SearchController extends ActionController

Index search frontend

Creates a search form for indexed search. Indexing must be enabled for this to make sense.


This class is a specific controller implementation and is not considered part of the Public TYPO3 API.

Table of Contents


$actionMethodName  : non-empty-string
Name of the action method
$arguments  : Arguments
$availableResultsNumbers  : array<string|int, mixed>
$configurationManager  : ConfigurationManagerInterface
$defaultResultNumber  : int
$defaultViewObjectName  : class-string|null
The default view class to use. Keep this 'null' for default fluid view, or set to 'JsonView::class' or some inheriting class.
$errorMethodName  : string
Name of the special error action method which is called in case of errors
$eventDispatcher  : EventDispatcherInterface
$externalParsers  : array<string|int, mixed>
$fileHandlingService  : FileHandlingService
$firstRow  : array<string|int, mixed>
Will hold the first row in result - used to calculate relative hit-ratings.
$hashService  : HashService
$mvcPropertyMappingConfigurationService  : MvcPropertyMappingConfigurationService
$pathCache  : array<string|int, mixed>
$reflectionService  : ReflectionService
$request  : RequestInterface
$requiredFrontendUsergroups  : array<string|int, mixed>
Required fe_groups memberships for display of a result.
$responseFactory  : ResponseFactoryInterface
$resultSections  : array<string|int, mixed>
Page tree sections for search result.
$searchRootPageIdList  : string|int
This is the id of the site root.
$searchWords  : array<string|int, mixed>
$settings  : array<string|int, mixed>
Contains the settings of the current extension
$streamFactory  : StreamFactoryInterface
$sword  : string
$uriBuilder  : UriBuilder
$validatorResolver  : ValidatorResolver
$view  : ViewInterface|ViewInterface
The current view, as resolved by resolveView()


