AbstractUserAuthentication implements LoggerAwareInterface uses LoggerAwareTrait, CookieHeaderTrait


Authentication of users in TYPO3

This class is used to authenticate a login user. The class is used by both the frontend and backend. In both cases this class is a parent class to BackendUserAuthentication and FrontendUserAuthentication

Table of Contents




$checkPid  : bool
If set, the user-record must be stored at the page defined by $checkPid_value
$checkPid_value  : int|string|null
The page id the user record must be stored at, can also hold a comma separated list of pids
$enablecolumns  : array<string|int, mixed>
Enable field columns of user table
$loginType  : string
Login type, used for services.
$name  : string
Session/Cookie name
$uc  : array<string|int, mixed>
User Settings (= preferences)
$user  : array<string|int, mixed>|null
$user_table  : string
Table in database with user data
$usergroup_column  : string
Column for user group information
$usergroup_table  : string
Table in database with user groups
$userGroups  : array<string|int, mixed>
This array will hold the groups that the user is a member of
$userid_column  : string
Column for user-id
$userident_column  : string
Column for password
$username_column  : string
Column for login-name
$writeAttemptLog  : bool
Log failed login attempts
$writeStdLog  : bool
Decides if the writelog() function is called at login and logout
$dontSetCookie  : bool
Will prevent the setting of the session cookie
$formfield_status  : string
Form field with status: *'login', 'logout'. If empty login is not verified.
$formfield_uident  : string
Form field with password
$formfield_uname  : string
Form field with login-name
$lastLogin_column  : string
Column name for last login timestamp
$loginSessionStarted  : bool
Will be set to TRUE if the login session is actually written during auth-check.
$setCookie  : SetCookieBehavior
If set, this cookie will be set to the response.
$userSession  : UserSession|null
$userSessionManager  : UserSessionManager


__construct()  : mixed
Initialize some important variables
appendCookieToResponse()  : ResponseInterface
Used to apply a cookie to a PSR-7 Response.
checkAuthentication()  : mixed
Checks if a submission of username and password is present or use other authentication by auth services
createUserSession()  : UserSession
Creates a user session record and returns its values.
enforceNewSessionId()  : mixed
Regenerates the session ID and sets the cookie again.
getAuthInfoArray()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Returns an info array which provides additional information for auth services
getLoginFormData()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Returns an info array with Login/Logout data submitted by a form or params
getModuleData()  : mixed
Gets module data for a module (from a loaded ->uc array)
getRawUserByName()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Fetching raw user record with username=$name
getRawUserByUid()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Fetching raw user record with uid=$uid
getSession()  : UserSession
getSessionData()  : mixed
Returns the session data stored for $key.
getUserId()  : int|null
getUserName()  : string|null
initializeUserSessionManager()  : void
Currently needed for various unit tests, until start() and checkAuthentication() methods are smaller and extracted from this class.
isActiveLogin()  : bool
isMfaSetupRequired()  : bool
Whether the user is required to set up MFA
logoff()  : mixed
Log out current user! Removes the current session record, sets the internal ->user array to a blank string; Thereby the current user (if any) is effectively logged out!
processLoginData()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Processes Login data submitted by a form or params
pushModuleData()  : void
Stores data for a module.
removeCookie()  : mixed
Empty / unset the cookie
setAndSaveSessionData()  : mixed
Sets the session data ($data) for $key and writes all session data (from ->user['ses_data']) to the database.
setBeUserByName()  : mixed
Raw initialization of the be_user with username=$name
setBeUserByUid()  : mixed
Raw initialization of the be_user with uid=$uid This will circumvent all login procedures and select a be_users record from the database and set the content of ->user to the record selected.
setSessionData()  : mixed
Set session data by key.
start()  : mixed
Starts a user session Typical configurations will: a) check if session cookie was set and if not, set one, b) check if a password/username was sent and if so, try to authenticate the user c) Lookup a session attached to a user and check timeout etc.
writelog()  : mixed
DUMMY: Writes to log database table (in some extension classes)
writeUC()  : mixed
This writes $this->>uc to the user-record. This is a way of providing session-data.
evaluateMfaRequirements()  : void
This method checks if the user is authenticated but has not succeeded in passing his MFA challenge. This method can therefore only be used if a user has been authenticated against his first authentication method (username+password or any other authentication token).
fetchPossibleUsers()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Loads users from various sources (= authentication services) as an array of arrays.
fetchValidUserFromSessionOrDestroySession()  : array<string|int, mixed>|null
If the session is bound to a user, this method fetches the user record, and returns it.
getAuthServiceConfiguration()  : array<string|int, mixed>
"auth" services configuration array from $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SVCONF']['auth']
getAuthServices()  : Traversable
Initializes authentication services to be used in a foreach loop
isCookieSet()  : bool
Returns whether this request is going to set a cookie or a cookie was already found in the system
isRefreshTimeBasedCookie()  : bool
Determine whether a non-session cookie needs to be set (lifetime>0)
isSetSessionCookie()  : bool
Determine whether a session cookie needs to be set (lifetime=0)
performLogoff()  : mixed
Perform the logoff action. Called from logoff() as a way to allow subclasses to override what happens when a user logs off, without needing to reproduce the hook calls and logging that happens in the public logoff() API method.
regenerateSessionId()  : mixed
Regenerate the session ID and transfer the session to new ID Call this method whenever a user proceeds to a higher authorization level e.g. when an anonymous session is now authenticated.
removeSensitiveLoginDataForLoggingInfo()  : mixed
Removes any sensitive data from the incoming data (either from loginData, processedLogin data or the user record from the DB).
setSessionCookie()  : mixed
Sets the setCookie directive to "Send", which will then result in appending a new cookie to the PSR-7 response, see appendCookieToResponse().
shallSetSessionCookie()  : bool
Determines whether setting the session cookie is generally enabled, or the current session is a non-session cookie (FE permalogin).
unpack_uc()  : mixed
Unserializes the user configuration from the user record into $this->>uc
updateLoginTimestamp()  : mixed
Updates the last login column in the user with the given id
userConstraints()  : QueryRestrictionContainerInterface
This returns the restrictions needed to select the user respecting enable columns and flags like deleted, hidden, starttime, endtime and rootLevel



