
This class is called by the SchemaMigrator after all extension's ext_tables.sql files have been parsed and processed to the doctrine Table/Column/Index objects.

Method enrich() goes through all $GLOBALS['TCA'] tables and adds fields like 'uid', 'sorting', 'deleted' and friends if the feature is enabled in TCA and the field has not been defined in ext_tables.sql files.

This allows extension developers to leave out the TYPO3 DB management fields and reduce ext_tables.sql of extensions down to the business fields.


Table of Contents


enrich()  : array<non-empty-string, Table>
Add fields to $tables array that has been created from ext_tables.sql files.
enrichMmTables()  : array<non-empty-string, Table>
Find table fields that configure a "true" MM relation and define the according mm table schema for them. True MM tables are intermediate tables that have NO TCA itself. Those are indicated by type=select and type=group and type=inline fields with MM property.
enrichSingleTableFieldsFromTcaColumns()  : array<non-empty-string, Table>
Add single fields based on tables TCA 'columns'.
enrichSingleTableFieldsFromTcaCtrl()  : array<non-empty-string, Table>
Add single fields like uid, sorting and similar, based on tables TCA 'ctrl' settings.
isColumnDefinedForTable()  : bool
True if a column with a given name is defined within the incoming array of Table's.
isIndexDefinedForTable()  : bool
True if an index with a given name is defined within the incoming array of Table's.
quote()  : string



Add fields to $tables array that has been created from ext_tables.sql files.

public enrich(array<non-empty-string, Table$tables) : array<non-empty-string, Table>

This goes through all tables defined in TCA, looks for 'ctrl' features like "soft delete" ['ctrl']['delete'] and adds the field if it has not been defined in ext_tables.sql, yet.

$tables : array<non-empty-string, Table>
Return values
array<non-empty-string, Table>

Modified tables


Find table fields that configure a "true" MM relation and define the according mm table schema for them. True MM tables are intermediate tables that have NO TCA itself. Those are indicated by type=select and type=group and type=inline fields with MM property.

protected enrichMmTables(array<non-empty-string, Table$tables) : array<non-empty-string, Table>
$tables : array<non-empty-string, Table>
Return values
array<non-empty-string, Table>


Add single fields based on tables TCA 'columns'.

protected enrichSingleTableFieldsFromTcaColumns(array<non-empty-string, Table$tables) : array<non-empty-string, Table>
$tables : array<non-empty-string, Table>
Return values
array<non-empty-string, Table>


Add single fields like uid, sorting and similar, based on tables TCA 'ctrl' settings.

protected enrichSingleTableFieldsFromTcaCtrl(array<non-empty-string, Table$tables) : array<non-empty-string, Table>
$tables : array<non-empty-string, Table>
Return values
array<non-empty-string, Table>


True if a column with a given name is defined within the incoming array of Table's.

protected isColumnDefinedForTable(array<non-empty-string, Table$tables, string $tableName, string $fieldName) : bool
$tables : array<non-empty-string, Table>
$tableName : string
$fieldName : string
Return values


True if an index with a given name is defined within the incoming array of Table's.

protected isIndexDefinedForTable(array<non-empty-string, Table$tables, string $tableName, string $indexName) : bool
$tables : array<non-empty-string, Table>
$tableName : string
$indexName : string
Return values


protected quote(string $identifier) : string
$identifier : string
Return values

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