__construct()  : mixed
addFlashMessage()  : void
Creates a Message object and adds it to the FlashMessageQueue.
formAction()  : ResponseInterface
Sort options about the search form
initializeControllerArgumentsBaseValidators()  : void
Collects the base validators which were defined for the data type of each controller argument and adds them to the argument's validator chain.
injectConfigurationManager()  : void
injectEventDispatcher()  : void
injectFileHandlingService()  : void
injectHashService()  : void
injectInternalExtensionService()  : void
injectInternalFlashMessageService()  : void
injectMvcPropertyMappingConfigurationService()  : void
injectPropertyMapper()  : void
injectReflectionService()  : void
injectResponseFactory()  : void
injectStreamFactory()  : void
injectValidatorResolver()  : void
injectViewFactory()  : void
injectViewResolver()  : void
noTypoScriptAction()  : ResponseInterface
TypoScript was not loaded
processRequest()  : ResponseInterface
Handles an incoming request and returns a response object
searchAction()  : ResponseInterface
Performs the search, the display and writing stats
throwStatus()  : never
Sends the specified HTTP status immediately and only stops to run back through the middleware stack.
addBaseUriIfNecessary()  : string
Adds the base uri if not already in place.
addErrorFlashMessage()  : void
If an error occurred during this request, this adds a flash message describing the error to the flash message container.
addOperatorLabel()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Process the search word operator to be used in e.g. locallang keys
callActionMethod()  : ResponseInterface
Calls the specified action method and passes the arguments.
compileResultRows()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Takes the array with resultrows as input and returns the result-HTML-code Takes the "group" var into account: Makes a "section" or "flat" display.
compileSingleResultRow()  : array<string|int, mixed>
This prints a single result row, including a recursive call for subrows.
errorAction()  : ResponseInterface
A special action which is called if the originally intended action could not be called, for example if the arguments were not valid.
forwardToReferringRequest()  : ResponseInterface|null
If information on the request before the current request was sent, this method forwards back to the originating request. This effectively ends processing of the current request, so do not call this method before you have finished the necessary business logic!
getAllAvailableGroupOptions()  : array<string|int, mixed>
get the values for the "group" selector
getAllAvailableIndexConfigurationsOptions()  : array<string|int, mixed>
get the values for the "freeIndexUid" selector
getAllAvailableMediaTypesOptions()  : array<string|int, mixed>
get the values for the "media type" selector
getAllAvailableNumberOfResultsOptions()  : array<string|int, mixed>
get the values for the "results" selector
getAllAvailableOperandsOptions()  : array<string|int, mixed>
get the values for the "defaultOperand" selector
getAllAvailableSearchTypeOptions()  : array<string|int, mixed>
get the values for the "type" selector
getAllAvailableSectionsOptions()  : array<string|int, mixed>
get the values for the "section" selector Here values like "rl1_" and "rl2_" + a root level 1/2 id can be added to perform searches in root level 1+2 specifically. The id-values can even be comma-separated. e.g. "rl1_1,2" would search for stuff inside pages on menu-level 1 which has the uids 1 and 2.
getAllAvailableSortDescendingOptions()  : array<string|int, mixed>
get the values for the "sortDescending" selector
getAllAvailableSortOrderOptions()  : array<string|int, mixed>
get the values for the "section" selector Here values like "rl1_" and "rl2_" + a root level 1/2 id can be added to perform searches in root level 1+2 specifically. The id-values can even be comma-separated. e.g. "rl1_1,2" would search for stuff inside pages on menu-level 1 which has the uids 1 and 2.
getDisplayResults()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Compiles the HTML display of the incoming array of result rows.
getErrorFlashMessage()  : bool|string
A template method for displaying custom error flash messages, or to display no flash message at all on errors. Override this to customize the flash message in your action controller.
getFlashMessageQueue()  : FlashMessageQueue
todo: As soon as the incoming request contains the compiled plugin namespace, extbase will offer a trait to create a flash message identifier from the current request. Users then should inject the flash message service themselves if needed.
getFlattenedValidationErrorMessage()  : string
Returns a string with a basic error message about validation failure.
getMenuOfPages()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Return the menu of pages used for the selector.
getNumberOfResults()  : int
Returns number of results to display
getPathFromPageId()  : string
Returns the path to the page $id
getSearchWords()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Splits the search word input into an array where each word is represented by an array with key "sword" holding the search word and key "oper" holding the SQL operator (e.g. AND, OR)
handleArgumentMappingExceptions()  : void
This method processes exceptions that occur due to missing or not found targets or arguments during argument mapping. Based on configuration settings, either a "page not found" response is triggered or the original exception is propagated.
htmlResponse()  : ResponseInterface
Returns a response object with either the given html string or the current rendered view as content.
initialize()  : array<string|int, mixed>
sets up all necessary object for searching
initializeAction()  : void
Initializes the controller before invoking an action method.
initializeActionMethodArguments()  : void
Implementation of the arguments initialization in the action controller: Automatically registers arguments of the current action
initializeActionMethodValidators()  : void
Adds the needed validators to the Arguments:
initializeExternalParsers()  : void
simple function to initialize possible external parsers feeds the $this->externalParsers array
jsonResponse()  : ResponseInterface
Returns a response object with either the given json string or the current rendered view as content. Mainly to be used for actions / controllers using the JsonView.
linkPage()  : LinkResultInterface
Links the $linkText to page $pageUid
loadSettings()  : void
Load settings and apply stdWrap to them
makeDescription()  : string
Returns the resume for the search-result.
mapRequestArgumentsToControllerArguments()  : void
Maps arguments delivered by the request object to the local controller arguments.
markupSWpartsOfString()  : string
Marks up the search words from $this->searchWords in the $str with a color.
multiplePagesType()  : bool
Returns if an item type is a multipage item type
processExtendedSearchParameters()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Process variables related to indexed_search extendedSearch needed by frontend view.
procSearchWordsByLexer()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Post-process the search word array, so it will match the words that was indexed (including case-folding if any).
redirect()  : ResponseInterface
Redirects the request to another action and / or controller.
redirectToUri()  : ResponseInterface
Redirects the web request to another uri.
removeOptionsFromOptionList()  : array<string|int, mixed>
removes blinding entries from the option list of a selector
renderAssetsForRequest()  : void
Method which initializes assets that should be attached to the response for the given $request, which contains parameters that an override can use to determine which assets to add via PageRenderer.
resolveActionMethodName()  : string
Resolves and checks the current action method name
resolveView()  : ViewInterface|ViewInterface
Prepares a view for the current action.



