO3/CMS/Backend/ActionDispatcher`
generateReferenceToolTip()  : string
Generates HTML code for a Reference tooltip out of sys_refindex records you hand over
getBackendUserAuthentication()  : BackendUserAuthentication
getLanguageService()  : LanguageService
getNoViewWithDokTypes()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Returns the configuration of mod.web_list.noViewWithDokTypes or the default value 254 (Sys Folders) and 199 (Spacer), if not set.
getPagePermissionsForRecord()  : Permission
Helper method around fetching the permissions of a record, by incorporating the record information AND the current user information.
getPossibleTranslations()  : array<string|int, int>
Fetches all possible translations for the given page
getPreviewUriBuilder()  : PreviewUriBuilder
Get preview link for pages or tt_content records
getReferenceCount()  : int
Gets the number of records referencing the record with the UID $uid in the table $tableName.
getSearchableWebmounts()  : array<string|int, int>
Get all allowed mount pages to be searched in.
getTablesToRender()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Depending on various options returns a list of all TCA tables which should be shown and are allowed by the current user.
isClipboardFunctionalityEnabled()  : bool
Check whether the clipboard functionality is generally enabled.
isLocalized()  : bool
Check if a given record is a localization
isRecordCurrentBackendUser()  : bool
Check if the record represents the current backend user
isRecordDeletePlaceholder()  : bool
Check if user is in workspace and given record is a delete placeholder
isRowListingConditionFulfilled()  : bool
Check if all row listing conditions are fulfilled.
isTextFieldType()  : bool
languageFlag()  : string
Return the icon for the language
linkUrlMail()  : string
Wrapping input code in link to URL or email if $testString is either.
makeSearchString()  : string
Creates part of query for searching after a word ($this->searchString) fields in input table.
overlayEditLockPermissions()  : bool
Check if the current record is locked by editlock. Pages are locked if their editlock flag is set, records are if they are locked themselves or if the page they are on is locked (a page’s editlock is transitive for its content elements).
renderCheckboxActions()  : string
Render convenience actions, such as "check all"
renderListNavigation()  : string
Creates a page browser for tables with many records
renderMultiRecordSelectionActions()  : string
Render the multi record selection actions, which are shown as soon as one record is selected



Used to indicate which tables (values in the array) that can have a create-new-record link. If the array is empty, all tables are allowed.

public array<string|int, string> $allowedNewTables = []


Tracking names of elements (for clipboard use)

public array<string|int, string> $CBnames = []


If TRUE, clickmenus will be rendered

public bool $clickMenuEnabled = true


Mode for what happens when a user clicks the title of a record.

public string $clickTitleMode = ''


Used for tracking next/prev uids

public array<string|int, array<string|int, int>> $currentTable = []


Used to indicate which tables (values in the array) that cannot have a create-new-record link. If the array is empty, all tables are allowed.

public array<string|int, string> $deniedNewTables = []


Disable single table view

public bool $disableSingleTableView = false


Whether the column selector should be displayed in the tables' header

public bool $displayColumnSelector = true


Whether the record download should be displayed in the tables' header

public bool $displayRecordDownload = true


Decides the columns shown. Filled with values that refers to the keys of the data-array. $this->fieldArray[0] is the title column.

public array<string|int, mixed> $fieldArray = []


Tables which should not get listed

public string $hideTables = ''


Tables which should not list their translations

public string $hideTranslations = ''


If TRUE, records are listed only if a specific table is selected.

public bool $listOnlyInSingleTableMode = false


public array<string|int, array<string|int, mixed>> $modTSconfig

Module configuration


If TRUE, will DISABLE all control panels in lists. (Takes precedence)

public bool $noControlPanels = false


Set to the page record (see writeTop())

public array<string|int, string> $pageRow = []


Page select permissions

public string $perms_clause = ''


Return URL

public string $returnUrl = ''


Search string

public string $searchString = ''


Fields to display for the current table

public array<string|int, array<string|int, string>> $setFields = []


If TRUE, will show the clipboard related actions in the table header.

public bool $showClipboardActions = false


Number of records to show

public int $showLimit = 0


Field, to sort list by

public string $sortField = ''


Field, indicating to sort in reverse order.