If set, the user-record must be stored at the page defined by $checkPid_value

public bool $checkPid = true


The page id the user record must be stored at, can also hold a comma separated list of pids

public int|string|null $checkPid_value = 0


Enable field columns of user table

public array<string|int, mixed> $enablecolumns = [ 'rootLevel' => '', // Boolean: If TRUE, 'AND pid=0' will be a part of the query... 'disabled' => '', 'starttime' => '', 'endtime' => '', 'deleted' => '', ]


Login type, used for services.

public string $loginType = ''


Session/Cookie name

public string $name = ''


User Settings (= preferences)

public array<string|int, mixed> $uc = []


public array<string|int, mixed>|null $user

contains user- AND session-data from database (joined tables)



Table in database with user data

public string $user_table = ''


Column for user group information

public string $usergroup_column = ''


Table in database with user groups

public string $usergroup_table = ''


This array will hold the groups that the user is a member of

public array<string|int, mixed> $userGroups = []


Column for user-id

public string $userid_column = ''


Column for password

public string $userident_column = ''


Column for login-name

public string $username_column = ''


Log failed login attempts

public bool $writeAttemptLog = false


Decides if the writelog() function is called at login and logout

public bool $writeStdLog = false


Will prevent the setting of the session cookie

protected bool $dontSetCookie = false


Form field with status: *'login', 'logout'. If empty login is not verified.

protected string $formfield_status = ''


Form field with password

protected string $formfield_uident = ''


Form field with login-name

protected string $formfield_uname = ''


Column name for last login timestamp

protected string $lastLogin_column = ''


Will be set to TRUE if the login session is actually written during auth-check.

protected bool $loginSessionStarted = false


If set, this cookie will be set to the response.

protected SetCookieBehavior $setCookie = \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Http\SetCookieBehavior::None



Initialize some important variables

public __construct() : mixed


Used to apply a cookie to a PSR-7 Response.

public appendCookieToResponse(ResponseInterface $response[, NormalizedParams|null $normalizedParams = null ]) : ResponseInterface
$response : ResponseInterface
$normalizedParams : NormalizedParams|null = null

should go into a middleware?

Return values


Checks if a submission of username and password is present or use other authentication by auth services

public checkAuthentication(ServerRequestInterface $request) : mixed
$request : ServerRequestInterface


Creates a user session record and returns its values.

public createUserSession(array<string|int, mixed> $userRecordCandidate) : UserSession
$userRecordCandidate : array<string|int, mixed>

User data array

Return values

The session data for the newly created session.


Regenerates the session ID and sets the cookie again.

public enforceNewSessionId() : mixed


Returns an info array which provides additional information for auth services

public getAuthInfoArray(ServerRequestInterface $request) : array<string|int, mixed>
$request : ServerRequestInterface
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


Returns an info array with Login/Logout data submitted by a form or params

public getLoginFormData(ServerRequestInterface $request) : array<string|int, mixed>
$request : ServerRequestInterface
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


Gets module data for a module (from a loaded ->uc array)

public getModuleData(string $module[, string $type = '' ]) : mixed
$module : string

Is the identifier of the module, e.g. "web_info"

$type : string = ''

If $type = 'ses' then module data is returned only if it was stored in the current session, otherwise data from a previous session will be returned (if available).