Name of the action method

protected non-empty-string $actionMethodName = 'indexAction'


protected array<string|int, mixed> $availableResultsNumbers = []


protected int $defaultResultNumber = 10


The default view class to use. Keep this 'null' for default fluid view, or set to 'JsonView::class' or some inheriting class.

protected class-string|null $defaultViewObjectName = null


Name of the special error action method which is called in case of errors

protected string $errorMethodName = 'errorAction'


protected EventDispatcherInterface $eventDispatcher


protected array<string|int, mixed> $externalParsers = []


Will hold the first row in result - used to calculate relative hit-ratings.

protected array<string|int, mixed> $firstRow = []


protected array<string|int, mixed> $pathCache = []


Required fe_groups memberships for display of a result.

protected array<string|int, mixed> $requiredFrontendUsergroups = []


protected ResponseFactoryInterface $responseFactory


Page tree sections for search result.

protected array<string|int, mixed> $resultSections = []


This is the id of the site root.

protected string|int $searchRootPageIdList = 0

This value may be a comma separated list of integer (prepared for this) Root-page PIDs to search in (rl0 field where clause, see initialize() function)

If this value is set to less than zero (e.g. -1) searching will happen in ALL of the page tree with no regard to branches at all.


protected array<string|int, mixed> $searchWords = []


Contains the settings of the current extension

protected array<string|int, mixed> $settings


protected StreamFactoryInterface $streamFactory


The current view, as resolved by resolveView()

protected ViewInterface|ViewInterface $view

Use "protected ViewInterface $view;" in v14.



Creates a Message object and adds it to the FlashMessageQueue.

public addFlashMessage(string $messageBody[, string $messageTitle = '' ][, ContextualFeedbackSeverity $severity = ContextualFeedbackSeverity::OK ][, bool $storeInSession = true ]) : void
$messageBody : string
$messageTitle : string = ''
$severity : ContextualFeedbackSeverity = ContextualFeedbackSeverity::OK
$storeInSession : bool = true

if the message body is no string



Sort options about the search form

public formAction([array<string|int, mixed> $search = [] ]) : ResponseInterface
$search : array<string|int, mixed> = []


Return values


Collects the base validators which were defined for the data type of each controller argument and adds them to the argument's validator chain.

public initializeControllerArgumentsBaseValidators() : void


public injectEventDispatcher(EventDispatcherInterface $eventDispatcher) : void
$eventDispatcher : EventDispatcherInterface


public final injectResponseFactory(ResponseFactoryInterface $responseFactory) : void
$responseFactory : ResponseFactoryInterface


public final injectStreamFactory(StreamFactoryInterface $streamFactory) : void
$streamFactory : StreamFactoryInterface


TypoScript was not loaded

public noTypoScriptAction() : ResponseInterface
Return values


Handles an incoming request and returns a response object

public processRequest(RequestInterface $request) : ResponseInterface
$request : RequestInterface

The request object

Return values


Performs the search, the display and writing stats

public searchAction([array<string|int, mixed> $search = [] ]) : ResponseInterface
$search : array<string|int, mixed> = []


Return values


Sends the specified HTTP status immediately and only stops to run back through the middleware stack.

public throwStatus(int $statusCode[, string $statusMessage = '' ][, string|null $content = null ]) : never

Note: If any other plugin or content or hook is used within a frontend request, this is skipped by design.

$statusCode : int

The HTTP status code

$statusMessage : string = ''

A custom HTTP status message

$content : string|null = null

Body content which further explains the status

Return values


Adds the base uri if not already in place.

protected addBaseUriIfNecessary(string $uri) : string
$uri : string
Return values


If an error occurred during this request, this adds a flash message describing the error to the flash message container.

protected addErrorFlashMessage() : void


Process the search word operator to be used in e.g. locallang keys

protected addOperatorLabel(array<string|int, mixed> $searchWord) : array<string|int, mixed>
$searchWord : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


Calls the specified action method and passes the arguments.

protected callActionMethod(RequestInterface $request) : ResponseInterface

If the action returns a string, it is appended to the content in the response object. If the action doesn't return anything and a valid view exists, the view is rendered automatically.