public bool $sortRev = false


Tablename if single-table mode

public string $table = ''


Specify a list of tables which are the only ones allowed to be displayed.

public string $tableList = ''


TSconfig which overwrites TCA-Settings

public array<string|int, array<string|int, string>> $tableTSconfigOverTCA = []


Keys are fieldnames and values are td-css-classes to add in addElement();

protected array<string|int, mixed> $addElement_tdCssClass = []

Current link: array with table names and uid

protected array<string|int, mixed> $currentLink = []


String, can contain the field name from a table which must have duplicate values marked.

protected string $duplicateField = ''


Used for tracking duplicate values of fields

protected array<string|int, string> $duplicateStack = []


If defined the records are editable

protected bool $editable = true

$eventDispatcher read-only

protected EventDispatcherInterface $eventDispatcher


All languages that are allowed by the user

protected array<string|int, mixed> $languagesAllowedForUser = []

This is used for the translation handling of pages only.


Data of the module from the user's session

protected ModuleData|null $moduleData = null


Override the page ids taken into account by getPageIdConstraint()

protected array<string|int, mixed> $overridePageIdList = []


Override/add urlparameters in listUrl() method

protected array<string|int, mixed> $overrideUrlParameters = []


Paging for the single table view

protected int $page = 0


A runtime first-level cache to avoid unneeded calls to BackendUtility::getRecord()

protected array<string|int, mixed> $pagePermsCache = []


This array contains all possible language uids, which could be translations of a record (excluding pages) in the default language

protected array<string|int, int> $possibleTranslations = []

It mainly depends on the current pageUid. Translations are possible, depending on

  • the site config
  • already translated page records


Cache for record path

protected array<string|int, mixed> $recPath_cache = []


[$tablename][$uid] = number of references to this record

protected array<string|int, array<string|int, int>> $referenceCount = []


protected ServerRequestInterface $request


Levels to search down.

protected int $searchLevels = 0


protected array<string|int, mixed> $showLocalizeColumn = []


Only used to render translated records, used in list module to show page translations

protected bool $showOnlyTranslatedRecords = false


Space icon used for alignment

protected string $spaceIcon


Array with before/after setting for tables Structure: 'tableName' => [ 'before' => ['A', ...] 'after' => [] ]

protected array<string|int, array<string|int, mixed>> $tableDisplayOrder = []



public __construct(IconFactory $iconFactory, UriBuilder $uriBuilder, TranslationConfigurationProvider $translateTools, EventDispatcherInterface $eventDispatcher, BackendViewFactory $backendViewFactory, ModuleProvider $moduleProvider, SearchableSchemaFieldsCollector $searchableSchemaFieldsCollector) : mixed
$iconFactory : IconFactory
$uriBuilder : UriBuilder
$translateTools : TranslationConfigurationProvider
$eventDispatcher : EventDispatcherInterface
$backendViewFactory : BackendViewFactory
$moduleProvider : ModuleProvider
$searchableSchemaFieldsCollector : SearchableSchemaFieldsCollector


add action into correct section

public addActionToCellGroup(array<string|int, mixed> &$cells, string $action, string $actionKey) : mixed
$cells : array<string|int, mixed>
$action : string
$actionKey : string

Creates a sort-by link on the input string ($code).

public addSortLink(string $label, string $field, string $table) : string

It will automatically detect if sorting should be ascending or descending depending on $this->sortRev. Also some fields will not be possible to sort (including if single-table-view is disabled).

$label : string

The string to link (text)

$field : string

The fieldname represented by the title ($code)

$table : string

Table name

Return values

Linked $code variable


Traverses the table(s) to be listed and renders the output code for each.

public generateList() : string
Return values

Rendered HTML


Returns a list of all fields / columns including meta columns such as "_REF_" or "_PATH_" which should be rendered for the database table.

public getColumnsToRender(string $table, bool $includeMetaColumns[, string $selectedPreset = '' ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
$table : string
$includeMetaColumns : bool
$selectedPreset : string = ''
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


Based on the columns which should be rendered this method returns a list of actual database fields to be selected from the query string.

