ReferenceChildNode extends AbstractChildNode


A node object created for LineIdentifierReference lines which use the T_OPERATOR_REFERENCE operator and have a TokenStreamIdentifier stream for "the right side" of the expression.

The reference operator is nasty, since it's no "true" reference / pointer: = barValue1 baz =< foo = barValue2 This ends up with "barValue1" for "", and "barValue2" for "". "barValue1" for "" is kept!

Note the reference operator only works for TS "setup" code, not for "constants", and it is only resolved in these cases. See ContentObjectRenderer->cObjGetSingle() for details.


Internal AST structure.

Table of Contents


$children  : array<string, ChildNodeInterface>
$name  : string


__clone()  : void
Dereference children on clone().
__construct()  : mixed
__serialize()  : array<string|int, mixed>
When storing to cache, we only store FE relevant properties and skip various BE related properties which then default to class defaults when unserialized. This is done to create smaller php cache files.
addChild()  : void
Helper methods to operate on children.
addComment()  : void
Helper methods to attach TypoScript tokens to a node.
appendValue()  : void
flatten()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Flatten the tree. A RootNode with a ChildNode "foo" and value "fooValue", with this ChildNode again having a ChildNode "bar" and value "barValue" becomes: [ 'foo' => 'fooValue', '' => 'barValue', ]
getChildByName()  : ChildNodeInterface|null
getComments()  : array<string|int, TokenStreamInterface>
getIdentifier()  : string
getName()  : string
Helper methods for node name.
getNextChild()  : iterable<string|int, ChildNodeInterface>
getOriginalValueTokenStream()  : TokenStreamInterface|null
getPreviousValue()  : string|null
getReferenceSourceStream()  : IdentifierTokenStream
getValue()  : string|null
hasChildren()  : bool
isValueNull()  : bool
removeChildByName()  : void
Note this does *not* choke if that child does not exist, so we can "blindly" remove without error.
setIdentifier()  : void
An identifier for this node. Typically, a hash of some kind. This identifier is unique within the tree, by being created from the parent identifier plus the name. This identifier is used in the backend, when referencing single nodes.
setOriginalValueTokenStream()  : void
Helper method for backend object browser to retrieve the original stream when a constant substitution happened, only set by CommentAwareAstBuilder.
setPreviousValue()  : void
Previous value is only set by comment aware ast builder. It is used in constant editor to see if a value has been changed.
setReferenceSourceStream()  : void
setValue()  : void
Helper methods for value.
sortChildren()  : void
toArray()  : array<string|int, mixed>|null
b/w compat method to turn AST into an array.
updateName()  : void
This forces $this->name NOT to be readonly.
serialize()  : array<string|int, mixed>




Dereference children on clone().

public __clone() : void

Used with '<' operator to create a deep-copy of the tree to copy.


public __construct(string $name) : mixed
$name : string


When storing to cache, we only store FE relevant properties and skip various BE related properties which then default to class defaults when unserialized. This is done to create smaller php cache files.

public final __serialize() : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


Helper methods to attach TypoScript tokens to a node.

public addComment(TokenStreamInterface $tokenStream) : void

This is used in ext:tstemplate "Constant Editor" and "Object Browser" and handled by CommentAwareAstBuilder.

$tokenStream : TokenStreamInterface


public appendValue(string $value) : void
$value : string


Flatten the tree. A RootNode with a ChildNode "foo" and value "fooValue", with this ChildNode again having a ChildNode "bar" and value "barValue" becomes: [ 'foo' => 'fooValue', '' => 'barValue', ]

public flatten([string $prefix = '' ]) : array<string|int, mixed>

Flattening a TypoScript tree is especially used for constants to quickly look up constants when parsing setup node value streams that use T_CONSTANT tokens.

$prefix : string = ''
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


public getIdentifier() : string
Return values


Helper methods for node name.

public getName() : string
Return values


public getPreviousValue() : string|null
Return values


public getValue() : string|null
Return values


public hasChildren() : bool
Return values


public isValueNull() : bool
Return values


Note this does *not* choke if that child does not exist, so we can "blindly" remove without error.

public removeChildByName(string $name) : void
$name : string


An identifier for this node. Typically, a hash of some kind. This identifier is unique within the tree, by being created from the parent identifier plus the name. This identifier is used in the backend, when referencing single nodes.

public setIdentifier(string $identifier) : void

Calculating identifiers is initiated by calling setIdentifier() on RootNode, which will recurse the tree. Call this on the final tree, after AST calculation finished, so AST building itself does not need to fiddle with identifier updates when for instance tree parts are cloned using '<' operator. Note this value is skipped when persisting to caches since it's a Backend related thing that does not use cached context: When retrieving nodes from cache (e.g. in Frontend), the identifier is null and calling the getter will throw an exception.

$identifier : string


Helper method for backend object browser to retrieve the original stream when a constant substitution happened, only set by CommentAwareAstBuilder.

public setOriginalValueTokenStream(TokenStreamInterface|null $tokenStream) : void
$tokenStream : TokenStreamInterface|null


Previous value is only set by comment aware ast builder. It is used in constant editor to see if a value has been changed.

public setPreviousValue(string|null $value) : void
$value : string|null


Helper methods for value.

public setValue(string|null $value) : void
$value : string|null


public sortChildren() : void


b/w compat method to turn AST into an array.

public toArray() : array<string|int, mixed>|null

Note we're NOT using magic __toArray() here to avoid calling array-cast of AST by accident: toArray() should be called explicitly if needed, which makes it much easier to drop this b/w compat method when we later want to drop that layer.

Note RootNode always returns an array, while ObjectNode's may return null.

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>|null


This forces $this->name NOT to be readonly.

public updateName(string $name) : void

Used with '<' operator on tree root to copy: foo = value bar < foo The 'foo' object node is copied, but added to AST as name 'bar'

$name : string


protected serialize() : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

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