$request : RequestInterface
Return values


Takes the array with resultrows as input and returns the result-HTML-code Takes the "group" var into account: Makes a "section" or "flat" display.

protected compileResultRows(array<string|int, mixed> $searchData, array<string|int, mixed> $resultRows[, int $freeIndexUid = -1 ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
$searchData : array<string|int, mixed>
$resultRows : array<string|int, mixed>

Result rows

$freeIndexUid : int = -1

Pointing to which indexing configuration you want to search in. -1 means no filtering. 0 means only regular indexed content.

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

the result rows with additional information


This prints a single result row, including a recursive call for subrows.

protected compileSingleResultRow(array<string|int, mixed> $searchData, array<string|int, mixed> $row[, int $headerOnly = 0 ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
$searchData : array<string|int, mixed>
$row : array<string|int, mixed>

Search result row

$headerOnly : int = 0

1=Display only header (for sub-rows!), 2=nothing at all

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

the result row with additional information


A special action which is called if the originally intended action could not be called, for example if the arguments were not valid.

protected errorAction() : ResponseInterface

The default implementation sets a flash message, request errors and forwards back to the originating action. This is suitable for most actions dealing with form input.

We clear the page cache by default on an error as well, as we need to make sure the data is re-evaluated when the user changes something.

Return values


If information on the request before the current request was sent, this method forwards back to the originating request. This effectively ends processing of the current request, so do not call this method before you have finished the necessary business logic!

protected forwardToReferringRequest() : ResponseInterface|null
Return values


get the values for the "group" selector

protected getAllAvailableGroupOptions() : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

Associative array with options


get the values for the "freeIndexUid" selector

protected getAllAvailableIndexConfigurationsOptions() : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

Associative array with options


get the values for the "media type" selector

protected getAllAvailableMediaTypesOptions() : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

Associative array with options


get the values for the "results" selector

protected getAllAvailableNumberOfResultsOptions() : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

Associative array with options


get the values for the "defaultOperand" selector

protected getAllAvailableOperandsOptions() : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

Associative array with options


get the values for the "type" selector

protected getAllAvailableSearchTypeOptions() : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

Associative array with options


get the values for the "section" selector Here values like "rl1_" and "rl2_" + a root level 1/2 id can be added to perform searches in root level 1+2 specifically. The id-values can even be comma-separated. e.g. "rl1_1,2" would search for stuff inside pages on menu-level 1 which has the uids 1 and 2.

protected getAllAvailableSectionsOptions() : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

Associative array with options


get the values for the "sortDescending" selector

protected getAllAvailableSortDescendingOptions() : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

Associative array with options


get the values for the "section" selector Here values like "rl1_" and "rl2_" + a root level 1/2 id can be added to perform searches in root level 1+2 specifically. The id-values can even be comma-separated. e.g. "rl1_1,2" would search for stuff inside pages on menu-level 1 which has the uids 1 and 2.

protected getAllAvailableSortOrderOptions() : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

Associative array with options


Compiles the HTML display of the incoming array of result rows.

protected getDisplayResults(array<string|int, mixed> $searchData, array<string|int, mixed> $searchWords, array<string|int, mixed>|bool $resultData[, int $freeIndexUid = -1 ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
$searchData : array<string|int, mixed>
$searchWords : array<string|int, mixed>

Search words array (for display of text describing what was searched for)

$resultData : array<string|int, mixed>|bool

Array with result rows, count, first row.

$freeIndexUid : int = -1

Pointing to which indexing configuration you want to search in. -1 means no filtering. 0 means only regular indexed content.