public getFieldsToSelect(string $table, array<string|int, mixed> $columnsToRender) : array<string|int, string>
$table : string
$columnsToRender : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
array<string|int, string>

a list of all database table fields


public getOverridePageIdList() : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


Returns a QueryBuilder configured to select $fields from $table where the pid is restricted depending on the current searchlevel setting.

public getQueryBuilder(string $table[, array<string|int, string> $fields = ['*'] ][, bool $addSorting = true ][, int $firstResult = 0 ][, int $maxResult = 0 ]) : QueryBuilder
$table : string

Table name

$fields : array<string|int, string> = ['*']

Field list to select, * for all

$addSorting : bool = true
$firstResult : int = 0
$maxResult : int = 0
Return values


Creates the listing of records from a single table

public getTable(string $table) : string
$table : string

Table name

Return values

HTML table with the listing for the record.


Check if the table is readonly or editable

public isEditable(string $table) : bool
$table : string
Return values


Returns the title (based on $code) of a record (from table $table) with the proper link around (that is for 'pages'-records a link to the level of that record...)

public linkWrapItems(string $table, int $uid, string $code, array<string|int, mixed> $row) : string
$table : string

Table name

$uid : int

Item uid

$code : string

Item title (not htmlspecialchars()'ed yet)

$row : array<string|int, mixed>

Item row

Return values

The item title. Ready for HTML output (is htmlspecialchars()'ed)


Returns the title (based on $label) of a table ($table) with the proper link around. For headers over tables.

public linkWrapTable(string $table, string $label) : string

The link will cause the display of all extended mode or not for the table.

$table : string

Table name

$label : string

Table label

Return values

The linked table label


Creates the URL to this script, including all relevant GPvars Fixed GPvars are id, table, returnUrl, searchTerm, and search_levels The GPvars "sortField" and "sortRev" are also included UNLESS they are found in the $exclList variable.

public listURL([string $altId = '' ][, string $table = '-1' ][, string $exclList = '' ]) : string
$altId : string = ''

Alternative id value. Enter blank string for the current id ($this->id)

$table : string = '-1'

Table name to display. Enter "-1" for the current table.

$exclList : string = ''

Comma separated list of fields NOT to include ("sortField", "sortRev" or "pointer")

Return values



Adds the checkbox to select a single record in the listing

public makeCheckbox(string $table, array<string|int, mixed> $row) : string
$table : string

The table

$row : array<string|int, mixed>

The record for which to make the checkbox

Return values

The checkbox for the record


Creates the clipboard actions for a single record in the listing.

public makeClip(string $table, array<string|int, mixed> $row, array<string|int, mixed> &$cells) : void
$table : string

The table

$row : array<string|int, mixed>

The record for which to create the clipboard actions

$cells : array<string|int, mixed>

The already defined cells from makeControl


Creates the control panel for a single record in the listing.

public makeControl(string $table, array<string|int, mixed> $row) : string
$table : string

The table

$row : array<string|int, mixed>

The record for which to make the control panel.

Return values

HTML table with the control panel (unless disabled)


Creates the localization panel

public makeLocalizationPanel(string $table, array<string|int, mixed> $row, array<string|int, mixed> $translations) : string
$table : string

The table

$row : array<string|int, mixed>

The record for which to make the localization panel.

$translations : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values


Returns the path for a certain pid The result is cached internally for the session, thus you can call this function as much as you like without performance problems.

public recPath(int $pid) : array<string|int, mixed>
$pid : int

The page id for which to get the path

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

The path.


Rendering the header row for a table

public renderListHeader(string $table, array<string|int, int> $currentIdList) : string
$table : string

Table name

$currentIdList : array<string|int, int>

Array of the currently displayed uids of the table

Return values

Header table row


Rendering a single row for the list

public renderListRow(string $table, array<string|int, mixed> $row, int $indent, array<string|int, mixed> $translations, bool $translationEnabled) : string
$table : string

Table name

$row : array<string|int, mixed>

Current record

$indent : int

Indent from left.

