SetupCheck implements CheckInterface

Check TYPO3 setup status

This class is a hardcoded requirement check for the TYPO3 setup.

The status messages and title must not include HTML, use plain text only. The return values of this class are not bound to HTML and can be used in different scopes (eg. as json array).


This class is only meant to be used within EXT:install and is not part of the TYPO3 Core API.

Table of Contents


Check system environment status


$messageQueue  : FlashMessageQueue


getStatus()  : FlashMessageQueue
Get all status information as array with status objects
checkDownloadsPossible()  : mixed
Check if it is possible to download external data (e.g. TER) Either allow_url_fopen must be enabled or curl must be used
checkLocaleWithUTF8filesystem()  : mixed
Checks whether we can use file names with UTF-8 characters.
checkSomePhpOpcodeCacheIsLoaded()  : mixed
Check if some opcode cache is loaded
checkSystemLocale()  : mixed
Check if systemLocale setting is correct (locale exists in the OS)
checkTrustedHostPattern()  : mixed
Checks the status of the trusted hosts pattern check
isTrueTypeFontWorking()  : mixed
Create true type font test image




Check if it is possible to download external data (e.g. TER) Either allow_url_fopen must be enabled or curl must be used

protected checkDownloadsPossible() : mixed


Checks whether we can use file names with UTF-8 characters.

protected checkLocaleWithUTF8filesystem() : mixed

Configured system locale must support UTF-8 when UTF8filesystem is set


Check if some opcode cache is loaded

protected checkSomePhpOpcodeCacheIsLoaded() : mixed


Check if systemLocale setting is correct (locale exists in the OS)

protected checkSystemLocale() : mixed


Checks the status of the trusted hosts pattern check

protected checkTrustedHostPattern() : mixed


Create true type font test image

protected isTrueTypeFontWorking() : mixed

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