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


A template method for displaying custom error flash messages, or to display no flash message at all on errors. Override this to customize the flash message in your action controller.

protected getErrorFlashMessage() : bool|string

Returns either the flash message or "false" if no flash message should be set

Return values


todo: As soon as the incoming request contains the compiled plugin namespace, extbase will offer a trait to create a flash message identifier from the current request. Users then should inject the flash message service themselves if needed.

protected getFlashMessageQueue([string|null $identifier = null ]) : FlashMessageQueue
$identifier : string|null = null
Return values


Returns a string with a basic error message about validation failure.

protected getFlattenedValidationErrorMessage() : string

We may add all validation error messages to a log file in the future, but for security reasons (@see #54074) we do not return these here.

Return values


Return the menu of pages used for the selector.

protected getMenuOfPages(int $pageUid) : array<string|int, mixed>
$pageUid : int

Page ID for which to return menu

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

Menu items (for making the section selector box)


Returns number of results to display

protected getNumberOfResults(int $numberOfResults) : int
$numberOfResults : int
Return values


Returns the path to the page $id

protected getPathFromPageId(int $id[, string $pathMP = '' ]) : string
$id : int

Page ID

$pathMP : string = ''

Content of the MP (mount point) variable

Return values

Path (HTML-escaped)


Splits the search word input into an array where each word is represented by an array with key "sword" holding the search word and key "oper" holding the SQL operator (e.g. AND, OR)

protected getSearchWords(array<string|int, mixed> $searchData, bool $useDefaultOperator) : array<string|int, mixed>

Only words with 2 or more characters are accepted Max 200 chars total Space is used to split words, "" can be used search for a whole string AND, OR and NOT are prefix words, overruling the default operator +/|/- equals AND, OR and NOT as operators. All search words are converted to lowercase.

$defOp is the default operator. 1=OR, 0=AND

$searchData : array<string|int, mixed>
$useDefaultOperator : bool

If TRUE, the default operator will be OR, not AND

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


This method processes exceptions that occur due to missing or not found targets or arguments during argument mapping. Based on configuration settings, either a "page not found" response is triggered or the original exception is propagated.

protected handleArgumentMappingExceptions(Exception $exception) : void

Extension authors can override this function to implement additional/custom argument mapping exception handling

$exception : Exception


Returns a response object with either the given html string or the current rendered view as content.

protected htmlResponse([string|null $html = null ]) : ResponseInterface
$html : string|null = null
Return values


sets up all necessary object for searching

protected initialize([array<string|int, mixed> $searchData = [] ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
$searchData : array<string|int, mixed> = []
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


Initializes the controller before invoking an action method.

protected initializeAction() : void

Override this method to solve tasks which all actions have in common.


Implementation of the arguments initialization in the action controller: Automatically registers arguments of the current action

protected initializeActionMethodArguments() : void

Don't override this method - use initializeAction() instead.



Adds the needed validators to the Arguments:

protected initializeActionMethodValidators() : void
  • Validators checking the data type from the param annotation
  • Custom validators specified with validate annotations.
  • Model-based validators (validate annotations in the model)
  • Custom model validator classes


simple function to initialize possible external parsers feeds the $this->externalParsers array

protected initializeExternalParsers() : void


Returns a response object with either the given json string or the current rendered view as content. Mainly to be used for actions / controllers using the JsonView.

protected jsonResponse([string|null $json = null ]) : ResponseInterface
$json : string|null = null
Return values


Links the $linkText to page $pageUid

protected linkPage(int $pageUid, array<string|int, mixed> $row, string $linkText) : LinkResultInterface
$pageUid : int
$row : array<string|int, mixed>
$linkText : string
Return values


Load settings and apply stdWrap to them

protected loadSettings() : void


Returns the resume for the search-result.

protected makeDescription(array<string|int, mixed> $row[, bool $noMarkup = false ][, int $length = 180 ]) : string
$row : array<string|int, mixed>
$noMarkup : bool = false

If noMarkup is FALSE, then the index_fulltext table is used to select the content of the page, split it with regex to display the search words in the text.

$length : int = 180

overwork this

Return values


Maps arguments delivered by the request object to the local controller arguments.

protected mapRequestArgumentsToControllerArguments() : void


Marks up the search words from $this->searchWords in the $str with a color.

protected markupSWpartsOfString(string $str) : string
$str : string

Text in which to find and mark up search words. This text is assumed to be UTF-8 like the search words internally is.