$translations : array<string|int, mixed>

Array of already existing translations for the current record

$translationEnabled : bool

Whether the record can be translated

Return values

Table row for the element


public setIsEditable(bool $isEditable) : void
$isEditable : bool


public setLanguagesAllowedForUser(array<string|int, mixed> $languagesAllowedForUser) : DatabaseRecordList
$languagesAllowedForUser : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values


public setOverridePageIdList(array<string|int, int>|array<string|int, mixed> $overridePageIdList) : mixed
$overridePageIdList : array<string|int, int>|array<string|int, mixed>


Set URL parameters to override or add in the listUrl() method.

public setOverrideUrlParameters(array<string|int, string> $urlParameters, ServerRequestInterface $request) : mixed
$urlParameters : array<string|int, string>
$request : ServerRequestInterface


public setRequest(ServerRequestInterface $request) : mixed
$request : ServerRequestInterface


Set table display order information

public setTableDisplayOrder(array<string|int, mixed> $orderInformation) : mixed

Structure of $orderInformation: 'tableName' => [ 'before' => // comma-separated string list or array of table names 'after' => // comma-separated string list or array of table names ]

$orderInformation : array<string|int, mixed>

Returns TRUE if a link for creating new records should be displayed for $table

public showNewRecLink(string $table) : bool
$table : string

Table name

Return values

Returns TRUE if a link for creating new records should be displayed for $table


If enabled, only translations are shown (= only with l10n_parent) See the use case in RecordList class, where a list of page translations is rendered before.

public showOnlyTranslatedRecords(bool $showOnlyTranslatedRecords) : mixed
$showOnlyTranslatedRecords : bool


Initializes the list generation

public start(int $id, string $table, int $pointer[, string $search = '' ][, int $levels = 0 ][, int $showLimit = 0 ]) : mixed
$id : int

Page id for which the list is rendered. Must be >= 0

$table : string

Tablename - if extended mode where only one table is listed at a time.

$pointer : int

Browsing pointer.

$search : string = ''

Search word, if any

$levels : int = 0

Number of levels to search down the page tree

$showLimit : int = 0

Limit of records to be listed.


Add a divider to the secondary cell group, if not already present

protected addDividerToCellGroup(array<string|int, mixed> &$cells) : void
$cells : array<string|int, mixed>


Returns a table-row with the content from the fields in the input data array.

protected addElement(array<string|int, mixed> $data[, string $rowParams = '' ][, string $colType = 'td' ]) : string

OBS: $this->fieldArray MUST be set! (represents the list of fields to display)

$data : array<string|int, mixed>

Is the data array, record with the fields. Notice: These fields are (currently) NOT htmlspecialchar'ed before being wrapped in -tags

$rowParams : string = ''

Is insert in the -tags. Must carry a ' ' as first character

$colType : string = 'td'

Defines the tag being used for the columns. Default is td.

Return values

HTML content for the table row


Add conditions to the QueryBuilder object ($queryBuilder) to limit a query to a list of page IDs based on the current search level setting.

protected addPageIdConstraint(string $tableName, QueryBuilder $queryBuilder, int $searchLevels) : QueryBuilder
$tableName : string
$queryBuilder : QueryBuilder
$searchLevels : int
Return values

Modified QueryBuilder object


Checks if a preset exists that will modify the selected columns.

protected applyPresetToColumns(string $table, string $selectedPreset, array<string|int, mixed> $columnsToRender) : array<string|int, mixed>
$table : string
$selectedPreset : string
$columnsToRender : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


Creates a button, which triggers a modal for the column selection

protected createActionButtonColumnSelector(string $table) : ButtonInterface|null
$table : string
Return values


protected createActionButtonDownload(string $table, int $totalItems) : ButtonInterface|null
$table : string
$totalItems : int
Return values


If new records can be created on this page, create a button

protected createActionButtonNewRecord(string $table) : ButtonInterface|null
$table : string
Return values


Creates data attributes to be handles in moddule `TYPO3/CMS/Backend/ActionDispatcher`

protected createShowItemTagAttributes(string $arguments) : string
$arguments : string
Return values


Generates HTML code for a Reference tooltip out of sys_refindex records you hand over

protected generateReferenceToolTip(string $table, int $uid) : string
$table : string
$uid : int
Return values


Returns the configuration of mod.web_list.noViewWithDokTypes or the default value 254 (Sys Folders) and 199 (Spacer), if not set.

