Go to the documentation of this file.
1 <?php
2 return array(
3  'ctrl' => array(
4  'label' => 'groupName',
5  'tstamp' => 'tstamp',
6  'title' => 'LLL:EXT:scheduler/locallang_tca.xlf:tx_scheduler_task_group',
7  'crdate' => 'crdate',
8  'cruser_id' => 'cruser_id',
9  'delete' => 'deleted',
10  'sortby' => 'sorting',
11  'iconfile' => \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\ExtensionManagementUtility::extRelPath('scheduler') . 'ext_icon.gif',
12  'adminOnly' => 1, // Only admin users can edit
13  'rootLevel' => 1,
14  'enablecolumns' => array(
15  'disabled' => 'hidden'
16  ),
17  'searchFields' => 'groupName'
18  ),
19  'interface' => array(
20  'showRecordFieldList' => 'hidden,groupName'
21  ),
22  'columns' => array(
23  'groupName' => array(
24  'label' => 'LLL:EXT:scheduler/locallang_tca.xlf:tx_scheduler_task_group.groupName',
25  'config' => array(
26  'type' => 'input',
27  'size' => '35',
28  'max' => '80',
29  'eval' => 'required,unique,trim',
30  'softref' => 'substitute'
31  )
32  ),
33  'description' => array(
34  'label' => 'LLL:EXT:scheduler/locallang_tca.xlf:tx_scheduler_task_group.description',
35  'config' => array(
36  'type' => 'text'
37  ),
38  ),
39  'hidden' => array(
40  'label' => 'LLL:EXT:lang/locallang_general.xlf:LGL.disable',
41  'exclude' => 1,
42  'config' => array(
43  'type' => 'check',
44  'default' => '0'
45  )
46  )
47  ),
48  'types' => array(
49  '1' => array('showitem' => 'hidden;;;;1-1-1,groupName;;1;;3-3-3,description;;1;;3-3-3')
50  )
51 );