Return values

The module data if available: $this->uc['moduleData'][$module];


Fetching raw user record with username=$name

public getRawUserByName(string $name) : array<string|int, mixed>
$name : string

The username to look up.

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

user record or FALSE


Fetching raw user record with uid=$uid

public getRawUserByUid(int $uid) : array<string|int, mixed>
$uid : int

The UID of the backend user to set in ->user

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

user record or FALSE


Returns the session data stored for $key.

public getSessionData(string $key) : mixed

The data will last only for this login session since it is stored in the user session.

$key : string

The key associated with the session data


public getUserId() : int|null
Return values


public getUserName() : string|null
Return values


Currently needed for various unit tests, until start() and checkAuthentication() methods are smaller and extracted from this class.

public initializeUserSessionManager([UserSessionManager|null $userSessionManager = null ]) : void
$userSessionManager : UserSessionManager|null = null


public isActiveLogin(ServerRequestInterface $request) : bool
$request : ServerRequestInterface
Return values


Whether the user is required to set up MFA

public isMfaSetupRequired() : bool
Return values


Log out current user! Removes the current session record, sets the internal ->user array to a blank string; Thereby the current user (if any) is effectively logged out!

public logoff() : mixed


Processes Login data submitted by a form or params

public processLoginData(array<string|int, mixed> $loginData, ServerRequestInterface $request) : array<string|int, mixed>
$loginData : array<string|int, mixed>

Login data array

$request : ServerRequestInterface
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


Stores data for a module.

public pushModuleData(string $module, mixed $data[, bool $dontPersistImmediately = false ]) : void

The data is stored with the session ID, so you can even check upon retrieval if the module data is from a previous session or from the current session.

$module : string

Is the identifier of the module, e.g. "web_info"

$data : mixed

Is the data you want to store for that module (array, string, ...)

$dontPersistImmediately : bool = false

If set, then the ->uc array (which carries all kinds of user data) is NOT written immediately, but must be written by some subsequent call.


Empty / unset the cookie

public removeCookie([string|null $cookieName = null ]) : mixed
$cookieName : string|null = null

usually, this is $this->name



Sets the session data ($data) for $key and writes all session data (from ->user['ses_data']) to the database.

public setAndSaveSessionData(string $key, mixed $data) : mixed

The data will last only for this login session since it is stored in the session table.

$key : string

Pointer to an associative key in the session data array which is stored serialized in the field "ses_data" of the session table.

$data : mixed

The data to store in index $key


Raw initialization of the be_user with uid=$uid This will circumvent all login procedures and select a be_users record from the database and set the content of ->user to the record selected.

public setBeUserByUid(int $uid) : mixed

Thus the BE_USER object will appear like if a user was authenticated - however without a session id and the fields from the session table of course. Will check the users for disabled, start/endtime, etc. ($this->user_where_clause())

$uid : int

The UID of the backend user to set in ->user



Set session data by key.

public setSessionData(string $key, mixed $data) : mixed

The data will last only for this login session since it is stored in the user session.

$key : string

A non empty string to store the data under

$data : mixed

Data store store in session


Starts a user session Typical configurations will: a) check if session cookie was set and if not, set one, b) check if a password/username was sent and if so, try to authenticate the user c) Lookup a session attached to a user and check timeout etc.

public start(ServerRequestInterface $request) : mixed

d) Garbage collection, setting of no-cache headers. If a user is authenticated the database record of the user (array) will be set in the ->user internal variable.

$request : ServerRequestInterface


DUMMY: Writes to log database table (in some extension classes)

public writelog(int $type, int $action, int $error, int $details_nr, string $details, array<string|int, mixed> $data, string $tablename, int|string $recuid, int|string $recpid) : mixed
$type : int

denotes which module that has submitted the entry. This is the current list: 1=tce_db; 2=tce_file; 3=system (eg. sys_history save); 4=modules; 254=Personal settings changed; 255=login / out action: 1=login, 2=logout, 3=failed login (+ errorcode 3), 4=failure_warning_email sent

$action : int

denotes which specific operation that wrote the entry (eg. 'delete', 'upload', 'update' and so on...). Specific for each $type. Also used to trigger update of the interface. (see the log-module for the meaning of each number !!)

