ImageInfo extends FileInfo implements LoggerAwareInterface uses LoggerAwareTrait

An SPL FileInfo class providing information related to an image.

Table of Contents




$imageSizes  : array{0: int<0, max>|string, 1: int<0, max>|string, 2?: string, 3?: string, 4?: string}|false|null


getHeight()  : int<0, max>
Returns the height of the image.
getMimeExtensions()  : array<string|int, string>
Returns the file extensions appropriate for a the MIME type detected in the file. For types that commonly have multiple file extensions, such as JPEG images, then the return value is multiple extensions, for instance that could be ['jpeg', 'jpg', 'jpe', 'jiff']. For unknown types not available in the magic.mime database (/etc/magic.mime, /etc/mime.types, ...), then return value is an empty array.
getMimeType()  : string|false
Return the mime type of a file.
getWidth()  : int<0, max>
Returns the width of the image.
extractSvgImageSizes()  : array{0: int<0, max>, 1: int<0, max>}|false
Tries to read SVG as XML file and find width and height.
getExifAwareImageSize()  : array{0: int<0, max>, 1: int<0, max>}|false
Gets the image size, considering the exif-rotation present in the file
getImageSizes()  : array{0: int<0, max>|string, 1: int<0, max>|string, 2?: string, 3?: string, 4?: string}
getImageSizesFromImageMagick()  : array{0: string, 1: string, 2: string, 3: string, 4: string}|null



protected array{0: int<0, max>|string, 1: int<0, max>|string, 2?: string, 3?: string, 4?: string}|false|null $imageSizes



Returns the height of the image.

public getHeight() : int<0, max>
Return values
int<0, max>


Returns the file extensions appropriate for a the MIME type detected in the file. For types that commonly have multiple file extensions, such as JPEG images, then the return value is multiple extensions, for instance that could be ['jpeg', 'jpg', 'jpe', 'jiff']. For unknown types not available in the magic.mime database (/etc/magic.mime, /etc/mime.types, ...), then return value is an empty array.

public getMimeExtensions() : array<string|int, string>

TYPO3 specific settings in $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SYS']['FileInfo']['fileExtensionToMimeType'] take precedence over native resolving.

Return values
array<string|int, string>


Return the mime type of a file.

public getMimeType() : string|false

TYPO3 specific settings in $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SYS']['FileInfo']['fileExtensionToMimeType'] take precedence over native resolving.

Return values

Returns the mime type or FALSE if the mime type could not be discovered


Returns the width of the image.

public getWidth() : int<0, max>
Return values
int<0, max>


Tries to read SVG as XML file and find width and height.

protected extractSvgImageSizes() : array{0: int<0, max>, 1: int<0, max>}|false
Return values
array{0: int<0, max>, 1: int<0, max>}|false


Gets the image size, considering the exif-rotation present in the file

protected getExifAwareImageSize(string $imageFile) : array{0: int<0, max>, 1: int<0, max>}|false
$imageFile : string

The image filepath

Return values
array{0: int<0, max>, 1: int<0, max>}|false

an array where [0]/[1] is w/h


protected getImageSizes() : array{0: int<0, max>|string, 1: int<0, max>|string, 2?: string, 3?: string, 4?: string}
Return values
array{0: int<0, max>|string, 1: int<0, max>|string, 2?: string, 3?: string, 4?: string}


protected getImageSizesFromImageMagick() : array{0: string, 1: string, 2: string, 3: string, 4: string}|null
Return values
array{0: string, 1: string, 2: string, 3: string, 4: string}|null

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