
Table of Contents


This data processor will take field data formatted as a string, where each line, separated by line feed, represents a row. By default columns are separated by the delimiter character "comma ,", and can be enclosed by the character 'quotation mark "', like the default in a regular CSV file.
Fetch records from the database, using the default .select syntax from TypoScript.
Registry for data processors, tagged with "data.processor"
This data processor can be used for processing data for record which contain relations to sys_file records (e.g. sys_file_reference records) or for fetching files directly from UIDs or from folders or collections.
This data processor converts the XML structure of a given FlexForm field into a fluid readable array.
This data processor will calculate rows, columns and dimensions for a gallery based on several settings and can be used for f.i. the CType "textmedia"
This menu processor generates a json encoded menu string that will be decoded again and assigned to FLUIDTEMPLATE as variable.
This menu processor utilizes HMENU to generate a json encoded menu string that will be decoded again and assigned to FLUIDTEMPLATE as variable. Additional DataProcessing is supported and will be applied to each record.
All-in-one data processor that loads all tt_content records from the current page layout into the template with a given identifier for each colPos, also respecting slideMode or collect options based on the page layouts content columns.
Creates Record objects out of full data sets (= DB entries).
Fetch the SiteLanguage object containing all information about the current language
Fetch the site object containing all information about the current site
This data processor can be used for processing data for the content elements which have split contents in one field like e.g. "bullets". It will split the field data in an array ready to be iterated over in Fluid.

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