$error : int

flag. 0 = message, 1 = error (user problem), 2 = System Error (which should not happen), 3 = security notice (admin)

$details_nr : int

The message number. Specific for each $type and $action. in the future this will make it possible to translate error messages to other languages

$details : string

Default text that follows the message

$data : array<string|int, mixed>

Data that follows the log. Might be used to carry special information. If an array the first 5 entries (0-4) will be sprintf'ed the details-text...

$tablename : string

Special field used by tce_main.php. These ($tablename, $recuid, $recpid) holds the reference to the record which the log-entry is about. (Was used in attic status.php to update the interface.)

$recuid : int|string

Special field used by tce_main.php. These ($tablename, $recuid, $recpid) holds the reference to the record which the log-entry is about. (Was used in attic status.php to update the interface.)

$recpid : int|string

Special field used by tce_main.php. These ($tablename, $recuid, $recpid) holds the reference to the record which the log-entry is about. (Was used in attic status.php to update the interface.)


This writes $this->>uc to the user-record. This is a way of providing session-data.

public writeUC() : mixed

You can fetch the data again through $this->uc in this class!


This method checks if the user is authenticated but has not succeeded in passing his MFA challenge. This method can therefore only be used if a user has been authenticated against his first authentication method (username+password or any other authentication token).

protected evaluateMfaRequirements() : void


Loads users from various sources (= authentication services) as an array of arrays.

protected fetchPossibleUsers(array<string|int, mixed> $loginData, bool $activeLogin, bool $isExistingSession, array<string|int, mixed>|null $authenticatedUserFromSession, ServerRequestInterface $request) : array<string|int, mixed>
$loginData : array<string|int, mixed>
$activeLogin : bool
$isExistingSession : bool
$authenticatedUserFromSession : array<string|int, mixed>|null

if we have a user from an existing session, this is set here, otherwise null

$request : ServerRequestInterface
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


If the session is bound to a user, this method fetches the user record, and returns it.

protected fetchValidUserFromSessionOrDestroySession([bool $skipSessionUpdate = false ]) : array<string|int, mixed>|null

If the session has a timeout, the session date is extended if needed. Also the ìs_online flag is updated for the user.

However, if the session has expired the session is removed and the request is treated as an anonymous session.

$skipSessionUpdate : bool = false
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>|null


"auth" services configuration array from $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SVCONF']['auth']

protected getAuthServiceConfiguration() : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


Initializes authentication services to be used in a foreach loop

protected getAuthServices(string $subType, array<string|int, mixed> $loginData, array<string|int, mixed>|null $authenticatedUserFromSession, ServerRequestInterface $request) : Traversable
$subType : string

e.g. getUserFE

$loginData : array<string|int, mixed>
$authenticatedUserFromSession : array<string|int, mixed>|null

the user which was loaded from the session, or null if none was found

$request : ServerRequestInterface
Return values

A generator of service objects


Returns whether this request is going to set a cookie or a cookie was already found in the system

protected isCookieSet() : bool
Return values

Returns TRUE if a cookie is set


Determine whether a non-session cookie needs to be set (lifetime>0)

protected isRefreshTimeBasedCookie() : bool
Return values


Determine whether a session cookie needs to be set (lifetime=0)

protected isSetSessionCookie() : bool
Return values


Perform the logoff action. Called from logoff() as a way to allow subclasses to override what happens when a user logs off, without needing to reproduce the hook calls and logging that happens in the public logoff() API method.

protected performLogoff() : mixed


Regenerate the session ID and transfer the session to new ID Call this method whenever a user proceeds to a higher authorization level e.g. when an anonymous session is now authenticated.

protected regenerateSessionId() : mixed


Removes any sensitive data from the incoming data (either from loginData, processedLogin data or the user record from the DB).

protected removeSensitiveLoginDataForLoggingInfo(mixed|array<string|int, mixed> $data[, bool $isUserRecord = false ]) : mixed

No type hinting is added because it might be possible that the incoming data is of any other type.

$data : mixed|array<string|int, mixed>
$isUserRecord : bool = false


Sets the setCookie directive to "Send", which will then result in appending a new cookie to the PSR-7 response, see appendCookieToResponse().

protected setSessionCookie() : mixed

In case this method is called, the cookie needs to be set later.


Determines whether setting the session cookie is generally enabled, or the current session is a non-session cookie (FE permalogin).

protected shallSetSessionCookie() : bool
Return values


Unserializes the user configuration from the user record into $this->>uc

protected unpack_uc() : mixed


Updates the last login column in the user with the given id

protected updateLoginTimestamp(int $userId) : mixed
$userId : int

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