Return values


Returns if an item type is a multipage item type

protected multiplePagesType(string $item_type) : bool
$item_type : string

Item type

Return values

TRUE if multipage capable


Process variables related to indexed_search extendedSearch needed by frontend view.

protected processExtendedSearchParameters() : array<string|int, mixed>

Populate select boxes and setting some flags. The returned data can be passed directly into the view by assignMultiple()

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

Variables to pass into the view, so they can be used in fluid template


Post-process the search word array, so it will match the words that was indexed (including case-folding if any).

protected procSearchWordsByLexer(array<string|int, mixed> $searchWords) : array<string|int, mixed>

If any words are split into multiple words (e.g. CJK will be!) the operator of the main word will remain.

$searchWords : array<string|int, mixed>

Search word array

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

Search word array, processed through lexer


Redirects the request to another action and / or controller.

protected redirect(string|null $actionName[, string|null $controllerName = null ][, string|null $extensionName = null ][, array<string|int, mixed>|null $arguments = null ][, int|null $pageUid = null ][, null $_ = null ][, int $statusCode = 303 ]) : ResponseInterface

Redirect will be sent to the client which then performs another request to the new URI.

$actionName : string|null

Name of the action to forward to

$controllerName : string|null = null

Unqualified object name of the controller to forward to. If not specified, the current controller is used.

$extensionName : string|null = null

Name of the extension containing the controller to forward to. If not specified, the current extension is assumed.

$arguments : array<string|int, mixed>|null = null

Arguments to pass to the target action

$pageUid : int|null = null

Target page uid. If NULL, the current page uid is used

$_ : null = null

(optional) Unused

$statusCode : int = 303

(optional) The HTTP status code for the redirect. Default is "303 See Other

Return values


Redirects the web request to another uri.

protected redirectToUri(string|UriInterface $uri[, null $_ = null ][, int $statusCode = 303 ]) : ResponseInterface
$uri : string|UriInterface

A string representation of a URI

$_ : null = null

(optional) Unused

$statusCode : int = 303

(optional) The HTTP status code for the redirect. Default is "303 See Other"

Return values


removes blinding entries from the option list of a selector

protected removeOptionsFromOptionList(array<string|int, mixed> $allOptions, mixed $blindOptions) : array<string|int, mixed>
$allOptions : array<string|int, mixed>

associative array containing all options

$blindOptions : mixed

Either associative array containing the option key to be removed, or anything else (= not configured)

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

Options from $allOptions with some options removed


Method which initializes assets that should be attached to the response for the given $request, which contains parameters that an override can use to determine which assets to add via PageRenderer.

protected renderAssetsForRequest(RequestInterface $request) : void

This default implementation will attempt to render the sections "HeaderAssets" and "FooterAssets" from the template that is being rendered, inserting the rendered content into either page header or footer, as appropriate. Both sections are optional and can be used one or both in combination.

You can add assets with this method without worrying about duplicates, if for example you do this in a plugin that gets used multiple time on a page.

$request : RequestInterface


Resolves and checks the current action method name

protected resolveActionMethodName() : string

if the action specified in the request object does not exist (and if there's no default action either).

Return values


Prepares a view for the current action.

protected resolveView() : ViewInterface|ViewInterface

Set "protected function resolveView(): ViewInterface" in v14.


We may want to decide in extbase to go away from the automatic view preparation via processRequest() and this method for actions. We could very well postulate actions should take care of creating "their" view on their own using a ViewFactoryInterface implementation, similar to what is done with request creation already (which needs further work, too), and have a helper in this class to easily create a standard view. This would dissolve the ugly $this->defaultViewObjectName property, which is more a burden than helpful since controllers then need to have an initializeFooAction() just to set this property when different actions want different views. Also, it does not allow actions to have no view prepared at all, for instance when they just want to create a json response by json_encode()'ing stuff. We should look at this in v14, when GenericViewResolver and ViewResolverInterface are gone, which renders property defaultViewObjectName even more useless.

Return values

On this page

Search results