protected getNoViewWithDokTypes(array<string|int, mixed> $tsConfig) : array<string|int, mixed>
$tsConfig : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


Helper method around fetching the permissions of a record, by incorporating the record information AND the current user information.

protected getPagePermissionsForRecord(string $table, array<string|int, mixed> $row) : Permission
$table : string
$row : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values


Fetches all possible translations for the given page

protected getPossibleTranslations(int $pageUid) : array<string|int, int>

This depends on the site config and the current translations of the page record It is used to set the possible translations for all records excluding pages

$pageUid : int
Return values
array<string|int, int>


Get preview link for pages or tt_content records

protected getPreviewUriBuilder(string $table, array<string|int, mixed> $row) : PreviewUriBuilder
$table : string
$row : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values


Gets the number of records referencing the record with the UID $uid in the table $tableName.

protected getReferenceCount(string $tableName, int $uid) : int
$tableName : string
$uid : int
Return values

The number of references to record $uid in table


Get all allowed mount pages to be searched in.

protected getSearchableWebmounts(int $id, int $depth) : array<string|int, int>
$id : int

Page id

$depth : int

Depth to go down

Return values
array<string|int, int>


Depending on various options returns a list of all TCA tables which should be shown and are allowed by the current user.

protected getTablesToRender() : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

a list of all TCA tables


Check whether the clipboard functionality is generally enabled.

protected isClipboardFunctionalityEnabled(string $table[, array<string|int, mixed> $row = [] ]) : bool

In case a row is given, this checks if the record is neither a "delete placeholder", nor a translation, nor a version

$table : string
$row : array<string|int, mixed> = []
Return values


Check if a given record is a localization

protected isLocalized(string $table, array<string|int, mixed> $row) : bool
$table : string
$row : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values


Check if the record represents the current backend user

protected isRecordCurrentBackendUser(string $table, array<string|int, mixed> $row) : bool
$table : string
$row : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values


Check if user is in workspace and given record is a delete placeholder

protected isRecordDeletePlaceholder(array<string|int, mixed> $row) : bool
$row : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values


Check if all row listing conditions are fulfilled.

protected isRowListingConditionFulfilled(string $table, array<string|int, string> $row) : bool

This function serves as a dummy method to be overridden in extending classes.

$table : string

Table name

$row : array<string|int, string>


Return values

True, if all conditions are fulfilled.


protected isTextFieldType(string $fieldType) : bool
$fieldType : string
Return values


Return the icon for the language

protected languageFlag(string $table, array<string|int, mixed> $row) : string
$table : string
$row : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values

Language icon


Wrapping input code in link to URL or email if $testString is either.

protected linkUrlMail(string $code, string $testString) : string
$code : string

code to wrap

$testString : string

String which is tested for being a URL or email and which will be used for the link if so.

Return values

Link-Wrapped $code value, if $testString was URL or email.


Creates part of query for searching after a word ($this->searchString) fields in input table.

protected makeSearchString(string $table, int $currentPid, QueryBuilder $queryBuilder) : string
$table : string

Table, in which the fields are being searched.

$currentPid : int

Page id for the possible search limit

$queryBuilder : QueryBuilder
Return values

Returns part of WHERE-clause for searching, if applicable.


Check if the current record is locked by editlock. Pages are locked if their editlock flag is set, records are if they are locked themselves or if the page they are on is locked (a page’s editlock is transitive for its content elements).

protected overlayEditLockPermissions(string $table[, array<string|int, mixed> $row = [] ][, bool $editPermission = true ]) : bool
$table : string
$row : array<string|int, mixed> = []
$editPermission : bool = true
Return values


Render convenience actions, such as "check all"

protected renderCheckboxActions() : string
Return values

HTML markup for the checkbox actions


Creates a page browser for tables with many records

protected renderListNavigation(string $table, int $totalItems, int $itemsPerPage) : string
$table : string
$totalItems : int
$itemsPerPage : int
Return values

Navigation HTML


Render the multi record selection actions, which are shown as soon as one record is selected

protected renderMultiRecordSelectionActions(string $table, array<string|int, mixed> $currentIdList) : string
$table : string
$currentIdList : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values

On this page

Search results