Table of Contents
- IncludeConditionInterface
- Source streams that contain conditions are split smaller parts
and each condition creates a Condition node.
- IncludeInterface
- General interface of IncludeTree tree nodes.
- AbstractConditionInclude
- Base implementation of condition nodes.
- AbstractInclude
- Base implementation of IncludeInterface.
- AtImportInclude
- A node representing an "@import" include. The LineStream is set
to the content of the included source, which can be split again
if that source contains further conditions or includes.
- ConditionElseInclude
- A node representing the [ELSE] body of a condition:
- ConditionInclude
- A node representing a condition and its body.
- ConditionIncludeTyposcriptInclude
- A condition node created when a "<INCLUDE_TYPOSCRIPT: ...>" line has a condition="..." part.
- ConditionStopInclude
- A simple include representing [END] and [GLOBAL] lines.
- DefaultTypoScriptInclude
- A node created for "default TypoScript" from globals, content from:
- DefaultTypoScriptMagicKeyInclude
- A node created for "magic" include from globals, when processing
$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS ']['FE']['defaultTypoScript_[constants|setup]']
- ExtensionStaticInclude
- A node created for "extension static" TypoScript auto-include files:
- FileInclude
- A classic include from sys_template "include_static_file":
- IncludeStaticFileDatabaseInclude
- Main node created for sys_template "include_static_file":
This has FileInclude or IncludeStaticFileFileInclude children,
depending on specific string.
- IncludeStaticFileFileInclude
- Created when a sys_template "static_file_include" includes "include_static_file.txt" files:
- IncludeTyposcriptInclude
- A node created for "<INCLUDE_TYPOSCRIPT: ..." includes.
- RootInclude
- Root of the IncludeTree. Does not contain LineStreams itself,
only children do.
- SegmentInclude
- When a source stream is split into children because the LineStream contains
conditions or imports, this node represents TypoScript that is not within
condition or import context, the "baz = bazValue" part in the example below:
- SiteInclude
- Include node created for includes from Site objects. Only relevant for constants.
- SiteTemplateInclude
- The main node created for TypoScript from site sets
and %configPath/sites/{constants,setup}.typoscript.
- StringInclude
- A simple include type used by StringTreeBuilder when a single entry
TypoScript snipped is parsed.
- SysTemplateInclude
- The main node created for sys_template rows.
- TsConfigInclude
- An include type used by user and pages TsConfig for single TsConfig snippets.